Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 381 Book of the Dead

With his eyes lowered, facing Osiris' seemingly unintentional questioning, Ra seemed to still pay attention to the situation in the world.

The impact of the fall of the four pillar gods was direct, but more potential.

Most of the insects and beasts summoned by Set were destroyed, and the rest fled in all directions. After a period of powerless resistance, with the fall of the goddess of the sky and the lake goddess Tefnut, the climate of Hemenu changed permanently.

This is not like the natural disasters under the control of the gods before, which were horrible, but orderly and targeted.

But with the death of the gods, the origin they represented was extracted, and the cycle of the world seemed to be affected.

Frogs and flies fled from lakes and swamps, and mosquitoes spread everywhere carrying plagues. Ra could already foresee that another disaster would be rampant on the earth, and the earth would be full of corpses, regardless of race and status.

This is irreversible. Unless the world makes up for the missing parts and regenerates the corresponding gods, or if He completely fails and becomes part of another world, there is no possibility of stagnation.

But Ra didn't care much. The disaster in the world looked terrible, but in fact it caused Hemenu to gradually lean more power down. Moreover, in a short period of time, these influences would not defeat the core of the Egyptian dynasty.

This was enough. He protected the Egyptians for a long time and helped them build a strong dynasty. Now it was time for them to repay themselves.

Not only these mortals, but also these gods.

Everyone knows that Ra defeated the previous sun god, Atum, the original god of Hemenu, and became the new sun. But how many people remember that most of the nine pillars of gods today already existed in that era. They were born because of the original gods, and the name of "Nine Pillars" was also passed down from that era.

In the battle between the new and old suns, few people knew what roles the other gods played. And when Ra successfully became Ra Atum, no one cared about these things.

Just like in the myths of the old times, Shu and Tefnut were the first generation of gods created by Atum, but as Ra ascended the throne of the sun, the myths of the world also changed easily.

People believed that Shu, the god of the atmosphere, was born from Ra's breath, Tefnut was born from his cough, and the heaven and earth were born from these two.

Everything seemed to have not changed, only the name of the original creator had changed.

But Ra still remembered these, and they should all thank him for his kindness at that time.

"Osiris, so you don't want to go down."

"You want to stay here and pray that the outer gods will spare your life?"

Without even raising his eyes, Ra saw through Osiris's little thoughts.

Although Set's murder of Osiris did not happen in this world, the event itself is not important, but the internal logic of its reaction is important.

Being murdered by his own brother when he had the upper hand shows how ordinary Osiris's ability is.

With this little ability, he also wants to learn from others to surrender to the enemy? After being deceived by Isis, Ra admitted that the other party's wisdom was worthy of being the one he favored. But Osiris...

Silently, under the cover of his sleeves, a long scroll fell into Ra's hands.

The part of Thoth's eyes that remained on the source sea moved slightly, and he noticed the gently swaying robe. Just thinking about it, he guessed what it was.

Among the nine pillars of gods, only Osiris had changed his main priesthood, from the god of agriculture to the god of the underworld. This poor guy actually dared to resist Ra at this time...

"I'm not praying to Him to spare my life, God Ra, I just think we should talk about it."

"As far as I know, you were seriously injured a thousand years ago, and you recovered from the injury through reincarnation. Is that true?"

Osiris asked again, unaware of the movement in the field.

"Yes, you want to say whether my opponent is "He"? Yes, there is indeed "He."

Still without raising his head, Ra gave a calm answer.

"If that's the case, then, dear Ra, is there a reason why the gods from other lands are unwilling to communicate with us?"

"Compared to us, the existence of Isis proves that the foreign gods are not incommunicable. Or... you don't actually want us to communicate."

The tone became more and more impolite. Osiris didn't think Ra could do anything to him on this source sea. And it's not certain whether the other party can survive in the future.

The foreign gods may not kill them all, but Ra, who has been an enemy of it for a long time, is likely to be unable to escape.

As for the other party's ruthless killing of those gods before...In fact, from the perspective of the Egyptian gods, without knowing the existence of Chaos, they have a different understanding.

The creation myth of Hemenu is very different from that of other worlds. It is rumored that one of the symbols of the primordial water, the eight-element god Nun, gave birth to the original god Atum. He fell from the lotus, and the sun has shone on the boundless water ever since.

However, as the first god in the world, Atum was the strongest god at that time, but in fact he was also the weakest god, because all the priesthoods of Hemenu were superimposed on him at that time, so his power was not only not made extremely powerful, but weakened due to the special laws of this world.

The priesthoods other than the sun greatly reduced his power, so driven by instinct, Atum began his so-called "creation" journey.

He separated the wind from the atmosphere and created Shu, and separated the lake from the rain and created Tefnut. He ordered the two to marry, and then gave the priesthood of the sky and the earth to their offspring Geb and Nut, and ordered them to marry and give birth to more beings that carried his priesthood.

With each reduction of his priesthood, Atum became stronger, until a certain moment he felt that he had the power to surpass the gods, and then stopped this division.

He believed that all things in the world were born because of him, and the gods were also created by him. They had neither reason nor power to resist him. So even if there were still some priesthoods other than the [sun], Atum would no longer separate them, and Hemenu's creation ended.

And this also provided an opportunity for Ra to usurp the throne later.

Thinking back, Osiris knew that when Ra became the new sun, he learned the lesson of Atum and stripped off the remaining priesthoods, such as Bastet and Sekhmet, who were born from his eyes.

The purity of the priesthood gave Ra a power that no other gods could challenge, and no one dared to challenge his position until the arrival of the outside world.

However, according to Osiris's understanding, although the gods outside the domain killed the four pillar gods, that should only be the result of their choice to be enemies with Him. Even if they died, perhaps the outside gods would separate them again to create new gods in order to maintain the pure power.

No way, it shouldn't be, there won't be the example of Atum in front, and there won't be gods who want to master so many relatively weak divine powers at the same time, right?

Absolutely impossible, how could anyone do such a thing that goes against common sense.

"... Ra, that's it."

"This may be Hemenu's war, and it is also your war, but it may not be the war of all gods. We should think in a different way, rather than resorting to force for everything."

Glancing at the other gods, Osiris saw that Thoth seemed to be looking at him supportively, and Geb agreed as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Sure enough, it was not just him who thought so. Everyone had the same idea, but they just didn't dare to say it out loud.

"In short, I hope to stay here for the time being and wait for the situation to change. Of course, if you, God Ra, are willing to show your supreme power and wipe out everything, that would be great."

The voice echoed over the source sea. Under the golden mask, Ra's expression was not very clear.

He was still looking at the human world, but Osiris felt that this might be a kind of escape. After all, no one had dared to contradict him like this for tens of millions of years.

"... Osiris."

After a moment of silence, Ra raised his head slightly.

His eyes were calm and indifferent. Perhaps it was the authority accumulated over tens of millions of years, Osiris actually felt some subconscious palpitations.

"I'll give you another chance, obey my orders, do your best, and destroy the sinners in the human world. If you can do it, I will forgive your behavior."

"No need, Your Majesty, I stick to my opinion. What you think may not always be right!"

Taking a deep breath, looking at the eyes like dead water, Osiris spoke.

"Very good."

Nodding slightly, under the golden mask, the corners of La's mouth seemed to move.

"Then Osiris, since you want to stay in the source sea, I will fulfill your wish."

"As long as you don't regret it."

The fingers under the long sleeves moved slightly, and the long scroll exuded a magical light.

In the human world, in the tombs of the pharaohs of all dynasties, similar creations are not uncommon.

It is called the "Book of the Dead" by mortals. It records the praises of gods, the curses of threats, and the life and achievements of the pharaohs as a certificate of their merits in life.

People believe that the god of the underworld Osiris will use this to judge the good and evil of mortals in their lives, and then take a boat to spend the next life.

Everything is so orderly, as if it is a heritage passed down from ancient times. However, there is one thing that many people have forgotten, that is, Osiris... It seems that he is not a natural god of the underworld.

He was originally the god of agriculture in the human world, controlling the prosperity and decline of all plants. If nothing unexpected happens, the underworld has nothing to do with him.

Then the question is, almost all the important powers in the Hemenu world were born at the beginning, and then split off by Atum. So before him, which god was the one who exercised and held the power of Hades?

"Naturally it was Ra, or it was one of the powers that Atum had not separated."

"Ra's sun boat has some divine power. Whenever the sun sets, it sails in the water system of the underground and the netherworld. When it sails out, it means the rising of the sun."

"The sun is constantly intertwined between the world of the living and the world of the dead, so it also has the symbol of "rebirth" and "new life". However, when Ra took over the throne, in order to ensure the purity and strength of his power, he decided to give up the power of Hades."

As the god of wisdom and writing, Thoth knew this very well, because he was helping Ra in the process of giving up the power of Hades.

Because of the connection between the sun and the world of the dead, although Ra decided to give up this divine power, he did not choose to directly create a corresponding god after all, because this would make him completely lose control of this power.

So he asked Thoth for help, and the two worked together to create the artifact [Book of the Dead].

Mastering the Book of the Dead, Ra can have the ability to influence the afterlife without weakening his power. He absorbed the power of the Eight Elements through rebirth, and relied on the power of this power.

Corresponding legends and myths were circulated in the world, and the power given to Osiris by him actually originated from this. Even Thoth knew that the magic separated after Isis's death belonged to him, but the [life] in it was refined into the Book of the Dead by Ra.

He tried to create a divine weapon that was as superior to all things as he was to the gods, but unfortunately he did not succeed in the end. However, this did not affect the power of the Book of the Dead, nor did it affect its restraint on Osiris.


The long scroll made a subtle sound. At the same time, Osiris' body also made a sound, and some invisible connection began to form.

Osiris's face suddenly changed. In this source sea, how could Ra attack him?

"You think too much."

"I didn't hurt you, I was just taking back what's mine. Although that thing... is everything you have."

The voice was calm, and the scroll flew out of Ra's hand.

Unlike the original myth, Osiris became the god of the underworld because he was murdered by Set, and the part of him that originally belonged to the god of agriculture was not lost. But now as a god who was banished to the underworld by Ra, the authority of the god of agriculture has long been taken back.

Ra tried to merge with [life] with similar divine power, and then failed as expected. But no matter what, Osiris has no power to resist in front of him now.



There was no extra confrontation, and it was even more straightforward than the process of the outer gods taking action.

Osiris, who had just tried to challenge the status of Ra, turned into a picture in the [Book of the Dead], and the fear of dying was vivid on it.

What's "abandoning darkness and joining light", Osiris fell on the spot without even seeing Isis.

The Outer Gods are certainly scary, but as the Lord of the Egyptian gods, is the sword in my hand not good?

"Now, there are only four left."

Ra casually pulled out some power from the [Book of the Dead] and threw it to Nephthys, the patron saint of the dead and homes.

"According to my order, set off the last disaster and let the dead spread all over the earth."

"All those who died, died in the past, are dead now, and will die in the future, must come back to life and serve as weapons to execute my will."

"Let the earth split apart and bones run rampant on the ground. Plague, pain, and curses are spread over rivers and mountains."

"Regardless of Hebrews and Egyptians, all the dead are included - Nephthys and Geb, do you have any opinions?"

Except for Thoth, no one knows how Ra killed a pillar god in the blink of an eye.

Geb only felt that the common sense he had built up before was constantly broken recently. Compared with Ra and the Outer Gods, he was a chess piece crossing the river, advancing but not retreating.

"...As you command, Your Majesty..."

The other party's smile looked uglier than crying, but La didn't care much.

Whether they succeeded or failed, La could accept it.

He had seen the means and power of the Outer Gods more and more clearly. Although powerful, they were not invincible.

"If the world can push me to the top of this field, then..."

With a calm expression, La glanced at Thoth.

It's okay to dawdle, anyway, he is not missing one more.

After all, Thoth had done a lot for him. At least before he really failed, La believed that the other party would not dare to do anything.

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