Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4382: Everything is safe

Peaceful, sunny and beautiful, another beautiful day has passed - Dio.

But unlike other times after writing this sentence, Dio happily wrote what happened today in his diary and left it as a document for future generations. Today Dio was quite gritting his teeth when he wrote this sentence. mean.

There was a problem in Rome. If it weren't for the fact that senators in the Roman Senate frequently committed suicide and were even replaced by evil gods, the chief justice, out of the idea of ​​being responsible for the Roman Empire, established a detailed detection device to deal with the Han Dynasty courtiers. The meticulous inspection ceremony was the same as when Liu Tong went to court. Rome is no longer the so-called minor problem now.

Time goes back slightly to a dozen days ago...

"Has there been any results from my side?" Herodian said through gritted teeth.

If it weren't for the last outbreak of evil god infection in the Roman Senate, which resulted in mental alienation, in order to avoid accidents, Herodian would make a backup copy of his own memory and give it to Dio every day for him to keep, and then go to Dio's place every half month for a memory and The comparison of behavioral logic prevents the evil god from unknowingly distorting his common sense or behavioral logic. Herodian will not be able to confirm that he is parasitized!

As a giant with a name in history, even if he is parasitized, as long as his mind has not been completely taken away, after comparing the logic of his own behavior recorded by Dio, Herodian immediately discovered that something was wrong, and then quickly called Claudius The resources of the Us family checked themselves.

Then he found a seed-like thing that was parasitic on his spine. With Roman technology, as long as it was found, it could be killed quickly. However, Herodian recalled how this thing appeared, Comparing the distortion of the logic of his own behavior, he found out that it appeared immediately after the large bathhouse opened. Herodian was completely stunned.

Herodian himself participated in such activities relatively rarely. After all, he was old and lacked energy. As a result, he went once in a while and was parasitized. How can the elderly survive?

But this kind of thing is just complaining. What is really fatal is the place where this thing was obtained. It is a large bathhouse. Could it be that the Claudius family has been parasitized? This is the rhythm of the end.

Considering that even I have been parasitized, it is not impossible for others to be parasitized. Fortunately, it is just a distortion in the behavioral logic. In other words, this thing is not the violent control like last time, but a gradual assimilation and distortion. In this case ,You still have time.

"The situation is very bad, it can even be said to be very bad. After professional comparisons by our scientific researchers, we found that this thing is not actually a seed, but a tissue closer to a plant, but this tissue can It parasitizes in the human body, absorbs human nutrients, and then gradually grows filaments and connects with human nerves." Herodian's deputy Theocles urgently informed.

Herodian was dumbfounded after hearing this. Did he want to turn them into cordyceps? Where did the evil god come from? No wonder the behavioral logic has changed. It turns out that it directly affects the nerves and thinking. The damn new version of the evil god is destroyed. It must be destroyed quickly.

"Have you found this thing? If you find it, kill it quickly!" Herodian said with a livid face. Thanks to the early discovery, if it had been discovered late, I am afraid that everyone would have been assimilated. Even if he saw these realities at that time, I am afraid that There is no corresponding cognition.

"We are currently developing the corresponding secret technique. In a month at most, we will be able to develop the secret technique corresponding to finding this parasite." Diocles replied loudly.

"How far will this thing spread in a month? Are you stupid? First, drag all the researchers out and use the great secret technique from before to conduct an all-round scan to determine whether there is any parasitism." After hearing this, Rodian felt something was wrong and immediately spoke.

"Using that secret technique is very expensive." Diokle frowned.

Herodian was silent for a while after hearing this, and then nodded. After Theocles went out, he immediately asked someone to secretly find Sergio and Ulbian. These two people would not be parasitized in any case. As for Dio, who previously helped Herodian with the test, it was clear that he was parasitized.

In addition, the behavioral logic of his adjutant Theocles has obviously become alienated. Herodian no longer dares to think about how many people in Rome have been parasitized. He can only find two guys who have definitely not been parasitized, and then proceed one by one. Detailed determination.

There is no way, in this situation, Herodian can only trust Sergio and Ulbian.

The former is the acting head of the Claudius family. If the distribution is slightly unfair, he will be scolded by a group of branches of the Claudius family. Are you mentally ill? They suspect that you have been contaminated by the evil god. Why? This Sergio uses special secret techniques to prove that he is mentally sane every day.

Although there is actually no point in doing this, at least you won't lose when you yell.

As for Ulpian, he was one breath away from death every day. Among the five great jurists in Rome, he was the most capable, but the weakest in constitution. He always looked like he was dead to you, so he checked his body every now and then to make sure he could be parasitized. , probably dead.

Herodian carefully used his family members who were sure not to be parasitized to notify Sergio and Ulbian to come to his side. He suspected that Diocles had been parasitized, and the researchers from the Claudius family also Parasitized.

Otherwise, it is impossible to say that it consumes a lot of money and takes a month to develop.

At this time, do you still care about consumption? Besides, burning the Claudius family’s money, isn’t that politically correct? For Rome!

Before Sergio and Ulbian arrived, Justice Papinian had already run over with the fascist scepter. Herodian was very panicked when he saw this scene. In this situation, he saw anything that was not consistent with the situation. Logical behavior, they all suspect that the other party is parasitized.

"Herodion, Dio said that you should have found a way to get rid of the parasite. I came over quickly. I just opened the consciousness detection device of the Senate. Among the more than 140 senators who came, more than 60 There has been alienation in consciousness." Old Pabinian had a direct showdown with Herodian.

There is no way. Old Pabinian is an old man in his seventies and has absolutely no interest in partying in public baths. In addition, he is also a lawyer. He usually lives in seclusion and does not interact with others. Even if a parasitic species appears, , and it is difficult to parasitize him.

Although Dio was parasitized, Dio opened countless save disks of his own memory and behavioral logic. After realizing that he was parasitized, Dio refreshed his own memory and behavioral logic every half an hour. This wonderful seed The assimilation of Dio is basically useless. Formatting solves most problems. Unless the other party can forcefully control it, there is no way. Isn't there no way to forcefully control it?

By the way, because of this special spiritual talent, Dio did not let Herodian remove the plant tissue parasitic on his spine. In Dio's words, he was testing the danger of this thing and its impact on the body. Whether the rate of assimilation of the human mind changes over time.

In fact, this assimilation does accelerate as time goes by. While Dio was testing the influence of this parasite, he informed Papinian, an old man, that he had come to participate in the meeting as soon as the secret method of consciousness detection of the Senate was opened. Half of the more than 140 senators have been parasitized.

Even Pompianus was parasitized. Dio laughed at Pompianus at that time because they were old-minded and almost dead, and they went to parties and things like that, and they didn’t take them to play at the party. Yes, in short, Dio made Pompianus half angry to death.

The first reaction of more than 60 senators in the Roman Senate who had their consciousness alienated was to curse, and then they said it was impossible. Most of them said that they did not participate in any special evil rituals, nor did they perform any evil rituals. Things like sustenance, in short, it is impossible to have alienation of consciousness, but Herodian is not the only one to use Dio as a storage...

Sirio was diagnosed with mental alienation. Without saying a word, he directly asked Dio to pass on the memory and behavioral logic records of the last month to him. After comparing them, Sirio understood that there was indeed something wrong with his consciousness. His face immediately turned blue.

Subsequently, several elders who were found to have alienated consciousness but were unaware of it themselves used some special gadgets to verify, and each of them looked livid.

After all, there had been situations in Rome where the consciousness had been infected by evil gods before, and common sense had been distorted and modified, making it impossible to detect by oneself, or awakened by outsiders. After that time, some senators specially prepared some special gadgets to check whether their own consciousness was Be distorted or modified.

As a result, after such an investigation, even a fool would know that something is wrong.

After the dozen or so senators who had such things were checked and shut up, the others stopped scolding them. They already knew that something big had happened. Nearly half of the senators who came to the Senate were infected. What the hell was this going to subvert? Rome! Intolerable, totally unbearable!

"Ah, there is something in the parliament that detects consciousness?" Herodian was shocked.

"Only a few people know." Old Pabinian said awkwardly.

"I won't talk to you about this again in the future!" Herodian angrily yelled, as the noble Claudius, you bastards are still divided into three levels, I remember it!

"That's not the problem now. Give me the rituals and materials to eliminate the parasitic species, and I will prepare them for them here." Old Pabinian said.

"This thing is too expensive." Herodian said.

Old Papinian put the fascist staff directly on Herodian's neck. Herodian couldn't laugh or cry. He also realized that he had said the wrong thing due to his conditioned reflex.

"I now suspect that you have not removed the parasite, and you need to test your consciousness." Papinian said very firmly, and then dragged Herodian away. Herodian had no choice but not to refuse, and went to the Senator The hospital will know.

After arriving at the Senate, Herodian found that Sergio and Ulbian were already in the Senate. As expected, these two people were not parasitized. Herodian felt relieved after being tested by Papinian with the consciousness detection equipment. a lot of.

"If you can't speak, don't speak. Is this a matter of money now?" Pabinian looked at Herodian with an unlucky look and said, "Now hurry up and test, and then call in researchers to develop related technologies. The Senate is like this." If many people are parasitized, there will only be more parasites outside."

"The researchers on Claudius' side may have also been parasitized, and the depth of the parasitism is deeper. Find them, and then remove the parasitic tissue one by one." Herodian said, "But this ritual to eliminate the parasitic tissue is quite expensive. of."

"The Claudius family spent money to remove all the parasitic senators." Sergio waved his hand and said, "Bring all the family's researchers here."

"Isn't he also parasitized?" Herodian looked at Alessandro who was executing the order and asked strangely, "It shouldn't be. Isn't he a frequent visitor to the bathhouse recently?"

"I informed Alessandro when I knew he was being parasitized. He couldn't be parasitized. He could only be parasitized by forcibly knocking him over. He was just pretending to practice Qi to become Gang, but he was actually breaking through the world of essence and body cells. He can feel it on every level." Sergio said angrily.

In fact, Alessandro was also parasitized by a parasitic organization, but at the time Alessandro didn't know what it was. Every time he went to the public bath, it would appear. The problem was that as a Jingpokai, such strange things could not be imagined To parasitize in, unless Alessandro himself is willing.

Soon, researchers from the Claudius family arrived. Upon inspection, they were all parasitized.

"In the future, the funds for IMpart activities will be cut in half." Sergio said angrily. All the researchers in our family have been parasitized. What are we doing!

Of course, I am not angry at being parasitized, but I am angry that no one in this group of people has found out that they have been parasitized. Why spend money to support you?

At the same time, Herodian, who had obtained the materials, used an expensive parasitic elimination ritual to help researchers from the Senate and the Claudius family eliminate the parasitic organization.

After that, they brought a group of people to start an internal investigation. As expected, a group of people in the Claudius family have been parasitized, and even the internal energy has been parasitized, but the problem is not big.

The big problem is that now not only the top floors of Rome in the Italian city are parasitized, but also the damn barbarians. And the closer to the west, the more barbarians are parasitized. What's even worse is that almost all the people are parasitized. They didn't even know they were being parasitized.

According to Herodian's mathematical statistics, at least three to four million barbarians in Rome have been parasitized by this unknown thing. It feels like plant seeds. Researchers say it is plant tissue. If it is used for Herodian, No matter how big the Roman family fortune is, they cannot withstand the means of eliminating parasitism, but if they are ignored, this thing will continue to spread on its own.

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