Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 378 Formation

Hua La La——

On the source sea, black and gold rolled and intertwined.

I just don’t know when the golden tide seemed to be a little quieter than before, and no longer as agile as at the beginning.


On the endless abyss, looking at the light rising into the sky, there was only indifference in Ra’s eyes.

Compared with the complete world, Shu’s existence is actually insignificant, even with the three gods who are now taking action.

After all, even the weakest world is still a world, and the great power seems insignificant in front of Him, let alone ordinary gods.

However, many times, the simple size cannot represent everything, and existence is far more important than quantity.

Just like Chaos’s law of death, no matter how incomplete it is, as a complete world, He still has the god of death; and in the world of Hemenu, the proportion of wind may be far less than that of water and fire, but it is also indispensable.

But now, with the intersection of wind and earth, Set, the god of desert and storm, rushed to the sky. As one of the fulcrums that constitute the world, ‘wind’ may be at risk of completely disappearing from the world of Hemenu.

Such a sophisticated 'instrument', even if it only loses a screw, will inevitably lead to disasters in the future if it cannot be handled in time.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

With a pale face, the earth god Geb asked for help from Ra, who was sitting on the sun sphere.

It is not his turn yet, but he knows that it may not take long.

His wife who has been with him for ten thousand years is about to fall, so how long can he hold on? After they are over, Ra may not be able to escape either. Doesn't he feel panic at all?


While speaking, Set, who was like a moth to a flame, was shot down without resistance in the sky, and the rain god and the sky goddess had to fight to the death.

The battle happened around them, and for a while, the power of the three gods was like a candle in the wind. However, due to the rules of this place, although the flames were shaking, they would not be completely extinguished.

"Don't worry, wait and see."

Ra raised his eyes slightly, as if he responded.

The scene on the source sea now is not just a confrontation of strength. The power of the outer gods is enough to easily crush the resistance of the three gods, but the reason why they can still resist a little is because the war in the human world has not yet been decided.

Therefore, the power that constitutes the chessboard is vaguely protecting them-but everyone can see that the struggle of the three gods may not last long.

"The chessboard has been unfolded, and no one can leave, unless one of you can break free from the world power that constitutes the chessboard, and then defeat the outer gods in a head-on confrontation."

With narrowed eyes, La's eyes swept around.

Now, apart from La, there are only three pillar gods who have not taken action. Geb, the god of the earth, Osiris, the god of the underworld, and Nephthys, the protector of the living and the dead, in fact, this is also the result of his intention.

The enemy's means are more than he imagined, but La is not without a way to deal with it.

"You can't do it, and I can't do it either."

"All we can do now is to make as much preparation as possible for the next step."



On the ground, under the tall giant tree, the cruel fight is continuing.

Cash underestimated Aaron's preparation. The poisonous spring water could be affected by human beings. The ant bridge he built was quickly destroyed by the waves, and the offensive was stopped again.

However, Aaron's means obviously stopped there. When Cash ordered his army to use the most primitive method to transport soil and gravel, and bring these things into the ditch in a way of mutual destruction, trying to fill up the moat, the close combat entered the countdown.

The Fountain of Life has no effect on dead things. Even if the water is rolling, a road is easily filled by endless worms and jackals.

The vast army surged like a tide and joined the soldiers who had been soaked in the spring water beforehand.

Then things slid in the direction that Aaron least wanted to see. Although the worms and jackals in the desert could not do anything to the soldiers soaked in the spring water for a while, their number was thousands of times that of the guards.

They crossed the defense line fearlessly and walked freely in the tents in the rear.

The camp was boiling, people rushed and fled in all directions.

Trampling, pushing, and even deliberately tripping others to make way for themselves, the sins of human nature were clearly revealed.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, loud noises came from the sky, and the patter of rain dripped from the hole.

"Will we fail, sir?"

Having long abandoned the sword used to kill people, Aaron used a wide door panel to smash a group of poisonous insects in front of him to death.

The gap was quickly filled by the subsequent surge of the same kind, they did not care about life and death, and were not tired.

"No, it's hard to say for others, but you will definitely be the last batch to die."

Exhaling a breath, Aaron felt like a reef in the sea.

If things reach the most dangerous point, he will decisively lead people to retreat to the vicinity of the spring and establish the strongest line of defense.

But it's not that step yet, he is still waiting for things to turn around.

"The power God has bestowed on the great prophet may be beyond our imagination. It just depends on whether he is ruthless enough."

"Oh, but speaking of it, I don't know whether I really want him to be ruthless or whether I want him to stay the way he is now. People are so contradictory."

What Moses could discover, Aaron could naturally do too.

When he used those unbelievers as sacrifices, he also discovered the changes in the towering tree.

Is this a coincidence or if there is some relationship, Aaron doesn't know. But at least he knew they wouldn't fall here.


It was another meteorite, even much bigger than the previous one.

A hole was made in the branches of the giant tree, and rainwater poured down.

The crowd's panic became more and more serious. At this point, Mercer may have realized the seriousness of the problem.

"No matter, let's continue, and you can give me a chance by the way."


"That's the one."

Looking at Cash in the dark tide, Aaron smiled: "Whether I want to retreat or not, I will always kill him first."

"Snakes cannot move without a head, and birds cannot fly without a head. Without a commander, these insects and jackals will be much easier to deal with."

"The number of them is certainly endless, but as their master, I wonder if this person is immortal?"

Immortality is naturally a joke, Hermione is not immortal.

So he lowered his body and pretended to be in a panic. Aaron motioned to his most capable assistants to charge with him.

Speaking of which, he really had to thank the Fountain of Life, otherwise as Moses' brother and at Aaron's age, he would not have the ability to charge.

But now, feeling the surging vitality and vitality in his body, just like when he was young, Aaron pressed his sword forward.



It was like a thunderbolt passing through the boundless water, setting off huge waves.

When Aaron planned to attack Kash in the insect wave, the power that originally protected Seth suddenly dropped in the void.

The power derived from the entanglement of the two worlds began to flow away. Although the matter had not yet begun, the result seemed to have been revealed.

In this case, if Set chooses to huddle beside the Rain God and Sky Goddess, he may still be able to survive for a while. After all, the power of the world is so powerful that no one can kill him here before he truly loses.

However, feeling this change, he still moved forward without hesitation. Just like the knight challenging the windmill, although reckless, he is very brave.

"Set...Why didn't I see it before? It turns out he is so brave."

"If I had known better, I should have reversed the order and let Gabe take the first step and save him for later."

La felt a little regretful, but it was only fleeting.

Just as he did not notice Isis's betrayal, Ra admitted that he was still lacking in some areas.

Of course, this is all secondary.

Looking at the foreign god who took action for the second time in front of him, unlike the sun god Ra, Amon Ra's reaction on the primordial water seemed dull and indifferent.

He stared at the scene at Yuanhai. Seth's final counterattack was still useless.

When the Outer God gives up on the human world again, his life and death are the destined outcome. The moment Seth was held in the opponent's hand, Ra felt the weakness and whine of the world of Hermione.

But compared to the last time, La was not so angry at this moment.

On the one hand, he knew that he could not stop it, and on the other hand, it was because unlike the first time, the death of the gods was rewarding.

The death of those mortals with the blood of gods from outside the realm was secondary. The most important thing was that although Shu Gang did not notice it when he died, as time went by, La unexpectedly discovered some changes.

For example, when the power of the world is traumatized, the power that causes the gods to be restrained in the Sea of ​​Origin also decreases, so they can invest more power. Of course, at this point, the outer gods are the same as them.

Another example... because of the complete death of a god, La was surprised to find that along the [Absolute Space] that he had partially mastered, it seemed that more power began to pour into himself from the world.

Even with Set about to follow, the raise became a little quicker.

This is not the first time, and La is familiar with this change.

The reason why he was able to transform from the sun god into Amon Ra Atum and then steal the power of the eight gods was precisely because he was blessed by Hermione when he was fighting against the outer gods outside the world, and took the opportunity to intercept the flow. part of the force.

Based on this, after Dang La was reincarnated, he successfully added 'Amon' to his name, gaining even more powerful power.

And now, the feeling is so similar.

"So, do you think of me as the savior?"

His breath converged, and La didn't reveal his changes at all.

At this moment, instead of feeling that this was Hermione's care and favor, he felt it was a little ridiculous.

The blessing of the world... He has already done something.

If He hadn't just given himself a vague revelation thousands of years ago when the bloodline of the outer gods first entered the world, Nala would have been able to nip those sinful bloodlines in their bud and even use this to analyze the alien world. of rules.

By then, the situation will not be so bad. It is obviously a battle between worlds, but the opposite gods can actually invade the interface where they are.

Even if this opportunity is missed, if the world had given him such blessings thousands of years ago, then his power could go one step further and truly cover every corner of the world.

With this kind of power, Isis, the traitor, has no way to hide, and he can also calmly plan, detect problems in advance, and then make various responses.

Even now, if the world is willing to give him all the power at once, then Ra can overturn the chessboard in front of him, break the so-called rules, and let the foreign gods know that this is not a foreign land, but Egypt that belongs to him.

Then he can also keep the foreign gods here forever, and even turn them into a nail that drives into the other world, changing the offensive and defensive situation.

However, at this moment, Ra feels the increase in the power in his body.

He can probably judge that if a progress bar is divided into the realm above the true god, then the other nine pillars of gods will probably die, and the power given by the world will probably not be able to read the progress bar to the full.

Just like a program with rules that have been defined long ago, the greater the loss He suffers, the more chips He knows to bet... But what's the point of making changes when he really loses to that step?

It's just a slow death, but this is the world. Ra knows very well, and there is nothing more to say.

"Huh - but it's okay, this is also a method."

"Kill them, kill them, even if their power is swallowed by you, how much stronger can you be... If you have the ability, kill them all, and then kill me, kill the 'Sun God Ra Atum'."

"Kill all the gods, since you want them, I'll give them all to you."

With a calm expression, in front of him, Ra saw with his own eyes that Set fell into the hands of the Outer Gods just like Shu.

One of the nine pillars suspended on the source sea, the pillar symbolizing the desert and the storm, also broke inch by inch. The source power flowed like water, surging towards the Outer Gods.

The foundation of the world trembled again, and small gaps and loopholes began to appear in the laws covering all things.

It seemed that some changes would occur in the human world, but the quantitative change had not yet reached the qualitative change, and this change was temporarily stopped.

Everything was the same as last time, and there was no accident. The only difference from Shu was that Ra unexpectedly discovered that Set did not make any sound from beginning to end, just like a tough warrior who would rather die than surrender to the enemy.

"...Is this Set?"

"Well, it seems that my previous understanding of him was too limited. It turns out that he is a power-loving, ruthless and righteous god on the surface, but in fact he is so firm and unyielding."

"What a pity..."

He shook his head slightly, and sighed, perhaps only disasters can reveal a person's true nature.

But no matter what he thinks, God's will will not be shaken.

The void swayed, time and space flickered, and Set's "Ka" and "Ba" were destroyed and sublimated in God's palm.

In the distant fifth layer of the spiritual world, at the core of the interface, the final changes began to slowly take shape.

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