Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 890: The Death of Tian Feng

"I'll take your head!" Wei Yan laughed wildly.

This is the plan Xu Shu told Wei Yan, and for the young Wei Yan, as long as he can kill Yuan Shao, it is not unacceptable to be stepped on the ground a few times, and just as Xu Shu estimated, Yuan Shao really rushed to Wei Yan in his chariot Here, Wei Yan jumped up laughing wildly.

"Pfft!" Wei Yan's body was immediately splashed with drops of blood, and at the same time, Wei Yan himself screamed and retreated violently, while Tian Feng fell down slowly.

The moment Wei Yan jumped out, Tian Feng found him, because he was not good at riding a horse, so Yuan Shao let him ride in the car with him. When Wei Yan slashed at Yuan Shao, Tian Feng reflexively pushed Yuan Shao off the battlefield. car.

Speaking of which, if Wei Yan hadn't laughed wildly at those two sentences, Tian Feng probably wouldn't have had the chance to push Yuan Shao off the chariot.

It's a pity that sometimes the reality is like this. Not a few people die from talking too much, and Wei Yan should be thankful that Tian Feng pushed Yuan Shao off the chariot, and he was cut into two pieces. His consciousness was blurred before he reacted and gave him a mental shock, otherwise If so, the dying Tian Feng is definitely enough to drag Wei Yan into the water.

Wei Yan, who missed a hit and was hit by Tian Feng when he was dying, immediately retreated under the protection of the city management force, and Guan Ping responded not far outside, so he escaped a catastrophe, otherwise he would have to be killed. Siege to death!

"Yuan Hao!" Yuan Shao yelled miserably. In just a few hours, he lost his favorite generals Yan Liang and Ju Yi, as well as his conspirator Tian Feng and Ju Shou!

Although Yuan Shao hated Tian Feng and Jushou for making trouble for him, it didn't mean they were unimportant, in the heart of Yuan Shao who is still wise and powerful. Tian Feng and Jushou are indispensable roles for him to maintain his current growth momentum!

It's a pity that Tian Feng Jushou, whom he regarded as his right-hand man not long ago, fell in front of him one after another.

"Withdraw!" Yuan Shao took a deep breath of the grief and anger in his heart, and roared, although Tian Feng didn't say anything when he fell, but the resolute look made Yuan Shao understand that the most important thing he should do is What!

Wen Chou, Jiang Qi, the Lu brothers, Han Ju and others protected Yuan Shao and headed north to kill. As for Zhang Jagao Lan, after blocking Liu Bei's reinforcements, he went directly to the northwest where the troops were weak, and escaped to heaven instead.

Wen Chou and others protected Yuan Shao all the way, while Guan Yu, Hua Xiong, and Zhao Yun led the Jingqi of the headquarters to pursue all the way, and the other generals of Liu Bei's army kept gathering Yuan Shao's rout in the rear. In order to prevent these defeated troops from causing damage to Yanzhou and Jizhou. It is also to prepare for the conquest of Jizhou in the future.

After the war, Liu Beijun ordered his soldiers to treat the wounded of both the enemy and us, and at the same time began to choose places to bury the corpses and deal with the battlefield to avoid plagues.

Under such circumstances, Chen Xi and Liu Ye saw Liu Bei who was directing the soldiers to carry the corpse, and Jia Xu, Guo Jia, and Lu Su were also nearby.

"Win!" Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi and said very calmly. "After this battle, even if Yuan Shao escapes and ascends to heaven, it will not affect the overall situation. The strategy you formulated back then has taken the biggest step. Next, it is up to you to govern Hebei, and only you can quickly turn Hebei into a Our power!"

"It only needs to be implemented step by step. General Zijing's plan has been completed. As for Yuan Shao, it is impossible to escape and ascend to heaven. Not to mention the pursuit of General Guan and others, just talk about my arrangement. They are also impossible. Killed it." Chen Xi shook his head and said.

"That's good!" Liu Bei nodded and said, "After the battlefield is cleared up, we will march directly and complete our strategy as soon as possible."

"I think our strategy is about to be completed." Guo Jia said slowly. "If my predictions are correct, Hebei's transformation has already begun, and Yuan Shao has no hope of making a comeback."

"That's true." Jia Xu calmly opened his folding fan, "Now let's wait for the emperor to mediate. As expected, when Xun Chen appeared, the emperor's mediation order had already entered Yanzhou."

"That's right." Liu Ye nodded and said, "Yuan Shao probably never thought that if he loses this round, he will have no chance to lose again. You know, we don't like dragging on with others at all."

"Mr. Xuande, let's make a choice, go directly to Yecheng, or go to Puyang to meet the angel?" Chen Xi asked with his head turned.

"What's the difference?" Liu Bei tilted his head and asked.

"If we rush to Yecheng, we will win the Xuanyuan Ding, and if we welcome the angel, we will get the Xuanyuan Ding." Chen Xi said casually.

"It's better to get everything we need on our own. After packing up the battlefield, we will go to Yecheng." Liu Bei said slowly, the calmness in his voice was enough to explain too many problems.

After Liu Bei cleaned up the battlefield, he left some soldiers to guard the prisoners and take care of the wounded soldiers. Speaking of the prisoners who were more powerful than them, Liu Bei was not worried about the other party's riots. There is absolutely no problem at all.

As for Zhang Yan's problem, Liu Bei still punished him, cut off Zhang Yan's duties as a general, and let him follow him as a guard. Obviously such a punishment, Liu Bei obviously didn't want to pursue Zhang Yan's behavior, so he just beat him a little , moved Zhang Yan, and swore to be loyal to Liu Bei.

Later, Liu Bei ordered Gan Ning to transfer back to the navy, and ordered Gan Ning to go down the Yellow River and transfer the sea boats into the Yellow River. To attack Yecheng as soon as possible, the navy as a carrier is inevitable, and of course cavalry is also indispensable.

The horses needed by the cavalry, Liu Beijun gained a lot in this battle, although many of them could no longer be used due to injuries, but after all, Yuan Shaojun used too many horses in this battle. As for the cavalry who came to cheer for Karasuma, they did not perform at all opportunities were destroyed.

As for the problem that most infantry can’t ride horses, with saddles and stirrups, they can be used as infantry on horseback after a little training. As for turning into cavalry, it used to take three years, but now it takes almost one year to take shape!

Of course, the more significance of the existence of horses is to preserve the combat effectiveness of infantry for long-distance raids. Being able to ride horses can save human strength, not only march faster, but also reduce the loss of infantry combat effectiveness.

When Liu Bei finished cleaning up the battlefield, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Hua Xiong's pursuit of Yuan Shaojun was coming to an end. The three of them kept biting Yuan Shaojun's defeated army, and chased and killed them all the way, finally at the junction of Jizhou and Yanzhou Yuan Shaojun caught up with Yuan Shaojun in a valley!

"You protect the lord and go quickly, I'll kill the queen!" Seeing that Guan Yu had led his army to kill him, Wen Chou roared and turned around to kill Guan Yu.

At the moment Wen Chou turned around, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the valley, and a general rushed in. Yuan Shao, whose heart was already in his throat, was finally relieved, and immediately burst into tears. (To be continued.)

ps: Guess, how Yuan Shao will die, or by whom, if you guess right, there will be a reward...

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