Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 352: Transaction under War

Emotions lead actions, no more unnecessary communication.

Zeus stretched out his hand and grasped it, and in the void, an illusory spear slowly solidified, and he held it in his hand.

The aura on the gun is powerful and distant, but it is not a real artifact. Of course, for gods who have reached this point, ordinary artifacts are of little use.

Just as Ryan often uses the power of death in the Well of Reincarnation to turn into a black sword, the spear in Zeus's hand is actually the manifestation of Asgard's power and one of the symbols of his royal power.

He opened up the divine realm and allowed the gods to build the divine kingdom. This in itself was an act in line with the gathering of royal power. As a result, the Asketon Divine Realm has been subtly changed, and it has gradually become a domain that is consistent with the authority of the God King.

Maybe tens of millions of years from now, just like the scepter cast by the second generation of god kings, if there really is a next generation of god kings, Asgard will become one of the things passed down by the successors.

But that's all a thing for another day. Holding this spear, Zeus locked onto his opponent.

Just like the appearance of this spear, the weapon of Asgard's previous owner was the 'sure-hit' divine spear [Gangnir]. This imitation gives it certain characteristics that make its attacks difficult to avoid.


The spear broke through the air and penetrated the void. As the embodiment of the power of the divine realm, it is like a world being pressed down at the speed of light.

If it were from the outside world, such a blow would be enough to sink the earth and shake the stars. However, this is an abyss, and Tartarus has enough power to curb the damage to the environment caused by such outside visitors.

Therefore, the supreme power was suppressed around the divine gun, and the gun body fell along a mysterious trajectory in the direction of the Lord of Nine Hells. And facing the gun body was naturally the bloody sickle.


There was a clear sound, and the blade collided with the spear.

The next moment, vast power burst out from the intersection, and the laws in the void were torn and reorganized.

But it is very obvious that Zeus seems to be at a disadvantage. The head of his condensed magic spear immediately broke off. Although it came back the next moment, it was still decisive.

"How is that possible! No - it's the abyss!"

Zeus was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

It stands to reason that although he does not know the specific strength of the opponent, according to the induction of the authority of the God King, there is no huge gap between the two sides.

But the current reality made him realize that although the abyss also rejected hell, Asmodeus's power was still fully exerted at his doorstep, but Zeus was different.

He is the true outsider and the ostracized object of Tartarus. But even so, feeling the difference in strength, Zeus found it difficult to accept it.

In a place like this, there is actually another being who can fight against him?

There were a bunch of powerful enemies before my promotion, and there will still be a bunch of them after my promotion. If this keeps happening, wouldn’t my promotion be in vain?

"You think the right location can stop me? What a dream!"


Unwilling to retreat, but under the pressure of the abyss, there was really nothing he could do to the opponent in front of him.

So the next moment, with a loud roar, Zeus' body exploded, and then expanded a thousand times.

He glared at Asmodeus in front of him and raised his hands to the sky. In the dark, it is like a giant god carrying the sky on its back, declaring war on the laws of the abyss.


What should I do if the suppression of the abyss is too strong and I can't exert my strength at all? Then let’s use the power of another world to fight against it!

Then the power of Asgard flowed in and gathered in Zeus's raised hands. The phantom of the world emerged there, and as the image emerged, not only was another sword of the Lord of Nine Hells blocked, but the suppression of the abyss was also briefly weakened. The only price is that Asgard's power is being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I don't care, tools...are valuable only when they are used!"

Striding forward, Zeus recalled the unforgettable figure at the turn of the era.

His tall body became more and more vast, without the barrier of interface power, and the complete symbol of royal power was revealed to the world for the first time.

"Come on, let's see who is the winner now!"

Make a fist into a hammer and hit hard. But standing opposite Zeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells was as stable as a mountain.

"How long can you persist in drinking poison to quench your thirst?"

"Forget it, I'll just play with you. See how much of your accumulation I can consume before you calm down."

After fighting against the Abyss for a long time, Asmodeus had already learned to make careful calculations when faced with the size gap.

So looking at the 'lavish' Zeus at the moment, he was not polite when he missed the past.

Power itself cannot escape. If you don't use it now, you will use it on yourself in the future. It is naturally a good thing to consume some in advance.


In the abyss, a battle broke out, and with a beam of light penetrating the sky on the sea, a war among the gods also broke out unexpectedly.

At the beginning of the war, Ceto approached Aphrodite without hesitation.

There is no hatred between them, only conflicts of interest caused by authority. However, for the gods, this is far more intolerable than other contradictions.

On the other side, the light-body goddess Phoebe finally joined the war. She found a high-sounding reason for herself, believing that Artemis, as the daughter of the God King and her grandson, should not always be living outside.

She claimed that the other party should go to the stars to meet his grandfather. However, facing Phob's proposal, Artemis only responded with bows and arrows.

In terms of divine power, after three epochs, although the sun, moon and stars did not obey orders, the goddess of light still benefited from the growth of the world and had a divine power level close to 18.

In comparison, as a new god, even with the power of faith, Artemis was at a disadvantage in terms of divine power.

However, the role of artifacts in the battle of ordinary true gods is still very obvious, and Artemis not only has the crescent crown, but the gift given to her by Keto before has also turned into another artifact in her hands.

That is nothing else, it is the power related to "sea monsters" and "wildness" that Keto, the former mother of sea monsters, peeled off from it after she shed her old body.

This part of power is not very meaningful to the new Keto, but it is very suitable for Artemis as the lord of the wilderness. With the cooperation of the two, just like the battle of gods in the last epoch, it is likely that it will be difficult to tell the winner from Phoebe for a while.

The rest of the gods also have their own battlefields, and there are frequent battles at sea in Pontonoris.

The real focus of the gods was undoubtedly the battle in the center.

Trident, Thunderbolt Arrow, Aegis, Spear of Walker... In the sky, when Athena made her first full-strength attack, the gods were shocked.

One against three, Hera had no way to deal with her, Poseidon was covered with wounds but still wanted to fight, and Ares, who had no weapons, was beaten back step by step.

However, the god of war, who was in charge of the unjust war, was also aroused by this. Under his unique domain, the huge war of gods around him seemed to provide him with strength, making him more and more courageous.

Of course, the gap in strength was obvious after all. The only thing Ares gained was that he was finally looked up to by other gods. It turned out that the god of war in a large-scale war was still quite capable.

In short, with a light spear, the goddess of wisdom in military uniform suppressed the three gods from above.

The power of the true god's limit is so terrible that it makes all the onlookers marvel... not only those gods who choose to be neutral, but also a certain existence that finally wakes up from a long sleep.


"... What a great young man, the gods of the later era can actually come out of such an existence... Sure enough, just like the waves, the momentum of the front wave will eventually run out, and it will be smashed on the shore and reefs by the back wave. If you want to avoid this situation, the only way is to withdraw as soon as possible."

Under the sea of ​​the gods' war, a heavy voice echoed on the seabed.

Perhaps it was the sequelae of sleeping for too long, and the voice was obviously a little hoarse at the beginning. But the person who spoke obviously recovered quickly, and when it ended, it had already recovered clarity and fluency.

Everything on the sea surface was no secret to him. Looking at Athena, who was even more powerful than his peak, the ancient sea god couldn't help but sigh.

"Pull yourself away, but you're already involved, Pontos."

"The battle was started by your daughter, and your other children have also joined in. How can you pull yourself away from such a dispute?"

The shadow, or the entire deep trench, was originally dark.

The voice of Erebus came quietly from it.

He shouldn't have come at this time, but it must be said that the display of the power of the Lord of Hell on Keto was indeed beyond his expectations.

For a time, Zeus was led away, and part of the domain of the Lord of Darkness lay at the gate of the underworld. He could accurately grasp the time when Zeus came and went, and the war of the gods could cover up many things. In this case, he did not hesitate to change his plan and came directly to find the traces of the original sea god.

And Pontos was not difficult to find. As the first generation of gods, they were so deeply bound to everything. If the Mariana Trench in later generations is the deepest seabed in the world, then it is under Chaos and the Sea of ​​Pontonoris.

Arriving here, Erebus easily awakened Pontos with his own power.

In order to complete his plan, persuading the other party is a very important part, but facing the words of the Lord of Darkness, the original sea god did not seem to care much.

"Your Highness Erebus, thank you for taking the time to come here and chat with me... But if you want to persuade me to come out, then there is no need for that."

"You see, those underworld gods born from your power have never been taken seriously by you, and there have always been many conflicts between fathers and sons among the gods. Although I have a closer relationship with Nereus and others, I will not go against my decision and rush into the world for them."

"What's more, although I don't deal with him much, I also know Zeus. He is not a cruel person like my brother. For him, interests are more important to him than mood. The father of heaven can give up interests because of simple "dislike", and can also torture his children because of simple "like", even if it is of no benefit to him, but Zeus will not do this."

"Besides, as one of the first ancient gods, my connection with the world is so close. I can see clearly that this network of order covering the present world, and the new symbol rising from the sky and the earth...Zeus' power comes from [royal power], right?"

Silently, Erebus knew that he could not convince Pontus so easily.

Yes, although the original sea god did not know where Zeus' power came from, he could still discern the nature of this power.

Zeus, who has the [Royal Power], is destined to want power, not punishment for others. If Atlas, who holds up the sky, is willing to bow to him and become part of the [Royal Power] order, he is probably willing to put aside his grudges and even personally welcome the other party.

Therefore, the descendants of the original sea god will not have a bad result anyway. Even the worst result is nothing more than changing one person's loyalty.

And for Pontus, who is the master of heaven and earth, and who will lead the gods of the original sea god, is it important? Of course it is not important.

Since he has decided to sleep, he has let go of everything in his life. Power, strength, and even everything.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, 'People are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death'.

I have abandoned everything, so naturally I will not go back. It is also meaningless for you to tell me these things.

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