Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 370 Wind and Wilderness

In the material world, the lighter something is, the less force is needed to move it.

In the mysterious world, the more powerful something is, the greater the force that wants to push it to change, even time is the same.

Sitting on the primordial water, the power of [Endless Space] and [Seven-Layer Spiritual Realm] hovers around the two chess players. Under this huge volume, even time and space are bent.

One month in the human world is just a moment in the sky.

It seems that the order of La Lingshu God to create natural disasters was just a moment ago. In front of him, the hand of God just reached from outside the world.

However, at this moment, La's face has become extremely ugly. He cast his eyes on the human world, looking at the hill outside the city of Memphis.

Separated by the source sea and the human world, the perception of everything on the earth by the other nine pillars of gods has become a lot more blurred.

But they don't know what happened. In front of La, the breath of divine power rising from the human world is so familiar and clear.

Thousands of years ago, when that sudden dream happened, La, who was warned by the world, issued an order.

It was the first time he executed a god, and it was also the only true god he killed after he devoured the former sun god Atum.

From that day on, no new life was born in the world for three years, and sorcerers disappeared from the earth, but Ra did not regret it.

Everyone would choose to kill the danger at the beginning, but he was a little regretful about it, because Ra always felt that Isis was the most talented and thoughtful one among the nine pillars.

Maybe magic and life can meet in her hands, blooming with more brilliant brilliance, and even breaking the restrictions of the gods and having power close to his...

Then on that day, the world of Hemenu will be more perfect under Ra's rule, and there will finally be something in the world that can make him stronger.

After all, although the Egyptian gods can devour each other's power, if the strong devour the weak, it will only reduce his divine power in turn. So after devouring Atum, Ra never did anything similar again.

But now, what did he see?

"Isis, you dare to betray me and this world?!"

"Even now, you have surrendered to the Outer Gods!"

Ra paused for a moment, in disbelief.

Compared to the invasion of the Outer Realm, he could not accept that someone dared to betray him so long ago.

He admitted that he had some bad thoughts, but Ra not only never expressed them, but also never put them into any form of behavior.

As a result, Isis chose to betray him before he did anything. After all, since she is still alive now, it means that the one who died was just a scapegoat.

There is no doubt that this proves that long before Ra accepted the warning of the world and decided to take action against Isis, she had already made preparations to fake her death and escape.

And right under his nose, Ra was unaware of it.

"...Isis, those foreign bloodlines, you have already come into contact with them!"


The angry roar echoed in the void, and the surrounding space also rippled. However, on the empty and endless water surface, there was no third existence who could hear Ra's roar.

Only at a great distance, on the earth, Isis seemed to raise her head as if she had sensed something.

She did not hear any sound, but at this moment, she smiled as if she had expected it.

Not long ago, when she finally decided to intervene in this chess game, Isis was ready to be discovered.

The breath of her divine power was unlikely to be hidden from the Lord of the Sun. Perhaps her former colleagues were now scolding her in the sky, resenting her as a traitor. But to be honest, Isis did not think she had done anything wrong.

The results have proved that her choice was right. When Ra found that someone had unstable factors, his first reaction was to eliminate them. At that time, even if he reported Io's existence to Ra, he would never be sure to cut off the connection between the two people's fate.

At that time, I am afraid that I would not be able to escape death in the end. But as a god, Isis did not want to sacrifice for the overall situation of the world and Ra.

What is the overall situation? Whoever can survive to the end and who is the strongest is the overall situation. Isis knows this very well.

This is the case with the struggle between Ra and the former sun god Atum. When the power of the sun was transferred, the underground chaos snake Apophis was no longer restrained, but it caused great harm to the world.

But did Ra give up at that time? Of course not, so it was the same with Isis. If you can't even figure this out, then I'm afraid I have become a dish, the first victim on the front line of the two worlds.



"It's Isis, she's still alive!"

One body is divided into two, and they are in two places at the same time. Ra, who carries the names of 'Atum' and 'Amon', is far away on the primordial water, but his part of the sun is parallel to the nine pillars of gods.

At one end of the chessboard, sitting on the Great Sun Sphere, compared to the self who carries 'Ba', Ra, who is completely composed of 'Ka' where the power of the sun is, is also angry, but his emotions are not as violent.

His expression was solemn, and Ra felt the gazes that were staring at him because of his reaction.

The existence of Isis disrupted his steps, and the previous test might not be able to proceed.

Originally, Ra planned to use the Nine Pillars as pawns to test the methods of the foreign gods bit by bit, weaken the power of the Hebrews, and finally create the sunfall by himself, and achieve success in one battle at all costs.

Even if that would make him "die" again, it was an acceptable price. The last time he came back from the dead, Ra successfully integrated Amon's power, and as long as he could achieve the final victory, Ra would not mind doing it again, and then assimilate the remains of the Outer God into another part of himself.

But now the plan has gone wrong, and Isis is still on earth. She stood in the camp of the Outer Gods, and with her help, the tactic of adding fuel to the fire was just a slow suicide.

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? Isn't Isis dead? Why did you suddenly mention her?"

With a forced smile, Shu's panic in his heart became stronger on the left side of Ra.

Isis traitor, what does this mean... In fact, he already had a guess in his heart, but Shu still looked up at the eagle-headed human figure on the celestial sphere, wanting to seek comfort.

Even if it was really as he thought, it should have nothing to do with him... However, Ra did not look at him, but a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

"Nut, Set, and Tefnut, you will all work together to bring down heavy rain and sandstorms, and drive all life in the sky, so that the morning star will fall to the earth."

"Thoth, you have inherited Isis's position, so it's up to you to deal with her interference. Try to reduce the chances of her intervening, and then create as many deaths as possible together to prepare for the next step. Don't worry, without Isis, the outer gods can only protect those mortals in foreign lands personally..."

"--Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Interrupting Ra's words, Shu asked loudly without caring about his previous prestige: "Do you mean that Isis is still alive? But you said that without her, the outer gods can only protect those mortals personally-"

"What about now, what will He do, targeting the pharaoh's dynasty on earth?"


There was a silence, no answer, and Ra didn't know what to say. But he soon didn't need to say it.

Because just above the world, on the surface of the primordial water, a huge shadow had already covered the chessboard.


The world is shaking, and the laws are ringing.

When the hand of God fell from the void, the source sea seemed to have foreseen something, and it could not help but stir up a huge wave.

According to the rules of this chess game, the winner will obtain the authority of the loser. But the bet should be exchanged after the end. Even if Shu lost at the beginning, his divine power should be temporarily placed on the opponent's table as a bargaining chip, waiting for the moment to win it back.

However, God did not want to wait until that day. As an external existence, His intervention in the human world could never be comparable to the local gods of Hemenu.

So He gave up the opportunity to intervene in the human world, but kept it in his hands to cash in the harvest that should belong to him in advance.


The primordial water that enveloped the world parted in front of Him, and the shadow enveloped the world.

Above Egypt, among the nine pillars hanging in the air, God's hand held the one covered with wind.


"La, you said that we would not die, what's going on?!"

Finally realizing his fate, and as if he no longer had a fluke mentality, Shu shouted madly.

In the impression of the Egyptian gods, he has always been an elegant and calm god, often accompanying Ra and conveying his orders.

However, at this moment, he seemed to be no different from those lowest mortals. Just like a prisoner about to face death, struggling with all his might, but to no avail.

"Save me, Ra, save me, you said-"

"- Wait, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to be loyal to you, let me go, let me go!"


A light sound, it is the breaking of the pillar of God, and the collapse of the law.

Under the rules of the power of the two worlds, nothing can be changed.

The origin of wind and atmosphere was extracted and fell into the palm of God.

In an instant, the foundation of the entire Hemenu world trembled slightly, as if a complete house had a wall extracted.

Although it still stands, it no longer seems so stable.


Shu's 'ka' and 'ba' were extracted, and the 'spiritual' part was blended together by the supreme authority.

In this process, Hemenu's scattered and messy spiritual essence was analyzed, reorganized, sublimated, and destroyed.

As if he had suffered a thousand cuts, the pain that reached his consciousness made him feel that death was a luxury. But everything was obviously not subject to Shu's will, and this erosion continued.

Until a certain moment, the consciousness was on the verge of collapse, and the pain gradually disappeared. Shu knew that his life was coming to an end...

Opening the 'eyes' of consciousness, he seemed to see a vast world with a seven-layer structure opening in front of him. Its origin was cheering, leaping, and welcoming the arrival of nutrients, and he was that nutrient.

"... Is this, a foreign land..."

At the end of his life, looking at the source of fear that the gods had always had in front of him, Shu's consciousness shook for the last time. He looked back at where he came from, but there was only emptiness.

"La, I curse you!"

"You will be like me, you will watch yourself die, watch yourself become food for the Outer Gods..."

The voice gradually faded and finally disappeared.

From this moment on, Shu's consciousness completely disappeared.


Spiritual world, fifth layer.

Compared to a thousand years ago, this once desolate place has changed a lot.

Divided into inside and outside, on the outside of the fifth layer of the spiritual world, there are spaces as small as stars, but actually as vast as continents.

Faith and souls from the outside world flow here continuously, becoming the cornerstone of these countries.

And sandwiched between these star points, several huge interfaces composed of emotions are like stars, attracting these scattered stardust.

The [Seven Hills Paradise] that gathers all good emotions and beliefs is the largest one among them. Perhaps because it was born the earliest, its existence is also widely spread in the world.

The celestial race comes and goes here, and these former golden humans have turned into lives that travel back and forth between many countries. It can even be seen that as time goes by, some other lives have begun to be born inside the interface.

They are just like the characteristics of this interface itself, born with positive emotions, love kindness, and hate evil.

"Seven Hills Paradise... How can such a place exist in this world."

In the tiny country flashing with flowing light, a giant bear stood on the edge and looked at the void in the distance.

As a person who had just accumulated enough faith and power, and came to this mysterious realm where the legendary kingdom of the god of faith was located, the giant bear was originally very excited. As a result, he landed on the edge of [Seven Hills Paradise] as soon as he came in.

Then an inexplicable war broke out. Those native creatures rebuked him for using blood sacrifice to gain power, and then fought against him - this reason was simply ridiculous. I am a beast and I don’t eat blood, so what do you want me to eat.

Besides, if I don’t do blood sacrifice, where can I get the power to break free from the restrictions of the totem spirit and come here?

It’s incomprehensible. The thinking of both sides is simply not on the same line. Fortunately, those native creatures will not be too far away from that interface, so the giant bear just ran a distance to get out of danger.

The place where he just came up couldn’t stay, so he had to search in the void, and finally found this place, a place similar to [Seven Hills Paradise], but it was just formed not long ago, weak and lifeless.

The beliefs gathered here are more free and casual, without such strong positive emotions... So the giant bear happily named it [Unrestrained Wilderness].

Relying on its existence, he can finally start to weave his own domain. Now this tiny flickering country is the result of the giant bear's efforts.

"It's still a little small, but there's nothing I can do. After all, I only have so many beliefs... But it doesn't matter, I don't need to worry about my life span anymore."

"Under eternal life, all problems are not problems, hahaha..."

Shaking his head for a while, except for being too desolate, the giant bear felt that this place was really good in every way.

There is no need to worry about the gods of Olympus discovering you, no need to deal with various dangers, in your own country, you are an omnipotent existence, this feeling is really wonderful.

For a while, the giant bear was a little slack...



Awakened instantly, the giant bear looked around, looking for the source of the strange fluctuations.

However, it looked around and found nothing.

The fifth spiritual world has no boundaries in the sense of time and space, and the giant bear can't tell where the problem is. But at least he was sure that it was not a problem in the periphery.

"This feeling, it can't be there."

After searching for a while without any results, the giant bear finally turned his eyes to another place, which was also the center of this world.

When looking for a place to stay before, the giant bear also approached there. However, it was impossible to get close to there, and it was impossible to explore there. It was as if time and space were stretched. No matter how close to there, the result was the same.

In the giant bear's impression, that space seemed to be empty, with only two huge worlds emitting positive and negative energy circling slowly above and below.

This sudden change may have been transmitted from there.

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