Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 855: Qinghe Raiders

If others might not have thought of the sailor force crossing the Yellow River, how could someone like Xun Chen miss it? He remembered clearly how Gongsun Zan's supplies arrived in Youzhou back then. He could go by sea, but could the Yellow River still go?

Before, Xun Chen wanted to suggest to Yuan Shao how to develop a navy, but he found that there were no navy generals, no excellent shipbuilders, and there was not enough time, so there was no need to do it.

It was at that time that Xun Chen raised his fear of Liu Bei to a considerable degree, and he no longer believed in the intelligence analyzed by other people, and turned to find out by himself. This is also the reason why Yuan Shao gradually lowered Xun Chen's trust. Sometimes it seems that I have too many thoughts, but I don’t want to say it.

Being able to go from being poor to a situation where they are not inferior to the military, and still have the energy to develop commerce, agriculture, and prosperity under the rule, this state is completely abnormal, and the poorest in the middle is no longer among Ju Shou and Xu You's intelligence. What is said, but a comprehensive difference.

Xun Chen sighed secretly, and then ordered Guo Yuan and others to be prepared. As for Cao Cao's assistance, although Xun Chen was afraid of the other party, he would not show it at this time.

Early the next morning, a fleet of ships appeared in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, but it was not the navy led by Gan Ning himself, but a partial army led by Xu Sheng and Mi Fang. Gan Ning's main force was still facing Yuan Shao's army across the Yellow River. .

Also at this time, a group of well-equipped Qingzhou strong crossbowmen had gathered by the river, not the Xiliang iron cavalry who were the best at attacking.

"I've seen General Yu." Xu Sheng clasped his fists in a salute. Gan Ning was not slow in promoting him, and Mi Fang was not too utilitarian, nor did he want to be greedy for money. After Tai Shici left, he pushed Xu Sheng successfully. Became Gan Ning's lieutenant general.

"Wen Ze, long time no see." Mi Fang said with a smile, not as rigid as Xu Sheng, and Yu Jin, who has always been known for being rigid, also smiled at Mi Fang. For the benevolent official and businessman of the Mi family, all the generals also have a good opinion. At least Mi Fang and Mi Zhu are in charge of logistics and military affairs, and there will be no understatement.

"But why don't you see General Gan?" Yu Jin raised his eyebrows and asked. The relationship between him and Gan Ning is not very good. After all, Gan Ning's character is too detached, and Yu Jin's personality is too old-fashioned. Naturally, the relationship between Yu Jin and Fazheng will not be too good.

"General Gan has successfully led his army across the Yellow River, and he has fought against Yuan Shao's army several times in Yangping, east of Dongwuyang. My lord led the army across the river and won all the battles!" Mi Fang said with a smile.

On the first day Gan Ning led the water army to Chiping, he crossed the Yellow River unexpectedly and forcibly crossed the Yellow River before Yuan Shao was ready. After a bloody battle, he stopped immediately.

Afterwards, Liu Bei's army crossed the Yellow River continuously, and the two sides no longer faced each other across the river, but fought in a legionary manner. After several consecutive battles, Liu Bei's army was brave. Fearless and victorious.

On Yuan Shao's side, Wulu happened to be in continuous rain. First, he misjudged Gan Ning's courage. As a result, Gan Ning directly forced him to cross the Yellow River and lost the first barrier. Later, Zhu Ling, who was defending Qinghe, lost the initiative because of carelessness, and was directly captured by Wei Yan. After leaving Ling County, Xu Shu plotted against him, so he had to retreat to Ganling and wait for help.

In this situation. While Yuan Shao issued an order to reprimand Zhu Ling, he transferred Xin Pi, who was a little distracted because of the death of his brother Xin Ping, to Qinghe to assist in the defense, and began to shrink the defense line. Retreat to the west, shorten the supply line, reduce the supply pressure in the rear, and provide more troops.

However, Yuan Shao's behavior did not completely reverse his situation, it could only make the decline less obvious, to be honest. Yuan Shao is also very strange, why his soldiers are not weaker than the opponent's, and his strategy and mobilization are not inferior to the opponent's Liu Bei, but he has lost several battles in succession.

However, this did not shake Yuan Shao's determination, and the previous defeats did not have much impact on Yuan Shao, who is a thousand-member general.

However, with the continuous strategic retreat, by the time of Dongwuyang, Yuan Shao had reached the peak in all aspects. Although Liu Bei took advantage of some advantages in the previous battle of Dongwuyang, his losses were much greater than before. The change in the logistics supply line has actually almost leveled off to the point where it has to be said that Jushou's spiritual talent is only positive, and it is really strong.

Now the situation in Qinghe has completely turned to Liu Bei's side. Xu Shu crushed his predecessors in Yingchuan head-on. No matter how Simpi used his schemes, they all fell to Xu Shu's plan, which was not too good in Simpi's opinion. above.

Well, now Simpi has no face to say what happened to that brat Xu Shu. He was defeated in all six battles. Xu Shu fought to Ganling in one go. Five thousand soldiers, plus thousands of captives who had already surrendered, directly surrounded the two cities. Ganling City, guarded by tens of thousands of people, has achieved an almost unbelievable record.

Now even a fool knows the horror of that thin young man under the wall. At least Simpi has given up no hope of taking down the opponent. The opponent is so strong that he seems to be completely crushed!

This is also the reason why Xin Pi clearly has 20,000 people, yet he is still surrounded by half of Xu Shu's troops in the city, so he can only stand by and wait for reinforcements. Xu Shu's method of victory is completely different from Liu Bei's method of defeating Yuan Shao. Simpi is almost a tragedy!

Compared to the battle between Yuan Shao's army and Liu Bei's army, it seemed like a small-scale trial at the legion level, but on Qinghe's side, every time Xu Shu saw through all or part of Simpi's plan, he would pretend to be right. Then let Simpi lead his troops to fight against him.

As a result, it seemed to Xin Pi that Xu Shu had fallen for it every time, but the actual situation was that after Xu Shu fell for it, he directly challenged Simpi's army without hesitation. As I said before, all the plans were ultimately indispensable. A head-to-head encounter, and Xu Shu's actions can be said to have dealt a heavy blow to Simpi's self-confidence.

Speaking of which, I'm afraid there is nothing more damaging to the commander and soldiers than this. After three times, Xin Pi directly stopped thinking of plotting against Xu Shu.

Afterwards, an army formation was first set up. Naturally, the army formation was nothing to Xu Shu, but Xu Shu could see the flaws in all the army formations, and directly blew up the army formation in a way that was beyond Simpi's expectations.

Later, Simpi lined up troops and had a head-to-head confrontation with Xu Shu. Needless to say, Xu Shu caught a problem with the connection between the two wings and the central army, and directly sent Guan Ping to lead the right wing. After passing through, the entire army It collapsed directly, and Wei Yan led his army to pursue it all the way.

At this time, Simpi actually understood that he was no match for Xu Shu at all, and was about to retreat to Ganling every step of the way, but when he withdrew the camp, Xu Shu opened a loophole and killed him. (To be continued.)


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