Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6659: The Kingdom Collapses

Because they were going to attack and destroy part of the main force of Kushan, Zhang Ji would pay special attention to Lin Dai and others before they set off. However, with just this attention, Zhang Ji found something wrong.

"Why are there so many people? Are they all going to attack?" Zhang Ji looked at Lin Dai and asked with a bit of strangeness. Although there are endless people with more than 10,000 people, when the scale reaches a certain level, there will be a difference even if it is endless. Moreover, Zhang Ji has seen an army of tens of thousands of people. How can we say the scale of this time? It is larger than the last time we surrounded and suppressed Fu Ward.

"This is only a part of the young and strong. Each of the three tribes in our Tibetan area has taken out such a large-scale main force. I don't believe that Fu Ward is iron." Lin Dai said with a ferocious face. The injury he suffered in the last battle still hurt a little when he recalled Fu Ward at this moment, but this could not stop Lin Dai's determination to send troops to destroy Fu Ward.

Sweat was oozing out of Zhang Ji's forehead. Fuck, say it again, no, what are you talking about? What do you mean by the three tribes in the Tibetan area? Each tribe has brought out such a large number of main forces. The three tribes of Qing Qiang, Fa Qiang, and Di people have brought out a total of 50,000 to 60,000 people, which is outrageous. Now one of you has brought out so many, and the other two tribes have so many too. Are you crazy?

Zhang Ji quickly asked the people who were guarding him to count. Although he had never learned the art of counting soldiers, as a Liangzhou, he had some impression of large-scale battles. He just didn't think that Lin Dai would be so outrageous before. Zhang Ji was numb after such a count. 70,000 people?

Oh my god, do you Qing Qiang have so many young and strong men?

"Most of you don't even have armor!" Zhang Ji was so annoyed that he hurried to stop them. Damn, even half-grown boys are out. Are you crazy? If we lose the battle, no, let alone lose the battle, even if we win, tens of thousands of people will die. If you don't fall, I will definitely fall.

"No need. When we Qiang people went to war before, most of them just wrapped two sheepskins and had a bow and arrow. Now at least we have not only bows and arrows, but also long spears, and the boys can at least wrap five sheepskins, plus the 30,000 armored main forces at the head, this time we can definitely hit Fuward hard!" Lin Dai said with great confidence.

To be frank, this is not nonsense. Fuward's main force is now only 30,000 people. The remaining Gaoyuan vassal army, that is, the Xiangxiong soldiers, except for a few who surrendered to Fuward, the rest are just messing around. Few are really willing to fight for their lives. As for the Qiang people, most of the Qiang people present are spontaneous.

Although this spontaneity is the result of Lin Dai asking the headman to give the Qiang people a bag of rice, a pot of oil, a large piece of tea cake, and half a pound of sugar, you can say whether it is spontaneous or not. At least Lin Dai really did not force this group of Qiang people this time. He just scolded the headman and asked the heads of each tribe to mobilize as many young and strong as possible, and let the young and strong of each tribe sign up to participate in this matter as much as possible.

Originally, Lin Dai and Yang Pu estimated that they should be able to mobilize 40,000 to 50,000 people in each tribe, so a total of 120,000 to 150,000, but because the supplies of the Han Dynasty were really in place, and the three Qiang tribes suffered from snow disasters and epidemics in the Tibetan area in recent years, they relied on the Han Dynasty to provide food, clothing, and medicine to survive.

Although Chen Xi also gave the same treatment to other places during the snowstorm and epidemic, the three tribes in the Tibetan area can be said to have enjoyed the treatment of Han people for the first time. The original situation of seven out of ten deaths did not occur at all. Therefore, when the leaders of each tribe brought supplies to inform the Qiang people under their command that it was time to work for the Han Dynasty, basically every household basically emptied out the adults.

As a result, the original estimated scale of 120,000 to 150,000 directly reached the peak of one out of three, just over 200,000.

You should know that there are only 600,000 Qiang people in the Tibetan area, but so many young and strong people were taken out. It is obvious that Lin Dai is going to mourn every family in this battle. He does not believe that no matter how powerful Fu Ward is, he can still withstand his army of more than 200,000.

Even though the army of more than 200,000 people is old and young, but in the case of the Qiang people, if they had not gone to Tibet and clung to the Han Dynasty, where would the fifty-year-old soldiers come from? Not to mention ordinary Qiang people, even most of the Qiang leaders do not live to be fifty years old. In this case, the army of 200,000 people looks quite neat except for some half-grown young men.

After all, the oldest is Lin Dai, who is in his early forties. He has been well-nourished in the past two years and has maintained himself well. At least he still has the ability to stab people with a gun.

"Send back all the young men under the age of eighteen." Zhang Ji said with a dark face. He knew that Lin Dai was crazy, but he never thought that Lin Dai would be so crazy. With insufficient weapons and equipment, many Qiang people just put on a few sheepskins and came with a long spear. This is to die, you know?

"Ah? These young men are the main force!" Lin Dai said puzzledly.

"After these people are defeated, your tribe will be gone!" Zhang Ji said angrily.

"It's okay, we can't finish the fight. No matter how powerful Fuward is, he can't kill all of our 200,000-strong army. We will attack them all at once, launching a full-scale encirclement and suppression from the northwest, central, Qiangtang, and southern regions at the same time. Maybe some of our tribes will suffer heavy losses, but it doesn't matter. We are ready to perish together with Fuward." Lin Dai said indifferently.

The tribe is gone? Le, in the past, the big blizzards the year before last, the blizzards the year before last, and the big blizzards last year were enough to kill most of the tribes. Now we still have the opportunity to talk here, so what else can we say? We are loyal to the Han Dynasty!

Lindai's idea was very clear, which was to conduct a large-scale blockade and encirclement, to encroach on the few points where the main Kushan forces were stationed from the periphery, and to force Fuwode to lead troops into battle. However, with more than 200,000 young men, Fuwode was unable to do so due to the distribution of his troops. The problem is that it is impossible to gather all the main forces in a short time, so the battle line will be fully spread out, and this is what Lindai wants - a large number of auxiliary troops to fill the line, and then use the armed super shield guards to strike the decisive blow.

After all, an army of 200,000 people is placed here. It is impossible for Lin Dai to coordinate it. In fact, even if there are strong leaders among the Qiang people, they can only lead 10,000 to 20,000 people at most, and they are not very good. Even if they are under the command of more than 200,000 young people working together, it is difficult for the Qiang people to effectively control them.

In this case, it is better to use these young men to fill the line, forcing Fulward to send out the main force, and then the Qiang-headed people will lead a super heavy cavalry with one person and three horses. When Fulward's main force enters the battle line, they will make a strong attack. , maybe we can rely on the line-filling young men and the super heavy cavalry to achieve an incredible record and kill Fulward directly.

That's right, the Qiang-headed people placed their treasure directly on the five hundred super shield guards with defensive etching armor that the Han Dynasty had prepared for them. The core of the entire strategy and tactics rested on this.

After all, these five hundred people are the elites of the three tribes of the Qiang people. They spent almost all the money to create warriors. Even the rare condor shooters were invested in them. Finally, with the help of muscle-enhancing needles , bone-strengthening needles, and highly nutritious food, successfully raised a group of strong men.

Then the Qiang people handed over all their war horses to this group of people. There was no way. Although the Tibetan areas could also raise horses, on the one hand, the quality was not good, and on the other hand, the pastures were not suitable, so neither side of the Tibetan areas had them. There were too many war horses, but in order to create super-heavy cavalry and make full use of the magic weapons donated by the Han Dynasty, the Qiang people gathered all the war horses together, and this was the first cavalry regiment in Tibetan areas.

Yes, the previous wars in Tibetan areas were all infantry wars. Even Fulward gave up the core strength of his camel cavalry because he wanted to go to Tibetan areas and went to Tibetan areas as infantry.

There is no way, people eat what horses chew, and if they have a mount, the loss of food and supplies will increase significantly, so the two sides did not have cavalry in the early wars.

The super heavy cavalry currently produced by the Qiang people, in the eyes of Lindai and other Qiang heads, is the most important decisive force in this war. As for the more than 200,000 young men, they are used to fill in the lines. Tangled with Fulward.

"Everyone under the age of 18 will go back. They haven't been to any battlefields yet and haven't even experienced military service drills a few times. What are you doing?" Zhang Ji said to Lindai with a dark face. He didn't want to explain those things to Lindai. Some have not. At this time, we must show the majesty of the Han Dynasty governor and order Lin Dai to quickly dismiss the young people. Otherwise, what will happen if our hometown is confiscated?

Lindai was very helpless. He finally gathered a force of more than 200,000 people and was sure to kill Fulward. However, before setting off, he was stopped by his own governor. He was simply convinced.

But in the end he was persuaded by Zhang Ji, not because of anything else, but because Zhang Ji said that the Han Dynasty does not recruit people under the age of 18 for military service. This is an official requirement. In this regard, the country must treat everyone equally, and the Qiang people are My brothers, you can't cheat your own family.

So everyone under the age of eighteen was driven back. Although they were not completely disbanded, they were organized to patrol their own villages after the army went out to prevent Kushan soldiers from crossing the front line from doing evil things to the rear.

"It feels like after the people under eighteen years old left, half of you are missing?" Zhang Ji looked at the young man under Lin Dai's command and said a little strangely.

Lin Dai glanced at Zhang Ji, "What nonsense are you talking about? After the people under eighteen years old left, how much more, half less, and less?"

"The population structure is a bit strange." Zhang Ji looked at Lin Dai with a strange expression and said, feeling that there were far more young people than old people.

"Is there anything strange?" Lindai glanced at Zhang Ji, "Half of the children born in the past would die before they were five years old. From five to eighteen years old, the climate on the grassland, epidemics, civil strife, and If half of them die from hunger, not many will live to be eighteen. "

Why are you willing to risk your life? Why did Lin Dai scold Mang Zhong so much some time ago that Mang Zhong did not refute, and the other leaders did not persuade Lin Dai, because they really needed to fight hard. After they were truly accepted by the Han Dynasty, their lives would change. A sea change has taken place.

The simplest one is that Lindai believes that he can live to be sixty years old and that his children and grandchildren will be at least fifteen adults. This was something that he never dared to think about before.

Similarly, Mangzhong was scolded like that in front of a group of leaders. When he was in the grassland, Mangzhong would have prepared an army to fight with his neighbors. After all, in that period when he could not live to be fifty years old, it was already For both parties, both of whom are forty years old, their face is more important than their lives.

But it was different now. Mang Zhong accepted the fact that he had indeed done a bad job, because just looking at his seven or eight thriving sons, Mang Zhong felt that he should accept the fact.

Living for face, living for dignity, many times it is just because there is nothing else worth living for, only these two things are left.

But now there are more things in Mangzhong, so he can accept being reprimanded by others for his mistakes, and it is no longer as extreme as before.

"The young and strong people you just saw were at least 60% less than before. Well, it was not for any special reason. It was because they were not healthy and lucky enough, and then died in the process of growth." Yang Pu was very plain. He spoke.

Zhang Ji was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and was somewhat silent. Although he was not a wealthy man, Zhang Ji, who lived in the Han Dynasty, had never experienced such an exaggerated situation. After all, the typhoid fever that should have swept the Han Dynasty and killed seven out of ten was suppressed by Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo early on, so that Zhang Ji, Chen Zhen and others had never thought that there would be such a brutal death rate.

"Is that so." Zhang Ji spoke after a long time, and even if he spoke, he didn't know what to say, so he could only grunt.

"Nothing, we were used to it before. Look, my relationship with Yang Pu is pretty good now. To be honest, before, my main focus was on how to kill him." Lin Dai said very calmly, and then pointed at Yang Pu and explained to Zhang Ji.

This time Zhang Ji was really shocked. In his opinion, Yang Pu, who was brought by Lin Dai, was basically the next generation of the Qiang people in the Tibetan area. What is this now?

"It's true. The living conditions were too cruel before. The chieftains would decline in all aspects after they turned 40." Yang Pu didn't think there was anything wrong with what Lin Dai said. He and the other party got along well now because resources were no longer tight. Even if Lin Dai didn't pass the throne to him, he wouldn't destroy him. And if he didn't become the chief of Qing Qiang, he could find a way to make a living elsewhere. The two sides were no longer in a life-and-death situation, so they could get along well.

"So, Governor, let's fight this time. When we came, we were ready to die in battle. If you don't believe me, you can ask the soldiers under your command. They were ready when they came. Maybe we are not as strong as Fu Ward, but Fu Ward's desire to destroy us is wishful thinking." Yang Pu pointed to the soldiers behind him and said sincerely.

Zhang Ji had a complicated expression, but he still went to the team to ask, looking at an old soldier who was a little old, but he straightened his back when he saw him coming over.

"Old man, how old are you? This time we are going to fight Fu Ward, it will be very dangerous." Zhang Ji asked the old man.

"I'm over 40. The leader told us that we were going to fight Fuward. Before we came, we were given millet, meat, oil, and sugar. I'm already 40 years old. Fighting Fuward is worth dying for!" The old soldier, who stood as straight as possible, answered loudly.

"Uh, do you know who Fuward is?" Zhang Ji took back the title of "old man" and "you". The other party was actually not ten years older than him, so he should not call him "old man".

"I know. They took advantage of our Han Dynasty's inattention to sneak into the border. I heard that they are from Kushan and are very good at fighting." The old soldier answered loudly, and he could feel that they were indeed his own people.

"Look, we really didn't force them to go to war. They all came voluntarily. We also told them that it was dangerous, but they were willing to come." Lin Dai also came over after Zhang Ji asked a group of people. In this regard, they really did not cheat.

"The army's morale can be used." Zhang Ji said after a moment of silence.

Although they were not well-organized, their weapons and equipment were not very good, and some of them even wore sheepskin because they did not have enough chain mail, but everyone was very determined to go out to fight Fuward, and the reasons they gave were very simple. Most of them were because the Han Dynasty needed to deal with Fuward, so they followed to deal with Fuward. Otherwise, their lives were saved by the Han Dynasty, and they helped the Han Dynasty, which resulted in their lives being returned, and they also lived so much longer, which was not a loss. Besides, they lived so much longer and gave birth to two sons, which was a huge profit!

"If I had known that you were going to fight like this, I would have applied for more scale armor from Chang'an." Zhang Ji said after a long while, "You will count all the families participating in the war later. It's too late now. After the battle, give each family a set of scale armor."

Zhang Ji knew very well that the Han Dynasty did not lack scale armor, and even now there were still a lot of scale armor in the treasury. After all, the reuse rate of this thing was very high. Ten pieces of broken scale armor could be pieced together into eight new ones, and there were also half a set of patches and so on. It was too normal for scale armor.

However, Chen Xi and Zhang Ji did not expect the Qiang people to have such mobilization ability at the beginning. They only issued 60,000 scale armors for military training. They did not expect that there would be such a day. Moreover, Zhang Ji now really believed that these Qiang people had completely surrendered. As long as he found a group of teachers to teach them, at most one generation, these people would be no different from the Han people.

The Qiang people were dispatched. Even the Qiang people under the age of 18 were driven away. The remaining Qiang young and strong still had a scale of 120,000 to 130,000. They launched an all-round attack on the Xiangxiong Dynasty occupied by Fuward from the northwest, central, Qiangtang, and the south.

Of course, because the scope of the Tibetan area is too vast, the encirclement of 120,000 to 130,000 people is difficult to really blockade the Xiangxiong Dynasty occupied by Fuward, but the war reports sent from various places still let Fuward quickly realize that the Han Dynasty militia in the Tibetan area was dispatched collectively.

"Fuward, the Han army has launched an all-out attack. They really can't find your main force, but in such an all-out attack, your operation of dispersing the main force to raise troops in various tribes will only cause you to lose troops and generals." Masinde came to see Fuward again. The movement of the Qiang people made Masinde realize again what kind of monster the Han Dynasty was. The amazing mobilization ability of five out of five, does the Kushan have it?

"Isn't this your design?" Fuward asked Masinde.

"I don't need to do this, you know it." Masinde said calmly, "Make up your mind. If you continue like this, it will be a question how many of the soldiers who followed you to Tibet will survive."

Just as Lin Dai and others estimated, they really couldn't beat the main force of Kushan, but it was no problem for tens of thousands of people to fight against a few hundred Kushan main forces. Even if these Kushan elites desperately extracted the young and strong men of the Xiangxiong tribe as vassal soldiers, they could only be defeated in the face of the more determined Qiang people.

For example, after the Qiang people suppressed the five or six hundred elites of Kushan in the large Xiangxiong tribe discovered by Liuzi at that time, the hidden Xiangxiong nobles jumped out directly and rebelled on the spot, leading the Xiangxiong young and strong and the Qiang people to attack the elite of Kushan, so that only dozens of the five or six hundred elites of Kushan escaped.

This is what Masinde called an unstable foundation. Xiangxiong and Kushan were not of the same mind. He just used special means to forcibly suppress the internal problems of Xiangxiong. This ingenious method made it impossible for the Xiangxiong Dynasty to rebel when it was attacked conventionally, but facing the Qiang people's out in full force, to be honest, how could the Xiangxiong nobles who had resentment against Fuward fight desperately.

"I'm already retreating, but the speed of the Han Dynasty's Tibetan militia is beyond imagination. The local militia in Xiangxiong feels like they are collapsing under the leadership of our main force." Fu Ward stared at Masinde, he felt that Masinde was just playing himself.

"Because it is collapsing, you don't think that the dozens of elite troops you arranged can suppress a tribe of thousands of people, that is relying on the original organizational ability of the tribe, and now there is an external force to disintegrate this organizational ability, what can your dozens of elite troops do?" Masinde sighed and said, Fu Ward is really strong, but there are some things he really doesn't understand.

A dozen people drive thousands of people, it's not because those dozen people are so powerful, but those thousands of people are bound by various reasons and can't attack these dozen people. If there is no restraint, even if they are bare-handed, facing a dozen fully armed soldiers, what can they count for.

The arrival of the Qiang people gave the Xiangxiong tribe courage, allowing those nobles who were forced to retreat and lost their power, but were not killed in order to maintain the stability of the tribe, to have the opportunity to rise up. How could a dozen Kushan soldiers suppress a tribe with a leader?

"Fuward, it's time for you to make a choice." Masinde sighed and said, "During this period, you have also summoned the people you should have summoned. Whether to fight a losing battle, withdraw, or choose to join the Han Dynasty, you should have figured it out by now."

Fuward looked at Masinde, "I really want to kill you."

"We are in the same boat, why do this?" Masinde looked at Fuward who had stood up and shook his head, "We should not have a chance to see each other again in the future."

After saying that, Masinde turned and left, and Fuward took a deep breath and began to summon his soldiers, preparing to evacuate Tibet through the Karakoram Corridor and return to Kushan.

I finished writing it before the update, but it seems that something went wrong with Dian Niang, and I can't publish it no matter what. I thought it was a computer problem for the past few days, but now I'm sure it's a problem with the Writer's Assistant. It's really disgusting. The Writer's Assistant I developed can even have problems with publishing. It's really funny.

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