This is definitely written. If I don't write this, wouldn't the ten years I spent fooling around at Qidian be in vain?

I opened this book ten years ago today, and it was at this time, happy.

Many old book friends have heard a joke about me opening this book. How should I put it? That is not a joke. I did read someone else's book, but the book was abandoned. The author of that book was very arrogant, which made me very angry, so I also opened a book, ready to trick a bunch of readers to come in and kill!

Later, there were too many people reading the book, so I didn't dare to abandon it, and I was even more afraid later.

As for the current situation of this book, it is indeed far worse than it was two or three years ago. The reduction in updates is one aspect, and it is too difficult to recover the plot after it is laid out, which leads to a series of problems.

At present, the average subscription of this book has not dropped, and it is still 20,000. In fact, I have never dropped the average subscription in all these years of writing books. At most, it has not increased. The 24-hour subscription of the new chapter can better reflect the problem for me. Now the 24-hour subscription of the new chapter has dropped to more than 10,000, while it was close to 20,000 last year.

Of course, when I mention this, I have to talk about something outrageous, that is, how did the subscriptions drop? This is a very outrageous question that the group of authors I work for cannot understand, because my subscriptions dropped because of the cover change. The cover of my book is the cover of Shanda Times, which expired last year. There are copyright risks, so I was asked to change the cover, and then because of the cover change, the subscriptions dropped by 4,000. This is probably something no one could have imagined.

Now thinking about it, I think it's nonsense. My editor and my colleagues think it's outrageous...

Then it was actually the leader. If I was willing to rush for the leader, I could have achieved 2,000 in ten years, but Liuli asked me if I would rush. I thought about it and decided to forget it. This is indeed a pity, but it doesn't matter. I'm a lazy dog.

Next is to answer some questions, some questions that you have been asking but not answered directly.

① The author is indeed not stuck in the text, never stuck. He basically updates when he is about to update after writing for ten years, and then turns on the computer to start updating. And the thirty minutes per chapter in the group is indeed true in the past, but it's not possible now.

② I really don't have an outline. I lost the outline by mistake in 2018. I kept writing according to my memory. Later, I found that I could write more smoothly without the constraints of the outline, and it was better than writing with an outline, so I didn't care. So I kept writing like this. Later, I got the krypton gold notebook, so I didn't need an outline anymore. What really made me headache was that the character setting collection exploded with the previous computer, resulting in differences in the settings of some characters before and after, but it was not a big problem.

③ Regarding Cao Cao, I have a very bad impression of Cao Cao, but I recognize Cao Cao's ability, so I wanted to kill Cao Cao early on, and even prepared to kill Cao Cao when I was in China, but the war in my book has a setting that defies the sky, that is, the war dice roll, which many old readers know, the dice will always protect Cao Cao, which makes me helpless.

The most outrageous one was that I had arranged for Cao Ang to take the position. Many people could feel that I was paving the way for Cao Ang and waiting for Cao Cao to die. Then I announced the news in the group, saying that Cao Cao would die next and it was time for Cao Ang to take the position. Then I live-streamed the dice roll. At that time, many group members were in the old group and saw with their own eyes how the dice saved Cao Cao.

Two six-sided dice, the first minimum of 55 points was required for Cao Cao to survive, and in the second round, under Oswin's dice of more than 50 or more than 60, it could not be lower than Oswin to survive. As a result, the second round was more than 60, so in the third round, Cao Cao continued to be more than 60, and directly fought back and won.

Since then, I gave up the dice. This is why the early wars sometimes feel very outrageous, because the author does not know what will be rolled out. Yuan Shao fell on the spot, and Celian was directly finished. Such outrageous dice can be thrown out, and I am also convinced.

Because I made the plot before throwing the dice, and then I started writing the plot after throwing the dice. However, the dice were too strong, which caused many prepared plots to be directly cut off. This is why when destroying Yuan Shao, the plots of Zhang Fei and Fa Zheng seemed very strange, because Yuan Shao theoretically should not die so outrageously, and should die after four rounds. As a result, Yuan Shao started with more than ten points, and met Huang Zhong and Li You who were more than sixty, and died directly in one round.

Then among all the dice, only Cao Cao's dice were always strong. I don't know why, Cao Cao was saved by the dice at least four or five times. I feel that fate really supports Emperor Wu of Wei.

④ Later, I didn't use the dice anymore, and the plot was stable, but a new problem arose. That is, I can convince myself by using the dice. Anyway, the strong plot was created by the dice. If you want to blame it, blame fate. I am just a writer. After not using the dice, I need to pay attention to rationality, so there was a plot of Jiangdong capsizing after conquering Qunu City. Many group friends actually know what the original plot is.

As for why it was so bad, it's because of the krypton gold. The krypton gold convinced me in terms of rationality, and then the plot exploded. It was originally a battle of the gods, and the battles were fought thousands of miles away to destroy the capital, and the empire swept the army, but it ended up being a disaster. There was no way. When the krypton gold convinced me, I only had a few hours left to update, so it died suddenly, which was really exciting.

But I don't blame krypton gold for writing this, it's my problem...

⑤ Regarding the completion of the book, this book will definitely be completed, and it will definitely be completed next year, so you can rest assured.

⑥ Regarding the contract, it is true that the contract was exhausted, and they were too lazy to renew it, which led to a series of problems, but it is not important.

⑦ The main reason for too few updates is that the author is lazy. There is no way to change this. I often make up brain holes for group members, as well as various extra chapters, but the author is the kind of person who doesn't want to write after writing one chapter, so unless it is a very important event, there is no draft saved. At most, I will write it tonight and tomorrow morning. In fact, most of the time I get up in the morning to write the update at 8 o'clock today.

⑧ The rumor that this book has dozens of extra chapters is not a rumor. Group members have seen more extra chapters than this. Except for the highway chapter, the extra chapters written this year should have been written in 2019 or 2020. In fact, old group members should have seen the New Year extra chapter plan issued by the author at the beginning of each year. Fourteen or fifteen are issued at a time, and they are issued every year, and they are not repeated.

⑨ Although there are so many problems, I can still persist in writing until now. I really thank the readers headed by Qingwa, Zima, Xiaozhi, Liuli, Shenhuang, Taotie, Dawang, Krypton, Gonglu, Mengxiao (in no particular order), etc. Without this group of people, I would have run away long ago. Thank you, and thank all the readers who still support me until now. Without you, I can't survive for ten years.

That's all. Thank you for your support. Without you, there would be no ten years of this book. The author will update it well in the future. After all, it still needs to be completed. Although fooling around is also a way to solve problems, it is not okay to fool around all the time. I also want to save face.

So next, readers, please vote actively. I plan to work hard. I have been fooling around for ten years, and the more I fool around, the worse I am. This is not okay!

I will try my best to update from this month, that's all!

This is the longest thank you speech I have ever written, but it is really emotional. It has been ten years. Thank you for your company. Thanks (ω)!

The big update and extra chapters will be released together in the afternoon and will be released at 7 pm

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