Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 861 Fan Yang Huoqi

"I always feel that there is something wrong." Chen Xi did not stop Liu Ye's order, looking at the main road of Fan County city where people were shouting for killing, he said with a strange expression. He vaguely grabbed something, but he didn't think about it. through.

"There seems to be no residents in this county. Does the other party want to turn this county into a fortress?" Fazheng stared left and right, and said casually.

"What?" Chen Xi was taken aback, the speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional, Chen Xi instantly remembered something was wrong.

"Order the whole army to retreat, don't worry about those shouts of killing, they are just trying to induce us to go deeper into the city." Chen Xi said to Liu Ye.

"Eh?" Liu Ye was taken aback, and then his ghosts froze. He immediately ordered everyone to withdraw from the city of Fan County. The moment Chen Xi spoke, he mobilized his energy to extract the water vapor in the air, but found that the water vapor in his body Within the range that the mental energy can be mobilized, there is no way to feel the water vapor!

"The whole army retreats, don't go deep into the city, and withdraw from Fan County in a team of fifty people." Liu Ye ordered loudly, and soon Liu Bei's army that had already entered slowly retreated. Didn't see any blood stains!

After all, Liu Beijun was well-trained, and the scattered soldiers quickly gathered together. However, at this time, sporadic flames appeared in various places in Fan County, and even near the east gate where they originally entered, wisps of flames began to appear. However, taking advantage of the small fire, Zhang Fei swept the house with one blow and extinguished the flames.

Fortunately, Chen Xi discovered the problem first. At this time, the soldiers had already gathered to the main street, and did not cause chaos in the army.

"Withdraw!" By the time the last wave of people withdrew, most of Fan County had already been on fire. If it had been deeper before, even if it didn't burn much to death, the chaos caused by the army would still be enough to give Chen Xi a headache.

After exiting Fan County, Liu Beijun could feel the roiling heat wave even though the distance was quite far away. Even if the entire Fan County was not burned to nothing under the fire, at most there would be some wreckage left.

"Enough!" Fazheng gasped and said, "The water vapor in the vicinity has long been driven away by him, and he didn't notice it at all during the march."

"The other party is not ruthless. If Cheng Yu did this, he would definitely not take all the people away. At least some of them should be kept." Liu Ye said with a dark face, "There is no need to save this fire." , just looking at the burning, we should hunt down and kill Yuan Shaojun as soon as possible."

"General, let's retreat. The scouts came to report that Liu Bei's army had gradually withdrawn from Fan County. They did not panic, trampled on each other, and came out in chaos." Sun Zi said to Guo Yuan lying in the grass.

"Damn it!" Guo Yuan yelled angrily. He saw Liu Bei's army enter Fan County with his own eyes before, and thought that Xun Chen's plan would succeed, but the reality turned out to be a joke with him. Liu Beijun was able to withdraw slowly in the middle of the fire!

"How is this possible? When the fire is raging all over the place, how can it be possible to stabilize the army!" Li Pu shouted, "Once the fire erupts, the army will inevitably be in turmoil, and the mind will be difficult to get together. Such a cloud will inevitably be in chaos, and then they will all flee in all directions. On the contrary, it is impossible to escape, and it is easy to completely collapse!"

"I'm afraid the other party discovered it first." Sun Zi replied after hesitating for a while. But to be honest, this is not convincing. They all saw that the city was already on fire before Liu Beijun completely withdrew.

"That's the only way to go. Withdraw!" Guo Yuan said in a muffled voice, he was different from other generals. Knowing how to advance and retreat, and rarely being reckless, this is why his ability is not too good but he can sit on one side.

"Report, General, we found traces of the enemy thirty miles to the west." When Chen Xi was thinking about whether to set up camp on the spot first, or go west for another ten miles to rest, the messenger reported a piece of news.

"Hua Xiong, you will lead 3,000 cavalry to go back quickly. If you can fight, you will fight. If you can't fight, you will follow until dusk falls!" Chen Xi turned his head and gave Hua Xiong an order. As for why not more cavalry Well, speaking of which, many of those iron cavalry who just came from Xiliang couldn't be seen at night.

"Here!" Hua Xiong clasped his fists in a salute, immediately ordered the old soldiers before him, and chased towards the west.

"Xun Chen is really a trouble, the other party is clearly not in contact with us." Liu Ye said with some headaches, "Is there any good way for Xiaozhi?"

"Unless we have a way to attack and save them!" Fazheng said casually, "But the opponent has already shown his determination by setting fire to a county town. I am afraid that unless the opponent is sure of victory, they will not attack us at all."

"In this case, the other party will not be in a hurry like Yuan Shaojun, and our goal of separating Yuan Shaojun will not be achieved." Liu Ye said with a headache.

"..." Chen Xi didn't answer, he had some other thoughts in a trance.

"Zichuan, do you have any other ideas?" Seeing that Chen Xi was silent, Liu Ye asked.

"Where do you think Xun Chen will retreat?" Chen Xi asked.

"Puyang, Puyang is the most suitable for defense because the city is high and deep. His troops are not much less than ours, and Puyang is on the route we must pass, and it is the hub of water transportation." Liu Ye said without thinking. replied.

"The current situation is that Xun Chen doesn't say anything to confront us head-on. We still follow the other party's steps, and we must spend time in Qingfeng and other places before we can arrive in Puyang step by step!" Chen Xi said with a frown. It was unbearable for him, it was a waste of time.

"Then you mean that we don't attack Qingfeng, but directly attack Puyang?" Liu Ye frowned and said, "Qingfeng is stuck on the way of our army's advance. With such behavior, the danger of going deep alone is too great. This is different from before. Qin Wang is completely different."

"Wrong, what I mean is stop following Xun Chen's rhythm and directly attack Puyang, feint a shot, ride a white horse, enter Jizhou, and directly take Yecheng!" Chen Xi said suddenly.

Liu Ye frowned, but he did not completely reject Chen Xi's suggestion, which was completely unrealistic. After all, he also knew that if he continued to follow Xun Chen's footsteps, sooner or later the rhythm would be controlled, and it would not be so easy for him to go all out. .

"Qinghe, do we have any chess pieces that can turn the game around?" Fazheng asked after thinking for a long time, Chen Xi's words ignited his adventurous spirit, and he couldn't help but feel a little ready to move.

"No, but it can be created. The Qinghe Cui family is overwhelmed by the Boling Cui family. After the family is split, the internal collision is the most terrifying!" Chen Xi said, the main family, the direct line, and the clan are the most important. Yes, one orthodoxy is enough to deter countless heroes! (to be continued)

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