Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 339 Human Justice

Acropolis, the center of the meeting place outside the city.

Under the gaze of the audience, one debater after another expressed his or her own views and explained his opinions from different angles.

But as expected, no one denied the decision of the Olympian gods.

No one in the fourth generation of humans has ever seen Prometheus, only some legends spread in the sea. It is said that the fleet lost in the whirlpool may be guided by the prisoners to return to the world, but the rumors are just rumors after all.

The same is true for bronze humans. It is obviously unrealistic to expect modern mortals to empathize with the previous generation of humans who are not related by blood. The vast majority of people just look at this issue rationally from the perspective of a bystander.

"...So as I said, in the legend, Pandora, the woman who brought disaster, opened the magic box and once again disobeyed the gods' orders. She also proved with facts that not only men broke their oaths in the Bronze Age, but women also did the same , even this is their nature.”

"Such human beings deserve to be destroyed. Rather than cutting sacrifices and stealing divine fire, this was the last straw that led to the fall of the Bronze Age. The existence of Pandora completely proves that this generation is useless, and destruction is theirs. The only end."

On the high platform, another player talked about his philosophy. Unlike the previous ones, the entry point he chose was ‘Pandora’.

The first woman created by the gods opened the magic box and brought chaos, unrest, and disease to the earth. After three months, the gods sent a flood to destroy the world. This is undoubtedly a point of view with a different perspective, but with sufficient arguments, and it also aroused widespread recognition from the audience present.

After a burst of warm applause, the middle-aged man with short hair who spoke bowed politely and then returned to his original position.

At this moment, Andrea was the only one present who had not yet spoken.

Taking a deep breath, looking calm and composed, the little princess took a step forward, and the floating platform she was on moved to the center position.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes focused on her, and many people recognized her. This is not only because of the spread of ‘Leah’s Game’, but also because of her appearance.

No matter what era it is, there will always be many people who follow their five senses in their outlook on life. Being beautiful is an advantage in itself.

‘...Mr. Iros, I hope you are as powerful as you say. ’

Andrea prayed in her heart, but she immediately remembered that in Athena's teachings, cheating was not something Athena praised.

Now she was blatantly cheating at the conference dedicated to the goddess. If it weren't for Ryan's previous promise not to be discovered, and she actually hoped that Athens would win, she wouldn't be here.

"Dear viewers, contestants on the same stage with me, civilians or nobles, gods or elves, I am honored to be here with you to discuss the history of the past. Just now, your views have been explained very clearly. Regarding the gods, The recognition is also very clear, but please forgive me for making fair remarks under the gaze of the goddess - I disagree with your point of view. "

The sound was not loud, but with the help of the alchemy formation, it spread throughout the venue. As a princess, Andrea is quite good. At least in her demeanor and tone, she doesn't seem to be reading from a script at all.

"Madam, do I think what you just meant is that you think the gods acted unfairly during the Bronze Age?"

Suddenly, another voice came from the player's seat, but the next moment, a red light lit up from the platform where he was.

What followed was the calm voice of the previous host.

"Mr. Noes from Olympia, in the opening stage, each other is not allowed to ask questions or argue. It is your turn to speak freely after the last contestant has finished speaking his position."

"Every player is qualified to express his or her opinions independently and completely, so I am warning you now. If you do similar behavior again, I will declare you out and expel you from the venue."

"...I'm really sorry, Miss Leah, I made a mistake."

The slightly bent contestant named Noes apologized in Andrea's direction, and Andrea nodded in agreement.

"It doesn't matter - this is indeed not the time for a formal debate, but since you asked, I can answer you in the affirmative. What happened in the Bronze Age, I do think the gods were unfair. As for the reason, please let me Come one by one."

Standing in the center of the venue with her head raised and chest raised, Andrea looked at the audience that was gradually becoming restless, and the runes in her heart kept flashing.

For some reason, Andrea seemed to feel a little helpless and angry from those paragraphs of text. Those are not the emotions shown, but those hidden in the heart.

"Before, you have said a lot about the 'justice' of Olympus. You mentioned that those who violate the agreement should be punished, and those who violate the law should be punished - this is no problem and is recognized by people. . But if the destruction of the Bronze Humans is the so-called punishment, then this may not be consistent with the justice you say."

"Over the years, I have read history books and appreciated the wisdom of the ancients. In the history of more than a thousand years, I have seen many ancient heroes, or wise and violent kings. Since ancient times, people have always had the same evaluation of kings:"

"In the face of an unjust war waged by an enemy country, those who only defeat the opponent's army, capture the king and nobles, and spare the soldiers and servants, are benevolent monarchs. They use their virtue to subdue the people of the enemy country, and use their own character to calm the world's chaos. Those who defeated the enemy's army, killed the king and nobles, and piled the heads of the enemy soldiers into a hill to frighten the rebels were kings who used the corpses of the invaders to overwhelm the bandits and hold them in their palms. His swords shocked the nations, causing the heroes of the world to restrain their ambitions and not dare to raise weapons in the world."

"As for the behavior of killing the enemy's soldiers, conniving to plunder the city, killing three-tenths of the people in the city, and taking away all the food and property, that is what a cruel king can do. They used Fear subjugates their subjects and uses strength to maintain their rule, so that resistance continues, and heroes from all over the world rush to draw their swords to prove their martial prowess.”

"This is not only the history of humans, but also the history of gods. In the ancient times, this is how the first generation of god kings ruled the world, and he was eventually overthrown by his own descendants. As for humans, such kings have been rare in ancient times, and they have not One can get a good death. This is already a rare atrocity in the world, but the destruction that occurred in the Bronze Age is even more so, even far beyond the former. "

"Even if I search the history books, I have never heard of a king who killed the enemy's kings and nobles, killed all the invading soldiers, and massacred all their people. The blood dyed the river red, and the civilization turned into ruins. This is something that all life cannot tolerate, but this is exactly the disaster sent by the gods, and it is the suffering that people in the Bronze Age suffered.”

"Deception is unjust, and breaking promises should be punished. But apart from the Illuminati gods and priests who did all this, what mistakes can more bronze humans make?"

"Even if the gods were angry about this and gave them famine, plague and heavy rain, this could be considered as something a 'cruel king' could do. However, the flood tilted the earth, and seven days and nights passed from east to west. . All life on earth was not destroyed; even the birds in the sky fell into the ocean because they had no place to stay. The gods deprived mortals of their lives, whether they were pious or unfaithful, whether they were birds or beasts. "Chong Fei, can such behavior be called fair?"

The voice echoed over the venue. At first, Andrea was just following the script, but gradually, she herself was a little convinced.

Yes, over the years, wars between many city-states and kingdoms have been common, and cruel kings have appeared from time to time. They can kill all the lives of a country, leaving nothing behind from the population to the livestock, even if they use humans to perform blood sacrifices. There have never been any barbarians in the North.

If the gods of Olympus did such a thing, it would be an act more cruel than the most cruel king in the world. How can such an approach be called justice?

For a while, the venue was a little quiet. The first stage of the conference is over, and the debate among the players can begin. However, on the high platform, no one stood up to refute for a while.

"So Miss Leah, is this your point of view?"


Andrea nodded upon hearing this, and on the other platform, Odysseus' voice remained steady.

She didn't expect that she could convince the wise men present with just one sentence. This was just the beginning. And next, she will also witness the wisdom of others.

"In that case, I will speak frankly. Miss Lia, although your speech just now is very wonderful, there are also many flaws in it."

With a smile on his face, Odysseus was unkind in his words.

Although he did have a good impression of the 'Miss Leia' in front of him, for Odysseus, he never believed that love was obtained through prayer and concession.

"Beautiful lady, just now, you compared Prometheus to the king who launched the war, the students and priests who followed his orders to the nobles, the bronze humans to the citizens, and the Divine Court was another country that responded. . This is certainly a good metaphor for the behavior of the fire thieves who instigated the priests at that time to violate the agreement and deceive the gods, but there are loopholes in it that cannot be covered up. "

"Everything you are talking about is a war between kingdoms, and a war between people. Therefore, when human kingdoms fight against each other, they do not massacre the enemy country; the battles between people, They did not come to destroy an entire group. But I heard that humans cannot understand the behavior of beasts, so fish in the water eat their own children, but humans regard it as evil; humans cannot understand the behavior of insects and jackals. The mantis devours its own husband, but humans cannot accept this atrocity."

"This is how humans view beasts, so why do gods view humans the same way? The cruelty that humans think is not necessarily the cruelty that God thinks. These are not objects that can be compared together. They are conclusions drawn from different perspectives. Based on a Under the wrong premise, it must be a wrong result. If you cannot face the essential gap between gods and humans, you will naturally be unable to judge the fairness and injustice. Therefore, it can be seen that, Miss Leah, your previous remarks are probably meaningless. "

The words were sharp and powerful. Odysseus did not argue whether the god king was cruel or not, but expressed that the comparison between the two sides was meaningless based on the gap between gods and humans.

Debate is like this. Many times the debate topics of both sides are not right or wrong, and sometimes they are right or wrong. But what really determines the outcome is whether the opinions of each party are rigorous, whether they can form their own logic, and whether they can grasp the meaning of the other party's words. loopholes.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the field seemed to have changed, and the abnormal movement caused by Andrea's blasphemous words also subsided.

Faced with the opponent's counterattack, Andrea wanted to refute it, but she didn't think of how it could refute the separation between gods and humans. After all, no matter how much content is said, the other party can drag it down to 'As a human being, how do you understand God's thinking?'

However, Andrea was not discouraged by this situation. After all, she was not very familiar with debating in the first place, and her real means of coping was the voice that sounded in her heart.

"Well, Prince of Ithaca, you avoided my question and instead tried to respond with the excuse that 'this question should not exist'. You believe that humans cannot understand God, just as humans cannot understand birds, beasts, insects, and fish. "Although I don't agree with your statement, I'll just stick to your point of view."

Andrea politely looked around at the hundreds of thousands of spectators present, and her voice was unhurried.

"Just now you said that humans cannot understand birds and beasts, so humans' habits are completely different from those of birds and beasts; humans cannot understand gods, so there can be differences between humans' behaviors and gods' behaviors."

"But humans praise the diligence of bees and use their character to praise themselves; humans refute the atrocities of swallows, so they denounce the behavior of jackals. Any evaluation in this world is itself a measurement of external objects from its own standpoint. The so-called Whether it is fair or not is based on this.”

"Evaluating right and wrong from a personal standpoint is fair to the individual, but others will refute it; judging right and wrong from a city's standpoint, that is fair to the people of this city, but people in other city-states will refute it. I won't agree. If you judge right and wrong from a country's standpoint, the result is fair to that country, but other countries will have doubts. But if you judge right and wrong from a human standpoint, then for human beings, this evaluation is To be fair, as for life other than human beings, if we can’t understand it, why should we care?”

"Today, this grand event is held in Athens. Heroes from all over the world gather here. The wise men of the world use their wisdom to worship the gods. This is a competition that reflects human wisdom, not the gods; this is a debate among humans, It’s not a debate between man and God. If you don’t use human standards to measure justice, but ask for it to be evaluated from a non-human standpoint, wouldn’t that go against the original intention of this conference?”

"Now, back to my original argument - Odysseus, prince of Ithaca, wise hero of mankind, please tell me: What if you, I, and everyone here can't Understand 'divine justice', then from a human perspective, do you agree that the destruction of the Bronze Age is in line with 'human justice'?"

The voice was calm. At this moment, a breeze blew in the clear sky, and the clouds blocked the sunshine, but Andrea's eyes were still bright.

It is meaningless to discuss justice outside of humans in debates that belong exclusively to humans. Justice is relative. If people want to think about the justice of God, do they also have to think about the justice of plants, trees, insects, and fish?

Since we are human beings, we should think about issues from a human perspective. In this case, Odysseus' previous doubts were naturally undermined.

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