Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6688 Remember this glass of wine

While Chen Xi and his eldest cousin Fan Qin were eating barbecue and drinking wine, Yuan Shu's subordinates came out carrying a large projection-type secret magic mirror, activated it on the stage, and then a three-dimensional figure appeared directly On the stage.

Chen Xi was stunned when he saw this scene. Although the image recorded by the secret mirror can indeed be converted into three-dimensional, the technical strength required to project it like a real person is no joke. According to the conclusions of Tong Yuan and Nandou at the time, To achieve this step, you either have to be among the top 30 in the world in terms of light and shadow manipulation ability, or you can construct a three-dimensional image in your mind, otherwise don't expect it.

Chen Xi didn't know the veteran under Yuan Shu, which meant that he would definitely not be among the top 30 in the world. However, Chen Xi had long since constructed a three-dimensional image of each scene in his mind and brought him to the research institute. After leaving, how could he still stay under Yuan Shu's command?

This is a real talent!

"How is it?" Fan Qin asked Chen Xi with a smile, pointing to the real version of the Yizhou cockfighting competition being played on the table.

At the same time, the already very popular barbecue venue has become even more popular. There is a large-scale cockfighting version to watch, and you can also place small bets. There are also barbecues and free wine to drink, old friends who stay up all night. Very happy now.

"This technology is very powerful." Chen Xi said with some emotion.

The technology of opening and closing the secret mirror is something that the Han Dynasty has been promoting. As of now, the Han Dynasty has the most people who have mastered this technology among the three empires, but for Chen Xi, this number is still too low. Far away, he needs at least 20,000 people to master this technology, and these 20,000 people must all be among the people.

Only in this way can Chen Xi rely on the secret mirror and recruit these people to educate local people. Various scientific knowledge, various stories about cultural customs, various video materials, etc. can be used to popularize local people.

The Han Dynasty does not lack these materials. What they lack is the people who go to places with the secret magic mirror to broadcast these things to the people. You must know that even if it is the fifth level of smelting, many of them cannot activate the secret magic mirror. Of course, there is no shortage of them. The secret mirror can be used when some inner energy is condensed. In short, the conditions for use of this thing are rather strange. After all, it is a way of projecting consciousness.

Therefore, Chen Xi was quite impressed when he saw that other technologies were developed on the Mystic Mirror to produce more beautiful and realistic projections. Of course, it would be better if the difficulty of opening the Mystic Mirror could be reduced. Unfortunately, the difficulty seems to be the same. Nothing to lower.

"I did it." Fan Qin said with a bit of pride.

"Cousin..." Chen Xi was stunned. He had previously wondered why Fan Qin would bring him to Yuan Shu's place to eat and drink. It was not because they were not familiar with Yuan Shu, but because of Fan Qin's character and personality. There was contact with Yuan Shu, but as for the extent of the relationship, don't even think about it.

Therefore, it is indeed strange that Fan Qin would come to support such a small venue.

"It seemed fine in the south of Australia. I just happened to have this thing on hand. I did some research and turned around a blind corner in my thinking, and I just figured it out." Fan Qin said with a smile, "And you also know that I am actually a very good person. This country still has some good expectations, so when I came back from there, I brought the entire set of technology back. I was originally planning to transfer it to you directly, but I happened to meet Yuan Gongli, so I lent it to him for verification first. ”

"Aren't you looking for literary spiritual talents?" Chen Xi asked, stunned.

"Astronomy is not literature, and geography is not theory. By the way, I am for liberal arts mental talent, not literature. Sister Jian can mispronounce anything she says. Sure enough, I, the elder brother, have absolutely no status with her. " Fan Qin said helplessly, "It's actually just an application of light, which also reduces the difficulty of using the secret mirror to a certain extent. "

"Reduced the difficulty of use?" Chen Xi said with some surprise.

Whether it is three-dimensional or not is not important to Chen Xi. If he wants to become literate, there is no difference between a three-dimensional movie and an ordinary movie. The current threshold is that if the secret mirror is used as a movie, it is very difficult to use. Most people who can use it are not The backbone of the military is the top core of the family. In short, most of them cannot use this thing to educate the people about illiteracy.

Although after leaving the country, many core members of aristocratic families have mastered this technology, and when they have nothing to do, they will bring the secret magic mirror to educate the people under their rule. The problem is that there are too few people. This is literacy, frequency. And size matters.

"I knew earlier that Zichuan was tolerant of the world. As my brother-in-law, I didn't help you and even caused trouble for you. After living in the south for so many years, it can be considered a gift." Fan Qin smiled. Then he said, "The difficulty of using it has been reduced by half compared to before. It can probably be used by several times more people, and it can meet your minimum requirements for the year. How about it?"

"My uncle is indeed a heavenly being. Can you tell me how this is achieved?" Chen Xi bowed his hands to Fan Qin and said with admiration.

"It's something I realized when I was free to watch the sky in the southern hemisphere. Many people can use the secret mirror, but they can't throw it. It's not that they can't use it immediately after they get it." Fan Qin said with a chuckle. , "So there are some people who get the secret mirror and can see the content in the secret mirror, but they are unable to display this thing."

Chen Xi nodded. That's the problem. There are many more people who can see the contents of the secret mirror than those who can release the image in the secret mirror. But the people who can release the image in the secret mirror are complete and clear. Those projected on a large screen are much less than the former.

More importantly, what Chen Xi wants is the last one. Even if it can’t be as big as a movie curtain wall or as big as an ordinary TV, Chen Xi can accept it. After all, a group of people were surrounding a small TV in the 1970s and 1980s. Watching television can also play a role in literacy.

However, even those who can achieve the latter level are very few. Most people can actually only display the images recorded in the secret mirror on the fist-sized secret mirror.

How about a direct, large-scale three-dimensional image like Zena's? Damn it, there are no more than thirty people in the whole world who can do it. They are absolutely top-notch rare talents.

"Actually, when the first type of person uses the secret mirror, the secret mirror has already been activated, but the activation level cannot be seen by others." Fan Qin raised his index finger and said with a smile, "But if you use a special mirror If you observe it in this way, you will realize that the secret mirror is actually working.”

Chen Xi nodded. There was no problem with this. Nandou and Tong Yuan had also studied this point, but it would be difficult to make further progress in the future.

"My spiritual talent is of no use. It just allows me to observe some things that are not easy to observe normally. The operation of the secret mirror is something I can directly observe." Fan Qin said with a smile, "That's a kind of Things that are invisible and similar to light have rules. "

After Chen Xi heard this, he instantly realized what Fan Qin had added to the secret mirror.

"Picture tube, you added the picture tube, right?" Chen Xi said excitedly.

"Picture tube? What is that?" Fan Qin was stunned, and then realized what Chen Xi was talking about, and couldn't help but nodded, "Indeed, this name is quite appropriate. It is to make those fluctuations that are originally invisible pass through a special The current three-dimensional state is just a normal operation. "

"Awesome, my uncle is indeed awesome." Chen Xi gave Fan Qin a thumbs up. Even he had to admire Fan Qin's operation. This set of operations really calmed Chen Xi, even if it was just relying on his spirit. Talent captures certain things that are originally unobservable, but being able to instantly realize that transforming these unobservable contents into observable contents is also a skill.

"Not bad. Here, here is a brief introduction to the entire set of techniques. I have not done in-depth research on this. I have only extended the previous research by Master Tong and Master Nan Douxian. You only need to hand over this part of my technique to With the two of them, they can further improve." Fan Qin said very freely. He came to see Chen Xi to thank Chen Xi for arranging a way out for these semi-wasted families.

There is no way, logically speaking, the Fan family is indeed a millennium family, but the population is not prosperous on the one hand, and the combat effectiveness has not been strong in recent years. In addition, their ancestors were fortune tellers, and they are very similar to the racing situation of military aristocrats. There is a big difference, so I am somewhat unaccustomed to the changes in the new era.

In other words, the change was too early, the main military skills were lost, they could not fight, they could not go to Central Asia, they could not get on the fast lane, and they did not want to give up this beautiful era, so I asked Chen Xi to help them give these people with good reputations The moral heirloom of the family points the way.

Of course, Fan Liang only mentioned this matter to Chen Xi on behalf of the Fan family, Meng family and other families, and did not have high expectations. Unexpectedly, Chen Xi actually helped them find a good path. Although New Zealand is not It was big, but it was enough for their family to share, and they really had no motivation to fight. Therefore, after taking New Zealand, they stayed there stably, and their lives were quite good for a few years.

And this is a favor, and the Fan family still takes this very seriously, so Fan Qin thought of some way to see if he could repay this favor. Even if he couldn't pay it all back, he would pay back as much as he could. mentality, Fan Qin specifically studied what materials Chen Xi currently needs to build the Han Dynasty.

Then he picked out this seemingly inconspicuous thing, but it was actually used to solidify the foundation of the country in a real sense. When returning the favor, he seemed very low-key and easy-going.

"Then thank you so much, uncle." Chen Xi raised his hand to Fan Qin. He didn't care whether Fan Qin made this thing carefully to repay the favor, or whether it was a spur of the moment and accidental masterpiece. It didn't matter, as long as it could achieve the goal. His request, that's fine.

"Thank you, my whole family asked me to thank you. I'm too lazy to say this. It's all in the wine. I drank it. I'm staying in Chang'an for half a year. Who knows when will you come back next time? I guess you haven't It's a chance to see me." Fan Qin picked up his wine glass in an elegant manner, looking like an unruly gentleman.

"How's it going in New Zealand?" Chen Xi didn't dwell on the matter. It didn't matter whether the other party came to thank him. What mattered was that his uncle was doing things, which was really comfortable for him.

"It's the kind of pastoral song in most fantasies." Fan Qin said with some emotion.

"The important thing is the fantasy, not the pastoral, right?" Chen Xi scolded with a smile.

"Nonsense, for a person like me, if you ask me to enjoy a real pastoral, I will be carried away in less than half a year. Only this kind of imaginary pastoral can make me live so freely. " Fan Qin was not dissatisfied at all with Chen Xi's laughter and scolding, but replied with a bit of pride, "Your uncle, I am actually a waste. I was driven by my family for the first half of my life, and what I did was not the life I liked. But the big man You know this place."

Chen Xi sighed with emotion while holding the wine glass. Could he not understand? He understands better than Fan Qin that this is no longer a problem of the Han Dynasty, but a problem of the millennium habits of the entire country. Everyone in this place is curled up, and extremely curled up. This has been the case since ancient times.

"As the strongest person in the family, I have to be responsible for the family. I was very unhappy in the first half of my life. But after I went there, I had a feeling of jumping out of the fence. I had to leave this place in the Central Plains for a while. , you can feel the problem," Fan Qin said softly.

"But if you leave for a long time, you will miss me." Chen Xi nodded and said.

"Yes, when you get there, you will miss the Central Plains if you stay for a long time. Likewise, if you stay for a long time, you will realize what you are doing and what you want to accomplish. My uncle must be still young and I guess he will realize what you want to do. I will fight with you, after all, this is really for Yangyang Huaxia." Fan Qin touched his beard and said with some emotion.

"It's a pity that my uncle is now pursuing his destiny, and he really has no ability to follow you." Fan Qin said mockingly, "It's up to you, you must be able to do it."

"I remember you are forty-five this year?" Chen Xi said seriously.

"Then it goes straight to knowing the destiny." Fan Qin said with a smile.

"Okay." Chen Xi looked at his uncle's dashing side and didn't ask any questions.

"This is my toast to you. You don't have to drink it, just keep it in your mind. If one day, the road ahead becomes difficult, remember that you have an uncle who has run away and admires you very much for this matter." Fan Qin was very happy. He said seriously, "I really admire your ambition."

"It doesn't count. If you have the ability, wouldn't it be nice to let everyone live easily?" Chen Xi asked back.

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