Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 73 Eat with peace of mind

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As Chen Xi said, Zhao Yun and Jian Yong rushed back at noon the next day, but both of them were very energetic and in a good mood. Happy.

"Xianhe, Zilong, have you checked the taxes of each county?" Chen Xi asked while pouring a cup of tea for the two of them.

"A bumper harvest. Except for some people who planted late, the people everywhere have already entered the autumn harvest. Next year we won't have to live so tight." Jian Yong looked excited, and he had a lot of credit for this matter.

"Zilong, tell me, too. By the way, take these things away when you leave. The people near Mount Tai sent them to you. I'm eating mine." Chen Xi turned his head to Zhao Yun, then stretched out his finger He pointed to several baskets in the corner of the government affairs hall, which contained chestnuts, pine nuts, and some fungus and mushrooms.

These nuts and mountain delicacies were all given to Zhao Yun by the common people one after another after the autumn harvest began these days, thanking him for the gifts he had prepared during this period of time. It is said that Zhao Yun might not accept them, but Chen Xi’s standard would not refuse anyone who came, anyway. He felt that he could eat at ease, so he was naturally unceremonious.

It is said that there are also some for Chen Xi and Liu Bei, but compared to Zhao Yun who has been running around, there are much less for Chen Xi and Liu Bei. The important official, everyone is naturally very grateful.

"Zi Chuan, how can you accept gifts from the common people? It is not easy for the common people all year round. It takes a lot of hard work to pick these things. How can you eat pine nuts with peace of mind?" Zhao Yun heard that these pine nuts were all given by the common people. , suddenly stopped the right hand grabbing the pine nuts, and said with a righteous face.

Running around for more than three months, Zhao Yun has seen the misery of the people at the bottom. He works at sunrise and rests at sunset, facing the loess every day for the food in the fields, praying for God's blessing and the benevolence of officials, and only hoping for the coming year Can have a full meal.

The more he walked, the more he saw, the more anger in Zhao Yun's chest became more vigorous, and he also felt the weight of courage on his shoulders. For the first time, he felt that he should learn more about farming, even if he could let the people Fighting three or five more grains is also a merit, which is even more honorable than killing the enemy generals. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand, he can only help the people within the scope of his ability.

Chen Xi told him that some of the old farmers who have been farming all the year round can grow very well. If you want everyone to produce as much food as those old farmers, you should go find those old farmers and talk to them to see if you can get those unremarkable farmers. So Zhao Yun ran all over Mount Tai, using his own eyes to see which piece of grain grew best, and then went to the owner of the land to ask about the technology.

Zhao Yun ran for three months, traveled all over Mount Tai, found all the technologies he could find, and passed them on to others as much as possible, so the residents of Taishan County may not know Liu Bei, but they definitely know Zhao Zilong in white robes , because Zhao Yun has been running in the farmland.

To be honest, when Chen Xi knew this, he admired Zhao Yun's spirit, because he couldn't do it. He was very good at talking and talking, but he couldn't do this kind of thing that broke his legs.

Chen Xi believes that maybe Zhao Yun was not good at farming before, but when he raised his gun and confronted Chen Xi because of the farming order, his understanding of farming was not weaker than that of an old farmer. Surpassing Zhao Yun in farming, at least Zaozhi didn't have the energy to travel all over Chenliu to collect all farming techniques, and Zhao Yun had already run out of Taishan County.

"Zilong, you must accept these things, and if you don't accept them, they won't leave, and the people will not be at ease. They will recognize you Zhao Zilong. As long as you accept them, they will believe that you will lead them to reclaim wasteland next year. They will also lead them to implement this year's decree, if you don't accept it, tomorrow there will be a group of people kneeling in front of your house, and they will take care of their children." Chen Xi broke open a pine nut, ate the nuts, and raised his head , looked at Zhao Yun and said solemnly.

"Zi Chuan is right. It must be accepted. We also confiscated it at first, but he has been waiting there with the package in his arms. He went back at night and came back the next day without saying a word." Lu Su also took a pine nut. Breaking apart, "What they want is peace of mind. Only if you eat what they send, will they believe that you will not change this year's government order. This style of style is simple, but it is effective."

"It's that simple." Chen Xi nodded, "You can try not to accept it, anyway, someone will come to give it to you in a while, you can try."

Before Chen Xi finished speaking, a little old man in sackcloth and patches entered the government affairs hall with a small basket on his back. He said that since people gave gifts non-stop, Chen Xi and Lu Su no longer prevented people from entering the government affairs hall. living room.

"The little old man has seen the sheriff, the magistrate, Mr. Jian, and Mr. Zilong." After putting down his cage, the little old man bowed to several people a little timidly, but he was obviously excited when he saw Zhao Yun.

"The old man is free." Chen Xi smiled and took a cushion from the side and walked over to pass it to the old man. Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter the government affairs hall, and all cushions have a number.

The little old man frantically rejected Chen Xi's cushion, but Chen Xi forced it down in the end. He carefully sat on the cushion, brought the cage behind him and took out a linen package.

"Mr. Zilong, thank you for leading our village to reclaim wasteland this year and teaching us farming techniques. Our Zhuangzi doesn't have any good gifts to thank you. These are the jujubes that grew on the jujube tree of the little old man's Zhuangzi. Please accept it. "

Chen Xi took a glance at the big bag of red dates, all of them were shiny, and he knew it was a top-quality pollution-free green product.

Zhao Yun refused with righteous words, and then the little old man was panicked, and he kept saying good things to Zhao Yun, hoping he would accept it, and then Zhao Yun began to explain to the little old man that he would do this again next year, and that he would not have a general direction As a result, the old man who was stumbling and stumbling suddenly became fluent in speech, saying that Zhao Yun would not accept his jujube, so he would not go back...

The little old man left, but the jujube stayed. Chen Xi took one and took a bite, then looked sideways at Zhao Yun, "Zilong, what do you think?"

"I always feel a little guilty." Zhao Yun said with a sigh, quite a bit of heroic shortness of breath in it.

"It's a good thing to feel guilty. Next year, all the guilt will be compensated for in government affairs, so that you can make your own government orders better and let the people live better." Chen Xi continued to eat dates, anyway, he is not as upright as Zhao Yun, sitting here As long as you have a clear conscience in handling government affairs in the main position, you will be fine.

"Thinking about what we brought to the people of Mount Tai, I decided to eat it. Anyway, I have a clear conscience~" Chen Xi bit the jujube, eating it while expressing that he had a clear conscience.

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