Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 341 The Second Broken One

"If you think so, then so be it, it's the guidance of fate... After all, I can't resist you, right?"

Pandora spoke coldly, without further response, and gently closed her eyes.

Compared to Epimetheus, she was in no mood to watch this so-called debate, because as the years passed, there were more and more beliefs lingering around her but unable to absorb them.

Even if there was no direct contact, the countless pleadings, curses, hatred, and fears tortured her all the time.

Whenever the world encountered natural disasters and diseases, she was mentioned by humans as the incarnation of disasters. Even if the number of beliefs she received on a single disaster was not as good as that of the gods in charge of the corresponding authority, the total was more than that.

In this case, even if the blessings of the gods had never been taken back, Pandora still felt the pain and fatigue from the heart.

For a moment, she felt a little regretful.

It was not regret for opening the magic jar, because she had figured it out, maybe the meaning of her birth was to open it. What she regretted was that thousands of years ago, during the first heavy snow that covered the world, she pretended to accidentally reveal her name during her journey.

The woman who brought disaster thought that the existence of 'Pandora' would attract the attention of the gods, and then find her and Epimetheus. She wanted to pray to the gods to forgive her sins and end her aimless wandering on the earth, but the result disappointed her.

No god paid attention to her, as if she had done nothing. Instead, the god of hindsight seemed to have gained inspiration and established a so-called church for her.

Of course, this church that was labeled as a cult was also useless.

"After using the tools, they can be destroyed. If you don't know where they went, it doesn't matter if you consider them missing."

"Maybe the gods didn't take back their blessings to me. Not only is this troublesome, but more importantly, they forgot me."

"In Olympus, no one would remember the existence of 'Pandora'."

Not sure if it was in a dream or reality, Pandora hadn't slept for a long time. With her eyes closed, the debate and the occasional applause in the meeting seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a long time, maybe just a short while. At a certain moment, Pandora seemed to hear a low cry from Epimetheus in the haze, and then the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Even the interference brought by the mixed beliefs seemed to be blocked. She hasn't felt this kind of peace for a long time.

"Are you Pandora?"

A female voice sounded from the front, and Pandora opened her eyes.

A woman who looked to be in her forties was standing there, with various patterns embroidered on her brown robe. Her long hair was gathered on her head, and a crystal clear wooden hairpin passed through the middle. Pandora didn't know this woman, but she knew that she was definitely not an ordinary person.

Because Epimetheus was quietly standing aside at this moment, just like when they first met.

"I am."

Nodding, Pandora admitted her identity. After all, she had the blessing of the gods on her body, which was a clear mark.

"That's good. I've been looking for you for a long time."

It was not an illusion, nor was it an accident. Just as Iapetus saw, Gaia really came to Athens, but not for this conference, and certainly not for the god of speech.

Gaia looked Pandora up and down again, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Tools will indeed be destroyed after use, but even as tools, no one should want to disappear silently like this."

"... What do you want me to do?"

After a moment of silence, Pandora seemed to resign herself to her fate.

"I don't know."

Shaking her head slightly, Gaia stretched out her hand and a sphere with flashing "starlight" and different sizes of light spots inside appeared in her hand.

At just one glance, Pandora seemed to see the collapse of all things, the end of matter, and some desperate and twisted shouts.

She felt a little familiar. This special state... How could it be a bit like what Epimetheus said, those fragments of divinity belonging to the ancient sun god scattered on the earth?

At this moment, many speculations flashed through Pandora's mind. Could this be the belated fate of the magic jar? But this is not in line with her own prayers.

She has seen many beasts that have merged with divine fragments, but they are not only constantly polluted by the spirit in the fragments, but also cannot become gods by this.

Even after the Typhon disaster ended, when the three "artificial suns" containing authority rose into the sky in turn, Pandora also discussed this matter with Epimetheus. The other party told her with certainty that even if someone could withstand the spiritual impact brought by the three suns and hold the corresponding authority, they would not be considered true gods.

After all, the authority of the true god cannot be deprived by the existence outside the world, but if the divine fragment is taken away by others, then the power that originally belonged to you will also be lost.

So Pandora is very sure that what she once prayed to become is obviously the true god who has authority that cannot be deprived and is immortal in this world. Is this the fate in the magic jar that cannot be achieved, so she has to settle for the next best thing?

Or maybe this actually hinted at something, such as if one wanted to become a true god, this fragment of divinity could play a key role in that…

For a moment, Pandora’s mind was in a thousand twists and turns, but Gaia obviously didn’t see what she was thinking.

It is normal for mortals to be shocked and stunned when they see this scene. After all, they have little knowledge.

"I don't know if you understand this kind of thing, and if you know what kind of power can create such a result, but it doesn't matter, I can tell you - it is Perses, the god of material destruction, a man who cares about his parents and his parents. The true God whose elders are arrogant and rude and has no mercy for his children!”

"But all this is in the past. Now, he is what you see."

Pandora listened quietly to Gaia's faint narration, but at this moment, Epimetheus no longer knew what to say.

For the first time, he allowed Pandora to follow her 'destiny', and then directly bumped into the long-lost Earth Mother... He could naturally think of what Pandora could think of. This encounter did seem to have an effect on the realization of his 'wishes', but absolutely Not the effect he wanted.

‘Phew—at least two experiences have been summed up. ’

‘Wishmaking on the magic jar is indeed effective, but it probably only works for the wish itself. For people around me, such as me, I’m afraid it won’t be taken into account at all’

'In addition, water always flows along the place with the least resistance, and destiny, after confirming the destination, may only flow in the most direct trajectory. As for whether this is the original intention of the wisher, it doesn't matter. People understand. ’

Epimetheus knew the name of Perses, the god of material destruction, but how Pandora's wish could be realized through him was beyond the reach of the later enlightened beings.

He had also dreamed about the power of the broken sun, so he had studied those divine fragments. He roughly knew the benefits and drawbacks of this thing... His intuition told Epimetheus that he didn't know whether Pandora could become a true god, but even if It's done, and I'm afraid it won't be the same as what she thought and expected.


The Sea of ​​Punto Norris, in the palace of the original Poseidon.

Regardless of the arrival of Gaia or the existence of Iapitus, these "accidental" visitors to the conference were not noticed by the gods observing the phantom.

Only Zeus, as the caster, seemed to have noticed some traces of the God of Speech, but he said nothing and just pretended that he did not exist.

However, Zeus's lack of reaction did not mean that the gods who were watching the game did the same. As Andrea's sharper words appeared in front of the gods through the phantom, some gods could no longer hold back.

"Your Majesty, I didn't know before that such a blasphemous person existed in the world, and that she could stand at a grand event in Athens and spread her ideas to more mortals."

Looking a little excited, Ares took a step forward and looked at Zeus on the golden throne.

"I feel that such a person is not qualified to continue living in the world. She should be punished eternally like Tantalus. Please allow me to go to the human world and personally give her the fate she deserves!"

Even if he didn't say it out loud, the gods could hear it. The reason why Ares was so eager to try was simply because it was Athens.

While he was speaking, he even kept looking in the direction of Athena, but unfortunately, the other party didn't even look at him.

"Ares, this is a debate. The position in the debate does not represent the speaker's own position. If you really do this, it will only damage the reputation of the gods."

She spoke softly, but Hestia said it to Zeus.

Ares's opinion is not important, what is important is what the God King thinks. According to past experience, Zeus may not give direct opinions on the surface, but he will definitely hint at something.

The Kitchen Goddess didn't know if her persuasion was meaningful, but she said it anyway. However, unexpectedly, this time, Zeus didn't seem angry at all.

"That's right, Ares, it's just a human debate. Since I have promised not to punish them for their words, I will definitely fulfill my promise."

Speaking calmly, Zeus seemed to be in a strangely good mood.

"Not only that, if she can win the final, then according to my previous promise, she will come here and become the judge of the Golden Apple."

"If faced with such an unfavorable situation and standing on the unreasonable side, she can achieve the final victory, then her wisdom is undoubtedly the best among mortals - Zeferos, it's not too early, why don't you get ahead of it lets go."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

It’s also unclear what medicine Zeus sells in his gourd, but the God of West Wind never thinks about things that he can’t understand.

He didn't even care whether he, as the main god, should go to greet a mortal. Cheferos just stood up and bowed before disappearing into a burst of air.

"It's really rare."

Glancing at Ares in the audience, Hera also didn't understand Zeus's operation.

According to past experience, he should remain silent, and then a god would 'spontaneously' go to find trouble for the mortal, and the god king would come out to make peace, such as the queen who had seven sons and daughters killed by Apollo.

But this time, is he actually so decent...

"That's it, Zeus, I'll be watching you."

After thinking for a while, Hera suddenly realized.

She looked at Andrea's appearance in the phantom and seemed to understand something. No wonder Zeus wasn't angry, it turned out to be this reason.

"...You are overthinking it, Hera. I am just maintaining the order of this debate."

A little speechless, Zeus shook his head. Beside him, Hera just sneered.

"It better be so."

"Of course it is."

Ending the topic, Zeus didn't want to argue with Hera anymore.

He looked at the phantom he summoned, his eyes searching the audience.

He still felt the power of Iapetus, even if it was only with the help of his believers.

The God King didn't know that this was because someone let him go. He just looked for the other party's figure while secretly sighing that his plan had worked before it even started.

The first ancient god who had opinions about the God Court and was disobedient appeared in Athens. Sure enough, his idea was right.

Solve them once and for all and divide the world into two camps. And the final winner, of course, will only be him.

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