Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 70 Life is all about fame and fortune


"Hiss~" Lu Su took a deep breath, and was immediately startled by the identical handwriting of the two books, and this book with more than ten thousand words, "How much does this thing cost?"

"The more you have, the cheaper the average price is. If it's just the two books in your hand, it's probably not much cheaper than the single copy." Chen Xi rolled his eyes and said.

"Then it can't be promoted." Lu Su said with a sigh.

"But if you get thousands of copies, it will be much cheaper than the slips." Chen Xi said nonchalantly.

"Hey, why is there still a typo here? Why don't you correct it?" Lu Su saw that the word "Traditional" was obviously added. As for what Chen Xi said, he didn't understand it, or it didn't enter his brain.

"It's too troublesome. If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake." Chen Xi rolled his eyes and said, "It's not good to do it quickly, and the craftsmen who made this thing are illiterate craftsmen, so this is the only way to go. Besides, one or two If the word is wrong, it is wrong, be tolerant and understand, this thing is much better than the letter."

Chen Xi's understanding of what is inclusive is entirely because the craftsman is illiterate and can only engrave in reverse according to what he wrote, and because he engraves a whole page at a time, if he makes a mistake, he can only engrave it all again, so as long as it is not a key word, and There was no more than one word wrong in one version, so Chen Xi just pretended he didn't see it.

As for movable type printing, Chen Xi said that he has no such ability at all. Craftsmanship is a problem, materials are a problem, and he is also a problem. There are problems both up and down, so what to do? It's not as good as engraving, anyway, it's all social progress, stone carving is not good, wood carving, wood carving is not good, gold and stone hollowing out, anyway, this kind of technology can be played by China in the Shang Dynasty, no pressure at all.

"That's true. There are mistakes and omissions in the transcription." Lu Su nodded and said, "However, if the handwriting and the errors and omissions are the same, it is easy for people to find the problem."

"If you find it, you will find it. Who has used seals since ancient times without knowing this, but who has the paper to do this kind of thing?" Chen Xi smiled nonchalantly. Seals have been used in China for thousands of years. I do not know how it is? If the technology is not enough to play movable type printing, it’s fine. If you can’t even play engraving, isn’t it a joke?

To put it bluntly, if someone could produce paper that could be popularized in the Shang Dynasty, then within a few days someone would be able to produce block printing. This can already be said to be instinct.

"Can you control the source?" Lu Su frowned, "If you can control it, you can use this as an enlightenment book, so that you can probably achieve your goal of mass-producing civil servants. Since ancient times, there have been good scholars who have no books to read How many wizards in the world are obliterated by everyone because of this is simply incalculable, but if you give them a chance now, they will definitely repay you. Therefore, in ten years, as long as ten years, Xuande Gong will be able to fight the world alone and win. Negative is also unknown.”

"But I can't do it now." Chen Xi said with a wry smile, "I don't want to confront the aristocratic family right now. If we really publish the book, it will only make the aristocratic family work hard with us. Wisdom and land will never decay. Even if one day the land property It is not valuable, but no country dares to give up the land, it will only become a castle in the air, as for wisdom, this is the foundation of the country."

"Then how about you?" Lu Su also understands this point. The previous test was just to test whether Chen Xi was dazzled by the huge meritorious deeds. What reassured him was that even if this huge **** is placed in front of him, Chen Xi still maintained the rationality of a wise man.

"Sell it, a book of a hundred gold, no matter how you say it is worth a thousand words, even at the price of bamboo slips, it is worth a thousand gold, plus portability, the rarity of a book of a hundred gold is not expensive." Chen Xi said casually.

A money-grabbing industry, this is a money-grabbing industry, and in this era where knowledge is more expensive than life and money is like dirt, as long as you dare to sell, the family can eat as much as you have. When did the family sell their knowledge.

Since ancient times, when a scholar has no money, when he encounters a good book, the Chinese people have done a lot of things such as exchanging land and manor for the book slips. As long as you have a book and are willing to sell it, the land, money, food, servants, singers and singers can choose at will. This is absolute. hard currency.

However, since the Spring and Autumn Period, I have never heard of anyone who sells books. Naturally, there are no bookstores. Most of them are gifts. According to the ancient scholars, it seems a bit indecent...

"Hundreds of gold?" Lu Su roughly glanced at it. There are almost a hundred characters in this small regular script. It is printed on a single page, and the number of ninety-nine is taken on the back cover. It is not falsified to say ten thousand words, so he nodded and said, " If I had seen this book before, I would be willing to exchange it with a thousand pieces of gold, and I think it will be the same for other people, Zi Chuan's price is fair, and it is also for the benefit of us scholars."

"Well, from now on, this kind of ninety-nine-page book will be sold for one thousand gold according to what Zijing said. The ninety-nine pages of the book show that the number nine returns to one. There is a shortage of heaven, and the takeaway means that we only got the money for the last page. It’s travel expenses.” Chen Xi explained with a blank expression, and bound Lu Su to this book by the way, so that in the future, if someone thinks death is expensive, they will go talk to Lu Su.

"This method is very good, but I am ashamed to receive a big gift without an inch of merit..." Lu Su is worthy of being a gentleman of benevolence. He felt that he was just a proposal, but in the end he accepted a big gift like this, which was a bit too much of an advantage.

"It's nothing, I'm interested. If you write something, I'll print it for you." Chen Xiruo said nonchalantly, and incidentally gave Lu Su another award.

"Since it is so embarrassing to accept it, but if you ask Zichuan to take back the words you have written and said, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to do so." Lu Su said with a wry smile, but the light in his eyes could not conceal his eagerness to try.

Well, Chen Xi snickered, his heart was overwhelmed with joy, he knew that in this era, absolutely no one could stop the ultimate goal of writing a book, even if he refused, he couldn't let it go, no matter who wrote the book, As long as it can be written and spread, people will read it.

Those who dare to write books in this era are basically great Confucians of a generation, and it can be said that they are already famous all over the world, and then writing a book and distributing it basically means that they want to reach the pinnacle.

But the more miserable thing is that these people's books are all used for copying, and the number is very small. It is impossible to have a copy for everyone, so it is very difficult to publish a book. Let alone the ability, you must be able to distribute it in large quantities. , the great Confucianism has a group of disciples to transcribe it, do you have it? Others have deleted it for more than ten years, just because they are worried that it will be troublesome when others copy it, and try to keep it as simple as possible.

Now Chen Xi's brainless printing is much better. If he says he will publish a book for you, he will publish a book for you. One thousand copies is not enough, and only ten thousand copies will be sold. Even Zhao Yun can't resist it.

It is said that Chen Xi told Zhao Yun one day that he was bored and asked him to write down the records of farming, and then he would compile it into a book when he had time. In the future, when others do it, they can follow the steps. Zhao Yun was so excited at the time, he didn’t know where to go. let go.

Chen Xi instantly understood what it means to a famous person to write a book in this era. This is the magical skill to lure a famous official. He didn't believe that Xun Shuang's family wouldn't give it to him when he published a book to Xun Shuang.

ps: In the Han Dynasty, twenty taels were one gold, and one quarter of one tael was one baht, so one gold was equal to 24 bahts × 20 taels, which was 480 bahts, and one copper coin was five bahts, that is to say, one coin It should be 96 five baht coins. If you think there is a problem, you can refer to the "Historical Records Level Book", I just show that I sell it not expensive...

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