Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6274 Allocate manpower

Lu Su first put the wooden comb in his hand aside, then put the light mirror on the dressing table. After calming down for a few seconds, he picked up the light mirror and took another look. Yes, it was indeed Liu Tong!

"Are you sure this thing is observing the ocean area inside the world?" Lu Su asked his wife seriously. This is related to many things.

"Yes." Evil God Ji Xiang nodded obediently and replied. He had no way of understanding her husband's solemn expression. However, there was one thing to say. Zijing, who looked solemn, was so handsome. Evil God Ji Xiang turned half sideways. body, and began to rub his head against Lu Su's abdomen.

Lu Su, who was thinking about something, pushed Ji Xiang's head away and sat on the bed beside him. He began to think about what happened?

In less than a year, you have sent the princess to the inner side of the world?

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Su blocked it. Lu Su still knew the nature of Liu Bei and Chen Xi. As for what he committed, it was really a shame that Liu Bei was a brother and took it directly. Otherwise, he would be a rebel. , the same way of death as Liu Ba is considered decent.

Let's put it this way, Liu Ba's crime was indeed serious enough, but if it were placed on Lu Su before he forced the palace to rebel last year, let alone committing suicide to give him dignity, it would not be necessary to remove him from office. Chen Xi would just go to the end. It's all over if Lu Su takes it. Although it's not exaggerated to the extent that he will be fined for three drinks, it is worth it for Chen Xi to personally go out and settle the debt of 280 billion for Lu Su.

It's just that what Lu Su did was really too big. It was a rebellion in the true sense of forcing the palace. If he won that time, Lu Su could basically succeed Chen Xi as the servant of the minister, leading the prime minister's affairs. And the cakes made before will be divided by Lu Su.

Needless to say, even if it failed, how many two thousand stones were lost and how many old men died.

You must know that when Sima Jun died, it was handled almost hastily. It was a house of princes. Only the eldest grandson Sima Lang came back to worship. Sima Yi and Sima Fu did not receive the notice directly. By the time Sima Yi knew that his grandfather had died, he had already It's been a little over half a year.

The Xun family is almost in the same situation. Xun Shuang's death can almost be regarded as the complete end of the afterglow of the previous era. When Xun Shuang died, Xun Yu, Xun Chen, Xun You and others were not notified. Only Xun Yue and others were in Chang'an. People went to see him off in person.

Chen Xi actually didn't quite understand why Lu Su did what he did. Even though Lu Su made it clear at the time that the situation had reached that point and he wanted to try it, Chen Xi actually didn't quite believe it.

Because Chen Xi is not stupid. Even if Chen Xi talks about Zhuge Liang's heavenly appearance all day long, Chen Xi also knows that the person closest to him these days is actually Lu Su. Lu Su has really worked hard with him for more than ten years. The princess of Taishan Prefecture, Bo Gan, was promoted to the position of disciple of the third company.

Even if Zhuge Liang is a heavenly being, it would take several years just to complete this journey.

So if there is one person in this world who has a clear understanding of the limits of Chen Xi's abilities, it must be Lu Su. Even good guys like Li You, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Fazheng actually have a clear understanding of Chen Xi's abilities. There is no clear understanding of the boundaries of capabilities.

Therefore, what Chen Xi didn't understand was that Lu Su couldn't win. Lu Su just watched helplessly as Chen Xi held down the bull's head of the world's aristocratic families and made them obediently follow the right path.

Under this situation, a large number of aristocratic families want to join forces to test the waters. Even if they push Lu Su behind and unite their forces, they still cannot defeat Chen Xi.

In Chen Xi's words, when I was weak before, I could follow the planned route of the world's aristocratic family. Now, if I want justice and strength, can you still beat me?

However, Lu Suzhen did just that, and it was a dead move.

Chen Xi was puzzled, but Chen Xi didn't ask in the end. It was better to keep some regrets. If he really asked, Chen Xi was afraid that he couldn't help it.

In fact, Chen Xi didn't send Lu Su out of Chang'an because he was afraid that he could not help but let the matter go.

Therefore, Lu Su understands Chen Xi and Liu Bei. Even if the world changes drastically this year, Lu Su also understands that some things are impossible to happen. Even after all kinds of accidents are eliminated, Lu Su realizes some outrageous possibilities - Liu Tonghe Si Niang ran to the inside of the world by herself.

"Although this conclusion is outrageous, it is quite normal." Lu Su put the light mirror aside and adjusted his mentality. Now that he is no longer Situ, he does not need to think about the loss of the princess and the concubine. The question of what to do.

However, even with the attitude of not being in charge of his position, Lu Su could not help but recall the recent events. He heard that Han, Luo, and Gui had joined forces to blow up the Lord of All Spirits. During this period, some other things seemed to have happened. Thinking about it more deeply, maybe the princess would have been lost at that time.

"You two take care of the children at home. I'll go check with Dong Zhao and see if there is any news from Guishang." Lu Su greeted the twin-like Ji Xiang.

Evil God Ji Xiang was quite resentful when he heard this, but he was still obedient. After Lu Su left, the two Ji Xiangs stared at each other with big eyes.

"Gongren, does Guishuang have any information about the princess of the Han Dynasty?" Lu Su rushed to Dong Zhao's side immediately. Dong Zhao had always been responsible for the information on the Ganges River.

"Did the Marquis of Dongcheng also receive the news?" Dong Zhao looked at Lu Su curiously, but he was not too surprised. After all, this man used to be the third prince. If he hadn't made a mistake, he would still be sitting on the position of Situ. Looking down at the human world, it is normal for Kushan to have its own intelligence organization.

"That is to say, this is really the case." Lu Su said with a headache, "The princess was lost?"

"Yes." Dong Zhao sighed and said, "It has been confirmed that the princess has entered the inner side of the world, near the outer sea, but there is no way to lock it, and we can't get out here. Guishuang is also trying to find a way to see if it can get in. Pick up Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Dong Zhao believed that his intelligence organization had collected the news from Guishuang that Vesutiva I was preparing to receive the princess of the Han Dynasty. The reception was definitely true, but what Dong Zhao was afraid of was that Guishuang really received the eldest princess. , if such an outrageous thing happened, even someone with a character like Dong Zhao would have to say, the world would be destroyed and everyone would be lost!

"Chang'an should also be doing their best to rescue them." Lu Su nodded to express his understanding.

"I believe this." Dong Zhao sighed, "To be honest, Kushan is quite outrageous in some aspects. Once an accident happens, we will lose face."

Lu Su's face was expressionless. As a guy who truly understands the overall situation, he can understand the terrible situation that the Han Dynasty is facing now. Even if the Han Dynasty is very confident in its own technology and pioneering military formation, it will not be possible. Where is one? The most fearful thing about this kind of thing is what happens.

"I can roughly determine where the princess is. At least I can see her. The rest is up to you to find a solution." After Lu Su determined the general situation and determined that there was nothing wrong with the gift his wife brought, he decided to put all the things away. The mirror was given to Dong Zhao, who handed it over to Chang'an. As for getting this thing, the Han Dynasty still didn't receive it from Liu Tong, so there was really nothing they could do.

Dong Zhao was shocked, but Lu Su didn't explain anything. He sent someone to his home to get a light mirror and gave it to Dong Zhao before leaving - something had already happened, so it can't be treated as if it hadn't happened. Lu Su couldn't go back, so he couldn't. It's impossible to go back.

At the same time, Severus also received a summons from Nigel. After all, it was quite outrageous for the Han Dynasty to lose their princess.

"Brother Huangfu, I heard that your Han Dynasty princess has disappeared." Severu summoned Huangfu Song and informed him of the unfortunate news.

Huangfu Song was stunned. He had not received any relevant news yet.

"It's true. It seems that people have entered the inner world. Kushan has begun to study the secret technique to open the door to the inner and outer world, and is preparing to go in and save people." Severus stated calmly, but the smile in his eyes was completely This explains Severus' mentality, he just comes to have fun.

"?" Huangfu Song was stunned. What was going on?

"It's true." Severus emphasized.

"Can Rome also help me?" Huangfusong was in a daze for a while, and finally understood what was going on, and asked decisively.

After all, compared to Liu Tong being rescued by Guishang, being rescued by Rome was within an acceptable range. At the very least, there was a limit to how embarrassing he could be.

"All we can do about this matter is to inform you, the Han Dynasty, that Kushan has begun to actively develop related secret techniques." Severus looked regretful, saying that he really couldn't get involved in this kind of thing.

Huangfusong returned to his tent in a daze, feeling dizzy. Has the management of the Han Dynasty been so lax in the past two years? First Liu Hao ran away, and then Liu Tong disappeared. This is too outrageous. When did the Han Dynasty become like this!

"General, what's wrong with you?" Yuan Tan asked strangely.

Huangfu Song looked at Yuan Tan and relayed what Severu had told Yuan Tan. Yuan Tan also fell silent. This is too outrageous!

"By the way, didn't you say that a small amount of reinforcements were dispatched?" Huangfu Song suppressed the irritability in his heart and looked at Yuan Tan and asked, "When will they arrive?"

"In two days, the backbone of the army led by Sima Zhongda and General Jiang will arrive." Seeing that Huangfu Song changed the subject, Yuan Tan stopped dwelling on Liu Tong's disappearance. There was nothing he could do about it. They were too far away, and the things were complicated and heavy, so they couldn't spare their hands to help. It was the limit of what they could do without adding unnecessary pressure to the Han Dynasty.

"The situation is not good. After Odin absorbed the wisdom of Perennis, he became very strong in the command of the legion. There are certain problems with the organizational strength of the legion under our command. We must fill in the middle and lower levels of command as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to just defend the defense line. It's enough to drain our energy." Huangfu Song said a little tiredly, "If this continues, the ultimate kill I originally prepared will have to be used in advance."

"If you use that kind of trick, the losses will be huge. At present, the losses for both us and Rome are within control. After all, the main battlefield forces are basically alien bodies." Yuan Tan frowned and said, "Once it happens, If we have to use our main body to attack, the casualties in a battle of this scale will be extremely heavy, so we should think about it again before the final decision is made."

"The middle and lower-level commanders have not been fully complemented, and our command transfers with Rome have not been fully coordinated. Even if a few commanders are considered excellent, the entire army has not exerted 70% of its combat effectiveness. This is also an important reason why we are at a disadvantage." Huangfu Song calmly ordered, "Rome has sent key veterans from the mainland to come here. The problem is that there are not enough."

Centurion-level backbones require 10,000 men, and squadron-level backbones require 20,000. Even the Roman Empire was unable to raise such a large number of elite backbones that could be paired with its legions in a short period of time.

If the talent structure is not matched, entering the new legion will inevitably require training. Considering that Odin has become bigger and stronger now, this battle will inevitably be protracted. Then after the middle and lower-level command are completed, the overall military orders and scheduling will be Everything needs to be unified.

Huangfusong estimated that it would take five to six months to complete this step alone.

It can be said that after Odin captured the wisdom from Perennis, the difficulty directly increased exponentially. And as the war continues, and this large-scale war occurs, Odin will become more and more proficient in mastering these foreign wisdoms. , after five or six months have passed, maybe I will really understand it.

"The Han Dynasty will also provide support from the mainland, and has mobilized a group of generals from the Ganges River. A group of qualified generals have also been dispatched from Jiangdong." Yuan Tan comforted him. He also knew that it was difficult now. , but he has experienced a lot of difficult things and is used to this kind of pressure.

"Speaking of which, I heard someone said that Rome might mobilize the Seventh Eagle Banner Corps." Seeing Huangfu Song fall silent, Yuan Tan changed the subject. They also have an intelligence network in Rome, especially Sipri After An joined, the intelligence network was really developing in a bigger and stronger direction.

"The Seventh Eagle Banner Legion?" Huangfu Song recalled briefly and then remembered whose legion it was, "On this kind of battlefield, one or two more legions will not solve any problem, and Rome is finally going to remove that guy from Mi Dia was transferred?"

"It is said that the territorial adjustment of the Duke of the Eastern Border County moved Ganassis from the Syrian province to Ctesiphon. Then the Duke's guards can radiate to the Media area, and there is no need to station a Guards Corps in Media. Sub-region." Yuan Tan explained.

"Normally, this kind of handover should adjust the Seventh Eagle Emblem Legion back to the mainland to suppress the unrest. I didn't expect it to come to Northern Europe." Huangfu Song frowned.

"It is said that it was the one who applied to come to Northern Europe. After discussion, the Roman Parliament approved his application." Yuan Tan said with a hint.

Lie down, we will enter the high temperature holiday tomorrow, rest, rest


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