Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 317 ‘Unyielding’ and Moses’ Revelation

On the cold altar, Andrea, who was only twelve years old, had her eyes closed.

Starting from the sudden change of prayer words, she tried her best to reduce her awareness of the surrounding environment and shield herself from the influence of sounds through a method similar to meditation.

Although her past occult knowledge told her that such a wrongly performed ritual would not really bring about the real power of the evil god, Andrea was still a little scared.

God says that death is just another beginning, but some deaths will directly become the end.





With her eyes closed tightly, Andrea vaguely seemed to hear a female roar that reached straight to her soul, followed by a continuous low roar.

The warehouse in this remote city seemed to have turned into an abyss that could imprison the gods, and the believers who were talking just now turned into monsters, snarling their teeth and claws around them.

‘Goddess...I won’t be afraid! ’

Talking to herself silently, Andrea was ready to face death.

She didn't even notice that the magical chains that originally bound her had become ineffective due to the madness of the owner. She just subconsciously curled up into a small ball and buried her face between her knees like an ostrich.




In the warehouse, all the madmen blocking the road were eliminated one by one. This was what Ryan saw.

Under the dim candlelight, patterns used for living sacrifices were laid out on the ground. On the altar in the center, a young figure with blond hair shrank into a ball and was trembling.

A lot of gold, silver and materials were piled aside, and the dead believers fell to the ground. They originally had many tricky abilities, but after the soul transformation, they were unable to use any of them. Even before Ryan could take action, they were already killing each other.

It's true cannibalism, the kind of killing and eating at the same time, even if the stomach is burst, you won't notice it.

"His influence on the outside world has become more powerful. It seems that this trick cannot be used casually... When the ritual is wrong, it is obvious that the power has not really come, but it can still achieve its purpose in another way."

"Start a bloody feast and let these spirits be eaten by each other by the twisted lives. In the end, the remaining one will be further physically deformed in the process of cannibalism. It will absorb certain things that are spilled in the world. This kind of power eventually turns into something like an 'evil'."

With a slightly solemn look on his face, Ryan had to admit that in the entire world of Khaos, the mother tree was truly completely outside the scope of his plans.

On the one hand, he has no so-called 'mythical trajectory' to compare with, on the other hand, he possesses the most powerful power besides the world itself, and most importantly, Ryan cannot really understand his thinking.

Unlike those gods who are naturally powerful but are affected by their priesthood and essence, the mother tree is a special one. You know, even Ryan himself will gradually be born with a divine side, but he probably won't.

After all, madmen are not afraid of mental deviation by nature, and no one can tell whether he is more crazy. Fortunately, He has been blocked... If not, this world would have long become a drama of many primitive gods fighting against foreign gods.

"Then it's you next."

After packing up the scattered things one by one, Ryan looked at the figure still shrinking on the altar.

The little princess, who had closed off her perception of the outside world, probably didn't know what was going on. She looked extremely fragile and beautiful - then Ryan unceremoniously pulled away the other person's hand holding his knee, and looked at the girl who opened her eyes in panic. .

"This... little princess, please introduce yourself. For example, how did you get here, what is your name, what do you know, what are you going to do, etc."

"After all, you are my prisoner from now on. As a princess of a kingdom, you should have a deeper understanding of the world."

"No! I won't tell you anything! Oh... don't want me to surrender to you, the evil god's lackey, just give up!"

The tears in the corners of her eyes were not yet dry, and her voice was trembling. Andrea tried her best to raise her head and spoke righteously to the stranger in front of her.

'Oh my god, did the ceremony just now really summon the followers of the evil god? He also killed all these guys, but this is not mystical... No, Andrea, you have to be strong, are you the chosen one of the goddess? He would bow to a cultist, not to mention being the craziest one among the cultists. ’

Secretly cheering herself up, Andrea was very panicked.

There are almost no sects in this world that directly point to the Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood. Most of them believe in the ancient evil things that it split off or something else. Even if a few exceptions were quickly eliminated, those that were not eliminated gradually turned into evil beings.

But for things like prayers, experienced people would know what kind of existence they were describing as soon as they heard them... So knowing how terrifying the alien gods were, Andrea felt like she had just stepped out of the wolf's mouth and into the tiger's den.

“So you are ‘non-violent and non-cooperation’?”

"Yes - violence and cooperation!"

Obviously Andrea misunderstood this sentence. 'Non-violent non-cooperation' does not mean 'I won't cooperate if you don't use violence', but I have to say that what she said is still very powerful - if you ignore Her eyes looked like she was about to cry and her calves kept kicking back.

Faced with this situation, Ryan expressed helplessness. He was not in the mood to provide psychological comfort to the little girl, so he had no choice but to use the most direct method to make the little princess realize the cruelty of reality.


Two hours later, outside Thuringia.

After dragging the last box of silver onto the carriage, Ryan looked up at the sky.

It's still some time before dawn, but it's time to go. Although the dirt roads in this era are quite rubbish, at least within a certain distance close to the city, the roads are still very smooth. Even if you only rely on torch lighting, you will not fall into any big pits.

As for waiting until tomorrow morning, that won't do. Whether it was the dead believer or the overthrown city gate guard, they would probably be discovered by someone in the daytime.

"We're ready to go... Who is that? Come here. Can you drive a carriage?"

After waving, Ryan pointed to the front of the luxury carriage and then sat in the carriage unceremoniously. In the direction of his greeting, Andrea, who was not tall, was standing next to the carriage, biting her lip.

She didn't look very tall, and her waist just reached the floor of the carriage.

"Go all the way south, aiming for the Acropolis of Athens. Going home should be very exciting, right, so don't be stunned, take action quickly, and remember to call me if there is an accident on the way."

Sitting on the soft cashmere cushion, Ryan took out a box of tea leaves from the secret compartment.

This luxury carriage was originally an escape tool prepared by the cultists of the Susheng Sect. After thousands of years of development and iteration, the current carriage can fully combine the advantages of practicality and comfort. The only flaw is that it is used in many places. It requires alchemical means, so the cost may be a bit high.

But if it is used directly, then this shortcoming will not exist. Only those who pay will care about the price, not the users.

"But I don't know how!...Well, I know a little bit. I've seen others drive, but I've never done it myself!"

The tone was hesitant, and Andrea was a little dumbfounded when she saw the big horse that was half as tall as herself.

Having just accepted the fact that she had been rescued in the face of the 'cruel' reality, Andrea was in a state of ups and downs and just wanted to take a good rest.

She believed that the city manager would do this, but what she didn't expect was that the guy who rescued her rejected her suggestion, took her out of the city overnight, and asked her to drive the carriage.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with a princess driving a carriage. After all, Andrea's father had never lived the life of a prince in his early years. The current King of Athens, Theseus, was born as the illegitimate son of the previous king. Even until he came of age, he had never met his father and had never been to Athens.

Therefore, in terms of educating his children, he abandoned many useless things.

"I am the princess of Athens, a high-ranking priest of the goddess. As long as you take me to the church in Thuringia and unblock me, I can fly you back - no, they will escort us back to Athens. When the time comes, my father will definitely be grateful to you for rescuing me..."

"But I don't really want to see your father right now who is said to have killed more than one incarnation of the gods. After all, I am an evil cultist, right? The 'unyielding' little princess."

Emphasizing the word 'unyielding', Ryan said calmly: "The cultists are like this, you are my prisoner now. In fact, if you were not used as a sacrifice, but just killed by the other party, I wouldn't do it. The idea of ​​​​saving you, after all, disputes between beliefs are all too common. "

"You! I-I didn't cry!"

Her face turned red instantly, and the conversation between the two parties was not on the same channel at all. Andrea's attention immediately focused on another thing.

"Of course I will not succumb to the cultists, and every Athenian royal family will not succumb to the cultists - let alone be scared to tears! Don't slander me!"

"...Yes, you didn't. Then the little princess who didn't cry, hurry up and get this carriage moving. The distance from here to Athens is measured in months - it's such a vast country, not primitive at all."

"The most important thing is that there are dragons on this road. As for the dragon clan, a dragon that doesn't steal the princess always feels like there's something missing. In other words, the princess who hasn't been snatched by a dragon is also worth a bit low?"

After casually speaking something that confused Andrea, Ryan looked back at the city under the night.

Half of it is brightly lit, and the other half is dotted with stars, showing the differences in class. It is much earlier than expected to leave now, but there is nothing we can do about it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

After all, without meeting her personally, who would have thought that an Athenian princess with no recorded myths would suddenly pop up in such a remote place, and the result of this is that whether Andrea died here or was rescued here, she would be It will definitely attract the attention of the kings and gods of Athens.

Let the pursuing paladins and priests think that this is another cannon fodder to spread suspicion and cover up the true whereabouts of the princess. That's what they thought anyway. After all, Ryan doesn't want to be noticed now, especially by someone who can't beat him if he doesn't delete his account and start over.

So he made a prompt decision and decided to flee and head south, preparing to see Athens in this period and the existence of alchemy.

"Now, let's go Andrea, use your cleverness."

With a smile on his face, Ryan opened a book found on the corpse in the carriage. Then he thought about it and handed out a piece of pre-packaged food.

"I'm sure you'll master driving quickly - and besides, this is your breakfast."

"I guess no one feeds prisoners, so settle your belly and get going."


Taking it silently, Andrea tried to climb onto the driving position of the carriage. Holding the warm food, she recalled the way she remembered driving, and then tried to get the carriage moving.

The dark clouds still covered the moonlight, and even became thicker and thicker. It seemed that a heavy rain was about to fall. And after the rain, all the traces left here will be washed away by the water.


The other side of the endless void world.

The periphery of the Hemenu world.

Cold and dead silence are still the main themes here, and perhaps it is a coincidence, or perhaps it is destined, just before and after Ryan's human incarnation was completely born, in the dark surroundings, a certain consciousness changed from rigid to agile.

Since the power of the world was withdrawn, the gods left one after another, and the surroundings of the Hemenu world became quiet again, leaving only the only god who did not leave. And when the god lost most of his humanity, he would no longer feel bored or lonely, and would also ignore the length of time.

Time flows like water, but He exists here, just like the world itself, for thousands of years. Until today, He was awakened.

It was not because of the incarnation of humanity on the other side of time and space. He just noticed that a strange wave came from the darkness in front of him. Something seemed to be about to be fulfilled, and this long-awaited change also meant that He should take action.

"... Pallas... Moses... Faith..."

The whisper echoed in the void, and then the vast and boundless consciousness condensed in an instant.

A trace of time and space power that was barely detectable but essentially outstanding suddenly emerged, and then stabbed into the darkness in front of him without any warning.

The void was still quiet, but unimaginable collisions took place thousands of times in an instant. But the result was doomed. Even though the power of the world today has dropped again compared to before, He still successfully repelled the outsider who tried to invade His body.

However, the power was repelled, but some information transmitted between the spirits was not. It flowed in along the fleeting gap. Then, attracted by some connection, it flowed towards a certain place in the world.

It fell on a mountain top, and there were shepherds in the wilderness below the mountain. It was a manifestation of spirituality, so it was the initial manifestation of spirit in the elemental realm - it was a ball of fire, but it would not burn the body of the living.

The shepherd was called Moses, or Musa. He drove his flock and was the first to see this wonder falling from the sky, a scene he had never seen before.

"What is this...?"

The old shepherd looked stunned and was a little at a loss. But for some reason, a call from the soul emerged from his heart.

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