Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6243 I was just thinking

After Odin Camillo absorbed the wisdom of Perennis, although he did not fully grasp the best way to use these elite legions, which mainly came from various classic talent structures of the Han Dynasty, he could at least rely on Perenis' wisdom. Create an elite group army that can restrain a certain defense zone of the human coalition.

When the bright sword light burst out, the Macedonian elites who entered the divine guard front with a fearless attitude were directly plunged into a crisis of death. Even though they had the talent of heavy armor defense, they faced the sharp warriors who entered the state of melee combat. , basically nothing meaningful.

Even though these sharp warriors could not kill more than fourteen times at most, the soldiers of the Macedonian Legion had already entered the best killing area for the sharp warriors after breaking through the front line and killing the light infantry. The bright sword light clearly showed it to the Macedonian Legion. Let's talk about what "light armor is as thin as paper, heavy armor folds paper in half".

It was just a wave of attacks, charging into the opponent's heavy infantry line and harvesting the light infantry of the Macedonian soldiers, leaving only a handful of them still standing.

At this time, Filippo's arrows came down like a torrential rain, but facing the sharp soldiers who had quickly retreated, and the heavy infantry who naturally returned to the front line for defense after the internal blocking force collapsed, Filippo's arrow rain attack was basically useless. What effective results can be achieved?

"Open the eagle emblem!" Filippo ordered loudly. After Anulinus successfully withdrew from the enemy's heavy infantry front that was about to be closed, Filippo ordered decisively.

After Anulinus withdrew from the opponent's battle line, he quickly compressed the battle line and deployed Macedonian soldiers from the sides to supplement the defense. At this time, he really couldn't care about whether his rapid withdrawal of the battle line would lead to the auxiliary troops on the left and right wings. There is a disconnect, which leads to a blow to both wings!

If we don't do this, the next wave of attacks from the opposite side will directly tear apart the fearless Macedonian front, break through the Scythian Army at close range, and kill the Scythian Army half to death on the spot in one breath. Then the entire defense area will be destroyed, so it must be Paul Filippo to death!

[Damn, just relying on luck will never work. Only by converting luck into destiny and directly releasing it like General Zhang can the problem of strength be solved. Now it is just a change in probability. 】After Filippo bloomed the eagle emblem, the whole army had a feeling of being favored by heaven and earth. However, this favor could not be effectively transformed into combat effectiveness. It was more about making occasional lucky events favor him.

This kind of luck, if it is one's own advantage, can of course cause spiritual destruction to the enemy, but when the opponent is so powerful and has the advantage, it is not that easy to rely on luck to come back. To fight against the wind, you still have to rely on destiny to guide you!

"Anulinus, hold on, I have a trick I've never used before!" Filippo greeted Anulinus.

"Give me arrow rain support!" Anulinus said angrily. The number of troops on the opposite side was larger than the number of troops in their defense area. More importantly, a wave of first strikers directly hit their defense area, shaking the entire defense line to the point of collapse. , after enduring a wave of explosive killings by the sharp warriors, except for the fearless Macedonian Legion, the other elite infantrymen on the front line of defense all had morale problems.

Rui Shi's high lethality and ultra-high killing efficiency directly damaged the morale of the fourth defense zone in a short burst, causing most of the soldiers in the area to have morale turmoil.

Even if the Macedonian Legion had not been able to push forward forcefully after suffering a wave of beheadings, erupting with a morale that was not inferior to its previous one, just such a burst of beheadings would have been enough to take away the entire fourth defense zone!

When the command ability is not up to standard and the command exceeds the limit, the most likely situation is that the person cannot withstand the pressure and is completely rolled back.

To be honest, the lethality unleashed by the Reishi before and the pressure it put on the other soldiers stationed in the fourth defense area were enough to quickly kill a wave of elite human coalition forces and use heavy infantry to roll back the fourth defense area. The battle line was already on the front line, but who made the Macedonian legion fight to the death?

After all, Anulinus and Fearless Macedon, as the main generals and core elites, are still fighting hard. Even if the other legions suffer heavy losses, they will not lose their fighting spirit.

It’s just that this situation can’t last long. With the advantages of hard power and military strength, coupled with the advantage of morale, it is only a matter of time before the fourth defense zone collapses. Even if Filippo’s arrow rain suppression is very powerful, the interference of the opposite side’s spiritual will is not. Kidding.

Anulinus cannot tear apart the heavy infantry front on the opposite side, so the light infantry legions guarded by the heavy infantry behind them and having the interference of projection can quickly reorganize and once again exert the disgusting talent effect!

"Did the legion from the Sixth Defense Zone come to support the enemy?" Petinax looked displeased. The Sixth Triumphal Legion was the elite of his headquarters back then, and the word "strong" stood out overall. As a result, he was now led as What is it like that you can't even break through the opponent's block quickly?

"Order the German Knights to attack directly and sweep across the east side from the west in a large circle." Pertinax ordered with a touch of indifference.

This order is very dangerous, because the spiritual will of the divine guards interferes with the talent. There is no accurate detection result yet on what the war zone between the two armies looks like. After White Horse Yi Cong and Yue Qi attacked, they encountered When blocked by enemies of the same type, although neither side can do anything to their opponents, trying to detect the enemy's situation becomes a joke.

As for other secret reconnaissance techniques, they are basically useless at this time. The two sides combined have exceeded two million troops. Under the suppression of the super-large-scale cloud gas, most of the secret reconnaissance techniques prepared before can no longer be used. Even Opolis The talent for future observation that has been developed cannot even be carried out in a place like this. Current investigation can basically only rely on the oldest methods.

"Handgun?" Zang Ba, the deputy general of Pertinax, was completely stunned. Are you sure this isn't sending the German knight to his death?

Different from the current situation where the elite backbones under the Han Dynasty and Rome are basically aliens, the elite auxiliary soldiers sent by Rome have not entered the shadow world of Northern Europe. In this case, executing such an order will directly It's like sending yourself to death.

"Just command the heavy infantry to prepare for the opponent's heavy cavalry to break through the main battle line. Why did you do this? I'll explain to you after the battle." Pertinax glanced at Zang Ba and saw that the opponent was Huang Tianzhi. For the sake of the recognized successor and the elder of the Han family, Pertinax still gave an explanation, but at this time Pertinax did not want to waste time explaining.

"Okay." Zang Ba is not someone who dwells on these things. Besides, the reason why Huangfu Song sent him to follow Pertinax is very simple: to prostitute Pertinax for free.

With all the things Petinax is doing now, there is no way to explain this matter if he doesn’t order Zang Ba a set of gadgets that he ordered for Marche back then, so Zang Ba knows exactly what he should do now—— Get the benefits first, and then talk about the ones you don’t have.

Seeing Zang Ba directly leading the yellow scarf warriors to the front of the battle line, Pertinax half-squinted his eyes and commanded the fourteenth group of centurions arranged on his side, showing himself that the German knights were executing his orders from the west to the east. A scene of flanking.

Unlike Zang Ba, who was in the middle of the army, and who had Pertinax with him who could understand the situation of the western legions, it was impossible for the German knights to discern the overall situation in a battle of such a scale, so they had to After receiving the order, he picked up his weapon and rushed over.

[The traitor is most likely not a Nordic stranger, but a peripheral Germanic knight. 】Petinax thought silently in his heart, Odin, really comes from Germanic Norse mythology.

Unlike the Han Dynasty, which spent hundreds of years to defeat the barbarians in the north until they lost their spirit, the three major barbarians in Europe were never defeated by Rome from beginning to end. Although the civil system is good, it has some shortcomings. Fatally, barbarians and citizens are somewhat incompatible after all.

Under such circumstances, it is not outrageous for the Germanic barbarians to spontaneously awaken to the so-called nationalism and seek refuge in their own gods.

As for why Pertinax didn't say this in the camp, the reason is very simple, because as long as he opened his mouth and it was not the work of the Nordic aliens, Huangfu Song would definitely ask why, and after asking, even if Pertinax didn't answer , Huangfu Song would also react - Pertinax, who led the Yellow Turbans, was still suspicious of the Han Dynasty, so when the army was deployed, the Yellow Turbans were inside the camp.

Among the Nordic aliens brought out from the Nordic shadow world, the number of Yellow Turbans is the largest. In this case, if the Yellow Turbans can be placed on the inside, it means that all the other legions are on the outside, with the Han Dynasty in the east and Rome in the east. In the west, the layout is roughly like this.

On the other hand, under this arrangement, if the Nordic aliens want to send a message to Odin, no matter whose alien is under his command, they need to pass through the inside of the camp where Pertinax is, and with Pertinax's ability , as well as the camps he has set up, and the outsiders who cross will be recorded.

Of course, if there are problems with the Yellow Turbans, such records may indeed be covered up, but who made the Yellow Turbans have an orthodox successor, that is, Zang Ba. In this case, it is basically impossible for the Yellow Turbans to have problems, then Pertinax had already vaguely guessed what the problem might be.

As for the German knights, there is no problem. Pertinax doesn't mind using a sudden wave of German knights to forcefully determine what the Odin Guards want to do. After all, there are millions of enemy troops. The previous detection methods faced this kind of situation, there are some problems.

There are indeed some traitors among the German knights, but on the current battlefield, Roman military orders are issued, and the German knights, whether they have ideas or not, must execute the orders.

The order to outflank from west to east was executed instantly, and this legion-level assault also allowed one's own cloud energy to penetrate into the opponent's battle line. The light and shadow abilities of the fourteenth combination were able to exert their due effect, and Petina Kes, Perennis, and Huangfu Song were all staring at the German knights in the light and shadow. They were waiting for the group of divine guards who crossed the center line!

"Come out!" After the German knights rushed for more than ten miles at high speed, a huge cavalry team finally appeared in the light and shadow of the Fourteenth Organization. Huangfu Song looked at the cavalry, and his face turned dark. In front of him was a huge cavalry team. A speedy trooper formed by nesting talents.

"If the situation gets worse, is the Second Eagle Banner Corps stationed in front of the Chinese army?" Huangfu Song looked at the speedy cavalry who had already increased their speed and even formed a barrier in front of them.

"This is exactly my combat idea." Perennis looked at the Speedy Rangers who had increased their speed to the point where afterimages appeared on the light and shadow interface, and their expressions were extremely ugly. When he saw the Speedy Rangers in the Nordic Shadow World, That’s what I thought, but I didn’t expect Odin to think that too now!

[Although the gold wire thing cannot synchronize thinking, there is no progress at my current age. What I can think about now, I am afraid I will also think about it at that time. ] Perennis looked at the speedy troopers who had piled up a thick layer of wind and sand barriers in front of them, and he couldn't help but start to recall what he had been thinking.

"The Second Eagle Banner Legion is absolutely unable to withstand it. Even if the Eagle Emblem is opened and the strength attribute is converted, it is impossible to block it. The opponent is preparing to use sharp soldiers to forcefully break through the guards in front of the Chinese army." Huangfusong looked at the light and shadow with a headache. In this scene, although according to the movement of the German knights before, this group of fast white horses are still more than ten miles away from the guards in front of the Chinese army, but with the mobility of this group of people, it takes about a hundred seconds.

To a certain extent, cavalry fighting heavy infantry head-on is definitely a loss, but if it is to implement decapitation tactics, it is really worth it.

Under the protection of the wind and sand barrier, the fast assault rider can reach the front of the Chinese army in up to a hundred seconds. At such a speed, to be honest, even if you can think of a way, you will not have time to deal with it.

As for the archers, looking at the thick wind and sand barrier formed in front of the fast cavalry, neither the sound of shooting nor the flow of water had a good effect.

"I just thought about it in my mind, you actually did this to me." Perennis watched helplessly as the torrent of wind and sand hit the front line of the Chinese army's front camp. The wind pressure caused by the collective thrust of the cavalry even swept the soldiers of the Second Eagle Banner Corps into the sky.

The high-speed assault cavalry's completely lifeless tactics directly blinded Trikchianus, who had just taken over the Second Eagle Banner Corps. What qualities, skills, and will were compared to the ultra-high-speed cavalry at 100 meters per second? On impact, it makes no sense at all.

The replica Friesian horse, relying on its ton-level weight, simply ignored the armor of the Second Eagle Flag. The entire front camp of the Chinese army was bombarded to pieces in this way almost instantly!

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