Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 863: Plan for Ye City

"Xun Chen, this lunatic!" Chen Xi angrily threw the slips directly on the case. Thousands of people didn't kill people, but just ran around and destroyed Yuan Shao's army. Several arson attacks had left many people who had worked hard for more than half a year without harvest.

"Zi Yang, don't turn around, I'm dizzy!" Fazheng said, looking at Liu Ye who was turning back and forth in front of him with some dizziness.

"These aristocratic families don't have many good things at all. If you really get down to it, the livelihood of the common people is not a big deal!" Liu Ye said angrily. What does it mean to burn the fire!

"Cough cough cough!" Chen Xi coughed twice, expressing that he was also considered a family.

"It's not about you, it's about Xun Chen." Liu Ye may also feel that he made a slip of the tongue and added something casually, which made Chen Xi even more embarrassed.

"Forget it, whatever you say, let's settle this matter first!" Chen Xi waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to care about such details, and then said with a sigh.

"I mean to treat the person in the same way as the person!" Fazheng said directly, unable to use his brain at all.

"While playing, he still treats his body with his own way. Although the people of Jizhou are not very bitter, but if you do this, the other party will definitely become very bitter." Chen Xi said angrily. All the shitty ideas guys give.

"Okay, no kidding, build a beacon tower, don't ask for the big one, make it small first, and rely on infantry to encircle and wipe out the opposite side." Fazheng said with a smile. After learning what Xun Chen had done, Fazheng He had thought about how to crack it, and what impressed him most in the north was the beacon tower that delivered orders.

"Well, it's really a good plan. But it takes too much time." Chen Xi frowned and said, "Jiyin is now in the summer harvest stage. If they continue to harass me for ten days, I'm afraid even if it's resolved, it will be too late." Be a drag on us. Relief food for a county is not much, but it will be troublesome."

"Then let me attack Puyang." Fazheng asked with a smile, "Two-pronged approach is much more effective than just sitting around now."

"Think about it, once you attack Puyang, it means you have to go down according to the previous steps. If you don't pay attention, you may be in danger." Chen Xi stared at Fazheng and said, bypassing Xun Chen, and directly attacking the enemy The rear is very dangerous, especially the place where Fazheng attacks is extremely important.

"Don't worry, you can wait for me for three days after I leave. With those three days, I must be safe and sound all the way." Fazheng said calmly, and he was already very confident that he could speak.

"Okay, after you leave, I will immediately lead my troops to attack Xun Chen." Chen Xi nodded and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Go to Puyang for a shot first, and then lead the army into Cao Cao's territory and go straight to Yecheng!" Fazheng said without any sense of tension, "I have specifically determined this route, and it is not considered dangerous. On the contrary, it is very likely Simply exceeded everyone's expectations."

"Well, compared to Zi Chuan's proposal of taking the white horse, your method is more secure. After Cao Cao enters Guanzhong, he will inevitably move his administration to Sili, and now is indeed the best time." Liu Ye thought about it. want to say.

"Alright, Chen Liu is in the stage where Cao Jun is changing defenses. It is indeed a very good time, but Xun Chen is behind you. Once you react, it is easy to cause fatal danger to you." Chen Xi nodded and said a little uneasy. "It is difficult for us to contain Xun Chen."

"No, you are wrong." Fazheng shook his finger. He said proudly, "Actually, we don't need to restrain Xun Chen. What you said about the four counties in southern Jizhou reminded me a lot."

Liu Ye looked at the confident and proud Fazheng who was sitting beside him, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He was so immature in the past, but he didn't expect that now he would be able to compete with him on the same stage, without falling behind.

"We only need to cut off Yecheng, which is enough to cut off the original delivery point of Yuan Shao's grain and grass. It doesn't matter where he transports grain and grass. County!" Fa Zheng said with a touch of complacency.

"Yuan Shao's biggest advantage is that he has a lot of cavalry, but his biggest disadvantage is that he has a lot of cavalry. There are too many cavalry. Even Jizhou, the head of Kyushu, can't support it." Fazheng at this moment was extremely proud.

"Turning the Bohai Sea, cutting off the Qinghe River, and sealing off Yecheng, Yuan Shao's biggest disadvantage will be exposed!" Liu Ye finally realized it at this time. It was different from Chen Xi's previous method of encircling Yuan Shao with a large encirclement. Fa Zheng's goal Even simpler, that is to prevent Yecheng from delivering food and grass!

"As for the possibility of Xun Chen coming to chase and kill me, the greatest value of Yecheng in everyone's mind is Xuanyuan Ding, but Yecheng is high and deep, and it is impossible to be captured by a partial army with less than 10,000 people, and Yuan Shao To be able to use Ye City as a government, it must have been specially built!" Fazheng said with a dark smile.

"Xun Chen is cautious and wise, that is to say, he knows what is more important. Compared with me who can only besiege but not attack, and waste energy, he can easily make a choice!" Fa Zheng said again at this time When looking at Chen Xi and Liu Ye, the confidence in their eyes made it impossible to look directly at them.

"Yes, Xun Chen is too smart and knows the trade-offs, so if you succeed in encircling Yecheng, he won't be in a hurry, and it is Yuan Shao's general Jiang Yiqu who guards Yecheng and is in charge of grain and grass transportation. Calm, Xun Chen is absolutely at ease." Liu Ye said with admiration, and he suddenly found that Fazheng's sharpness had begun to overshadow his glory.

"You're right. For the other party, blocking us is more important than destroying you. As for the food issue, it's easy to borrow from Bohai Sea or from Qinghe." Chen Xi also expressed admiration. It's getting stronger!

"The important thing is the timing. If you can settle Bohai and Qinghe when I arrive in Yecheng, Yuan Shao will end the curtain!" Fazheng said solemnly, "I think Zichuan's plan should be able to do it. !"

"No problem, take those two eagles with you when you leave. Once you start to rob and kill Yecheng's supplies and food, then let one of the eagles send the letter back, and I will do it later!" Chen Xi sighed. Said in a tone, "To be honest, the chess piece should move."

"I knew you would be like this!" Fazheng snorted coldly, "Leave me what you have left behind, and I will solve it for you."

"If someone in Yecheng writes to you starting with the word Gen, saying that you can win the city, you can do it." Chen Xi weighed it twice, hesitating, but after reckoning, the current layout can indeed block it, so he said bluntly inform. (to be continued)

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