For many things, different standpoints lead to completely different conclusions. It may seem silly that the butt determines the head, but there is also irrefutable logic in it.

From Da Qiao's point of view, what she did was actually very clear, which was to protect her sister as much as possible after Zhou Yu's unexpected death. As for the question of Zhou Yu's authenticity, although Da Qiao was curious, it was not the current issue. The most important thing is to protect his sister, so that there is meaning in the follow-up study of these things. Otherwise, if Xiao Qiao kills two people, then all subsequent questions will be meaningless.

But from the perspective of the Zhou family, as a prosperous and wealthy Zhou family, they have many things to consider. The replacement of the head of the family has made the Zhou family extremely uneasy. After all, their family really needs gold and silver. Inherited, and now Zhou Yu, who is considered the backbone, has been replaced, so if they don't guard against others taking action against their family, then there is really something wrong with their brains.

It's just that there are many Zhou family members, and different people have come to different conclusions when looking at these things. Zhou Jun looks at the overall situation and thinks that someone wants to take advantage of the accidental assassination of his family head to seize Jiangdong while Wu Gong is away. Power creates a fait accompli, and as the head family of Zhou Yu, the Zhou family is trapped in this vortex. Even if the mastermind behind the scenes does not take action now, they will definitely do so later.

Only then did Zhou Jun, after considering the strength comparison between the two sides, suggest that he should accept this deception first, and then find a way to contact Sun Ce and let Sun Ce handle the matter.

Zhou Jun also knew that Zhou Yu's death would be a huge blow to Sun Ce and may lead to crazy behavior. But in this situation, if Sun Ce doesn't come back, who knows what the mastermind behind the scenes will do.

If you really want to think about this idea, it will not be wrong no matter how you deal with it, but it is impossible for any family to be united. People's experiences lead to different thinking.

Zhou Shu raised another possibility, another possibility that should not be raised in the inner hall of the Zhou family in front of all the senior Zhou family officials, that is, after Zhou Yu died, Da Qiao came over immediately, and Zhou Yu was replaced by someone else. In this case, is there the possibility of killing the donkey?

By now, even wealthy families like the Zhou family have almost realized that the family's hundreds of years and thousands of years of accumulation are just nonsense to some top people.

The trend created by Chen Xi has allowed the truly top individuals to easily surpass the thousands of years of accumulation of a family. In other words, if in the past, these senior leaders of the Zhou family thought that without them, the Zhou family would not have Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu would only They are just a member of their Zhou family. If they drive Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu will have to suffer. After all, without the legacy of their ancestors, how can Zhou Yu survive.

Therefore, the logic of the wealthy families at that time was that without a family, there would be no such strong individuals.

But everything that happened later was really contrary to Tiangang for the wealthy Gongqing family. In the fifth year of Yuanfeng, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu proved with facts that the thousands of years of accumulation of wealthy families and Gongqing nobles are almost meaningless to strong individuals. Top-level Individuals chat and laugh beyond the millennium accumulation of noble families.

The Zhou family, a super wealthy family that could be counted in the Han Empire, suddenly realized the fact when Sun Ce and Zhou Yu reached the top, that is, the hundreds of years of hard work of their ancestors were not as valuable as Zhou Yu's words, one person The terrifying expression of the chickens and dogs ascending to heaven was vividly displayed in Jiangdong. Zhou Yu's three six-level smelting guards all sealed an island.

Although it is not a big island, it is still about a thousand square kilometers. This was once the size of a county and a fiefdom at the county level. And because it was Zhou Yu who opened the door, such islands were carefully selected. Careful selection reveals that there are either mines or renewable resources on them. This is a typical example of someone who has been following Zhou Yu for more than ten years and managed to get ahead.

The situation of the Zhou family for more than a hundred years ago, to be honest, was not as good as this.

Therefore, to this extent, if a wealthy family like the Zhou family has not realized the problem, it is a ghost. It is precisely because of this that from that time on, Zhou Yu was truly a man of his word in the Zhou family. This is why the earlier At that time, the Zhou family often ignored Zhou Yu's orders. To put it bluntly, they did not think Zhou Yu was special at that time.

On the other hand, after realizing that Zhou Yu is special, certain things need to be considered, such as the situation where Zhou Yu is dead now.

"Press Zhou Shu down and lock him in the dungeon." When Zhou Jun heard Zhou Shu's words, without even a second's hesitation, he directly ordered to the brothers on the side that this possibility should not be considered.

Zhou Shu was stunned and looked at Zhou Jun furiously. However, before he could speak, Zhou Jun said coldly, "The governor was replaced because the situation is very bad. Someone may have the idea of ​​replacing him, but if this is like what you think, In that case, there will be no peace in Jiangdong."

"Although Mr. Wu has many problems, he is at least trustworthy." The son of Zhou Yu's uncle Zhou Shang also spoke up. Although the Zhou family has big problems, a serious official family is more or less aware of the current situation. In this situation, those things must not be done.

"Then it must be Wu Gong!" Zhou Shu gritted his teeth and said, "Think about what Sun Zhongmou has been doing recently. If the governor who is being replaced now stands in Sun Zhongmou's position, then the star palace shift may not be impossible. This matter It’s hard to say!”

Everyone present had a gloomy look on their faces, but Zhou Jun was silent for a while and still had Zhou Shu suppressed first. Some things should not be discussed now. This extremely dangerous thought should never be chosen when it is absolutely necessary.

Although Zhou Jun suppressed Zhou Shu, some things would inevitably leave an impact after being spoken. The senior management of the Zhou family would inevitably consider such things, and this was the reason Zhu Helai gave Meng Kangbu at the time-Zhou Yu was definitely dead, but I could not guarantee whether he would be resurrected, but Sumatra must be in chaos now, and people's hearts were mixed. In any case, this was an opportunity to win in chaos. It would be best if Zhou Yu died and could not be resurrected. If he could be resurrected, this node was also an opportunity.

Meng Kangbu had a lot of reasons to refute, but in the end he did not refute, because he also knew that Zhu Helai's words were correct. Zhou Yu's level, even if he was fake dead, would cause unrest in the world. To put it bluntly, Zhou Yu's level of fake death was a trap, and few people were qualified to be caught.

Meng Kangbu felt that his navy was qualified to be hooked, but after this recognition, he prepared some special plans. Even if he was hooked, he would not necessarily suffer heavy losses. War is walking on the edge of a knife. How can you not take some risks?

Just as Zhu Helai and others said, the fortified Ceylon can only last for two to three years. What will happen after that? The decisive battle is their estimate, and they are sure that there is nothing wrong with this estimate, but what if the decisive battle is postponed?

These are all issues that have to be considered. From a purely naval perspective, Meng Kangbu's choice is correct, but from the perspective of the Kushan Empire as a whole, Meng Kangbu actually has no choice. Since there is no choice, there is such an opportunity, so you can really gamble.

"Have you received the Kushan intelligence?" Pang Tong looked at the important personnel Zhou Yu had placed in the Kushan intelligence system. After such a long period of silence, he finally received the news that the Kushan side asked these intelligence personnel to paralyze the Yonggu Fort at the northwest corner of the Malacca area. How difficult is this task? It's not big, but it's not small either.

After Sun Ce took control of Sumatra, Zhou Yu built a large number of Yonggu Forts on the coastline. In Zhou Yu's words, you don't care whether my navy can beat it or not, anyway, I won't give you the opportunity to pass through here. If you want to pass through here, as long as I still have a few broken sampans, under the protection of the forts, you can't think of passing through here today.

This idea is very outrageous, because unless you have the ability to go south of Australia to pass Malacca, you can only go through those straits, and there are rogue waves on the sea surface south of Australia and submarine cliffs under the sea. Even in modern navigation, when you have to go south of Australia, you are close to the Australian coastline, so this road is not advisable.

Therefore, in theory, the only way to enter the Pacific Ocean from the Indian Ocean is through the straits blocked by Zhou Yu, but these straits were all permanently fortified by Zhou Yu.

This resulted in the entire Kushan navy being blocked in the Indian Ocean and unable to enter the Pacific Ocean even when Zhou Yu's main navy was attacked and suffered heavy losses, posing a threat to the Han Dynasty. In other words, even when Zhou Yu was half dead, he still consolidated the existing strategic advantages of the Han Dynasty navy. Of course, this is not only Zhou Yu's ability, but also Celian's ability.

When Celian was in Malacca, he considered building various permanent forts to suppress the Han Dynasty navy, but this plan was finally abandoned due to cost reasons. The power of the forts was relatively small and the distribution area was also small. This is why Zhou Yu did not spend too much time to capture Malacca after taking Celian.

After Sun Ce and Zhou Yu entered Malacca, the things that Celian used to deal with them were naturally used by them to deal with the Kushan Empire.

Even Zhou Yu specially upgraded the original semi-permanent artillery to permanent artillery, and greatly increased the number. However, these artillery gradually failed to keep up with the improvement of Kushan's tactics and defensive secrets. After thinking again and again, Zhou Yu bought a new electromagnetic crossbow for upgrading.

But this thing is much more expensive, and it requires accurate calculation of the firing range, coverage, and defense area, and then maintenance.

With this thing, the Kushan side dared not to touch the bad luck. This is the main gun of the castrated seventh-generation ship, which is powerful enough to kill most fleets.

Therefore, even if the number is smaller, Zhou Yu successfully suppressed the Kushan Empire's ambition to cross the Indian Ocean with these things, and pressed them to the west of Malacca.

However, the intelligence Pang Tong received indicated that the Kushan Empire was going to destroy two permanent artillery positions. Although there were other artillery positions available after the two artillery positions were destroyed, they could create several vacant areas on the entire coverage area, allowing the Kushan Navy to quickly cross or retreat. Obviously, when the other party noticed the permanent artillery positions of the Han Dynasty, they considered how to take them down, and which artillery positions to take down to complete the task most easily.

"Finally, I've waited for the news." Pang Tong sighed. If he couldn't wait for the news, Pang Tong felt that he had to inform Zhou Yu and revive Zhou Yu. After he controlled Zhou Yu's body to walk out of the ice cellar, Pang Tong realized a fact, that is, whether he dealt with the families involved or not, the entire Jiangdong region was in a collective rotten situation.

Even though Cai Mao's navy is still training hard, the rapid decline in administrative efficiency in the entire Sumatra region still worries Pang Tong. In addition, Guishuang has not responded to the news of Zhou Yu's death. If he delays, Pang Tong can only persuade Zhou Yu accepted the fact. Fortunately, it finally came.

"Go and implement your plan." Pang Tong looked at the Kushan spies with dull eyes. These were the people Zhou Yu had placed in the other party's intelligence system. They were used to deliver some unimportant but certain true information to Kushan from time to time. Now that these people had received an emergency notification from the summit, Pang Tong thought that it was finally time to close the net.

After watching the Guishan spies leave, Pang Tong let out a breath, and then informed Chen Xi according to the method discussed with Chen Xi earlier.

There was no other way. Zhou Yu originally asked Chen Xi to tell Sun Ce, Xiao Qiao and Zhuge Jin that he was not dead, but Chen Xi only told Pang Tong and gave Pang Tong his own means of contact. Now it was time to use this means of contact.

In Chang'an, Chen Xi, who was considering launching a small-scale imperial examination before the end of the year, received a special signal. The signal did not transmit any information, but after the signal was activated, it proved that in Pang Tong's judgment, Guishang took action. The opportunity has come.

"Zichuan, the last big question of the arithmetic exam is left to you." Li You looked at Chen Xi who was suddenly stunned. He didn't look strange at all. This guy often does this, so he continued to ask about the relevant content of the arithmetic exam. , for so many years, the last question in the arithmetic subject was asked by Chen Xi, and this question has always been the dividing line between humans and gods.

In other words, those who can solve the last question, even if they don't calculate it on the spot, but just provide the correct ideas, are basically at the level of gods.

But most of the time, there is only one solution to the big question that gets points at the end of the arithmetic subject. There is no other way. The gap between human mathematics levels is so huge. If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out.

"Ah, what, what are you talking about?" Chen Xi was distracted. He hooked up with Shenxiang and prepared to use his means to release Zhou Yu from Shenxiang and let Sun Ce forcefully drag him back. At the same time, he listened to Li You's nonsense.

"Isn't there another imperial examination before this year's martial arts performance? It's the last big question in the exam. It's your time to ask the question. It's very difficult." Li You said casually. Li You didn't pay much attention to other subjects anymore, because he basically I can answer them all, even if I can't be completely correct, I can at least give an excellent answer, but the magic is too much. There are still situations where I still don't know what the question is after reading it, and it seems like I am speaking Chinese. They haven't learned well yet.

"Is it difficult at all?" Chen Xi frowned and looked up at the guys around him. Okay, everyone wants a computer. Magic can best distinguish human logic and thinking ability. If you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't. Every time A godman is of great value to the era, especially after opening up the spiritual talent, which is directly supercomputing and has amazing value to the country.

"Let me think about it." Chen Xi lowered his head and continued to use distraction. His super mental talent had begun to move eastward to suppress Shenxiang, and his brain was running at high speed, looking for suitable topics.

"Ah, I thought of something. If the interior angles of parallel lines are known to be equal, please calculate the radius of the earth." Chen Xi thought for a while and gave a big question casually.

Li You was silent for a while, and then repeated the question, "When it is known that the interior angles of parallel lines are equal, please calculate the radius of the earth."

After retelling it twice, Li You was completely silent. What the hell is this question? I didn’t receive any information. Every word passed through my brain, but it didn’t leave any traces. I understand. , it makes sense completely. The big question about arithmetic is just a weird question, that is, after you read the question, you did not receive any information.

"Can anyone really solve this kind of problem?" Jiang Wan was confused about this, then looked at Chen Xi and asked, "Chen Hou, you don't even have complete information about this kind of problem, how do you calculate it?"

"This is none of my business. Anyway, it can indeed be calculated." Chen Xi curled his lips and said. The last big question of magic must be like this. Otherwise, how can you choose the gods.

"I'm superficial." Jiang Wan was silent for a while and said. He felt that he should not say that he was proficient in magic in the future. Is this the question Chen Xi asked? This is a stick used to slap someone in the face.

"What question, what question? I heard a math question next door." Xu Yue came out of another room. He stopped working when he heard there was a math question.

Recently, Xu Yue was severely punished by Li You because of delays, taking on private work and other issues. He also brought Xu Yue to his work station, cleaned up an inner room for Xu Yue and asked Xu Yue to follow him. In others, this was undoubtedly the favor of the imperial censor, but in Xu Yue's case, damn it, Li Wenru was no longer a human being!

"When it is known that the interior angles of parallel lines are equal, please calculate the radius of the earth." Li You said angrily, and Xu Yue was stunned for a while after hearing this. Li You's mouth curled up when he saw this, and you were also confused after hearing this. Math problem.

"Oh oh oh, I didn't think about it. Isn't it just a triangle?" Xu Yue was stunned for a few seconds before he realized how to calculate it. "No, I have to calculate pi after this calculation. Damn it, I'm out of here!"

Slipping away

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