Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter Nine Yuan Shao and Dong Zhuo in this Period


Seeing Guan and Zhang who were gearing up, Chen Xi rubbed his chin. He needed to perfect his plan. After all, the 18th princes got too much money from Dong. Those who can gain both fame and fortune, these are very important!

It was still very cold in February of 190 AD. Sitting on the ground like this, even with a brazier, Chen Xi still trembled slightly, which was completely incomparable to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Siberia is estimated to be able to resist. To some extent, they are already inhuman.

Soon the barbecue was served, the food was served, and the singing and dancing performances were also performed. After watching the singing and dancing, under the leadership of Yuan Benchu, they began to discuss how to deal with Dong Zhuo. At least in the eyes of most people, this time Dong Bisheng!

First, Cao Cao proposed to divide his troops into five groups, one to attack Sishuiguan, one to attack Hulao to attract firepower, one to go around Luoyang to attack the latter, and all the way to copy the back road to break the traffic between Hangu and Luoyang, destroying Dong Zhuo's idea of ​​calling reinforcements from his hometown. Break Xingyang and even retreat.

To be honest, this proposal can be said to have maximized the advantages of the coalition's large number of generals, and as long as it is properly deployed, even if Dong Zhuo cannot be killed, Dong Zhuo will be severely injured. Unfortunately, this proposal was rejected.

Yuan Shao proposed to overthrow Dong Zhuo head-on. He didn't need any cover-up, and ran over directly from Hulao Pass to kill Dong Zhuo.

Well, in Chen Xi's opinion, Yuan Benchu's proposal is also very good. If everyone works hard, this plan is more direct, effective, and simpler than Cao Cao's plan. From this point of view, Yuan Shao at this time is not a fool. Because of this, everyone agreed to the proposal after a little thought.

As far as Yuan Shao's action is concerned, in Chen Xi's view, it is purely a way to suppress people, but it is very effective, because the initiative is in his hands, and he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to fight at Hulao Pass, then Dong Zhuo will Only bite the bullet and follow the decisive battle at Hulao Pass, and it will be a good strategy to complete all the achievements in one battle.

It's a pity that Yuan Shao ignored these people's selfishness, or Yuan Shao deliberately indulged these people's selfishness, let these people spend time in Hulao, the dead are not his, and the weakened ones are future enemies.

For Yuan Shao, this is very beneficial, and it is very simple. You lost because you didn't try your best. After all, we have a large number of soldiers. As long as we work hard, we can definitely win. Everyone must admit this. It was Yuan Benchu ​​who commanded properly, there would be no loss in winning or losing, and it would only increase his own advantage. This is a good strategy from any point of view.

With enough food and drink, the big strategy has been determined. Sun Jian also took the vanguard position and planned to explore the wind. After all, it is not very clear who will be the guard of Sishui at this time. Marching at Hulao Pass, the speed of soldiers is not suitable for this battle.

At this time, Dong Zhuo in Luoyang had already received the news. After beating and scolding for a while, the Xiangfu turned off the fire, summoned his generals, and prepared to deal with those guys in Kanto who came to make trouble.

In the city of Luoyang, Dong Zhuogao was sitting on the couch, looking at the powerful generals under his command, he felt relieved, "Guandong rats, gather an army of 500,000 to attack our family, let me hear what you think."

A person under the tent stepped out, wearing a golden crown with hair on top, a battle robe of hundreds of flowers, Tang Yi armor, and a lion belt. His sharp-edged cheeks showed a domineering arrogance. It was the flying general Lu Bu.

The well-deserved No. 1 general in the Three Kingdoms period was usually the target of besieged and beaten, but no matter how many opponents there were, he could only repel them.

"I would like to share my worries for my father. My child regards the generals in the Kanto region as rats. May I lead 30,000 elite riders to defeat the rats in the Kanto region for my father!"

"As expected of my son Fengxian!" Dong Zhuo laughed, he was very satisfied with this son, thinking back in Luoyang, Ding Yuan almost killed him by relying on Lu Bu.

Lu Bu pierced through the line of defense set up by 10,000 men by himself. If all the generals under him hadn't fought to the death, he would have had his own hand. He might have knelt down that time. Pan Chou, Zhang Ji, and Zhang Xiu together were almost taken away by Lu Bu.

One must know that Hua Xiong was known as the brave general of Xiliang before, Zhang Xiu was young and vigorous, and everyone else had such skills, but even so, they were almost defeated by Lu Bu, which shows how strong Lu Bu is.

Just when Dong Zhuo was about to order Lu Bu to end the Kanto rats, a person behind Lu Bu came out, "How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, mere Kanto rats, the general is willing to go, and the opponent who will be killed will be ruined!"

"Okay, okay, with such a strong general, why should I care about the rats in the Kanto region, Hua Xiong obeys orders."

"The end is here!"

"I order you to be the vanguard, lead 50,000 cavalry, drive to Sishui Pass and stand firm, beware of the sneak attack of the Kanto rats."

"The final general obeys the order!"

"Xu Rong obeys orders."

"The end is here!"

"I command you to lead an army of 50,000 to guard the tiger prison, so that nothing will be lost."

"No." Xu Rong replied with a firm face.

"Pan Chou and Zhang Ji order you two to lead 100,000 infantry and guard every dangerous point in Luoyang!" "No!"

"Li Que, Guo Si, you two lead 50,000 cavalry to guard Hangu, and Han Sui dares to kill you directly for any wrongdoing!" "No!"

"The rest of the people will inspect Luoyang's movements. If anyone dares to secretly communicate with the Kanto rats, he will be killed!" the generals promised.

I have to say that Dong Zhuo still has some skills at this time, but unfortunately after returning to Chang'an, with the natural danger of Hangu, Dong Zhuo completely degenerated.

There is no way, as the old saying goes, wine is the gut piercer, sex is the steel knife that scrapes the bone, wealth is the tiger that goes down the mountain, and qi is the root that causes trouble. When he returned to Chang'an, Dong Zhuo had all these four items, so he can only say yes. Ease makes people degenerate, without ambition, in this troubled world can only become a stepping stone for others.

Let’s say that after the alliance of the princes ended, each of them returned to their respective camps. Liu Bei’s camp was naturally close to Gongsun Zan, but unlike before, it was not attached to Gongsun Zan, but independent of Gongsun Zan, and was also designated as a small prince along the way. Assigned on time.

When Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan came back from chatting, Chen Xi, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were studying what would happen next, but it was obvious that Chen Xi was indoctrination, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei could only sit there and listen.

"Thank you sir for your help recently, I will never repay you." Liu Bei entered the tent, walked straight towards Chen Xi, and bowed to Chen Xi.

Unlike Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's slowness, Liu Bei understands what it means to be able to sit in the position today and mix among the princes. Before he came, he only thought about being able to mix in, but now it is so simple Sitting in it, chatting happily with Tao Qian and Kong Rong.

When will he, Liu Bei, be able to mix with a bunch of big officials in the frontiers and brag and fart with them? Liu Bei didn't dare to think about it before. Although he had that ambition, he was born in a humble background, and he would never erase it from the depths of his heart. The touch of inferiority.

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