Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6700 The battle situation is clear

While Gan Ning was transporting more than 90,000 people to Ceylon Island, Gal'an, who was in Ceylon Island, was leading this group of people to the depths of Ceylon Island, preparing to rely on the terrain of Ceylon Island and the front of Moncomb. Various defensive equipment were left behind to tangle.

After all, the Island of Ceylon is a large island of tens of thousands of square kilometers, with mountains, water networks, and large-scale forests. If you don’t fight the Han Dynasty head-on and just rely on these things to entangle, even if the Han Dynasty is strong It is stronger and delays time. In theory, it can delay it for a long time.

It's just that Gal'an has fallen into a kind of panic since he saw several attacks from the Han army directly crushing Ansar's entire fleet. This panic is not a fear of life and death, but because he has realized that both sides There is a misjudgment of the strength of the force.

On the battlefield, this kind of misjudgment is sometimes worse than life and death. For example, if Ansar dies, as long as the island of Ceylon is still in the hands of the Kushans and the strategy can be maintained, then his death will at least be valuable. Yes, but now even Gal'an has no confidence that he can hold Ceylon Island.

The absolute strength shown by the Han army in those previous attacks made Gal'an understand that the next war can only be completed by relying on the fighting between armies. But at the army level, the Han army now needs quantity and quality. In terms of quality, Guishuang can best fight with hundreds of people. Facing the large-scale strangulation of the Han army, how much strength can it show?

"General." The Kushan centurion who was guarding Gal'an saluted Gal'an with a solemn expression.

"What is the mentality of our soldiers now? Have we fully informed them of our goals and plans?" Gal'an calmed down his inner irritability and asked as calmly as possible. Anxiety at this time cannot solve any problems. Yes, even if Ansar dies, he must fulfill his previous promise to Ansar, eight days, he must hold on for eight days.

"The morale of the soldiers under my command is a little low, but after the rewards, the morale has obviously improved. Moreover, you also inspected the fortress on the edge of the mountainous area before, and the soldiers under your command have also regained some confidence, but..." The centurion's face Somewhat hesitant.

"It's just that in the next battle, if we encounter the same kind of blow as before, this kind of morale will not be maintained, right." Gal'an said calmly, "The Han army cannot use such a blow on the island. Those are naval guns, and the army is at most a legion attack. In addition to soldiers, we also have a lot of tauren warriors. We can arrange these things first and launch a wave of counterattacks. What we have to do is to fight step by step, and It’s not about consumption. The island of Ceylon is very big. Eight days of fighting and retreat is enough.”

The centurion nodded when he heard this. With Gal'an's explanation, he could feel more at ease.

He waved his hand and signaled the centurion to leave first. Gal'an lowered his head and began to think. Gal'an also knew the legions stationed on the seaside opposite Ceylon Island, especially Taishi Ci's legion that was annihilated in the Battle of the Ganges. Brah established the victory of Balayaga, and the legion under his command was also specially taken out for study.

Nearly a hundred legion attacks can be described as a devastating blow to ordinary elite legions. Even for top legions, once there is a problem with the cloud protection and they are suddenly hit like this, unless the will attribute is strong enough to reconstruct and control the clouds in an instant, Otherwise, even the top legion will inevitably suffer heavy losses. The danger of this thing is no joke.

And compared to other legions, this legion is almost invincible when facing a battlefield of hundreds of people. In terms of attack method, it completely ignores the advantage of Kushan's hundred-man scale, because a legion of this size simply does not have enough cloud energy. Protection, in the face of such a legion's attack, there is no choice but to die.

"The Wudang Army." Gal'an flexed his knuckles and rapped in front of him. Previously, he proposed to use super-model cloud gas to delay time and form a shock to the Han army. The most important point is to provide cloud gas for the subsequent land battle. shelter.

In other words, from the very beginning Gal'an believed that the Ansar could not defend the coast, no matter what status the Ansar had in Kushan, or how many coasts Moncomb had built on Ceylon Island. Anti-artillery, if the Han army can appear at this time, they must have considered all these things.

What's more, the sudden appearance of the Han army clearly showed that Zhou Yu's death was a fake death. In this case, all Ansar could do was buy time. Gal'an knew from the beginning that Ansar would be defeated. They even knew that Ansar was very likely to die, but they didn't expect that the gap between the two sides would be so great that it would end before they were even prepared.

"Yunqi protection..." Gal'an squatted aside and lowered his head to think. If this situation is to be delayed for eight days, cloud Qi protection is necessary. Without this thing, a hundred-man-scale harassment battle cannot be completed at all. Facing Taishi Ci was unreasonable. With one super-large legion strike, the hundred-strong Kushan legion would have ascended en masse.

In the same way, legions that rely on so-called fortresses, trenches, etc. to block attacks also have to face the Wudang flying army. Without enough cloud protection, or a small amount of cloud protection, it is meaningless in front of the Wudang army. Nearly a hundred The legion attack means that one by one, it is enough to kill all the fortresses around the mountainous area.

"Either find a way to kill the Wudang Legion first, or we have to..." Gal'an said to himself with a gloomy face, and quickly made up his mind. This is a necessary sacrifice!

"General, we got the secret letter left by General Meng Kangbu in the northern fortress." Just when Galan made up his mind, a centurion of the Kushan Legion rushed over with the secret letter from Meng Kangbu. This was something they found when they moved there and cleaned up the room.

"Huh?" Galan didn't understand, but still took the secret letter.

After opening it, he found that it was full of special secret texts. If Galan's lord was not Ansar, a real high-level Kushan, Galan would not be able to decipher it.

"Hiss! General Meng Kangbu is really a god!" Galan was shocked. The things described in this secret letter made Galan regain his confidence after being surprised, because before Meng Kangbu left, he said that he was worried that Zhou Yu was still alive. This attack was very risky. If Zhou Yu was still alive after his attack, and the Han army landed on Ceylon Island, the generals who saw this letter should immediately execute the plan according to their orders.

"Quick, go to the northern fortress and activate the super-model cloud transmission." Galan immediately ordered. As long as the Kushan army has super-model cloud, there is still hope. Without it, it is difficult to maintain the existing confidence when fighting the Han army.

Meng Kangbu has always suspected that this is a trick of faking death to lure the enemy. He has a very deep suspicion that Zhou Yu died so strangely. Even if he was persuaded by Zhu Helai, Meng Kangbu was still quite hesitant when attacking. These hesitations were all transformed into a backhand to protect Ceylon Island when Meng Kangbu attacked. Of course, Meng Kangbu did not actually consider that Zhou Yu would attack Ceylon Island.

Meng Kangbu was thinking at the time that after he left, would the Kou family seize the opportunity to attack Ceylon Island, and then take advantage of his absence to seize some unexpected opportunity and successfully land on the island. If this happened, even if there were garrisons on Ceylon Island, it would be very troublesome after he returned.

Therefore, according to Meng Kangbu's estimation, even if Ceylon was hit, at least half of its territory must be guaranteed to be in the hands of Kushan, so that he could rush back to recover it.

After all, Meng Kangbu did not believe that Zhou Yu could rush out from Malacca to chase him. After all, no matter how powerful the shipbuilding technology of the Han army was, the scale of its navy was still limited. Maybe he was ambushed in Malacca and suffered some losses, but as long as he was well prepared, he would not be trapped there, and Zhou Yu would not be able to chase him out. Then, he would blockade Ceylon from the outside. As long as most of the island was still in the hands of Kushan, it would not be difficult to retake Ceylon under the joint attack of sea and land.

To be honest, this idea is actually fine, but both Meng Kangbu and Ansar seriously underestimated the combat effectiveness of the seventh-generation ship, even though Meng Kangbu and Ansar actually obtained the combat data of the seventh-generation ship from some internal channels.

But the data on paper and the actual combat performance are two different things. Just like during World War II, Japan did not fail to study the atomic bomb, and the United States also clearly stated what kind of power the atomic bomb test had. With Japan's intelligence capabilities at the time, how could it not know about this thing.

However, before the actual bombing, almost no one in Japan believed in this thing from top to bottom.

This is the boundary of human cognition. Before seeing it, no matter how much you talk about some things, it is difficult for people to know that this thing has already surpassed their own cognition.

Meng Kangbu calculated that the seventh-generation ship was very strong, but this kind of strong was only several times stronger than the flagship he used. The actual situation is that if Meng Kangbu and the large-scale frigates guarding the flagship are not counted, the seventh-generation ship is enough to destroy the entire Kushan Navy.

The gap has been widened to a certain extent that cannot be explained and described. In other words, without the blessing provided by humans themselves, the seventh-generation ship is dozens to hundreds of times stronger than the existing warships.

Theoretically speaking, if the etched solid projectile can penetrate and circulate in one shot, the seventh-generation ship can also crush the fleet led by Meng Kangbu and Zhou Yu.

However, the problem lies here. Gan Ning, who cannot use self-circulation, cannot increase the power of the etched solid projectile to such an extent that Meng Kangbu and Zhou Yu can still fight.

But these two can fight, what's the use? Others can't fight, which means that Meng Kangbu's previous normal strategic and tactical planning has completely collapsed.

All the plans he originally made did not consider the existence of an invincible seventh-generation ship that would be killed in seconds if he did not open the self-circulation head-on!

Even from a certain perspective, Ansar actually saved Meng Kangbu from disaster. After all, Meng Kangbu's habit never opened the self-circulation when facing Gan Ning. If he really faced Gan Ning with a seventh-generation ship, he would probably end up like Ansar.

At the beginning, Zhou Yu estimated that Gan Ning blocked Meng Kangbu on the west side of Malacca, and the most important reason why Meng Kangbu could not be killed was that Zhou Yu appeared in front of Meng Kangbu. When Meng Kangbu was escaping, he would open all the defenses to the maximum. After leaving Malacca, he would immediately open the self-circulation and run to Ceylon Island to avoid accidents in the rear, so he could withstand Gan Ning.

If, as Gan Ning thought, Meng Kangbu plundered Malacca, won a great victory, and returned with a full load, it would not be a problem for the seventh-generation ship to kill Meng Kangbu directly.

Unfortunately, things in the world are like this, and it is difficult to achieve perfection.

"Supermodel cloud?" Gan Ning looked at the gray cloud that suddenly emerged from the northwest of Ceylon and quickly covered most of Ceylon Island. He was stunned. How could this be possible?

At the same time, Zhu Helai, who had returned from North Africa and stayed in the new capital of Mathura, sighed after seeing the supermodel cloud being activated. He lost the bet, and Zhou Yu was still alive.

Since this matter was too important, Xun Qi did not return to Peshawar, but stayed in Mathura. He was somewhat restless. When he saw the super model cloud being withdrawn, his originally tense heartstrings finally settled down.

[Zhou Yu, is still alive! ] Xun Qi was shocked, but also very fortunate. As long as that guy was still alive, many things could be turned around.

"Zhou Yu is still alive." Zhu Helai said after a moment of silence. Even if there was no substantial evidence, Ceylon Island's remote call for super model cloud was enough to show that the situation on Ceylon Island had gotten out of control, and super model cloud was necessary for protection.

Considering that there were Ansar's navy outside Ceylon Island and tens of thousands of land forces on the island, it was self-evident what kind of opponent they were facing when they were forced to rely on super model cloud to protect themselves under such a situation of both land and sea preparations.

Ansar is at least the second-highest naval commander after Moncomb. He is the former predecessor and current patriarch of the Ceci family. His naval warfare capabilities are second to none in the world. With coastal defense artillery, a large number of sea defense lines, and a large number of fleets, he was able to land on Ceylon Island. There is no need to say more about the opponent he faced. He undoubtedly lost the bet and was defeated.

"What should we do now?" Xun Qi looked at Zhu Helai with a gloomy face. His expression was almost like saying that I didn't agree with this plan before, and Moncomb didn't agree with this plan either. You must push it forward. Now that things have come to this, we must at least have a way to clean up the mess.

"Wait for Moncomb to come back." Zhu Helai sighed and said, his cheeks, which were originally radiant, seemed to have lost their spirit at this moment and aged a lot.

"What if Meng Kangbu doesn't come back!" Xun Qi shouted at Zhu Helai excitedly, as if he was a little out of control. After all, Xun Qi had been resisting the attack on the Han Dynasty after Zhou Yu's death, and now it was like Xun Qi's total explosion after the dust settled.

"He won't die." Zhu Helai turned his head to look at Xun Qi and said, "There is only one Zhou Yu. For the sake of strategic service, he won't be able to deal with Meng Kangbu after taking Ceylon Island."

"Alas!" Xun Qi sighed, and finally said nothing and left.

Zhu Helai looked at Xun Qi's back and said nothing. It would be the same if he stood in Xun Qi's position. After all, it was only Xun Qi who completely resisted this matter from the beginning. Even if Zhu Helai presented the facts and explained the situation, and even Meng Kangbu was convinced in the end, Xun Qi still resisted this matter.

I didn't go back to Peshawar to take charge because I wanted to know the result of this matter first, but now I don't need to know the result. Kushan lost, lost badly, not only lost on the battlefield, but also lost morally. After all, after the Han Dynasty and Kushan signed a ceasefire agreement, the Han Dynasty, as the advantageous party, did not attack first, but Kushan broke off first, which was very helpless.

"Alas, this time it really is..." After Xun Qi left, Zhu Helai rubbed his face. At this moment, even he could feel his stiffness. The defeat of Meng Kangbu meant that they, Kushan, lost the last advantage point. Next, they can only wait for the judgment of the Han Dynasty.

"It seems that we can only start the final plan." Zhu Helai said bitterly to himself.

The navy lost, so the original backup plan must be brought forward. The things prepared by the army for Oswin must be brought up. As the party that tore up the ceasefire agreement, the Han Dynasty may launch a counterattack at any time. The only good thing is that there are also considerable problems within the Han Dynasty. Otherwise, Zhu Helai dare not think about what will happen next.

If the Han army lost the biggest advantage of the navy and the strategic fulcrum was taken away, and the Kushans tore up the armistice agreement and launched an attack directly from the Ganges, and they still had the momentum when they just conquered the city of Pataliputra and fought against the city of Purpura, then the Kushans, who had no sense of justice and no morale, and whose advantage had just been lost, might collapse in one battle.

Fortunately, the Han Dynasty had won for so long and had reached a certain limit and was recuperating, otherwise this opportunity would be a good opportunity to destroy the Kushans.

"There are super-model clouds on Ceylon Island?" Kou Feng felt the gradual suppression and frowned. It is said that the Kushans on Ceylon Island could only form a cloud at most. How could such a large-scale cloud suppression be formed in such a place that is almost uninhabited?

"It's probably cloud transmission." Gan Ning reacted quickly. When East Africa was suppressing the locusts, it was the Kushans who provided the cloud energy, and the Kushans relied on ships as relay stations to transmit the clouds from the Ganges to East Africa.

Compared to the distance from South Asia to East Africa, the distance from the Ganges to Ceylon is closer, but this is not a good thing for the Han Dynasty. From a certain perspective, this thing is more like the trump card that Gan Ning considered before. With tens of thousands of people guarding the island, if there is this thing, it can really hold up if it is a harassment war.

Unfortunately, that was against Gan Ning, after all, Gan Ning had few people, but now he is facing Kou Feng, who has more than 95,000 people and doesn't care whether you have this thing or not!

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