Mythological Native Species

Chapter 496: Doshin Tenno (above)

? Weekly head!

A mysterious figure resident in the Yasukuni Kyoto.

His Fenglai Inn, which once sheltered many practitioners who committed crimes, had a good reputation although the fees were very expensive.

Many people have suspected that Zhou Baotou has something to do with the Yasukuni royal family.

After all... their surname is Zhou.

At this time, several monks in Jingyang Palace heard Zhou Baotou's voice and his conversation with Xie Wanchun, but their faces showed an expression as if they had eaten Xiang.

"Not only the time, but also the space is chaotic. They are also here, as if they are by our side, but they are actually far apart." Feng Linye said like a full-time commentator.

"You don't need to remind me." The cultivator of Jingyang Palace glared at Feng Linye.

"Who is it?" Zhou Baotou's voice was piercingly cold, and Xie Wanchun, who had been following him, had slowly disappeared, as if it had penetrated into everything around him, searching for the source of those voices and the trace.

"Don't bother, you can't find us. This is the 'Dao' of Dao Shi Tianwang, which is also equivalent to a part of his heart. A dead, exhausted, broken and chaotic inner world." Feng Linwen Even if you can't see it, you can guess what Zhou Baotou is doing at this time.

He had some thoughts in his mind, which became more and more obvious. At this time, he deliberately asked Zhou Baotou to speak and exchange information.

Everyone has their own inner world, and the real powerhouse can transform the illusory world in his heart into reality.

This is not Feng Linye's transformation of reality and reality, the concept of game space.

It's more like the forced indoctrination of ideas and the suppression of reality.

Dao Shi Tianwang was once powerful and extraordinary, and he had enough ability and strength to complete such a suppression.

It is not so much that this underground palace mausoleum was built for himself before his death.

Rather, this is where his will has been transformed.

In a different way, he kept everything about himself, as if he were alive.

Make a simple metaphor.

Assuming that a book is an author's record of his own thoughts and consciousness at certain times, then the people who read the book will have some points in common with the author at special times. In a sense, at a certain moment, the reader becomes a kind of continuation of the author.

Therefore, an admired and admired writer, even if the body perishes, can not be said to have been completely annihilated, leaving no trace.

The Dao Shi Tianwang, on the other hand, preserved every moment of himself more thoroughly, turning it into a scene and an object here, and every change.

That is to say, as long as it fits, at a certain moment, anyone here may become the Dao Beginning King.

Of course, it was only a moment, a moment.

If Dao Shi Tianwang really wants to be resurrected, he still has to do as Feng Linwan said before.

Find a soul that has been whitewashed, then infuse the immortal inscription, completely replace it, and start over.

"This is the inner world of Dao Shi Tianwang?" Zhou Baotou's voice was filled with surprise, excitement, and some kind of disbelief.

"Where do you think this place is?" Feng Linxen grasped the strangeness keenly, and then asked.

This time, it was the cultivator of Jingyang Palace who took the initiative to answer Feng Linye's question.

"Of course he thought that this was the ruins of the Sun View."

He continued as if he was pointing at Zhou and said, "When you stole the formation map from Jingyang Palace, the headmaster and the elders knew what you were going to do. Over the years, we have been keeping an eye on your behavior. Acquiescence. It is also because of the guilt at the beginning... Zhou Baxian, now is a special period, we should cooperate, this place belongs to our Jingyang Palace, and also belongs to your Zhou family, and it has nothing to do with outsiders!" The outsider who speaks should be Xie Wanchun.

And Feng Linwan suddenly realized.

Remember that, the emperor who was enshrined by Jingyang Palace to the green emperor?

Zhou Baxian... or Zhou Baotou, the emperor.

It seems that after being greened, the former emperor, after remorse, gave up his country and stepped into the path of cultivation.

Just because of some 'misunderstanding' with Jingyang Palace, he did not join Jingyang Palace, but became a loose cultivator.

Hearing this, Zhou Baxian sneered sharply: "Shadiao! Don't you think of me Zhou Baxian as a fool?"

"Help you? That bastard, although he was imprisoned by you, but you really thought I didn't know, the so-called punishment... is just helping him to cultivate a special magical art. He poured copper juice into his shares and reversed Jingyang Palace. The method of burning the sky with ten thousand flames, he can cultivate the sacrifice Ziyan that freezes all things. When he succeeds in exiting the customs, he will not only become the new supreme elder of Jingyang Palace, but also play Jingyang Palace and come to me to seek revenge. ."

"I'm just a whetstone you prepared for him."

Feng Lin couldn't help feeling a deep chill.

Unexpectedly, in addition to chopping birds, you can cultivate magic skills, and you can also cultivate **** magic skills by investing in shares.

This is really scary....

Therefore, Feng Linwan thought that if there was a chance, he must get this practice.

Maybe take it out and sell it, there is still a market among special groups...

After all, when the orthodoxy is rampant, the sword will have a miraculous effect, and the price will be high.

Just as the monk Shadiao and Zhou Baxian in Jingyang Palace were fighting with each other, a thick fog suddenly appeared in front of them.

After the thick fog dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a bustling scene.

That was a decidedly different architectural style from the current Yasukuni.

People are wearing all kinds of leather clothes, and the architectural style is sharp and full of edges and corners.

On the street, girls can be seen everywhere, showing smooth and strong thighs, full of wildness.

It is by no means the same as today's Yasukuni, which has a rather conservative style.

"This is... a scene from thousands of years ago. This is the legendary Wei Kingdom that has long been destroyed?" Xie Wanchun said.

He is an old monster in the world of practice, a living fossil who knows many things.

Because of his interruption, even the two men and horses who had already met each other did not move.

On the other hand, Feng Linwan suddenly turned to Zhou and asked, "This... Boss Zhou! Excuse Can your big formation go in the opposite direction? Actually...I don't really like the atmosphere here, I kind of want to leave!"

Feng Linwan's proposal was naturally ignored.

On the other hand, Xie Wanchun opened his mouth, as if to answer, but also as if talking to himself: "I didn't expect that in the inner world of the Dao Shi Tian Wang, I saw the customs of the Wei Kingdom that had long since disappeared. According to legend, the Dao Shi Tian Wang was a native of the Wei Kingdom. , born in a royal family..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a group of people chasing a troubled young man on the street with a bold style.

The young man was in ragged clothes, but he was quite agile and lively.

There were people chasing his name behind him... Li Daoxiu.

Anyone who has studied the Dao Shi Tian Wang a little knows that this is his real name.

Um! Face slaps always come so timely that people are not prepared at all.

Xie Wanchun must be very embarrassed now.

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