Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 331: Title and Bad Guests

Under the clear sky, crowds of people are constantly pouring into the Acropolis Conference Hall.

This newly built building relies on the mountain, with dozens of corridors from top to bottom, hundreds of rows of seats, and even suspended corridors that obviously do not comply with the laws of mechanics.

From the beginning of its design, it was required to be able to accommodate at least 150,000 people at the same time, even exceeding the population of some remote towns. The exquisite design allows this huge building to have good ventilation and appearance. When the alchemy pattern is turned on, even the most peripheral audiences will not be affected by the loud voices and can hear clearly. Go to the voice on the floating platform in the center of the venue.

This is destined to be a magnificent building that most countries in the world cannot build despite all their wealth. This is not only a matter of money, but also a technical gap.

Many visitors from various countries were shocked by this. After all, not even half a year had passed since the decision to build this building.

Even in later generations, it would be very difficult to build such a building out of thin air in a few months. In this era, it is simply a man-made miracle.

The corners of his mouth moved, and Odysseus knew what was going on.

Behind her, more gods arrived one after another. Even the God of Skylight and the Goddess of Day came in person.

Out of the corner of her eye, Aphrodite saw a line of red clothes, but she turned around and disappeared.

"Welcome, Your Highness, I..."

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to notice something was wrong, and the goddess of the sea in front of the temple became nervous.

"...No matter where you come from, as long as you are the God King..."

The Goddess of the Magic Web, a deity who lives outside the divine court. They had nothing to do with each other originally, but because of an accident, the Goddess of Beauty seemed to have offended her.

However, she still didn't quite agree with her mother's words.

"...and her, she's here anyway."

The rare quantity and irreplaceable ability naturally bring a higher status, but in this kind of matter, it is really possible for them to help for free. After all, it would be quite interesting if the conference proposed by the God King Priests was held in the building they built.

Solve the problem exhaustively, list all possible options, and finally find that one party does have a way to win, but he just knows it but doesn't know why.

Arrogant and resourceful, he once wanted to find the Sphinx and solve its mystery, but to no avail. Now I feel that I may be too confident. The world is so big and there are always things that I don’t know about.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but Odysseus obviously would not ask such a blasphemous question, not to mention how to measure a person's true wisdom is inherently difficult to say.

"...Who's there? Come out!"

She actually didn't really want to come here, and she didn't know exactly why. At first she thought it was a warning from fate that something bad was going to happen during this trip, but she later recalled it.

Even Pluto has been forgotten, let alone the goddess in front of him? However, gods are gods after all, and the King of Gods will never really turn her away, so she still responded respectfully:

Thousands of gorgeous carriages streaked across the sky and fell straight down, while the sea parted before them.

Perhaps due to the characteristics of the priesthood, in the eyes of the Goddess of Harmony, the connection between Zeus and the laws of the world has become more harmonious and closer. This is a good thing, just like the former second-generation God King believed that the [Creation Code] was the most suitable Like the God King's artifact, this special state allows Zeus to have far more power than he imagined when facing beings who break the rules.

These are two ancient gods with powerful divine power, but they still came to the world from the stars at the invitation of the God King.

"For such a hasty wedding, the God King personally sent the invitation... Could it be that he finally couldn't bear it and wanted to violate the vow he made and exert his own influence on the sea?"

"Choose a topic, start now."

Although later, when facing other opponents, Odysseus used his words and quick wit to win more than one victory in other aspects and regained some confidence, but this inevitably made him start to doubt his own wisdom.

She originally planned to wait for Ares, but now she was no longer in the mood.

Her dislike of this place didn't just last a day or two, but started a long time ago. It's just that she subconsciously didn't want to get close before, but now she has to come because of the God King's order.

The Goddess of Beauty spoke as if no one else was around, but at the side, her daughter Harmonia, the Goddess of Harmony, remained silent.

"Choose a scroll you like and raise the corresponding sign next to your seat. We will select the topic and process of the finals accordingly. Now, please be quiet."

The expression was a little strange, Odysseus didn't understand what the other party meant.

Eris said calmly without any fluctuation in her voice.

"The goddess is a symbol of wisdom. Whether it is skills or the art of war, they are just an extension of the field of wisdom. Your Highness, have you ever discovered that there is any way to truly improve a person's wisdom?"

She stared at the deep tide in the distance and subconsciously took a step back. In her eyes, a gray-clothed goddess slowly approached from a distance.

Wisdom, not intelligence, not memory or understanding. At this moment, Odysseus felt as if he understood the other person's thoughts.

After hesitating for a moment, Odysseus finally asked what he had been doubting, and beside him, the middle-aged priest also explained calmly:

"Your Highness Odysseus, this is actually a misunderstanding by outsiders."

"Forget it, you are always so boring. I didn't support you marrying a mortal at the beginning, but it was a pity that this was the order of the God King. But I don't think he really wants to repay the human named Cadmus."

"Everyone has his own ideas in his heart. The truly fair judge is not others, but the guests from various countries. They use wisdom to solve the questions, use judgment to prove fairness, and use words to convince you to believe that this is the best way to judge. The real winner has his own public opinion; and every topic may be biased, so we choose to leave everything to fate."

With a cold snort, Aphrodite walked into the palace of the sea god.

Until the sun was at its zenith, most people had already sat down, and an old man from the palace stood in the center of the meeting platform, facing the tens of thousands of people in the audience.

"But before that, we still need to do one thing, which is to finally choose the topic and referee for this conference."

Just like the special fertilizer invented by the alchemist, the plants grown with them are close to the effect of the exclusive divine arts of the Agricultural Church, which once made many people question Demeter's authority. Another example is some special alchemical preparations sold in Athens today, which can keep people young and energetic for a longer time. Even if the church of the goddess of beauty and the queen of heaven prohibits it, there are still many smuggled goods flowing into the Western countries.

"Dear guests, envoys and citizens from major city-states and kingdoms in the eastern part of the continent, as well as Phoenicia, Lydia, Phrygia and other countries, the conference is about to begin."

The waves hit the calm sea surface, bringing bursts of sound.

Perhaps because of the arrival of the Earthshaker, the usually calm Sea of ​​Pontonoris has also become turbulent, but it seems so small and ordinary in front of the gods in the sky.

"What a hasty wedding... There was not even half a year between the decision and the start. What a joke."


The gods of Olympus reject wizards, so they naturally don't have a good impression of them. In contrast, the northern part of the continent does not hate spellcasters. There are even three goddesses of fate living on Mount Nisa in the north, and they have no church in the world, but an organization called the Northland Witches.

"...Then your highness, I will go in now..."

It's not that the wizards are too easy to talk to. In fact, as far as he knows, there are actually very few people who can really step into legends on the path of spellcasters, even clergy.

"We also hate the behavior of invading the realm of gods - the problem is that wizards have not invaded the realm of goddesses."

Sitting in the contestant's seat in advance, Odysseus asked the priest who guided him here.

Raising his hand, the old man on the suspended platform in the center of the venue pointed to the air, and then twelve bound leather scrolls floated in the air.

But no matter what, that's all in the past. The float went down from the parted sea surface. Aphrodite and her daughter walked into the palace of the ancient sea god under the respectful welcome of the sea nymph at the door.

"No need."

The visitor did not take the carriage, but the sea nymph was still relieved.

Raising her hand to refuse, the goddess of disharmony showed a strange smile. She looked at the palace in front of her and said calmly:

Odysseus didn't know. The reason why he suddenly started to think about these problems was not because he suddenly became a philosopher, but because he was hit by Andrea before.

Odysseus was only a corner of the venue. While he was communicating with the priest, people continued to enter here.

At most, they would say a few nice words for a while, and that reckless man would not remember such things.

"Yes, no."

According to a few legends, they seem to be able to glimpse the future, see destiny, and often guide many heroes to take the "right path" and establish extraordinary achievements. However, although this so-called right path is sometimes good, sometimes the results are not good, so that others have a neutral impression of them.

"I heard that during the construction of the Acropolis Assembly Hall, no legendary wizards participated in it, and the entire construction was mostly completed by ordinary spellcasters and craftsmen?"


Hua La La...

She knew why this was the case. After all, even she didn't think of the gods of the underworld for a while.

Her husband Cadmus, who was famous in the human world, was gone. He couldn't leave there at all, and the goddess of harmony was naturally alone most of the time.


"Yes, although more than one interested wizard offered to help, Your Majesty rejected their kindness."

Picking up a rose and watching it bloom and wither, Aphrodite was a little uneasy.

Shaking her head, Aphrodite said no more.

But on the other hand, this kind of connection that directly acts on him is also different from the artifact. How much benefit you get, you have to pay and bear how much constraints you have. If there is anyone in this world who will never violate his oath and the order of the temple, the goddess of harmony thinks it is Zeus.

"I don't have an invitation either."

'But then again, can Her Majesty Athena really improve the most fundamental wisdom of a life? '

The twelve scrolls have different numbers and colors, and their appearance is so bright and eye-catching that every audience here can clearly see its existence.

What most people can see is just the performance brought by experience, character, memory and knowledge... If you add all these together, I don't know if it is true wisdom.

After losing several times in a row, he also looked for other people to play against, and even found several so-called winning ways to start the game, but they were just rote memorization.

The sea nymph was silent for a while.

Gradually, the sea god's palace became quiet again. If nothing unexpected happened, the wedding banquet should have started. No god would put on such a big airs and come at this time, so the sea nymph guarding the door also relaxed.


So no matter what the king of gods came for, it would not be to conquer the ocean with his own power.

Nodding, the middle-aged priest was still gentle.

"Take the initiative... I understand."

Cadmus's later years were not good, and the Thebes he founded and the descendants he left behind were even more disaster-ridden, and there was even a little bit of her support in them.

There was a constant stream of people, and as time went by, more and more gods arrived. Until the sun was at its zenith, even Apollo temporarily abandoned the golden chariot, let it hover in the sky, and then came to this palace.

A breakthrough from zero to one is not necessarily worse than one to one hundred in many cases.

"Today, under the witness of God and under the rule of the Kingdom of Athens, we will hold such a grand ceremony, where the wise men of various countries will show their talents here and present them as gifts to the gods."

"Speaking of which, Your Excellency, I have always been curious about those who have shallow beliefs and attempt to invade the realm of the gods. As clergy of the Church of Knowledge, what do you think of them? Don't you think this is blasphemy?"

Since then, Aphrodite has been the target of the other party's teasing, and each time it is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

This kind of infringement on the authority of the gods happens almost every moment, even if it is far less effective than the authority of the gods now, but this behavior itself is intolerable.

"I come from the underworld."

It's good to be a god, she is just afraid of encountering irrational monsters. The gods will not make a scene at a wedding hosted by His Majesty the God King, but the latter will not care what the God King is.

True wisdom has not been violated by humans. On the contrary, all their achievements prove the importance of wisdom.

In addition, Aphrodite even saw traces of the first generation of Titan gods. It seems that it is the goddess of light who lives in the starry sky, the wife of the god of lightless celestial bodies who rarely leaves traces in history.

"Without an invitation, you don't have to go in, but since you are here, you have to give gifts."

"You can pass on my gift. I don't know if this is lucky or unfortunate for you."

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