Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 346 ‘Gift’

Hell is different from the outside world. Women are rare in the nine hells because there were no women in the Silver Generation.

Most of the women who exist today are devils that were born later. Although there are some powerful ones among them, most of them do not have the ability to move in the human world.

In this case, there is no other candidate who is from hell and can participate in the banquet of the gods and meet these three conditions.

Keto, who was deceived by the great devil Mephistopheles to be a helper, was a sea monster who drank the blood of the father of heaven and later became the true god of false beauty.

Only she meets these conditions, and the golden apple is only meaningful to her. "Dedicated to the most beautiful goddess", this originally limits the conditions for competing for it, and only the gods recognized by the gods can snatch it.

At this moment, this golden apple that is the focus of the gods is in front of Keto, and she can reach it as long as she reaches out.

"What's going on?"

"When did she come? Why didn't I receive any notification?"

Sighing in a low voice, sitting in a prominent position close to the God King, the eldest son of the original sea god Pontus, the gentle sea Nereus was a little at a loss for a moment.

What he said actually made no sense. After all, Keto was one of the few people in the world who could go to the palace of the original sea god without notifying anyone in advance and would not be blocked. And compared to the unfamiliarity of other gods, Nereus knew of Keto's existence.

In other words, in the human world, Keto had been active for thousands of years, and the reason why she was not well-known among mortals was just because she deliberately kept a low profile.

As a true god who also defected to the Nine Hells, Keto was different from Mephisto and Crius.

The former was an undocumented person, and always had been. A quasi-god that suddenly appeared was enough to attract a lot of attention and could easily attract the attention of the God's Court. Therefore, although he often went to the human world, the great devil was always cautious.

As for the latter, needless to say, the original Crius was of course a god with status, but after reincarnation, the situation faced by this old weather Titan is no different from that of Mephisto.

He is now also an illegal account, and this is even more so for Crius, who has reshaped his body with regional characteristics after experiencing the first Abyss War. Moreover, even if the issue of reincarnation cancellation is not considered, he is also a prisoner exiled by the God Court. If possible, Zephyrus and Poseidon, who exercise the meteorological authority on his behalf, will probably attack him as soon as they find him.

But Keto is different. As early as when she first met Mephisto, she was still attending the feast of the gods in Olympus. She took the initiative to leave the God Mountain, and the reason was only because of the existence of Aphrodite.

She has not been wanted by the God Court so far, nor has she offended any gods in the world, or committed any crimes, so she does not need to hide her existence. And the thing that Keto was most worried about before - the danger of being seen through by the real goddess of beauty and exposing her true appearance under false beauty to the gods, no longer exists.

As Mephistopheles once promised, the true appearance of gods is difficult to change, that is their innate appearance, but there are exceptions to everything.

So now, even through the cover of Keto's authority, what is shown to the gods is no longer her distorted half-snake and half-fish true appearance, but a vigorous and charming figure.

The slender tail sways behind her, a pair of small sharp horns grow on her head, and the darkness and fire of purgatory swirl and burn in it.

Although this is still different from the existence of most gods, just like the wings of some gods, Keto's new image will not be rejected by the gods like those giants, but will be regarded as a feature.

Even in the eyes of some gods, this is a special plus point.

Snap -

It seems to have been a long time, but it is actually just a moment. With a crisp sound, in the dead silent hall, Aphrodite's armrest shattered.

However, at this moment, the goddess of beauty seemed not to realize what she had done. She just stared at Keto's existence, as if she was looking at an enemy.

For a moment, the gods who were originally shocked by Andrea also woke up. In any case, the golden apple seemed to have a home, but who is this strange god, and why don't they have any impression?

However, others would be puzzled, but Aphrodite would not. Although she didn't know Keto, it didn't affect her attack.


"Who are you, and where did you come from? You dare to come here to attend the banquet of the God King and compete for the ownership of the golden apple!"

The tight movement tore the lapels, and Aphrodite's voice was even a little sharp. She didn't know why she was so angry, but she was angry.

After reincarnation, Keto's appearance has changed, and the false image she created with power is also different. Except for the original sea god with the same bloodline, basically no gods will equate her with the original god.

But the body can change, but the power will not be replaced.

Almost just a face-to-face encounter, when Aphrodite saw this goddess whom she had never seen before, a great emptiness and malice rose from her heart.

She wanted to kill the other party - even though the gods are immortal, for some reason, Aphrodite just wanted to kill the other party!

Perhaps she couldn't tolerate the title of "the most beautiful goddess" falling on someone other than herself... In short, at this moment, Aphrodite seemed to have forgotten where she was.

Power surged through her body, and she took a step forward and rushed towards the god whose power was obviously inferior to her own.

And for some unknown reason, the gods present did not stop it. Even Zeus, who should maintain order the most, did nothing while recalling the vague feeling of familiarity.

He wanted to see why Keto gave him a sense of familiarity and what was special about it - and then the next moment, the situation was beyond the expectations of the gods.


With a sideways movement, Ceto avoided Aphrodite's unsystematic impact.

She grabbed the other person's shirt with her backhand, and then pressed down hard.

With a muffled sound, the God of Beauty immediately fell to the ground. At this moment, Ketuo even took the golden apple with enough room, and then lowered his head to look down at the existence that he had once avoided.

"Aphrodite, right?"

During this trip to the human world, Ketuo received two orders. A monarch from the middle court, he foresaw the birth of the Golden Apple Competition and asked himself to return to hell with it as soon as possible. The other one came from the Lord of Nine Hells, and his request was exactly the opposite. Asmodeus ordered her to stir up strife among the gods and start a war among humans, as long as she remembered to avoid Silvermoon City.

But there is almost no need to consider how to choose Ketuo. The county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. If the current manager's position is not lower than that of the county magistrate, it will be even less so. In addition, the gods of Silver Moon City did not come to this banquet, so this request is equivalent to nothing... Feeling the surging power in his body, Ketuo smiled wantonly.

"I am the daughter of the original sea god, Ceto, the symbol of the danger of the sea. Part of this palace belongs to me, so why can't I appear here?"

"On the contrary, you... are worthy of being the weakest among the Olympus gods. Compared with your face, your strength is simply a joke."

Aphrodite was still struggling, but even far away in the sea, above the trench where Pontos slept, the law still suppressed the gods to a considerable extent.

When the advantage of divine power is evened out, the battle between the two beauties becomes a one-sided killing spree. Holding the golden apple in his hand, at this moment, an interesting thought came to Ketuo's mind.

She raised her hand and wrote two more words on the golden apple, then gently pulled it, and three pieces of peel fell off. At the stall where others had not yet reacted, Ketuo took a step back. She released her hold on the goddess of beauty, then slapped three pieces of peel on Aphrodite's face.


The golden apple takes root in the flesh and contains powerful life force. Even if it is just a piece of peel, it has the property of being difficult to be destroyed. And the next moment, Aphrodite's cheek was also exposed in front of the gods.

"If you want a golden apple, just say so, but I think this is the skin you deserve; you want to be the 'most beautiful goddess', but I think this is more suitable for you, hahaha——"

Laughing loudly, Ketuo said contemptuously:

"Aphrodite, how do you feel? Why don't you thank me for the gift I gave you?"

There are three pieces of peel and three lines of writing. Only the middle piece affixed to the forehead is written on the engraving plate. At this moment, there was only the word "beautiful" left on the golden apple.

As for Aphrodite's face... from left to right, there is only "Dedicated to the most useless goddess" engraved on it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……!"

"Cetto! Ares, kill her for me!"

Stunned for the first time, Aphrodite didn't even realize what was happening.

But the next moment, she saw her own embarrassment in the eyes of the other gods.

The flames of shame and anger almost burned her to the ground. She reached out and rubbed her cheeks frantically, but the traces caused by the golden apple could not be erased so easily.

In fact, as a tonic, Aphrodite doesn't need to do anything. When she completely absorbs the power contained in the golden apple, the line of writing will naturally disappear, and even the power of life in it can play some beautiful role. Color effect. But for the beautiful god at this moment, she couldn't bear even one minute.

Covering his face with his hands, the sharp voice echoed above the temple, and the God of War, who finally reacted, realized what had happened only when his wife screamed. He immediately drew his sword and wanted to regain his place with Ketuo.

In terms of divine power, Ares is actually not as good as the God of Beauty. But in terms of combat power, even without counting the suppression of divine power by laws, he can defeat two Aphrodites with one.

And in places where the laws are strictly suppressed, it is even more obvious. For example, now, it is more than enough for him to fight ten beauties on the sea. The difference in skill and physique between the two sides is huge. If Ceto, who was once the mother of sea monsters, has an unrivaled powerful divine body, then Ares, the God of War, is not far behind.

Ares, who drew his sword in anger, apparently forgot that this was the palace of the ancient Poseidon, and all the gods were gathered here at the moment.


With a sharp shout, a vast aura surged from Zeus's body.

In the blink of an eye, the situation on the field changed like this.

He no longer cared to explore the familiarity on Ketuo's body. The God King looked around expressionlessly, causing several other gods who were eager to try to quickly give up their ideas.

"Your Majesty, take her down quickly, how dare she humiliate me like this!"

As if seeing a savior, Aphrodite immediately shouted for help.

The artifact belt shone on her body, but Keto was unhurried.

"Why, Aphrodite, is it still a reasonable thing for you to attack me in my temple?"

"I didn't break any laws of the Gods, but the goddess of beauty wanted to kill me. I got the golden apple according to the rules set by the God King himself, but you are not very satisfied with it."

"Your Majesty, the goddess of beauty and her husband tried to attack me in front of the gods, and as the daughter of the ancient sea god, I will not resort to force. Please make a judgment on this, Your Majesty, the fair God King - you know, I repaid her with kindness, not only did I not do anything cruel to her, but I also gave her a gift to maintain her remaining face!"

As he spoke, Keto looked provocatively in the direction of the goddess of beauty and the god of war.

Sometimes you can break the rules, but sometimes you can't.

Since Zeus has invited all the gods in heaven and on earth together, Keto really doesn't believe that he will do irrational things for Aphrodite.

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