Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 311 National Strength Under Silver Coins

Lian rarely does useless things, so there is a reason why he ran from the Chaos world to the door of the next door Hermenu, and then went around and sent his humanity back.

Just like Pallas, who was destined to die, could not be born under the unilateral cover of Chaos's power, Ryan could not divide his humanity in the world, that was just a cover-up. Of course, he can do this in the spirit world-but it is not very reasonable for a mortal to fly out of the spirit world.

But then again, although Ryan divided his divinity and humanity, he was actually very clear about it. This degree of division may not be as complete as imagined. The most obvious example is that the Chaos world itself can still find the connection between the two, as well as his memory that still seems complete.

In the true sense, the soul of a mortal cannot carry the "mystery" that Ryan knows, just like he once saw the true body of the [Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood]. If it were a pure mortal, this memory would most likely be directly activated in his mind, and then assimilated him into a part of himself. Even if luck is better, at least he will become a fanatical cult member.

"It's not a big problem. I just want to become a complete great divine power... This level of human division should be enough."

After using some tricks to erase the traces he left behind, Ryan climbed out of the big pit. Facing the rising sun, he took a deep breath of fresh air.

As a god, he hasn't done this kind of thing for many years...

When most of the influence of divinity is lost, the mind is also much lighter. It's as if something heavy has been removed. At this moment, Ryan has a feeling of returning to himself before he came to this world and was still a mortal.

Have fun and jokes, like delicious food and beautiful scenery, feel pity for the misfortune happening in front of you, and enjoy the admiration and praise of others.

Ryan doesn't know whether this is good or bad, but he is willing to try it. However, with his changes, the part that is far away in time and space... no longer dragged down by human nature may also change and become a true "god".

Heaven and earth are unkind, treating all things as straw dogs; the sacred is unkind, treating all living beings as straw dogs; below me, all living beings are equal, all like dust.

"Huh - according to the memory I just browsed, Thuringia seems to be in this direction."

"But before that, I have to change my clothes first."

Strictly speaking, Ryan was not wearing any clothes at the moment. The 'robe' that aroused the greed of the two was actually fake. It was the embodiment of the scattered power of time and space, so it showed the color of silver and gold patterns interwoven.

But just like the gradually damaged crystalline shell, this fake robe will not last long, it will soon dissipate.

So if you don't want to run around the suburbs on the first day of your birth... Ryan frowned, a little regretting that the process of doing it just now was a bit rough.

After a while, Ryan, who had changed into a local farmer's clothes, weighed the three silver coins he touched. It was engraved with an unknown middle-aged man's head on the front, and a miniature version of the Acropolis of Athens on the back.

According to what I remember, the mainstream currency in the human activity areas on the continent is still gold, silver and copper. Although it is not clear whether there is a factor of fate in it, gold and silver as a precious metal itself has the value in the sense of mysticism, so it is not surprising that this situation will occur.

And the value of currency... Take silver coins as an example. This currency called "Drachma" and "Silver Drachma" is divided into two denominations, large and small. The small one is converted to copper coins at about 75 to 130, and it fluctuates up and down according to the country and region where the coins are minted. There are always some small countries that cut corners, and there are also countries like Olympia that want to show their noble status. Even if they lose money, they have to cast silver coins large and heavy.

As for the large one, it is called the Big Silver Drachma or the Badge Big Silver Coin, and the conversion rate with the small denomination is about one to five. Starting from the big silver coin, the symbol of the king of the country is no longer engraved on the front of the coin, but the head of the god, which is also the origin of the word "badge".

Therefore, there is a phenomenon of private casting of small-denomination silver and copper coins in the market, but it is easily eliminated in this type of large-denomination currency. Large-scale engraving of statues will almost certainly attract the attention of the gods, but small-scale private casting cannot recover the cost at all.

"Tsk, changes are really everywhere, and I don't know how long it has been since 'I left'... more than 800 years in the new calendar, but this is recorded with the founding of Athens as a symbol. Who knows when Athens was built."

"I still have this feeling... Has even the sun god been replaced? Well, at least it is not red, and there is no tree growing on it."

Secretly complaining, Ryan looked at the big hole caused by his whereabouts with a headache, which is not easy to fill.

"Forget it, bury these two guys, and then go to the city to have a look. With the speed of information transmission in this era, by the time the abnormality here is discovered, I don't know where it is..."

Roughly identifying the direction, Ryan walked towards the nearest dirt road.



The sun is at its zenith, and the summer sun is always so hot.

Outside the city of Thuringia, many residents had gathered on the tributaries of the Werra River (Note 1) to fetch water. Under the sunlight, a faint glow appeared on the clear river.

Building along the river is the practice of most cities in this era. After all, the difficulty of obtaining water sources is often the most critical factor in whether an area is livable.

As we approached the city along the dirt road, the flow of people on the road gradually became denser.

There were residents from nearby villages and towns who came to buy daily necessities, and there were also a few small caravans. Not far away, guards in full armor stopped at the city gate and checked the identity of every person entering the city. It was just from their work attitude that they were a bit sorry for the excellent equipment on their bodies.

"With caravans and currency... As expected, with the emergence of cities, the expansion of material exchanges, and the popularization of private ownership, commerce is bound to develop."

"And there is also technology... Being able to forge armor close to full body armor, although the technology looks very ordinary, and it is not forged by Turin, it still proves that the casting level of Athens is close to that of Europe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries-even considering that this is an extraordinary world, it is very likely that there is the participation of extraordinary powers in the process, but this is also quite incredible."

Walking on the avenue, walking among the sparse crowds, Ryan silently observed this strange era.

Thuringia is just a remote city in the north, and many things here do not represent the peak of the times. But a glimpse of the whole picture, from the living conditions here, many things hidden behind can be revealed from the corners.

Just like the silver coin in Ryan's hand, it looks like it is just a currency for trading, mass-produced, and has no technical content. In fact, from its fineness, silver content, purity and glossiness and other details, we can see the mold casting level of Athens in this era-you must know that in the original historical trajectory, from ancient Greece to the early ancient Rome, people at that time still used more manual methods to make coins.

Craftsmen melted the metal material and poured it into the pre-prepared mold, and then waited for it to cool and solidify. Although this method is simple, the production process is very unstable, so that the quality and shape of the coins are quite inconsistent.

And the currency with patterns and texts was a technology that only existed in the Roman Empire. It even declined in the Middle Ages and did not rise again until the Renaissance. The craftsmen at that time used molds with patterns and texts, standardized standards, which made the appearance of the coins more exquisite and consistent. They also used some special alloy formulas to improve the hardness and durability of the coins.

The silver coin in Ryan's hand is like this now. The error that is difficult for ordinary people to recognize with their naked eyes, the pattern composed of olive branches, snakes and spindles, Athens of this era uses this subtle way to silently show its national strength and skills to the world.

Ryan believes that not every country of this era can do this. But even if this is the pinnacle of contemporary skills, it is very surprising.

"This development speed... is it a bit fast. I thought that extraordinary power would significantly inhibit the development of humanities. After all, this is a world where the strong can prolong their lifespan, the kings and generals are indeed born noble, and the conservative forces are destined to occupy the upper world. Logically speaking, tradition should be able to easily defeat the reformists-but from memory, Athens today is about to start the "alchemical revolution"..."

"But it's hard to say, after all, there are gods in this world... and there is also a situation where changes are often much faster than in theory."

Looking distant, walking on the dirt road, Ryan looked back to the southwest. But it is obvious that he cannot see through the earth now, and naturally he cannot see Olympus that supports the eastern sky.

"As long as there are external enemies or enough threats, everything will be allowed. Chaos is the ladder of ascent. If the existence of extraordinary beings will make the class solidification in peacetime more serious, it will also greatly accelerate the flow speed in chaotic times."

Athens, are there enemies?

There is no accurate answer. After all, Sammer is just a farmer in a remote town. Three generations ago, he was even a slave. He gained freedom because he moved to the north to open up a new city.

But it is needless to think that human history is a history of war, so Athens cannot be without enemies. Moreover, in today's world, the rise and fall of city-states and kingdoms also represent the amount of faith that the gods gain... Indistinctly, Ryan suddenly has a better understanding of some myths and legends of later generations.

Shaking his head slightly and pressing his straw hat, Ryan walked towards the city gate. This is not something he needs to consider now.

Following the crowd, Ryan successfully entered the city of Thuringia after paying the city tax.

No one cared about his appearance that obviously did not match his clothes - at least the guards at the city gate did not care about this. They just silently accepted a silver coin and then ignored Ryan.

"Heh, at least in this regard, it seems that people of every era are similar."

Joining the crowd, Ryan recalled the memories he had browsed before and compared them with the real city.

He entered the city from the west gate - thanks to the layout of Eleusis, the birthplace of the belief in the goddess of agriculture in the world, most of the east and south city districts of the city are now the residential areas of the noble and wealthy in the secular sense, while the west and north city districts are just the opposite.

Therefore, most of the pedestrians along the way walked, and there were basically no traces of carriages.

"Hello, sir (Note 2)...I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?"

After walking a little further, Ryan pushed the door and walked into a clothing store. Behind the wooden counter, an old man with gray hair and a gray robe greeted Ryan.

"Well... two suitable clothes, ordinary ones will do - you can change them directly here, right?"

"Of course, please wait a moment."

The old man looked at the customer's figure and his eyes flickered. He nodded and walked out from behind the wooden table.

"The customer is not a local, right?"

The old man asked casually, looking for suitable clothes according to Ryan's size.

"Yes, I just came to Thuringia today. Is the old man running this store alone?"

Without hiding his identity as an outsider, Ryan's mouth curled up a smile. I have to say that Thuringia is still quite hospitable.

"Yeah... I didn't think much when I was young, and I'm the only one left when I'm old... Haha, don't mind the customer, it's just the old guy's complaint."

Chatting casually, soon, the suitable clothes were picked out. It's not a custom-made one, Ryan just wants it to be fast and suitable.

He simply paid the bill and exchanged the savings of the two unlucky guys for his robe without hesitation. Ryan walked out of the store empty-handed.

Following the flow of people, walking forward aimlessly for a while, Ryan turned into a remote alley and stopped at a corner.


Tap tap tap--


Ryan knocked the stalker to the ground without changing his expression and looked at him. A sturdy young man-is this a gang member from the ancient times?

Whatever it is, he took out a purse from the other party. Ryan weighed it lightly, and it looked like a lot.

"Sure enough, Thuringia is quite hospitable."

In this era's remote city, or a new city that has been opened for less than a hundred years, an ordinary person can live to old age safely without the help of his descendants, and even open a store... It can only be said that if he doesn't have some skills, probably no one will believe it.

That old man should have thought Ryan was a fat sheep like a runaway noble... But Ryan is too lazy to go to him now, he has other things to do now.

"The three elements of reincarnation, now the second element 'Where am I' is halfway completed. In addition to the current environment, I have to understand what happened in the past."

"Fortunately, Athens is really avant-garde in this regard... They worship Athena as the main god, calling her Lady, Queen, and Female Dominant - the more formal name is 'Lord of War and Victory, Lord of Knowledge and Wisdom', so that Athens has always been keen to promote the belief in the goddess by spreading knowledge, and even at one time, the prototype of the 'library' appeared at the request of the church."

"It's just that the threshold for entry is not low," Ryan kicked the young man who fainted on the ground and expressed his satisfaction.

He went to study and others paid the bill, which is reasonable.

He didn't kill the other party directly, not because of kindness, but purely because Ryan didn't feel the breath of magic or holy power on him, which proved that the other party had no connection with the existence with the ability to cast spells.

In this case, it is natural to let the line run long, and it is best to come several times - in this way, he will not need to consider the issue of money in the short term.


Note 1: Because I am too lazy to name it, I just randomly chose the name from reality. Thuringia is actually a state in Germany, and the Werra River is indeed a river there, but it is just a name, and the same applies to the Heligoland Bay.

Note 2: There are certainly names for strangers in ancient Greece, but it seems awkward to readers when I write it, so these aspects are just translation problems.

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