Rome is actually quite embarrassed now. Severus actually knows that letting the Han Dynasty go away is the best choice for Rome themselves to face Odin. At the very least, there is no possibility of backstabbing. The problem is that before The accidents that happened one after another made it impossible for Rome to say this to the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty only needs to express doubts about Rome's behavior, and then ask Severus if Rome is going to mess up again. The people of the world are no longer in a dark situation, but have a bleak future. Severus has no choice at all. answer.

Rome has no way to refute what happened in recent times. If it were any other idiot, Severus would ignore it. The problem is that this is the Han Dynasty, and the minimum information disclosure must be done. In good conscience, after experiencing the continuous After two unpromising operations, Severus stood in the position of the Han Dynasty. It would be strange to be able to trust Rome not to mess around.

Even if it was not for the sake of world civilization, but just for the sake of the Han Dynasty, Severus thought that the other party would never leave - if we leave, what will you do in Rome? We don’t want to see darkness anymore. Can we improve the technology in the underworld?

Severus and Pertinax both looked at Perennis. They had no choice. The Han Dynasty's reasons for not leaving now were too good. At least they in Rome had no way to argue.

"Let's talk. This is really the biggest joke I have ever seen in all my years. Rome actually wants to talk about trust with another large empire." Pertinax said with some despair, "And Pertinax It’s an eye-opener for me that Rennis can do so much dirty work.”

"I don't want to, and I didn't know it would be like this. Can we change the topic? If you keep talking like this, I'm afraid something will happen." Perennis said somewhat helplessly.

"I will send someone to inform Huangfu Yizhen and have a talk with him." Severus also said sadly, "But at the very least, precautions must be taken. I hope both parties can watch each other in this matter. "

There was no way, this time it was really Rome who was in the wrong. Things turned out like this. The Han Dynasty did not ask Rome for compensation because they wanted to mess with the mess. In addition, Rome was strong enough and it was unrealistic to ask for compensation. If it were any other country, they would have strangled their necks with one hand and blackmailed them with the other.

When Severus notified Huangfu Song to come and have a good talk, Huangfu Song was in the special occult camp established before Rome. There were still nearly 100,000 Han Dynasty and Roman soldiers in a sleeping state. There was no way. Some of the soldiers survived from beginning to end. When the Nordic shadow world was shattered, they emerged from the Nordic shadow world with high-precision alien bodies.

In other words, some generals and soldiers now have two bodies, one is the body of a Nordic alien, and the other is the true body. However, they are limited by their spiritual consciousness and can only drive one body.

Huangfu Song came here specifically to take a look at his body that was sealed here and in a state of frozen sleep. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it. Rome was working hard to treat it. It was said that the person was definitely saved. The only thing left was to send it to the three great doctors to study and save it. Zhang Ren can be resurrected.

No way, Zhang Ren really made a great contribution this time. Although Huangfu Song and others reviewed the aftermath and basically knew that after the Nordic aliens came out of the shadow world, they would not be able to be resurrected indefinitely as before, but 1.5 million If the number of people can be resurrected more than ten times, it will really be a disaster for world civilization.

If we look at the current scale of the Nordic aliens, if the Han Dynasty and Rome could quickly clean them up if they were prepared, the same number of divine guards who could be resurrected more than a dozen times would really be impossible to defeat.

In this case, Zhang Ren raised his sword to cut off the connection between the divine guard and the world. In any case, it could be regarded as an act of salvation, and Rome would certainly appreciate it.

There is no way, compared to the things Zhang Ren did before, this time Zhang Ren really helped Rome. Without Zhang Ren's resurrection ability to kill the divine guards at all costs, Rome would have been doomed.

If the Han Dynasty was far away, after seeing the tragic scene of Rome, they could prepare early, defend early, and rely on various means to hold back the 1.5 million divine guards. Rome, which bore the brunt, must have been defeated. The rhythm of the divine guards being destroyed, in this case, as long as Zhang Ren did not die suddenly on the spot, he would definitely have to be saved, and Rome had a lot of good things on hand, so it would be useless not to be generous at this time!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Zhang Zhenxi is indeed capable." Huangfusong looked at Zhang Ren, who was said to have stabilized his condition and was undergoing cryogenic sleep to ensure that his condition would not worsen, but his body continued to exude vitality, and said casually He asked the military doctor on the side, "Is there nothing wrong?"

"There is no problem at all. General Zhang's life has been saved." The military doctor replied quickly.

As long as he is not completely dead, Rome is sure to let him survive. At most, the cost will be high. The problem is based on Zhang Ren's achievements this time. Rome really has to thank Zhang Ren, so the cost is not a problem at all. It has even been determined through observation in Opolis. After learning about the situation, Severus also specially sent Zhang Ren the identity certificate of a senator of the Roman Empire.

Different from the previous honorary elders, this thing has the right to vote. Although it is only one vote, it is enough to show that Zhang Ren attaches great importance to it. However, it is useless for Zhang Ren to use this, and it can only be used as a status. symbol and proof.

By the way, after this incident, the grudge between Roma and Zhang Ren was finally wiped out.

"What's going on with the others?" Huangfusong asked strangely, looking at some soldiers who had woken up, and some soldiers who had not yet woken up, such as Zhang Yong, Zhang Long, Wang Chang, etc. They are all the backbone of the Miracle Legion.

"These people are fine if you really want to say that they don't have any physical injuries, and they don't suffer serious mental injuries. But all the things that can't be awakened are caused by the decoupling of the timeline of the Nordic shadow world and the real world to over thirty. They need a lot of time to cultivate." The military doctor said helplessly, these people will not wake up in a short time.

People like Zhang Yong and Zhang Long are actually fine. The problem is that under a timeline with more than 10,000 to 10,000 people, it takes a long time to adjust just to release the mental buffer, so this group of people are still lying in the frozen sleep area. Well, after all, there are high-end Roman secret techniques and specially prepared secret medicines in the frozen sleep area to ensure that even if you lie down all the time, there will be no problems with your physical fitness or malnutrition.

"Then how long will it take for the soldiers who are still aliens to wake up in the frozen sleep area after being killed?" Huangfu Song suddenly asked an unexpected question.

The Roman military doctor thought for a while after hearing this, "We are also studying the Nordic alien body here, but as of now, the alien body is more equivalent to a kind of heroic spirit, which does not have all the characteristics of humans, but is extremely high It’s just a reproduction of the level, but this level is too high, and after entering the real world, the degree of spiritual integration is further improved. Once killed, a certain state adjustment is required.”

If a general who uses a foreign body dies in the real world, his spirit will directly return to his original body, and then he will wake up after his consciousness is activated. Moreover, if the time ratio is one to one, there will be no mental impact, and When the body is in frozen sleep, there will be no confusion of consciousness.

The only problem is that the real body and the alien body are both in reality and spiritual resonance, which will cause great mental damage to oneself. Although this kind of damage may not be fatal to most people, it still requires some adjustment to the state.

Huangfusong touched his chin when he heard this. He thought of something, but he still needed to make certain adjustments.

Just when Huangfusong was thinking about whether to try it, a burst of laughter came from the frozen sleep area. Two Hua Xiong, two Li Jue, two Guo Si, and two Fan Chou were seen laughing crazily. They didn't know how to use it. Some method awakened their bodies, and now they have become twins.

"What are you doing?" Huangfusong looked at the Xiliang villain group and asked strangely, how on earth did this happen? You only have one spiritual body. Although the Nordic alien body is considered a heroic spirit body, it is not the same as a human being. The bodies are highly overlapping, and only one can be controlled at a time.

"We used miraculous transformation to project our spiritual will into the body, and then used illusion division to inject our illusions into the alien body." Li Jue said proudly.

After the divided fantasy has a body, when it is close enough to the main body, it will be completely consistent with the main body in all aspects, and even all the characteristics will be perfectly inherited. Whoever allows the fantasy to divide itself will separate a ray of will that is equivalent to itself. , and the Nordic alien body is infinitely close to the original body. Such a superposition is equivalent to creating a new controllable trumpet.

Huangfu Song was slightly shocked when he heard this. He suddenly realized that if he thinks about Li Jue's current situation, all the problems of imaginary soldiers that the Xiongnu and the Han Dynasty have been considering for hundreds of years have been solved, even the problem of consciousness inheritance. solved.

"Okay, okay, let the main body continue to freeze in sleep, and control the alien body first. It's not time to use the main body yet." Huangfu Song said with half-squinted eyes. Seeing this scene, he had more plans. It's somewhat possible, right? God King Odin, let you see what it means to be human!

Just when Huangfu Song was observing the current status of his soldiers in the frozen sleeping area, Xu You hurried over. On the one hand, Severu informed Huangfu Song to go to discuss matters, and on the other hand, the secret order from Chang'an finally arrived. Now, they have to work.

Since the advent of the Nordic aliens, there have been some subtleties between Rome and the Han Dynasty. Just as Xu You and Huangfu Song thought, and as Liu Ye said, what you are thinking may not be the same as others. I know, but sometimes there is nothing I can do to stop it even if I know it.

"Chang'an's secret order is to defend Northern Europe. With little loss, help Rome if you can, and kill Odin as soon as possible if you can kill Odin?" Huangfu Song nodded and expressed understanding. It seems that Han It's okay if Shi chooses the grand road.

"I didn't mention the local overlords in the shadow world who fled to unknown places after escaping from the Nordic shadow world." Xu You hinted.

When the Nordic shadow world was shattered, not only the divine guards led by Odin, the Yellow Turban Legion commanded by Huang Tian, ​​and the elite backbones recruited by the Han Dynasty and Rome came out, but there were also many who had suffered the defeat of the Han Dynasty and Rome. But the local overlords who ran quickly and were not destroyed, and the local overlords who never encountered the Han Dynasty and Rome at all.

There are a lot of these things, but those Nordic aliens are self-aware and ran away quickly after escaping from the Nordic shadow world.

Due to the situation at that time, the Han Dynasty and Rome did not stop them. If we really want to say it, the number of those local overlords is actually quite large.

It's just that the current situation can only focus on the big ones and let go the small ones. Only by killing Odin can there be any meaning in dealing with those guys. If Odin can't be killed, there is no point in even looking for trouble.

"After Odin is dealt with, Rome will just clean up the mess." Huangfu Song said with an indifferent expression. In fact, this mess is not easy to clean up. If those Nordic strangers choose to wander around, based on the current situation from Northern Europe to Eastern Europe, Rome will It's hard to clean up.

According to Huangfu Song's estimation, after Odin was eliminated, Rome might not even have the energy to deal with the Yuan family in a short period of time. After all, there were literally hundreds of thousands of thieves alive and kicking.

"We here can also breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Eastern Europe is deep enough. As long as those northern European strangers who come over don't stir up trouble, we can also let it go for a while if we don't have enough strength. ." Xu You said easily after the pressure suddenly subsided.

Huangfu Song nodded when he heard this. The Yuan family has not stopped in these years. They are either being beaten or on the way to being beaten. After Rome did such a dirty job, although Yuan Tan did not make any relevant remarks, but I'm definitely in a good mood.

"Speaking of which, Severus actually wants to talk to us instead of driving us away? Are we so important?" Huangfu Song said with a bit of ridicule.

Everyone is not a fool. If Huangfu Song can have the idea of ​​​​beggaring his neighbor, then Rome will definitely be on guard against this. In this case, finding a suitable name to let Huangfu Song leave is also an answer. At least Huangfu Song has done it before. prepare for.

"What Lord Perennis did has caused problems with the credibility of the Roman Empire in this regard." Xu You said calmly, "To put it bluntly, we believe in the capabilities of the Roman Empire, but we are worried about the Roman Empire's What happens next will create a greater crisis.”

Huangfu Song laughed when he heard this. Indeed, this reason was sufficient, especially when the Han Dynasty had enough power, this sentence was enough.

"Let's go and have a look. It just so happens that we no longer have the idea of ​​beggar-thy-neighbor." Huangfu Song said with a calm expression, "When will Lu Fengxian and those people arrive?"

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