Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 315 Contradiction


No. 29, Rhine Avenue, Nancheng District.

Perhaps because of the history of diversion, this era that should have been primitive and backward is full of things that shouldn't be there.

Just like this house number, which is full of later generations, such an arrangement would never have existed in the original ancient Greek city-state.

Under the cover of night, Ryan was dressed in black, but his face changed at some point.

This is the universal divine spell of the Hell system [Disguise] - the so-called universal divine spell is a divine spell that does not limit the object of belief. As long as the priest who believes in the devil can obtain the right to use it from prayer.

For example, the most famous healing spells of clergy, the first-level [Cure minor injuries], the third-level [Cure moderate injuries], etc., are the general magic spells of the order system. As long as the person you believe in is not a chaotic monster, you can use this magic.

As for the effect of [Disguise], it can change the appearance of the recipient within half an hour. The effective time and the extent of the change in appearance are extended depending on the skill and professional level of the caster.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the figure walking in the shadows of Nancheng District at this moment is a middle-aged man whose face seems to have stories written all over it. He seems to be integrated with the shadows, making it difficult for ordinary people to detect his whereabouts.


Footsteps sounded around Ryan, but they did not reach the outside world. The shadow suppressed all movement. Along the rows of single-family buildings, he climbed over the fence and entered the garden of No. 29.

The room was dark in the distance, and there was no sound of breathing. There were only some cleaning servants and guards around. It looked like they were in the wrong place.

‘Very alert, but not as good as not at all. ’

Under spiritual vision, extraordinary power will leave traces, which will slowly dissipate over time, but fixed realm marks will not.

Like now, Ryan can clearly see that there should be a basement in the house, and there are magic traps set up at the entrance and exit.

And in the basement...

‘...I’m a bit arbitrary, but I’m still prepared inside. If a normal person looked directly at the statue from an extraordinary perspective, the outcome would probably not be good. ’

After quickly correcting his judgment, Ryan also realized something.

In this era, although many extraordinary professions have various means of detecting mysterious fluctuations, most people actually dare not use them. Only high-level clergy dare to relax their standards.

After all, although there are many things that have no destructive effect, it does not mean that they can be looked at randomly, such as statues of gods.

‘Get rid of these troublesome people first. ’

After identifying the direction of the wind and finding a position upwind, Ryan released the restrictions of the magic, and some sounds came from it.

He searched for those beautiful tunes and notes in his long memory, and finally found a suitable option, gently humming the tune of the "Goldberg Variations" with his voice.

Under the influence of extraordinary power, the music not only failed to arouse alarm, but also silently aroused the drowsiness of the servants... After a while, feeling that the time was almost up, Ryan opened the door openly and walked in.

The night servants on the floors had all fallen asleep, and they most likely didn't know what their mistress did.

Following the direction guided by the magic aura, Ryan easily found the entrance to the basement.

"It takes time to dismantle it... let's solve it violently."

The best solution to this kind of magic trap is to let it trigger several times. Anyway, judging from the aura, the energy it contains is not very large.




There were three muffled sounds, but the sound was not violent. After all, this was the basement of a cult member, and she probably didn't want the things she arranged to cause too much noise. After all, this thing can't deal with any real pursuers. It is not used to defend against enemies, but to defend against thieves who accidentally break in.

The fourth falling object landed smoothly and made a sound. Seeing that the trap was not triggered again, Ryan turned over and entered.

Going down the stairs... and as expected, he saw a luxuriously furnished small prayer room.

Mrs. Summer, whom I had only seen during the day, was unconscious in the center of the prayer room. As a first-level professional who favors agility, she was hit without any surprise.

Ignoring her for the time being, Ryan strode forward and glanced at the central statue - a strange image, a faceless woman wearing a peacock pattern on her head.

Peacock...confirmed his suspicion again. Ryan walked up to Mrs. Summer and stabbed her without hesitation.


A simple and crude way of awakening, with a scream, Mrs. Summer woke up from her sleep immediately.

The pain in her arm made her subconsciously want to struggle, but the coldness on her neck made her freeze there. She opened her eyes and saw a middle-aged man in black looking at her coldly.

"Very good. Your mental quality is quite strong and you didn't act irrationally due to fear or accidents. This allows you to live a little longer."

Wei Wei nodded. Under the action of a universal magic [Phantom Sound Technique], the sounds created came from all directions, but Ryan himself did not speak at all.

This is a small way to attack the east, but it is quite suitable to be used here.

"...What are you going to'd better calm down. I'm afraid you don't know who we are."

A sudden change occurred and the wound was still bleeding, but Mrs. Summer quickly recognized the reality.

She looked at the middle-aged man in front of her and tried her best to show a charming smile.

Although under the pain of his arm, this smile actually doesn't look good at all.

"You shouldn't be someone who comes to hunt us down, otherwise you wouldn't give me a chance to speak. The Church of Knowledge has a way to dig out secrets from my memory. This is their unique skill... You also saw that I am a servant of God. I mean, did we have any conflicts before?"

"If so, I can apologize to you and make compensation... If you come here just for wealth, we can also give you what you want, and we can even cooperate-"

"Cooperation, with whom?"

Ryan interrupted Mrs. Summer's words and asked calmly.

"Of course it's with our Resurrection Sect. We are a sect protected by the true God, not those totem spirits."

The reaction was quick, but Mrs. Summer couldn't help cursing in her heart.

They came to the door, why are you still asking such questions... But the next moment, her forced smile could not hold on.

"Really? The Resurrection Sect." Standing opposite, Ryan nodded with a smile: "This is really strange."

"I thought the partner you were talking about was the Argos Kingdom that believed in the Queen of Heaven."


Argos, like Athens to Athena, is the Queen of Heaven's sanctuary on earth. It is said that there are giants with a hundred eyes living there, and this is why Ryan finds the whole thing very interesting.

The Queen of Olympus gave herself a vest of "Mother of Resurrection", and then the church under her command turned into a cult within the sphere of influence of Athens.

Their target was not even someone else, but the Church of Knowledge that believed in Athena.

In comparison, the so-called ability of the "Mother of Resurrection" to restore people's youth and reproduce offspring seems so normal. The latter naturally comes from the [fertility] authority of the Queen of Heaven Hera, and the former is not so strange. After all, in mythology, Hera would bathe in the spring of Karnassus every spring. This spring can wash away anxiety, fatigue and aging, and even make people return to virginity and restore youth...

"Tell me, what are you doing here, or what have you done?"

Facing Mrs. Summer's horrified eyes, Ryan's expression remained unchanged.

Unlike the two farmers before, members of the church believed in gods and it was difficult to read memories directly unless they were in the temple of another god.

So if possible, Ryan still hoped that the other party could explain something himself.

"Who are you? Even in the Church of Knowledge, only high-ranking priests and above know our identities!"

Mrs. Summer came back to her senses after answering the question irrelevantly.

She stared at the middle-aged man in front of her, as if she didn't care about her life or death at the moment.

"...It turns out that they are still enemies who know each other's identities, that's right. Since I can see the tendency of the traces of holy power, there is no reason why Athena can't see it..."

With a calm expression, Ryan could clearly see Mrs. Summer's pupils suddenly swelled.

Obviously, Ryan's behavior of calling Athena by her name frightened her greatly.

Even if they were enemies, these believers would pay respect to each other's gods. After all, strictly speaking, they were all members of the Olympus pantheon.

"The devout believers are still troublesome. It seems that I have to go to your nest... Don't look at me like that, you will "point the way" for me."

Not intending to answer the doubts of a dying person, Ryan simply killed this beautiful believer and then squeezed her soul into crystals.

Then in this prayer room, Ryan used Mrs. Summer's body as a medium and simply did another divination.

But unlike before, this divination seemed to be disturbed by something, and only pointed out a general direction. Ryan silently noted it, then picked up the statue in the center of the prayer room, turned around and left this basement.

'Tomorrow, the people here should find that their master is missing, but they should not find this place at the first time. After all, from an ordinary angle, it is quite well hidden here. '

'But it's getting more and more interesting. Hera's followers came to Athena's territory to make trouble, and Athena's high-level clergy even knew about it. Athens and Argos have always had trade relations, and there is no trace of hostility at all... Haha, as expected, war is inevitable. It is just the result of the accumulation of contradictions under the guidance of interests, but it does not mean that there was no conflict before the war, but it was just hidden underwater. '

'What you can't see does not mean that there is no conflict. It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future. '

Walking out of this room, Ryan identified the direction. The result of the divination just now pointed to the North City District, which is indeed more suitable for an organization that acts in secret to develop its power.

I just don't know what's there, or to be more precise, if it's just an open and secret struggle between two sects of gods, then why did the paladin get involved?

"Anyway, I am now a member of the Resurrection Sect, and the downline developed by Mrs. Summer."

Rubbing his face and changing his face again, Ryan looked at the statue in his hand.

"It's a cult, how can there be no evil gods."

"Hera is not a cult. The name of the mother of resurrection is not nice. I think it would be better to change it to the name of the mother of reproduction."

With a strange color flashing in his eyes, Ryan's figure disappeared into the shadows again. This night is still long.


Olympus, the Golden Palace.

Thousands of years have passed, and there are no traces of the battle. The original broken walls and ruins have long disappeared, leaving only the magnificent buildings.

Modeled after the ruins in Asgard, the God King Zeus built another "Golden Palace" on this sacred mountain that supports the sky.

This building that combines the artistic styles of two gods is indeed solemn and beautiful, so many gods often stay here temporarily.

However, at this moment, in the Queen of Heaven's bedroom, Hera's expression is not very good.

"Hebe, my daughter... Tell me, what did the king of Athens do?"

With a bit of gnashing of teeth, Hera looked at her daughter, the goddess of youth Hebe, the wine pourer of the gods.

Now that Zeus' favorite boy has not been born yet, there is naturally no chance to replace her position. This goddess of youth, who was born after the god of aging in the underworld, still holds a golden cup and pours wine for the gods. Of course, she occasionally plays the maid of her mother goddess.

Yes, as a new god with weak power, her status is almost the bottom among the gods. In the original trajectory, she would be married to his famous mortal son by Zeus, and this is already a rare highlight moment for her as a god.

"... It's like this, Mother Goddess. Half a month ago, the King of Athens went to the sea, defeated the incarnation of Nereus, the god of the sea, and led his army to clear the route to the south. His reason was missing..."


Hera interrupted, took a deep breath, and her chest rose and fell violently.

She didn't care about the reason, she only knew that this human who she didn't like had done another big thing, and she just couldn't do anything about him.

"If it was a thousand, no, two thousand years ago, I would have hung his body on Mount Olympus and let his soul suffer the same punishment as Tantalus!"

"...Mother Goddess, Tantalus deceived the gods and even let the goddess of agriculture eat the flesh and blood of the descendants of the king of gods, but Athens belongs to the goddess of wisdom..."

"Whose daughter are you?!"

Hera shouted angrily, looking at Hebe who had calmed down, but she knew that what the other party said was right.

Even if she didn't consider the restrictions on the gods in the world today, she couldn't openly kill the king of Athens, after all, that was Athena's territory. Although she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't beat Athena at all.

Of course, she couldn't beat the king of Athens now-she didn't try it herself, but let others try more than once.

"Huh...but at least there is good news."

Glancing at her useless daughter and thinking of that useless son, Hera found that she still had to rely on herself.

And the accusation of the king of Athens was actually quite correct.

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