Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 367 The First Disaster

In terms of time and space, everything in Hemenu was born on [Original Water].

And the carrier of [Original Water] in the world is [Endless Space].

As one of the eight gods who inherited the power of [Amon], the masculine symbol of [Endless Space], Ra naturally gained more benefits from this reincarnation than others imagined.

And for Ra, this is not just a change in power, but more of a sublimation of certain status.

From another perspective, at this moment, he is like a being who has just weak divine power, but unexpectedly possesses great characteristics in some aspects. Although he cannot use this characteristic most of the time, he can instinctively touch some of the most fundamental things in the world.

This is a good thing. If Ra has gone far enough and is "complete" enough in the field of great divine power, he can have some indescribable characteristics.

Just like the "immortality" of the [Mother Tree of Flesh and Blood], which is comparable to the immortal essence of the gods of Chaos, Ra should also be able to obtain some abilities of the same status and related to space.

But unfortunately, even after reincarnation, Ra still can't go far in the realm of great divine power, and "completeness"... In this regard, as a god of Hemenu, he is actually not as good as the weakest original god of Chaos.

The similarity between the two is that they both have complete wisdom, but neither can completely merge with the source power while maintaining rationality.

The difference is that the original god of Chaos chose the solution of "personalization", separating the form of his personality from the body, and then there is no need to worry about the erosion of rationality by the source power when using power. And the gods of Hemenu... they don't need to worry about this at all.

After all, their divine duties are naturally able to devour, transform and separate each other. Even beings like Ra need to rely on reincarnation to avoid death. It can be said that before entering the source sea this time, almost all gods have never touched the source power corresponding to their authority, let alone worry about these problems.

How to carry the source power is a problem that the gods of Chaos need to think about, and it has nothing to do with them. But what follows is naturally the influence of the exclusion amount. In the field of great divine power, the gods of Chaos are more complete than Ra.

"... So, this is the difference between the worlds... Foreign land, are you calling him Chaos?"

"Invaders from the other side of the void, what is your world like? How did you get here and do this now?"

"With clear wisdom, but so close to the source power, are you really not afraid of its influence?"

Above the 'water surface' and the world, the boundless gods and demons sit in the void, and the power of [Endless Space] interacts with his unfolded body continuously.

The chessboard is in front of him, but Ra is not in a hurry to move the first piece. He just looked at the foreign god in front of him, carefully and cautiously testing.

In La's eyes at this moment, the foreign god in front of him has almost merged with the source power, and there is no difference between them.

All gods in the world need to mobilize power through "authority", but the truly complete great power is actually not necessary. If you have to use a word to describe this state, it is "mixed with the world".

Such an existence should not have wisdom. He should be as indifferent and ruthless as the heaven and earth, and only have some instinctive impulses, just like the abyss of Chaos.

All living human nature cannot withstand the endless assimilation of the source power... Ke La is very sure that whether it is the fight with the other party outside the world thousands of years ago, or every step of the other party's behavior now, it can prove that this foreign god absolutely has wisdom and rationality.

"How did you do it? Where is the goddess who came with you last time?"

"Communication can solve many problems. Although we are enemies now, maybe we can talk about our respective worlds."

La didn't expect to get a response when he spoke again, and he didn't think the other party would tell him about this, but he still wanted to make some changes through communication.

The silence of the foreign gods before - or indifference, this indifference made it impossible for La to obtain any useful or useless information.

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best time is now. Over the past thousand years, La has regretted more than once that he didn't learn about some foreign situations during that fight.

Whether it is to deal with the enemy or for the best and worst plans, he doesn't want his future self to regret today.

However, in front of La, for his two active exchanges, he was greeted with only the same peace as always.

The primordial water rolled and surged, as if it also felt the impending disaster, and it fluctuated like the world's breathing. The lofty will overlooked the earth, but did not give the enemy in front of him even a trace of attention.

It was as if the ending was already destined, and He had seen the end of time.

Silent arrogance spread on both sides of the chessboard, and La's sharp eagle eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that the other party is really confident. Ha, if that's the case, then wait until those mortals bleed into rivers and the outcome of the bet changes. See if you can still be so arrogant when you see that time!

"... Shu, start, destroy them, destroy all the sinners!"

At this moment, La first thought of this god whose relationship with him was second only to Thoth.

The drought and exhaustion he brought would certainly inflict heavy damage to these mortals at the very beginning, and then the remaining pillar gods would kill them.

When La opened his mouth, in the high sky of the mortal world, on the chessboard where two gods and demons sat opposite each other, another one filled with the power of the ‘sun’ opened his mouth at the same time, and on his left, Shu immediately responded.

Mobilizing his authority and turning it into an invisible chess piece, the God of the Atmosphere gently pressed in front of him.


The next moment, streams of light visible to mortals fell from the sky, bringing endless gales.

The river surface began to drop, the well water gradually dried up, and the plants slowly withered.

A foreseeable disaster is about to take place in the world, and no one on both sides of the Nile River will be spared.

"Now, it's your turn."

The voice was cold, and La's eagle-headed eyes stared at Ryan. And this time, as he thought, he did get a response.

The divine body leaned forward slightly, and the ‘endless space’ shook slightly.

He raised his right hand, as if preparing to make a move, but for some reason, Ra felt that He was not aiming at the human world at all.

"Very good."

He said.

"This is the first disaster."



Outside the city of Memphis, a place where no one passes by.

There was a friction sound in the air, followed by the flickering of light and shadow.

The next moment, a group of people appeared out of thin air in this suburb, along with a few old cows.

They staggered and were covered with a lot of dust. Moses looked worried, but still smiled and comforted:

"Huh——Fortunately, although it was not very smooth, we still succeeded in getting out."

"His Majesty Ramses still has too deep a prejudice against the Hebrews. We have no connection with the legendary Her Majesty Isis, and we have no dark plans... but he doesn't seem to believe it."

The whistling wind turned from virtual to real, and turned back into the scepter given by God.

As Moses came to Memphis, the collision between the two worlds became more intense, and this ordinary wooden stick began to have magical powers.

But at least so far, its ability is still very limited, and it can't even help Moses defeat an army of hundreds of people.

"No matter what, it has come to this, but Moses, what should we do next?"

Aaron looked around in a deep voice.

He is Moses's actual brother and the first person Moses visited before returning to Memphis.

He was once a royal adopted son for a period of time, so Aaron also learned writing and knowledge, and had a superior status to other Hebrews.

Among those of his kind, his reputation and status have always been high.

"Go and gather the tribesmen first and tell them that I promised to take them out of the labor, but now it seems that it will take some time."

"Tell them Pharaoh's attitude, Aaron, but also remember to tell them the power of the Lord - He revealed to me that the sun will swing the knife against us, but He also promised me that I will lead them to end this disaster."

Leaning on a walking stick, Moses looked at the place where he came from.

"God said that what is inflicted on us will be inflicted on the perpetrators. Those on earth will be punished on earth, and those in heaven will be punished by heaven."

"Pharaoh will wake up... we just have to persist."


Aaron was silent.

Yes, maybe what Moses said was true. Although he had not seen miracles yet, he was willing to believe that there was such a God who was the protector of all Hebrews.

But even if this promise was true, how much suffering would they have to endure before those perpetrators were punished and before Pharaoh changed his mind?

"I'll go now," he said, "May God be with me."

In any case, this is the only choice at the moment. Human confrontation cannot win, so naturally we can only hope in the gods.

Nodding in agreement, Aaron immediately prepared to return home and summon those who have higher status in the tribe.

Pharaoh's guards have never seen him, so naturally they will not send people to arrest him.

However, just as he turned around, Aaron suddenly stopped.

An inexplicable warning rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but look up. Around him, several other people also seemed to have noticed something and looked up at the sky.

There, a bright stream of light slid down from the sky, illuminating the land of the world.

It was like a meteor, but it didn't seem to be...As a person with high intuition, Aaron vaguely saw that behind the falling stream of light, something seemed to flash by.

There, it seemed that a giant was sitting in the sky.

"What is that...?"

The voice was a little dry, and the fleeting image was so much like the Egyptian gods in the temple, but he didn't dare to really believe it.

The next moment, Aaron felt something was wrong.

The air around him almost instantly lost its moisture, becoming dry and cold, causing slight pain on the skin.

But this is clearly the bank of the Nile River, a pearl in the desert.

Almost at the same time, Moses also realized something.

This change... He couldn't help but recite what he had just said softly.

"The sun will raise the butcher knife against us... So that's it, it's not just the sun on the ground, and the butcher knife is not just the blade in the hand."


He looked at Aaron on the side: "Quickly gather the tribesmen. We must quickly discuss countermeasures to deal with this impending natural disaster!"


Memphis, the palace.

Not long after Moses left, the guards strengthened the defense here.

The black snake that appeared before made the Pharaoh's guards very worried. They didn't think they couldn't beat the monster created by the evil foreign sorcerer, they just thought it might scare the Pharaoh.

Of course, Ramses II was not scared, but he didn't stop the guards' spontaneous behavior.

He was just going to summon the ministers and order them to report in detail whether there were any changes in the Hebrews in the recent period.

Although theoretically, no matter how many unarmed slaves there were, they could not be the opponents of hundreds of thousands of fully armed soldiers, but it is better to be prepared for the enemy... However, before the ministers arrived, the change suddenly happened.

The stream of light fell from the sky, and the air became dry. In the distant city, the noisy voices of the people seemed to prove that this was not just a change in the palace. At this moment, Ramses instantly understood something.

It was a natural disaster, but also a "man-made" disaster.

"Is it a divine punishment? For whom, for those sinners, or... for me?"

Pharaoh pondered silently in his heart, looking at the stream of light across the sky, and his mood was a little heavy.

However, just as he looked up at the sky, there was another noise at the palace gate. The guards approached from outside, and a piece of news came from outside the palace.

"Your Majesty."

The guard who came to deliver the message knelt on one knee, but his face was full of joy.

"It's a letter from Heliopolis... The high priest received the oracle."

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