Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6302 Golden Eagle Feather

Liu Tong, who is currently floating in the inland sea, is somewhat aware that the world has changed. Although it is impossible to observe effectively due to the environment she is in, she at least realizes that during the period of her disappearance, the world has changed again. Weird changes.

"Tongtong, why don't I take you back to Weiyang Palace first? Something seems to have changed here." After Si Niang stared at the sky for a while, she said with a complicated attitude. She didn't know what she was doing. arrived, but she did see the flow of the entire world.

This perspective is closer to higher dimensions, and it is difficult for Si Niang's brain to understand this perspective, so after taking a few glances and realizing what happened, Si Niang quickly closed her eyes and stopped paying attention.

"What happened? Just now, some of the smelting talents of the sailors in the Ocean Fisheries Department collapsed. Is there something strange happening on our side?" Liu Tong looked at Si Niang with a somewhat cautious look. He asked, after being her pillow partner for so many years, she still didn't know the strange things about Si Niang, but she didn't really care.

"It seems that the barrier of world consciousness has been impacted, which in turn causes the world we live in to begin to flow in a directional way." It was difficult for Si Niang to explain this kind of thing clearly at first, but at this moment she was unexpectedly eloquent. She could figure it out even without verification. got the correct answer.

Liu Tong glanced at Si Niang and roughly understood that Si Niang had probably entered some strange state again, but relying on his own spiritual talent, he could barely understand what Si Niang meant.

"Xianying, the sun has never set here. Have you calculated the time?" Liu Tong did not ask further, but looked at Xin Xianying and asked.

"It's been fourteen days, it's been a long time." Xin Xianying had a clock in her cabin to keep time, so she knew the exact time very well.

"It's been fourteen days." Liu Tong pressed his temples and began to think about whether he should use Si Niang's plan to take a small number of people back to Weiyang Palace, and then let the others continue to control the East China Sea Palace, and wait until he returns to the territory of the Han Dynasty. Mobilize resources to bring this group of people back.

"That's almost it. Because it's a sea ship, you may not have realized that I was missing before, but I'm afraid I've noticed it now. Chang'an should have sent people to search for it. It won't take long to determine how I disappeared. For those who are missing, just wait. It’s not a big problem. Chen Zichuan’s ability is worthy of trust." Liu Tong calmed down and said.

Different from the situation estimated by Chen Xi and others, after Liu Tong encountered the incident of sneaking into the inner world, he was not unwilling to give up purely because of the cost of the East China Sea Palace. Of course, this was also part of the reason, but it was not the main reason.

On the surface of the world, more than two months have passed so far. Chen Xi naturally feels that Liu Tong should have made up his mind to withdraw no matter what. He has delayed withdrawing for so long. The only reason is probably that the East China Sea Palace is very valuable. I really can’t bear to give up and wait.

But in fact, due to the problem of time flow rate inside and outside the world, especially the inner side of the world, because the operation when folding the world was relatively rough, there is actually a huge gap in the flow rate of various areas inside the world. This is why Xu Yue would say that if a If it takes two hundred years to transform into a non-human being, some people may survive thousands of years.

The outer sea inside the world that Liu Tong fell into was the pulling area during the folding. The flow of time here was slower than in other places. Although it was not exaggerated to one percent, it still reached one-fifth. level one.

Liu Tong spent fourteen days here, and more than two months have passed on the surface of the world.

It is precisely because of this difference in the passage of time that there has been a misjudgment between the outside and the inside. Liu Tong believed that it had only been fourteen days, and he had too much time off. He could at least think about it for another month, and when another month passed, Han The rescue of the room should come anyway, so that he can take everyone back with him, which is much better than the current method of only taking a few people back.

Besides, the Donghai Palace itself was not short of food, grass, and logistics. When he went south, Liu Tong brought enough supplies and water to last for two months without any problem.

In fact, this is also the reason why Chen Xi has decided to violently open the door to the inside and outside of the world. If he does not use some violent means, the East China Sea Palace will be dead if there is no food, grass and clean water.

Although Liu Tong will definitely withdraw when that time comes, if the Han Dynasty rescue has not arrived yet, then this incident will definitely go down in history and be regarded as a pillar of shame.

After listening to Liu Tong's words, Xin Xianying roughly understood Liu Tong's thinking. After all, the Han Dynasty had been very lax in managing the regent princess. It was normal to find out that Liu Tong was missing only now, but as long as he found out, No problem, all that's left is waiting.

"How much food, grass and water do we still have?" Although Liu Tong made it clear that he prepared a lot of supplies and logistics when he went south, he still needs to pay attention to it in a place without supplies. Although he did not learn from Han Xin, the other party During the lecture, Liu Tong still listened.

"There are about sixty days of food and grass left. Due to washing problems, there is only about fifty days of clean water left." After Xin Xianying noticed the changes in the world, she specifically asked people from the Ocean Fisheries Department to take her to the supply ship. side, confirmed.

"Don't worry about Qingshui," Liu Tong waved his hand and said, then looked at Si Niang aside, "We are at sea now, and some of her skills can solve the problem of Qingshui."

Xin Xianying nodded upon hearing this, "With the addition of marine fish replenished by fishing boats, we can easily persist for more than three months. Although the marine fish here have some toxic and harmful problems, the professionals of the Fisheries Department can judge these based on experience. Are marine fish edible?”

Because we have been at the seaside all year round, even though most of the fish in the inner world are different from the fish in the East China Sea, experience still has meaning here. In addition, the crew members of the Ocean Fisheries Department have come here for their true purpose. The idea of ​​​​catching a few of his boats first, then directly lowering the net to catch fish.

In fact, we have caught a lot of fish so far, but we can definitely confirm that there are not many fish that can be eaten. In addition, this place may be far away from the land and there are fewer fish. The fish caught are quite big, but they are a bit weird. Based on empirical analysis, the old fisherman slaughtered some ugly ones and cooked them in a pot. Some were quite delicious, while others were unpalatable.

There was even a time when a group of people were poisoned by a pot of delicious fish soup. Thanks to the professional doctors on the ship, these people also had rich experience in eating fish, plus they were strong and had adaptive talents to resist. Otherwise, Just that pot of fish soup can poison at least half of the people who drink it.

After that, there were a lot less people eating fish from the sea randomly. After all, you can’t joke with your own life. Life was hard more than 20 years ago, haha. After eating this meal and not knowing what to eat next, of course you don’t want to die. , but life is so good now. If you can’t eat this, you can eat something else. It doesn’t mean you can’t eat if you don’t know this!

"Your Highness, the Director of the Fisheries Department reported that if the direction is still not found after a month, I hope that Concubine Xian will fill the supply ship with clean water and take Your Highness back to Weiyang Palace first, and they will figure out the rest by themselves. "Qin Qi, the commander of the Jingling Guards as the bodyguard, saluted Liu Tong and replied.

"If we withdraw like that, they can hold on?" Liu Tong said angrily.

"The Department of Ocean Fisheries has a special secret method. If there is enough clear water, you can survive at sea for a long time by eating fish." Qin Qi said helplessly. He was also ready to eat on the boat with this group of people. The fish are mentally prepared in the first half of the year.

"I don't even know the fish here. Didn't I eat poisonous fish before and almost killed a group of people? Can they tell whether the fish here are poisonous now?" Liu Tong said angrily, "Let them be careful Just thinking about it, Weiyang Palace should have realized that I'm missing, and someone will come to rescue me soon, so don't worry."

Qin Qi stood up and returned the greeting. In fact, he really didn't have any wild thoughts. His idea was very simple. Liu Tong and Si Niang returned to Weiyang Palace first, so that no matter what happened later, the losses would be within control. If they died, At least it's not a big impact at the national level.

"Brother Qin, what's going on? Is His Highness willing to withdraw first? This is not an option now. We are not worried, but we are worried about whether His Highness can hold on." After Qin Qi retreated, the director of the Ocean Fisheries Department asked They quickly gathered around.

The two were also acquaintances. When the director of the Fisheries Department was in Taishan, he was still working under the four commanders of Jinglingwei. Later, he went to work for the Fisheries Department after he got a new resettlement.

"His Highness means to wait a little longer. Rescue should come soon. After more than ten days, Chang'an may have just received the news of our disappearance. With the strength of our Han Dynasty, rescue should come soon." Yes." Qin Qi said sincerely.

"I think so too, but I'm worried that His Highness won't be able to stay. There is nothing but the sea here. Since we came here, we haven't seen any mainland. Those old fishermen who were born and died on the boat are all. , Can His Highness bear this kind of loneliness? It was just a novelty before, and it has been half a month." The director of the Fisheries Department said with some worry.

"Forget it, let's not mention this. Are you sure there is a so-called secret method that can make it okay to live in the sea for half a year as long as there is enough clean water?" Qin Qi had already begun to prepare for the worst.

"I can still guarantee this. In fact, we used to have professional drug testers, but we didn't bring them here this time. But if necessary, we can also cultivate one." Liu Hang said very cautiously, "The Guards-level adaptive and targeted poisoning can bring enough poison resistance, and then it can be used to test poisons. We still have a few such veterans on board."

Qin Qi nodded when he heard this. He didn't think there was anything cruel about this plan. In his opinion, it was the right path.

"That's good. After listening to what you said, I feel confident." Qin Dian nodded and said, he was afraid that Liu Hang was just talking nonsense to reassure them.

There is no septicemia problem in the Han Dynasty where people sail all year round. On the one hand, tea and on the other hand, bean sprouts can effectively solve the septicemia problem. Therefore, eating fish for a long time without supplementing vitamins may cause The problem does not exist in the concept of the Han crew.

After all, whether it is tea or sprouts, it is not difficult for the Han Dynasty.

"Captain, Apo has discovered land!" While Qin Qi and Liu Hang were discussing, the adjutant came to inform Liu Hang urgently that they had discovered land.

"Land?" Liu Hang was overjoyed when he heard this. He immediately jumped off the upper deck regardless of Qin Qi, and then followed the adjutant to the observation deck. Then under the guidance of the observation hand, he used his special talent to indirectly observe the land. At that time, the entire ship The ships cheered.

"Have you discovered land?" Liu Tong said with a smile when she heard the cheers on the deck. Liu Hang and others estimated that Liu Tong was indeed irritable because of the unchanging ocean, but she hid it well. , has always maintained a gentle look, trying to unite all the soldiers as much as possible. Now that there is a new scenery, Liu Tong is not so irritable.

"Lean over and land!" The distance of dozens of miles was quickly crossed under the action of the heaven and earth essence-steam power machine. After spending some time to find a fairly good natural port, Liu Hang actively Start logging in.

As a captain, Liu Hang knows very well that newcomers who have just arrived on the ship are very excited at first, but after a long time, facing the unchanging ocean, it is easy to develop bipolar disorder. Of course, there is no such concept at this time, but this It doesn't prevent Liu Hang from knowing what kind of performance it will be.

The best solution at this time is to find a continent for recreation. No matter what it is for recreation, as long as you go to the mainland, you will soon settle down.

Although Liu Tong conceals it well and is very considerate, the experienced captain has actually discovered Liu Tong's hidden irritability, so regardless of what problems are present in this continent, go up first. If there is really a problem, just fire the aerial cannon. During the electromagnetic gun bombing, Liu Hang had already asked someone to open the safety valve of the fort and was ready to fire at any time.

The first batch to land were naturally Liu Tong's guards. These people were strong, survivable, and fast enough to quickly determine the nearby ecological environment.

Soon a group of guards withdrew back, without any loss of personnel, and some even brought back some fruits that looked quite good. Seeing this, Liu Tong no longer hesitated. Landing, she had to land. She could no longer stand the ocean environment. .

After walking on the beach for a while, Liu Tong's already agitated mood calmed down until his soft-soled boots stepped on something hard, causing Liu Tong's blood pressure to rise directly!

It’s actually a golden eagle feather!

Sliding away, not daring to speak

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