Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 309: The End of Reward and Humanity

The characterization of the past came to an end, and no one would be held accountable.

Just as Zeus had never failed, the gods had never fled, they just "avoided his sharp edge" and cooperated with the "God King's plan".

These contents will be written into the scriptures of the world as an explanation of this disaster. After thousands of years, this will naturally be the truth. Of course, no matter how much water the gods added to it, there was only one thing that was not changed.

That is the existence of the outer god [Blood and Flesh Mother Tree], the real source of this disaster.

His name was not mentioned directly, and any content that could point to the other party would not be written, but no god tried to deny the existence of such a creature. And all the side descriptions of Him are inseparable from the two concepts of terror and power.

The latter is naturally to prove that the gods are not incompetent-after all, no matter how many reasons there are, countless lives have fallen in this disaster. In this case, belittling the enemy is belittling oneself.

As for the former... it is naturally because the gods themselves are also afraid.

Not because of Typhon, but because of the sun. When no one noticed, Helios, who had been talking and laughing with them before, suddenly turned into an evil god corrupted by the outer gods, which shocked the gods greatly.

No one knew how He did it. Whether Helios was willing or forced, they didn't want this to happen again. And if you want to stop a behavior, fear is a much better way than prohibition.

"The sun's fall was beyond the expectations of all of us. This is a disaster. My daughter Athena is still dealing with it and has not even returned yet."

"But whether she is here or not, her contribution to this is unquestionable. The world should spread her name, just like her elders."

After the disaster is over, it is natural to reward according to merit. But as Zeus said, Athena is still in the starry sky and has not returned.

Sealing the sun is not easy. It is a very difficult and complicated process. The rituals laid out in the zodiac star field are just the beginning. There are still many things waiting for her to do.


Another absent god.

Zeus felt a bit complicated when he said his son's name. On the one hand, he was a little happy that Apollo had solved his troubles for him, and on the other hand, he was a little dissatisfied with Apollo and Atropos's behavior of taking the initiative.

However, the three goddesses of fate were not his subordinates, and they were not really father-daughter relationships. The connection between Zeus and Atropos was not even as close as that between the father of heaven and the mother of earth. As for Apollo... Zeus would not have a rift with his heir who posed no threat to him for such a matter.

"Like Athena, as the main god of Olympus, Apollo should have a city-state that believed in him in the world. At the same time, the believers who originally belonged to Helios must turn to believe in the new sun, or the goddess who subdued the sun, and those temples that belonged to him should be demolished and rebuilt."

"Anyone, anyone who dares to sacrifice the life of Helios is an enemy of Olympus."

No one objected, and no one spoke for this corrupted sun god. After all, as Helios himself had realized, he was actually an outsider to the Olympian pantheon.

"The third one is my most loyal arm."

With a smile on his face, the king of gods looked at his most loyal servant, the god of the west wind.

"Zephyros, my friend, please forgive me for mentioning you third - but I should protect the dignity of the status of the main god. After all, this is the right I personally granted them, and it is the proof that they are superior to the gods."

"This is as it should be, your majesty."

Bowed slightly, Zephyros was as respectful as ever.

"Thank you for your understanding, haha, but this problem will no longer exist soon."

"Zephyros, in the name of the God King, you will become another main god of Olympus, and after that, I will also grant you the qualification to manipulate the weather, which is the reward you deserve."

Since Crius was imprisoned in the abyss, in order to prevent riots in the laws related to it in the present world, gods with similar powers such as Zeus and Poseidon have been acting on behalf of the gods of weather. Now, he has officially given this responsibility to Zephyros in the name of the God King.

This is not an innate priesthood, so it will not increase the amount of divine power Zephyros obtains. This is more like a replica of his position as the "Head of the Wind God", just something built under the authority of the God King. But even so, the God of the West Wind was still surprised.

"You have always been clear about rewards and punishments, Your Majesty."

Waving his hand, another main god returned to his position. Although he is not a powerful god now, it is only a matter of time.

The three gods who really made contributions in this disaster were rewarded. Zeus looked around and found that the rest were some consolation rewards.

The gods needed something to show that they had done their part. So he gave Ares a helmet as a reward for being the first to intervene in his battle with Typhon - although the result was not good, it was still a symbol of courage. He also gave his sister Demeter a wreath.

In Demeter's eyes, Zeus saw resentment as always, but he still smiled and put this beautiful ornament on her.

The God King never minded showing generosity in such small matters. After all, he knew very well what Demeter was capable of.

Then, the God King gave different rewards to the gods in turn, some honors that were more than practical. It was not until he had gone around that he finally remembered something and looked at Aphrodite.

During the Typhon disaster, the goddess of beauty also fled. This was not a problem, but what Zeus cared about was that she only took her daughter Harmonia with her.

"In this disaster, in addition to the merits of the gods, mortals are also indispensable."

"Phoenician prince Cadmus proved to me the courage of mortals with his own actions, and he should also get corresponding rewards."

"Aphrodite, what I give you and your daughter is such a beautiful marriage."

With a smile on his face, but without any intention of negotiation. Standing in the center of the hall, Zeus announced loudly.

"Cadmus will establish a city-state under the guidance of the gods, and Harmonia will become his wife."

"The most courageous man among humans, he brought peace to the world with his own efforts. His marriage to Harmonia will be the most perfect end to this disaster."


After the self-proclaimed reward was over, a long banquet began on Mount Olympus.

Perhaps it was to vent the fear of Typhon, or perhaps it was because of something else. In short, at this banquet, many demigods were born that were not recorded in later generations.

Just like Phaethon, the illegitimate son of Helios and the goddess of boiling water, if he had not driven the sun chariot arrogantly and eventually caused disasters everywhere, his name would not have been qualified to appear in mythology. And demigods like him are actually not uncommon.

Of course, demigod is a general concept, which can refer to both race and the level of power. These so-called demigods born in the carnival of the gods actually often refer to the former alone, because their power is not very strong.

Although as the first generation of gods, they can certainly step into the extraordinary realm, but that's all. Most of them don't even have the divinity to maintain immortality, and can only grow old with the passage of time and eventually turn into dust.

"Zephyros, do you have anything to say to me?"

Walking on the newly repaired mountain path, Zeus overlooked Olympus.

The banquet had just begun, but the gods' enjoyment often did not mean the same for the servants.

The servants who escaped the disaster were working in the mountains, clearing the broken rubble and building a new temple. Looking at this scene, the king of gods couldn't help but think of a god he had met before.

That was a guy who fled in panic when he passed by the sea when he fought with Typhon. He was short and ugly, but what surprised Zeus was that he felt a blood breath similar to Hera in the other person.

At first he was furious. If he hadn't been fighting Typhon, the God King would have almost captured him and interrogated him, but then he realized something. The other party seemed to have only Hera's bloodline... If that was the case, maybe he could think of a way to use him for his own benefit.

"Your Majesty, it's like this."

I don't know what Zeus was thinking about. The God of West Wind just stood there with his hands down, and there was no difference at all after being promoted to the main god.

"Before, when I was following your order to clean up the demons in the east, I was tracking Typhon's son, the three-headed demon dog Cerberus, all the way east, and then I accidentally ran into the goddess of the magic net."

"Did you suffer at her hands?"

Shaking his head with a smile, Zeus said helplessly:

"Then I can't help you, but it's probably just a prank. In fact, as long as she doesn't come to trouble me, let her do her own thing."

"That's not the case. Her Highness Hecate didn't pay attention to my meaning. Maybe it's all due to your prestige."

After a calm compliment, Zephyrus continued:

"Faced with the attacking three-headed dog, the goddess easily subdued the demon. She seemed to want to replace it with a guard to protect the house... But that has nothing to do with me. I was going to say goodbye and leave, but in that area, the omnipresent wind told me that there is another human kingdom there."

"They are not the fourth generation of humans. They disobeyed your will and still praised Prometheus as a saint. The most important thing is that their beliefs-"

"They call the Olympian gods, including you and me, false gods, right."

Zeus interrupted Zephyros's narration calmly, and he was not surprised by this.

"...It seems that I am too nosy, Your Majesty."

Respectfully responded, but the God of the West Wind regretted it at this moment.

He thought it was a place that the God King had not noticed, after all, it was the southeast coast of the earth, but now it seems that Zeus has known about their existence for a long time.

Zephyros didn't want to know why the God King didn't destroy them, but he was sure that there were things he didn't need to know.

"Haha, my friend, you don't have to think too much. That human kingdom is indeed a bit troublesome, but it may not be as terrible as you think."

"It will exist, but Zeferos, it will only exist there."

Since the incident with Leto, Zeus has noticed the existence of Silver Moon City. Those blasphemous remarks that despised the teachings of the gods... At first, Zeus was actually a little panicked. After all, at that time, he had not yet built the royal ceremony, nor had he experienced the battle to suppress Gaia. He once thought that the existence of Silver Moon City was a tentacles of the original gods to subvert Olympus.

However, later, with the increase of his own power and the open and covert attention to Silver Moon City, Zeus gave up this idea. He found that those remarks that despised the gods did not seem to come from the original gods themselves, but from his subordinates and believers.

"Human affairs should naturally be left to humans to solve. After all, the human world now... is becoming less and less friendly to gods."

Sighing, Zeus was more and more grateful for the existence of his "invention" of divine arts.

'As the king of gods chosen by the will of the present world, I will not and cannot show the power of gods in the human world first. But if you start first...'

If you can't beat him, isn't there still the world to take sides? Zeus is already very skilled in this set. As for how he could ensure that someone else would be the first to strike——

The number of believers in the Olympian pantheon is more than dozens of times greater than that of the other party. As time goes by, this population advantage will be further expanded. So no matter how you look at it, if the original god does not intervene, the other party will definitely not be a match.

‘No hurry. ’

Thinking silently, although he felt that he had the advantage, Zeus felt that he still couldn’t do it to the extreme.

Well, let the believers in the world block the other party in that small town. Gods should leave a line so that they can meet each other later.


Spring goes and autumn comes, time flows.

The disaster of Typhon ended, but the impact it brought was not limited to this.

Whether it was the wonders of time, the further strict changes in the laws, or the many ‘offspring’ born after its death, these changes were permanently left in the world of Chaos.

But those were all later stories. At this moment, the streamer wrapped in the power of time and space was still struggling to shuttle in the bubble of time and space.

Judging from the trajectory, its landing point is a bit to the north... It should be a place in the northeast of the continent, near the coastline.

It is still uninhabited there at the moment, but it is unknown what it will look like when it actually falls.

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