"Puff~" There were a few more soft sounds, and several scars appeared on Zhou Cang's body again, while Lu Xiang surrounded Zhou Cang's side lightly like a nimble cat, every time he made a move, Zhou Cang There was a bloodstain on his body.

Soon Zhou Cang's body was scratched with many scars. As for the school swordsman who came to assist, before he could help Zhou Cang, Lu Xiang casually pierced through the artery, and then fell to the side.

"Go and deal with his guards as quickly as possible, and leave him to me!" Zhou Cang, who was fighting bloody, roared angrily when he saw the school swordsmen fall one after another!

"Hehe, I'll leave it to you to deal with..." Lu Xiang easily sneaked in through the gap of Zhou Cang's Saber Saber, and drew a shallow scar on Zhou Cang's chest, and then he was on Zhou Cang's chest. The moment the position changed, he took advantage of the situation and escaped.

Soon there was a lot of blood on Zhou Cang's body, and Lu Xiang's armor was cut into pieces bit by bit, but Lu Xiang himself was still not attacked by Zhou Cang.

【How is this possible? He's not fast, but why can't I hit him? Also, is he playing tricks on me? 】 Another blow hit, Zhou Cang had no choice but to retreat a little bit, flustered slightly.

[Damn it, the opponent's reaction is too fast, even faster than mine. Even if the cloud qi suppresses everyone's internal qi, the internal qi separation is still the internal qi separation! ] Lu Xiang cut across Zhou Cang's waist with a knife, but the opponent's quick reaction forced Lu Xiang to retreat. Compared with the terrifying strength of the internal energy, he was still unable to take that step.

[I can't drag it on any longer, Junhou's mission is important! ] Zhou Cang's heart swayed, seeing the opponent's blade slashing towards his chest again, he immediately rushed forward without dodging or evading. As a general with natural supernatural power, he has an absolute advantage in close combat.

"Boom!" Zhou Cang grabbed the opponent enduring the severe pain in his abdomen and chest, and then bumped his head on Lu Xiang's helmet. After a muffled sound, Lu Xiang's head exploded directly under Zhou Cang's inconceivable gaze.

Zhou Cang, who was covered in blood, looked at the headless corpse in his hand in disbelief, even though he had tried his best to hit the head hammer for the last time. But how could it be possible to explode the skull as the most solid body for an internal gas separation body.

【Couldn't he be internally separated? 】Zhou Cang looked at the headless corpse in his hand in amazement. He felt that he might have killed someone who shouldn't be killed. Although there is cloud energy to suppress the internal energy, but in a one-on-one situation, a refined qi can make the internal energy Feeling threatened outside the body, this is enough to explain a lot of problems!

[Report quickly to General Guan. Once the opponent reserves a large number of such characters to prepare for a sneak attack, it will really cause huge trouble! 】 Zhou Cang is a rough man with fine details. After rough thinking, he immediately led a team of school swordsmen to report back.

"The messengers will inform the lord of this matter!" After Guan Yu heard this, he immediately ordered his few messengers to notify Liu Bei.

When Liu Bei heard the news, the armies of the two sides had been completely strangled together. As soon as Lu Su and Jia Xu got together, they knew that now was not the time to pursue these matters. No extra orders were issued, no matter what the trump card is, as long as the other party can't use it!

At this time, Yuan Shao and the judge had successfully retreated to the rear army, and Ju Yi, who had been waiting, had eyes burning. Whether it was the death of his friend Yan Liang or the death of Ju Shou, who had always trusted him, he was extremely annoyed!

"Yuan Hao is everything ready?" the examiner asked with flaming eyes.

"At most one and a half hours, Uncle Yuan will lead the cavalry to launch an attack from the east. This is the largest elite cavalry under our army!" Tian Feng suppressed the grief caused by Jushou's death. Try to calmly say that Yuan Shao's hegemony is the direction of their unremitting efforts.

"However, according to my estimation, the left and right armies of Wen Chou and the three Lu brothers should completely bite together with Liu Bei's army! It's not easy for our army to attack, so let's go around Liu Bei's rear army and launch an attack!" Tian Feng hesitated for a moment. Said.

"Tell Gao Lan. At that time, don't care about any situation, just cut the army in the middle!" Said the judge with a cold face, at this moment he maintained incomparable wisdom under the cold expression.

"This..." Tian Feng looked at the judge and said in disbelief.

"Don't hesitate. If we win this game, we can talk about everything if we kill Liu Bei. If we lose this game, we may have nothing. What is the biggest disadvantage of Liu Bei's army? Then where do we start!" At this moment, the judge Pei directly tore away his elegant disguise, revealing the cruelty in his heart.

The strength ratio of Liu Beijun and Yuan Shaojun is almost one to three. But the battle loss exchange ratio is almost the same number, so this battle is actually about morale and resilience. Whoever has better resilience and can withstand a greater proportion of battle damage will win.

The current method of trial and assignment is completely tearing up this method. He is going to use suicide to directly force the battle loss ratio between Yuan Shaojun and Liu Beijun to one to one, which is no more than tenacity and morale!

The tenacity and morale of the army is actually doomed to be hopeless at the moment of Jushou's fall, so what the trial and match needs to do now is to directly create a huge number of casualties, for example, directly let Yuan Shaojun and Liu Beijun die within a quarter of an hour. At the same time, 10,000 people were evaporated!

"Abandon all those moral visions, and we want to win this battle!" The judge's sharp eyes glanced at Tian Feng, "There are not many compensations for soldiers who died in battle, but if you lose this battle, then what you lose is not Money and food!"

Tian Feng opened his mouth. It was the first time that the audition was so strange, but he shut up in the end. The audition had clearly made up his mind.

"Leave the matter of delaying Liu Beijun to me. Ju Yi, you go to protect the lord and wait for the time to come. When Liu Beijun's spirit dissipates, it's time for you to attack!" Tian Feng said slowly.

"Alright." The judge glanced at Ju Yi, nodded and said, the whole Yuan Shaojun is best at dispatching large army formations is Jushou, and the one who is really good at fighting with large army and making use of his own advantages is Tian Feng!

"Zhengli, suppress the anger in your heart, I hope that the moment you make a move, you will be like a tiger coming out of the gate!" The judge looked at Ju Yi, whose eyes were almost flaming, and said, "The two biggest advantages of our army, one is the strength of the army, and the other is you!"

"I will definitely use Guan Yu's head to pay homage to my brother!" Ju Yi roared angrily, then took his own sword, and under the comfort of Shen Pei and others, guarded Yuan Shao, Xu You, etc. People retreated to the rear.

"The whole army listens to the order, swords and shields form a phalanx, spearmen follow behind, east, middle and west, three lines of defense, each with 500 people, and 20 layers of defense!" After the judge left, Tian Feng issued the most shameless order The command of defense, abandoning all offenses, and directly defending on the spot! (to be continued)

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