Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4379 Final decision

When Chen Xi and Liu Bei arrived, Fazheng and Li You were still arguing about the matter. As for the speeches of Guo Jia and Liu Ye, they could not effectively stop the quarrel between the two Liangzhou elders.

There is no way, what happened this time is really outrageous, it has become a big trouble that affects the world situation, and it is normal for individuals to have their own opinions.

"Has the result of the discussion been concluded?" Liu Bei looked at the nine ministers who had arrived. Except for a few who were not in Chang'an, almost all of them had arrived. These people had also listened to Li You and Fazheng's argument before, and the two people's The reasons are sufficient.

Again, Rome is really far away and still strong. If the Han Dynasty really wants to say that there is really no good plan to punish Rome, the current situation, if we really want to say it, God has opened his eyes and given An opportunity for the Han Dynasty to make a choice.

"What everyone is thinking about now is not whether to save or not to save." Zhuge Liang sighed and said, "Master Li's suggestion is to try to see if Rome can be destroyed. After all, Rome has caused such a big problem this time. , it deserves to be counterattacked.”

"What Xiaozhi means is that the troubles in Northern Europe will be solved first, and the rest will be solved later?" Chen Xi looked at Fazheng and asked. He also knew these two ideas.

Although it may not be as direct as Li You, and it is impossible to lay it out like Fazheng, but if you really want to consider it, it is actually these two ideas.

"Zichuan, what do you think?" Zhuge Liang nodded and asked Chen Xi who was sitting down, "In this situation, in my opinion, the biggest problem is not how to choose, because no matter how you choose, the core idea is , there are only two ideas, Master Li and Xiaozhi. Even if there are some other ideas, it is impossible to deviate from these two answers, so what we are looking for now is efficiency."

Chen Xi nodded after hearing this. Zhuge Liang knew the current situation better than Li You and Fazheng. Rather than a group of people each bringing a lot of supporters to discuss here, it is more important to come up with conclusions quickly, otherwise If so, there will be problems no matter how we execute it.

Just like the incident of the thirteen soldiers returning to Yumen, if the discussion continues in the court, the matter will be settled on its own. After all, many things can be solved by oneself with the passage of time, but one must have an attitude of solving the problem. Then making a decision quickly is the most correct way of thinking.

"Let Old General Huangfu have a frank talk with Severus, and block the Nordic God Guards in the Nordic region as much as possible so that they don't flee. Tell Severus that our Han Dynasty is reorganizing its troops. If they can solve it, we will do it as soon as possible." Solve it. If it can't be solved, we will send people here to help." Chen Xi turned his head and looked at Liu Bei. After Liu Bei nodded, he made a decision directly.

It's imminent, so of course we can't delay, and given the current situation, killing Odin is actually a good choice!

"After notifying Rome of this matter, Dahonglu officially notified Rome in an official name, 'imploring' Rome to stop messing around. Can they calm down a little?" Liu Bei said very tiredly.

After setting the tone, Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi, "The remaining logistics, as well as the activation of the national emergency, will be left to Zichuan. All resources and food preparations will be allocated by Zichuan to be ready. , I don’t have much hope in killing Odin in one go.”

Chen Xi nodded to Liu Bei, then looked at everyone present. Liu Ye paused slightly, and then looked at Zhuge Liang, "This year, after the busy farming season, the military service will be extended by an extra month, and various places will strengthen the strangulation of ferocious beasts. And let the occult administrators determine the intellectual impact Odin will have on wild animals after he enters our world."

The most important thing about Perennis turning himself into a demon master is that the information world has released part of Perenis' knowledge and wisdom to all spirits. Now that Odin has directly escaped from the shadow world, Chen Xi can't even think of it. , whether there will be worse changes in subsequent information.

Compared with the problems of the small Mediterranean world in Rome, the biggest problem in the Han Dynasty was actually the tiger plague. It may be difficult for future generations to imagine how many tigers there were in ancient times.

Take the Qing Dynasty as an example. Because this dynasty was very close to later generations, a lot of information is very complete. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, due to the sharp decline in population in northern Sichuan, grass grew in towns and villages. Local tigers were so rampant that tigers were seen looking for food on the streets from time to time. According to the situation, tigers eating people happen from time to time.

At that time, after the war, the Qing Dynasty was preparing to rebuild villages and towns in northern Sichuan. When the Rongchan County Magistrate took office, he knew that the local tiger infestation was very serious, so he took eight government officials along the way, carefully, and successfully arrived at the county seat, and then encountered an encounter inside the county seat. He captured a group of tigers and killed five people directly.

In the seventh year of Shunzhi, there was a county magistrate named Huang Mengbu in Nanchong, Shunqing Prefecture. In order to "cultivate students to gather together and gradually hope for health" and alleviate the population crisis, they recruited 5 people from other places. Soon, 228 people were eaten by tigers. Unwilling to give up, Huang Mengbu recruited a second batch of 74 people, but 42 more people were eaten by tigers.

You must know that Nanchong County is actually quite close to Fucheng, but the results are so outrageous, which shows how outrageous the tiger troubles during the Qing Dynasty were.

Ouyang Zhi's "Shu Police Records" records the tiger problem in Sichuan, "There has never been a tiger problem in Shu during normal times. In the three or four years since the Xian bandits set up camp, tigers are everywhere, either in groups of one or twenty, or seven or eight on the same road. , climbing over the wall of the house, floating on the water, boarding the boat and climbing the building, these are all unheard of in ancient times."

A lone tiger? I want to eat shit!

When tigers are in danger, tigers come out in groups and are very powerful.

You must know that this is the Qing Dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, the development of mountains, forests and wilderness in the Central Plains was far greater than that of the Han Dynasty. As a result, tigers could still cause trouble to such an outrageous level, and the time point Chen Xi was facing now was 1800. In the former Han Dynasty, that tiger...

Let's put it this way, Chen Xi never thought that there were so many tigers in the Central Plains. Where were these tigers hiding before? It was like seeing a ghost!

Coupled with the problem of the demon master Perennis, tigers, which are large cats that have evolved to the extreme, have absorbed part of the wisdom and have greatly improved in all aspects, resulting in the outbreak of tiger diseases in remote areas. So far it has not been resolved.

It’s not a matter of not being able to defeat tigers. If hundreds of thousands of tigers really came out of the mountains and attacked the plains and the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty sent out their armies, any tiger who knew how to command or was talented would be dead. The problem is that in the mountains In the old forest, tigers are stronger than most normal people in terms of mobility and flexibility, which means that a fully equipped immortal veteran can kill a tiger single-handedly.

This situation is very uncomfortable, especially if the situation in Rome becomes unstable in the future, the Han Dynasty may have to send troops to resist the wave, and the local defense may be reduced again. Although with the current war potential of the Han Dynasty, even if It has decreased somewhat, and it is enough to suppress internal problems, but it is still unhappy!

"There is no way to solve the problem of tigers in a short time. Compared with the commotion caused by other animals, tigers are indeed the biggest problem in the Central Plains at present." Zhuge Liang nodded, and the strangulation did not stop. Many immortal veterans were there But these days there are too many uninhabited areas and there are many tigers.

In addition, ordinary immortal veterans may not be able to defeat the tiger that has absorbed the wisdom of Perennis in the deep mountains and old forests, and has mastered the tiger with enhanced Roman qualities. I wonder if you are afraid of it!

Tigers are 50% stronger than humans, which is really different.

This tiger, which was killed by Zhao Zhen after breaking its neck with a three-edged stabbing sword and had mastered the enhanced quality, was sent to Chang'an. Chen Xi didn't know what other people felt. Chen Xi was really shocked. , this is just a short period of time, people may not be able to master the talent, but the tiger has actually mastered it. Perennis, you really don’t deserve to die!

"Strengthen the training of local people. Each village will send out a team of patrolling young men, and the state will pay for their food consumption." Chen Xi waved his hand and said, "Then he will give us the situation here and the situation in the sea. Send the entire documentary to Rome, don’t say anything else, oh, by the way, Rome’s centenary celebration, will it still be held?”

Hearing Chen Xi's words, all the officials present at the Jiuqing level cursed secretly in their hearts. Let's fire a hammer. In this situation, Rome is still celebrating its centenary?

"Let's do it this way. Inform General Huangfu and Emperor Severus to have a frank talk. The conflict between humans and humans is our own business. God is the elder. After killing him, we can break up with Rome." Liu Bei He said with a gloomy face, and then told Da Honglu again, "You must inform Rome in the future, and remember to discuss all future celebrations with our Han Dynasty!"

There was no way, the Roman military parade caused a sudden change.

Rome celebrates its centenary. First, the demon master Perennis enlightened all spirits, then the world's barriers collapsed, and countless caves and paradises were added to the world. Then Odin escaped from the Nordic shadow world with more than one million divine guards. Come out and directly create a crisis for human civilization.

Liu Bei just wanted to say something, Rome, can you please stop for a while? Can we not do this?

It’s no longer a matter of whether your anniversary celebration is prosperous or not, but whether it will kill the people of the world. We can’t do this anymore.

"Let's put it bluntly, I can't bear it anymore." Chen Xi said angrily, "Our East China Sea pelagic fishing ground has suffered heavy losses recently. Strange things like caves appeared on the sea. After the ship entered, it was nowhere to be found, not even the human beings. All the ships are gone? Do you know how long it takes to train a skilled sailor, but after going to sea, a whole ship of people is gone!"

At present, the East China Sea Ocean Fisheries Department, which has completely eliminated the fifth-generation ships and replaced them with sixth-generation ships, is not in danger when facing sea beasts that have been activated by the demon master Perennis. After all, the ships of the Han Dynasty are based on It was built according to the specifications of the city, coupled with strong temperature maintenance, steel structure framework, and a permanent etched ballista on the bow, so even if it encounters a spiritual sea monster, the danger is not great.

It can be said that the Fisheries Department can still withstand the all-powerful wisdom that Perennis created in the previous wave after a complete overhaul, but after the subsequent world barrier is broken, the small world that inexplicably appears in the ocean is really fatal. !

As for the development of secret techniques that can detect the location of the Cave Heaven Paradise, to be honest, there has been little progress in the Han Dynasty recently. It is not that there is none, but the conditions for the use of these secret techniques have really improved. For example, the one developed by Lu Bu is huge. By consuming enough God's will, you can directly see the spatial dimensions and fluctuations with your naked eyes. To be honest, only Lu Bu can use this secret technique.

The Han Dynasty currently does not lack this kind of top-notch secret technique, but what it lacks is the kind of secret technique that can be universally used. It makes no sense if the elder can use it.

Rahul visualizes the clairvoyance cultivated by the Queen of Light, which is said to be able to see the three realms and six realms. After all, he is the previous life of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and can observe the changes in the heavens in the hell realm. This is why Rahul has a group of low-caste men. The backbone generals who are trained to be good at fighting.

To put it bluntly, it means looking at the three realms and six realms. Even if you can't see it completely, just being aware of part of it is enough. The problem is that this kind of secret technique that can only be used by specific people at a specific time is really of little significance. After Rahul's death, There are so many people in Kushan who have clairvoyance, but one of them has reached this level?

There is no difference at all between having and not having it.

After all, you can't tie Lu Bu to the bow of the ship and use secret techniques to detect whether there is a paradise ahead. Isn't that just nonsense?

However, according to Chen Xi’s understanding, the corresponding secret techniques in Kushan are being developed very quickly. In a few months, the universal secret techniques related to detecting small worlds should be released. This is good news. After all, it is expensive. The creation of Shuang is equivalent to the creation of the Han Dynasty, and it is even more equivalent to the creation of imperial people all over the world. I have to say that Kuishang is indeed powerful in this regard.

Before Huangfu Song's second secret letter came back urgently, the Han Dynasty had already agreed on the idea - Qian, confront Odin directly, and while you are now using the body of a stranger from the shadow world of Northern Europe, die. When he was able to return to his true form, he fought with Odin to the death. He first defeated the commanders of the six armies on the opposite side, then scattered the divine guards on the opposite side, and then talked about the rest.

In the face of the crisis of human civilization, we must try our best, but if we eliminate the main cause of the crisis, the rest will naturally be held back when necessary. If we hope that we will work together when the time comes, it will be completely nonsense. Well, the elders of the Han Dynasty estimate that the Roman side may not have such expectations, and even the Roman side may have already come up with plans 2, 3 and 4.

After all, the fault this time is really Rome's fault. The Roman Empire still has some sense of responsibility. After all, it is a big empire, and it still dares to take responsibility.

It is estimated that by now, preparations should have been made to deal with the beggar-thy-neighbor behavior of the Han Dynasty. After all, no matter what the situation is now, everyone knows that morality between empires is really not on the table!

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