Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 299 Kill Me

The Ten Thousand Years Ship, the real name is the Sun Ship. It is the mount of the god Ra, and also the embodiment of the sun in the eyes of the Upper and Lower Egyptians.

It is as huge as a city, and can be as small as dust. The golden and red hull is engraved with complex runes, and the material looks like metal and wood. The slender and curved hull is raised high at the head and tail, like half of a disk; and the flames burning from it occupy the other half, forming a complete circle with the hull.

It has always been on Ra's body, that is, the sun wheel hanging above the head of the god Ra. In the past, Ra rode the Sun Ship to and from Upper and Lower Egypt and the netherworld, fought with the incarnation of the chaotic side of the world, the world-destroying demon Apophis, at night, and returned to the sky when the sun rose.

This makes this artifact have the extreme speed of traveling forward and backward and penetrating the world. As a divine artifact, although it is called a ship, it is obviously not necessary to ride on it to play its effect.

With a determined mind, Ra did not change on the surface. He still maintained his previous appearance, exchanged two moves with the gods from outside the domain, and fought with them relying on the terrain.

Until one moment, after another unsuccessful attempt to approach the light ball behind the black-clothed god, Ra suddenly mobilized his divine power.

Without retreating to the sun, the sun wheel above his head suddenly shone brightly. Although this use method other than "riding" cannot really fully exert the power of the artifact, Ra still has unimaginable speed at this time.

Just like the "Golden Crow Transformed into a Rainbow" in Eastern mythology - now Ra with an eagle head and a human body is indeed somewhat similar. In an instant, even Ryan did not react, he quickly approached another light ball, and then swung his arms like eagle claws and grabbed it fiercely in front of him.

"Ten Thousand Years Ship?"

Slightly startled, the changes in front of him were also somewhat beyond Ryan's expectations.

He thought that the other party would choose to retreat when he realized that he was not an opponent, and he also thought that Ra would find a way to bring something back before leaving, but he didn't know what the other party's trump card was.

After all, although the legend of the solar boat was widely circulated in later generations, Ryan always thought that it was a divine artifact similar to the solar chariot in the Chaos world, a treasure specially used to pull the movement of celestial bodies. And the sun wheel on Ra's head has always looked like an ornament for healing injuries, rather than a wooden boat that provides extreme speed.


The surprise was only for a moment, and Ryan took a step forward, and the space folded layer by layer in front of him, and the distance between him and Ra instantly turned into size.

He didn't really care about the fate of other gods in Chaos, but now the Hemenu world is more or less the object he has to deal with, and Ra is the biggest "local snake". In order to deal with it better in the future, he naturally couldn't watch the other party get what he wanted.


The sword blade collided with the gas scepter, making a crisp sound, but this time, the sword tip was only delayed for a second, and then continued to move forward.

It was not because Ryan had not used force before, but because most of Ra's power was now used to break the barrier protecting the Chaos gods. However, just as the sword was about to touch Ra's body, the sun wheel above his head slightly tilted, blocking the sharp edge that could tear apart his divine body.

Crack --

With the sound of wood breaking, although it can be regarded as a divine weapon that can be used to defend against attacks, this is not the best place for the solar boat after all. A gap broke on it, and following closely, a white palm stretched out from the void.

Bang --!

The palm collided with the sun wheel, and the rising flames left a red mark on the palm. But the sun boat was hit even worse, and it made a series of "crunching" sounds throughout its body, as if it would disintegrate in the next moment.

'I caught it... Unfortunately, there is not enough time. '

It seems that a long time has passed, but it is only a moment. In a short time, the divine weapon that has accompanied him for a long time was almost damaged, but Ra's expression did not change.

His hand has already reached into the light ball, as if he has caught a part of the foreign god. However, the power of the light ball had not been completely wiped out, and Ryan and Nix were right beside him, so La did not get greedy, but pulled hard.

Tear and pull——

Something was immediately dragged down by La, and feeling the power that was from a foreign land but more or less compatible with him, La no longer hesitated and urged the sun boat to leave quickly again.

He could feel that because of his previous behavior, the foreign laws that were originally fighting against the will of the Hemenu world suddenly rioted. If he stayed for a moment, he might not be able to leave.


With a light hum, a black ribbon was across La's front, and farther away, a dark sword light rose from the void.

Making a judgment in a flash, La did not choose to retain his strength to block the black sword that was obviously more lethal, but summoned his divine power to tear the ribbon apart, and then rushed to the sword light.


The sharp edge entered the body, bringing bursts of blood, and then disappeared under the power of death, but La's speed did not slow down at all.

Just as he judged, this was actually a temporary trap. If he chose to block the sword light, he would inevitably be slowed down by the black ribbon. If he was a little slower, the consequences would be hard to say.

The golden light streaked across the void and flew quickly towards the sun from where it came. The sun also exploded instantly to welcome the return of its master. Even when he stood on the celestial body, Ra still did not feel at ease. He pressed down hard and took the entire sun back to the boundless darkness that enveloped the world of Hemenu.

Fortunately, the two foreign gods behind him did not pursue him... Before the sun was about to fall into the world, Ra, who was almost split in two by the huge bloodstain, looked back.

If they chased him, Ra was ready to destroy the sun to leave one person behind, after all, this was the home of the Hemenu world. Although the creation-level forces between the two worlds were neutralized, if the sun was destroyed, it would be enough to cause the most fundamental turmoil in the world.

At this moment, Ra didn't know whether he should regret that they didn't fall into the trap, or be glad that he didn't have to go this far... Looking at the foreign gods looking at him from a distance, Ra's face was cold and pale.

"This is just the beginning."

"Next time we meet, we will have a life or death."

Turning around and sinking into the darkness, unlike the Chaos gods, the gods of the Hemenu world will grow old and die, and Ra is no exception. After being hit by a fatal blow with almost no protection from the same level, the original god might just be a little weaker and he could fight again without hindrance, but Ra almost took half his life directly.

Now, he has to go back to the place that makes him feel most at ease, and then find a way to recover from his injuries, or even try to go further.

Before, Ra had no interest in such risky things. He is the Lord of the Gods of Hermenu, the founder and guardian of Heliopolis, the Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the sun that never sets, but now it is different.

Under the coercion of foreign gods, he may have to make some preparations in advance.


"Next time we meet, we will really have to decide life and death."

Standing in the void, Ryan looked at the sun that was gradually sinking into the darkness. As the huge light body sank, the surroundings returned to coldness and death again.

Some light balls were still emitting light, but they could clearly see the trajectory of retreat. As Pallas entered the Hermenu world through the gap where Ra entered and exited, the conflict of Chaos's order had slowed down a lot, and Ra's behavior just now aggravated this.

He forcibly took away part of the origin of a god-this was something that could not happen in the world of Chaos, or even in the scope of His power. However, this place is too close to the foreign land after all, and the opponent's resistance is still fierce, so this thing that should not have happened still happened.

Compared with Chaos's huge size, this loss is not much, but it is still enough to make Him "angry". So the order conflict that was still pulling was forcibly smoothed out with a more damaging behavior, and the gods began to return to where they came from. And with this change, the invisible "channel" connecting the two worlds also began to show signs of dissipation.

This "road" opened from "nothingness" is temporary. When the mission is over, the road will naturally dissipate, and both Ryan and Nyx have discovered this.

"The soul was sent in, but I have almost no sense of him... It seems that we have to wait until the two worlds decide the winner, and this nail put in in advance will be meaningful?"

The black belt that was torn apart before was taken back, which was actually a section of the sleeve on Nyx's black skirt.

It was burned a little ugly by the power of the sun, but under the flushing of Ms. Ye's power, it was gradually recovering its previous appearance.

"I always feel that what you are doing is a bit useless - if you have to wait until there is almost no resistance in this world before it can take effect, then there is actually no gain, right?"

"Forget it, it's time to go back. If you don't go back, there will be no way."

Indifferently, he smoothed his sleeves and smoothed the marks on them completely. Nix turned around and prepared to leave, but she soon found that Ryan had no intention of leaving.

"You go back first, I will stay here for a while."

Waving his hand, Ryan still looked at the place where La disappeared.

"...Stay for a while, do you have a way to travel through the 'nothingness' between the two worlds after the power of the world disappears?"


Shaking his head, Ryan denied it.

"In fact, as you can see, I don't plan to go back."


With a slight change of expression, Nix looked carefully at Ryan, whom she had known for many years.

I don't plan to go back...If I don't go back now, then the next time, it will be the time for the two worlds to completely merge. She didn't know what Ryan was doing here, but it was definitely related to the previous soul.

As for what he was going to do, and what he was thinking... Nix had never understood.

"... So, this is the real purpose of you calling me here. It's not to hide your soul - after all, as a god from outside the domain, how can my power really be useful across the barrier of a world? You are not here to deal with the enemy. If it's just that guy just now, it doesn't matter whether I'm here or not if you can't kill it."

"You don't need me here, but in Chaos. If you don't go back, I will go back. This is why you came with me and promised me benefits."

The tone gradually became calm, and Nix looked at Ryan's back. For some reason, looking at this figure, she suddenly had an illusion.

The "God" side of him seemed to be rising.

"So... why do you think I will do what you say?"

"I can't promise, well... just think of it as someone asking you for a favor. You don't need to do anything for me, just don't let others do anything to the spirit world. Of course, before I leave, I have also made some preparations for unexpected events."

Lian smiled and didn't wait for Nyx's reply.

It would be best if the other party is willing to help, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to. He came to this world alone, so from beginning to end, he didn't expect a second person except himself.

He just raised the sword in his hand... and then slashed at himself.

The sword passed through the body, but there was no blood and flesh flying, but something seemed to be peeled off. In Nyx's eyes, Ryan in front of him looked more and more like a "god", not the god of Chaos, but a god who was as cold and ruthless as the world, looking down on the changes of all things.

But the corresponding thing was the thing that was peeled off. The invisible thing that was separated seemed to be full of all kinds of joy, anger, sorrow, love, hate, and hatred, as if it contained emotions that the original Ryan had never had. Seeing this scene, Nyx seemed to understand something.

"The gods can't kill themselves, and you can't kill yourself either. So you can't separate your humanity from your divinity, it's meaningless. In the final analysis, your connection can't be severed - then you are still one person."

"Yes, that's the case now."

Holding the illusory substance, Ryan threw it towards where it came from,

"You should go back, Nyx."

"And I will stay here, wait until the sunset, and then start the end of this world."

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