Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 873: The So-Called Fighter Plane

Chen Xi didn't think too carefully about Jia Xu's question. Maybe Jia Xu has entered a period of excitement, maybe Jia Xu committed a crime again, and wants to throw the pot out before others find out. Who knows?

After all, these are not important things. The important thing is that Chen Xi confirmed Li You's judgment, and Liu Ye also made the same judgment, that is, Yuan Shao intends to procrastinate. It can even be said that Yuan Shao has a very good chance of procrastinating this crisis. Choose the method of Zhao Guo back then, dragging food and grass, and the advantage over Zhao Guo back then was that Yuan Shao's food and grass were more affordable.

To be honest, this is the last situation Liu Bei wants to see, which is why there is talk of mediation!

If it really dragged on to that situation, the emperor's mediation is actually the most beneficial way for Liu Bei, directly avoiding all the troubles. The biggest advantage of Jizhou, the head of Kyushu, is that it has money, food, horses, and people!

The battlefield can't beat you, but it has to hold you back. To be honest, if Yuan Shao tried his best to consolidate the defense line, all kinds of beacon towers, trenches, camps, and even build the internal Great Wall like the Warring States Period, it would be very difficult for Liu Bei to defeat the opponent. This basic comprehensive defense is actually a rogue.

But everyone has to admit that, in the situation where there is nothing to do, if playing a rogue can win, with Yuan Shao's current courage, he will definitely not even frown. Is the truth!

It is precisely because of this that Liu Ye left Liu Xie a strategy to show the glory of the emperor and the majesty of the Han Dynasty when he left the pass. The emperor's mediation is not only the things on the surface, but the more important point is the safety lock!

After all, Liu Bei was not prepared for this battle, once the battle is dragged into a disgusting situation. That is to say, when Yuan Shao no longer pinned his hopes on attacking, but defended with all his strength, Liu Xie stepped forward to mediate the war between the two sides, which was enough for Liu Bei to withdraw from this quagmire and regroup. After making preparations, he defeated Yuan Shao in one go.

The plan was like this, but Xun Yu's eyes were too good to stand up. After noticing this, he decided to abolish the safety lock prepared for Liu Bei. The moment Liu Bei's chance of victory came. Xun Yu played this mediation card, of course, this card is not beneficial to Liu Bei at this time.

To be precise, the mediation card at this time is of no benefit to Liu Bei except adding hesitation, but to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, it has absolute benefits and does not ask for anything else. Just giving Yuan Shao a chance to breathe is enough for Liu Bei to play this card. Similarly, for Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, who was injured but not dead, is in his best interest.

What's more important is that Cao Cao has known Yuan Shao for many years. The potential of this guy when he meets a powerful enemy is absolutely enough to shock everyone. That guy was born for challenges.

So judging from the current situation, even a blind man knows that the emperor's mediation order will come before October comes.

So Liu Bei has two choices. One is to continue this tepid war, and when the mediation order comes out, turn around and go back, fighting a meaningless war in vain; the other is to pinch the time of the emperor's mediation. Let Yuan Shao become history before the emperor intervenes!

In that way, the emperor's mediation will have the greatest effect. If Yuan Shao dies here without leaving a will, the fighting power of the whole of Hebei without the slightest respite will definitely be as good as Yuan Shao's alive!

With the idea of ​​revenge, the Hebei army and Yuan Shao's sons fought desperately, regardless of the loss of Jizhou. Even if they all fell at Liu Bei's feet in the end, it would be enough to severely damage Mount Tai. Hebei will be completely smashed, and it may even be beaten to the point where every family in Hebei is untouched.

In that case, Hebei was occupied. Liu Bei will not be peaceful either, it can't be regarded as a treasure land, it can only be said to be a tasteless piece of tasteless food, not to mention that in such a war, both sides will suffer and it will only be cheaper for Cao Cao and Sun Ce.

I am afraid that after such a tragic battle, when looking back, Cao Cao and Sun Ce have already become behemoths.

If after killing Yuan Shao, the emperor's mediation order arrives and Liu Bei resolutely withdraws, then it will definitely be a good time to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. With the buffer of time, it will be strange if the three sons of the Yuan family don't make trouble!

At that time, while sitting and watching the Yuan family getting more and more deadly, while suppressing Sun Ce and Cao Cao, they can develop themselves with free hands.

When the Yuan family played themselves to death, Liu Bei stretched out his hand to receive it, and immediately entered the heyday stage without any effort. More importantly, the civil war between the three sons of the Yuan family would definitely consume all the popularity Yuan Shao had accumulated in Hebei. There will be the slightest resistance.

According to Chen Xi's estimate, Jia Xu probably had this kind of thinking in mind to come up with such a ruthless plan. Of course, this kind of ruthlessness is not only ruthless to the other party, but also very ruthless to Liu Beijun!

Similarly, Chen Xi, who is currently stuck in Puyang, is actually waiting for the mediation army. He needs to let the mediators from the Son of Heaven, who will arrive soon, pass here at the right time. Otherwise, no matter whether it is early or late, it will have a great impact on the entire Hebei plan. Impact.

This is also the reason why a top-level wise man must be left behind in this army, just like the commander-in-chief must be equipped with an excellent adviser, not because the adviser is better than the general, but because the adviser is more strategically Sensitive, able to choose a better shot timing.

In this way, the counselors of both Yuan and Liu are constantly stuck in time, constantly calculating the strength comparison between the two sides, and constantly hiding their own backhands.

Under such circumstances, some sensitive generals felt the cloud of war that would break out at any time, and they all made their own preparations, and some destined battles were about to start.

During this period of time, Yuan Shaojun and Liu Beijun also began to make final adjustments to their troops. At the same time as the last wave of grain and grass in Yecheng was delivered, the news that the grain road was cut off was also transmitted. Wei Yanhe of Qinghe Xu Shu tried his best to block the Qinghe River, and Yuan Shao's grain road was completely cut off, and the grain and grass left in the army could only last for four days.

Similarly, Liu Beijun's last wave of troops sending food and grass also brought news that the food and grass in the rear were burned, and there was not much food and grass left in Liu Bei's army.

The courtiers on both sides were holding back, waiting for the opportunity to come. Just as the two sides were waiting in full battle, a letter from Yuan Shaojun arrived at Chen Xi on the front line of Puyang. There was no beginning or end in the letter. Three words "food is exhausted"!

After Chen Xi got the letter, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately sent someone to send it to Liu Bei's army. At the same time, he ordered Hua Xiong to get ready, and then sent a letter to Fazheng who had retreated as soon as possible with an eagle. The time may come! (to be continued)

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