Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 307 The Source of the Fall of the Heavens

Zeus naturally didn't know the answer to this question, but someone had already thought about it for him.

At this moment, Apollo, who the king of gods was thinking about, was not somewhere else. He was in front of the gate of the original Temple of the Sun in Mount Olympus.

The silver gate had collapsed long ago, and under the ruins of the dilapidated temple, a wheel with flowing golden clouds revealed a corner. The artifact just fell here and was buried under the rubble. Looking at the scene in front of him, although his face was a little pale, Apollo's eyes still flashed a hint of joy and doubt.

The artifact that appeared here was undoubtedly the [Sun God Chariot]. This tool that Helios used to control the sun was also used by Apollo for a short time, but later, as the sun god advanced to the realm of powerful divine power, this artifact was actually put aside.

The reason is also very simple. For the sun god, this artifact is actually a symbol of shame, at least Helios has always thought so. The existence of the sun chariot confirms the days when he was imprisoned by his father. It was the experience during that period that made him lack divine power, so that a sun god actually needed the assistance of a divine tool to exercise his authority. Later, it was the product of his own threat by Kronos, witnessing Helios's dark past.

Therefore, when he could easily rely on himself to control the sun, the sun chariot was naturally abandoned by him and left in the temple of the sun on Mount Olympus. The king of all monsters who attacked the mountain had no interest in such things, so it was left in the ruins in the end.

Until today, the light was obscured and the earth fell into darkness. Apollo, who had finally recovered from the pain of the damage to his origin, seemed to feel a kind of guidance from the dark. He followed this feeling to come here and returned to Mount Olympus.

What puzzled him was that the source that attracted him was found, but what did it have to do with him?


While thinking, as if he noticed something, his eyes became sharp, and Apollo turned back suddenly.

The silver bow was pulled into a full moon by him, and the bright light gathered on the arrow.

And in the direction he was aiming, an old woman with an old and ugly face was standing there at some point.

"Don't be anxious, ahem, son of Zeus, Apollo, who is good at shooting, I am not your enemy."

"As you can see, I am Atropos, a craftsman who cuts destiny. And we meet here, this is all guided by destiny."

Holding the wooden stick with trembling arms, Atropos put on a smile. However, in the eyes of others, this smile is more like intimidation.

"You are born very sensitive to the fluctuations of fate, which is why you came here. The sun has suffered a disaster, but the world cannot be without light. You, the son of Zeus, are the gods who bring light to the world."

"... You'd better tell the truth, claiming to be the god who controls destiny."

After a moment of silence, although Apollo did not believe the other party's goodwill, he still put down the bow and arrow in his hand. Because in his perception, the divine power of the other party was not strong.

And just as the other party said, Apollo is indeed more sensitive to fate than others - that's how it was in the original myth.

Like Themis, Phoebe, Gaia and others, Apollo once held the oracle tablet and left behind the reputation of the god of prophecy. Although he is destined to have no chance to touch this artifact now, this innate gift has not disappeared.

"It's not 'control' of fate, Apollo, I'm just a craftsman who cuts it - follow the map, this is my job. Fate always has its own direction. If I act recklessly, the sharp blade of the scissors will only hurt myself."

Shaking his head slightly, Atropos corrected Apollo's mistake.

"Maybe, but no matter what, why did you come."

Speaking lightly, Apollo did not comment on it.

"Of course, it's to help you." With a smile, Atropos didn't care about Apollo's indifference: "By the way, it's also to prevent fate from continuing to deviate."

"The world cannot be without the sun, just as the earth cannot be without life. So I found you, Apollo, except for Helios who betrayed the world, you are the most suitable person to drive the sun chariot."

"...But I have driven it before, but the result was not very good. Besides, have you forgotten something?"

The tall and handsome god stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the artifact buried under the rocks flew out of thin air.

It was like an endless source of light. The shaft, axle, and wheels of the car body were like gold, and the spokes on the wheels emitted silver light. The bridle reserved for restraining livestock was inlaid with crystal gems. This artifact was not damaged in the previous disaster.

However, pointing at the [Sun Chariot], Apollo asked bluntly:

"This is a frame - and the frame itself has no power. It is only a booster to control the sun, not the source of light and heat for the world. That is the function of the sun itself, so even if I can use it, where is the other 'sun'?"

"This is why I came here, Apollo, I want to guide you to end this natural disaster as soon as possible. The sun you want, the sun that belongs to you, is on this sacred mountain, in your father's treasure house. Typhon has no interest in these external objects, only you are their destined owner."

With a sharp laugh, Atropos motioned Apollo to follow her.

The owner of 'Destined' is naturally a fake, and the 'sun belonging to Apollo' is just talk. In fact, in the eyes of Atropos, if Apollo took this step, it would probably cause him to lose contact with some old things from the past.

But that has nothing to do with her. What will happen to Apollo will happen in the future. But if there is no sun in the world for a day, countless lives will die as a result.

Faced with a fate riddled with holes when he was just born, Atropos could only borrow money from the future to make up for the current problems.

Let’s talk about the future in the future. At least let her take a breath first and put an end to this world-wide disaster.


Absolute emptiness, with a little light sinking and floating in it. The blue light band wraps around Him, undulating up and down from time to time, bringing a little tide.

In the dark and cold void, the black shadow was rushing back towards the direction of the world, and the closer it got, the stronger the power around her became.


Extreme movement turned into extreme stillness, and Nyx's figure suddenly stopped.

Compared to the pull of the power of the world, although her power is far superior to that of the gods, Nyx instead strikes first and arrives later. But what made her stagnant was naturally not because of this kind of thing, but the darkness that lay in front of her.

"Is something wrong?"

With a calm voice, Nyx looked at his old neighbor.

She knew why the other party came, because it was different from the spirit world. The self-contained spiritual world does not have a deep connection with the outside world, but once the Land of Eternal Night loses her as its owner, it will inevitably behave a little differently than before.

This difference would not be apparent if she were just moving within the confines of Chaos' power. If it were an ordinary god, he would not be able to detect this difference; if it were any other time, this small change would not be obvious, but only this time it is different.

As her neighbor for thousands of years, Erebus has always been deeply aware of the changes in the Land of Evernight. The birth of the Goddess of Destiny also inevitably caused the three-phase incarnation of Nyx to change accordingly.

"Of course, Nyx, after all, as the original god of Chaos, you suddenly fled far away, which inevitably made me a little curious."

Looking around Nyx, Erebus looked in the direction behind her.

However, there was no result.

The void is cold and dead, and the farther out you go, the weaker the sense of existence becomes. But for Erebus, this scene is actually not unfamiliar.

He was also like this once, following a certain connection all the way outward, and finally discovered the remains of the Nine Realms, and that was also the source of this disaster. Thinking of this, Erebus couldn't help but remind:

"I don't know what you found, but Nyx, look at the world now."

"That alien god... He is far more terrifying than any existence you and I have seen before. He is the first, but no one knows whether he will be the last."

"Huh, do you care about this?"

With a sneer, under the unpredictable veil, Nyx's eyes were slightly mocking.

"At least at this point, that God-King is more responsible than you."

"He is becoming more and more bound to this world, but you are probably just the opposite."

Without any further thoughts, Nyx's body moved again. She crashed directly through the darkness in front of her, and then headed towards the world.

Just as Erebus was aware of the changes in the Land of Evernight, Nyx was more or less aware of what he had done.

The underground world next to the underworld, the newly born intelligent race, powerful individuals with aura similar to those of the outer gods, and the lightless realm where special turbulence comes from time to time...

Does he care about the world? He just cares about his own ulterior plan.

A [Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood] that exceeds the specifications is enough to make him fearful. Erebus naturally does not want another one to come - even if it comes, it will only come after his plan is successful.

But obviously, although Nyx didn't know what his plan was, she had no intention of cooperating. I don’t care what you do, but what I do has nothing to do with you.

The black shadow crossed the void and suddenly fell into the night in the lower part of the world, leaving only Erebus standing in the void.

"...It seems there is no problem, Nyx, you are still so easy to deceive."

Shaking his head and smiling, not knowing what result he got, Erebus turned back and looked in the direction of the world.

He really didn't want any more changes, but this was not something he or Nyx could influence. If there really is another thing similar to the wreckage of the Nine Realms there, then no matter what the outcome is, it will be a wrestling between worlds.

"The only person who can intervene in this step now is probably this outsider."

Staring in the direction of the world of Chaos, from Erebus's perspective, a layer of dark red has dyed a considerable area.

With Niflheim as its core and the small world around it as its wings, countless red dots are scattered throughout the world. And not long ago, they were all gathered in that blocked world, and there was no clue at all.

The source of all this was the wooden branch that he accidentally stabbed into his palm.

"Is your power endless? Or, at this stage, as long as you can infect and assimilate enough beings, your power will actually increase?"

Taking a deep breath, Erebus could only hope that he could be more powerful this time in this world and prevent the other party from making any bigger moves in the third era. .

Watching in silence, the Lord of Darkness felt a little regretful. He should have paid more attention to Him, otherwise there would not be today's result. However, while thinking, he did not notice that in addition to Nyx, there was another stream of light wrapped in time and space passing by him.

Of course, even if he paid attention to this one, he probably couldn't find it...

As if repeating the scene of billions of years ago, the stream of light crashed directly into the world of Chaos, and an ordinary body seemed to be about to take shape.

Some force cut off his connection with all external objects, whether it was fate or something else. Perhaps for the world of Chaos itself, this cutting is useless, but he can indeed hide everything else -

Buzz -

Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe it comes from some kind of attraction. This stream of light wrapped in the power of time and space was affected by the remaining unsettled power of time and space during the final flight.

The bending of time was also reflected in it, and his time was "slowed down".

It could be hundreds of years, or it could be thousands of years. In any case, when he actually comes into this world, it probably won’t be tomorrow.

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