Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 385 The Egyptian version of ‘The Treasure of Creation’


Where the red fog surged, a light suddenly appeared.

Time and space overlapped, and inside and outside lost their meaning. Just like the previous times, through some time and space changes that ordinary people could not understand, the power of the outside world appeared in the center of the fifth spiritual world.

Illusory mist continued to emanate, and the flickering stream of light wrapped in the deepest place moved at a speed that seemed slow but was actually fast.

Following the route that had been set long ago, it rushed straight towards the yellow-brown light spot.

In the dark, the existence of the two seemed to be naturally one, and it seemed so fitting and harmonious. The light spot flickered like breathing, longing for the arrival of the source of the ‘earth’.

However, at this moment, in the completely controlled stream of light, a wave of consciousness suddenly spread out to the surroundings.


"...Where is this? Where is Ra? Is this where they were captured before?!"

"Nute, are you there? Shu? Set?"

"Are you still there? Where are you?"


The consciousness spread to the surroundings. Compared with the previous few people, the consciousness of the fifth alien visitor in the fifth spiritual world was obviously clearer, and from the performance, he seemed to be unaffected by other forces, causing his soul to be changed.

This led to him having more energy to observe the surrounding environment at this moment, but this was not because his power was stronger than the previous ones.

This was just because the time when Geb was swallowed was advanced again, resulting in more surplus power to protect him.

Of course, this also confirmed another problem, that is, with the fall of one god after another, Hermenu's power has become weaker and weaker.

Resisting the erosion of Chaos has made it difficult for Him to free up his hands, and even the chessboard composed of the power of the world has become broken.

The original rules are gradually no longer absolute, so that three shots, each one earlier than the last, seem to convey some information to Ra across the table.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Gabe at this moment.

The black and gold interwoven streams of light hovered over his consciousness, struggling to resist the rolling pressure from all directions.

It seemed solid as a rock, but Gabe had no intention of pinning his hopes on it. He just struggled to grope around, trying to find the Egyptian gods who had arrived here before him.

However, it was obviously impossible for him to find anything, after all, only their "corpses" were left here at the moment.



A light sound instantly made Gabe's spirit tense.

He scanned the four directions in panic, praying in his heart that someone heard his voice... But after a while, he desperately found the location where the sound came from.

It was under his feet, where the black and gold streams of light disintegrated inch by inch, which seemed to mean that the disaster he had created at all costs in Hermeneu before did not work after all.

Now, since the enemy is not dead, it's his turn.

"No... why?"

"If Isis can do it, so can I! Gods from outside the domain, let me go, I can--"



With another cracking sound, when the stream of light broke, Gabe's consciousness was completely exposed in the void of the fifth spiritual world.

The chaotic time and space tore his soul apart in an instant, and then stopped in the next moment.

The supreme will looked down from an infinite height and fixed this chaotic time and space.


Indistinctly, as the yellow-brown light spot got closer and closer to him, the feeling of mutual attraction became clearer and clearer, and Gabe seemed to hear this voice.

Then the next moment, his consciousness completely fell into darkness.

Separation, blending, reorganization, sublimation, the 'Ka' and 'Ba' belonging to the Egyptian gods slowly transformed into another state in this process.




The light shrank, and the surroundings returned to nothingness.

Then in an instant, the light spot exploded.

The three elemental interfaces that had already taken shape did not escape this step. It seemed that with the arrival of Geb and the earth, something was completely made up.

Just like the explosion at the beginning of creation in the imagination of mortals, after endless contraction, there was endless expansion.

The core of the fifth spiritual world seemed to have four more suns in an instant, announcing its existence to the surroundings.

At the same time, this fluctuation even began to spread from top to bottom along the layers of spiritual world.

The fourth spiritual world.

As the closest place, the [Well of Samsara] was the first to bear the brunt. Under the traction of the dark, the power of circulation quickly completed the interaction between the two.

The rotation between black and white became more agile, and vaguely, the part belonging to life and death seemed to have opened a certain upper limit.

If it is said that the power of the cycle of reincarnation before was likely to be stagnant by the more powerful power of life and death, then this problem no longer exists now.

At the same time, when the changes in reincarnation occurred, changes also began to occur in the elemental plane that exploded and expanded.

Previously, the fall of the five Egyptian gods brought the origins of ‘earth’, ‘wind’ and ‘water’ to the spirit world. As gods who once held power, their ‘Ka’ and ‘Ba’ also fell into the corresponding levels under the power of the spirit world, shattered and scattered among the elements.

In any case, as former gods, even if the essence of the Egyptian gods is not strong, their fit with earth, water, wind and fire is not false.

At this moment, when the [Well of Samsara] was connected to it, the previously suppressed changes began to occur at a thousand times the speed.

The scattered and broken souls instantly fell into the well, and then returned again along the invisible "line".

In this brief process, the souls of the foreign land were completely cleansed of the traces of the past and were shaped according to the rules of the spiritual world.

From one to ten thousand, the souls of each god were decomposed into thousands of soul seeds in this process, and the parts that once belonged to the gods were only stained with a little trace in them.

They returned to where they came from, absorbed the power of the elements to build themselves, and were reborn together with the four exploding and expanding elemental planes.


The Liuxing fell like rain, and in the new [Inner World·Earth Element Plane], the first elemental life woke up from confusion.

He instinctively looked around, looking at the elemental lives that were born before and after him. Intuition told him that these were his own kind.

But there was another instinct that told him that if he could absorb their power, he might become stronger.

"...Where is this?"

"...Who am I...?"

Subconsciously asking, an incomplete image flashed through his mind.

It was a mountain, and in the eyes of the new earth elemental lord, it seemed to be his former self.

"...So...that's it..."

"I am - the heart of the mountains!"

With a loud shout, although it didn't understand what a 'mountain' was, it seemed to have found the meaning of its existence.

The next moment, voices came from all over the earth elemental plane that was still expanding outward, and countless elemental lives were announcing their arrival to the world, and the same scene was also staged in the other three elemental planes.

Life exclusive to the elemental level was born, and at the same time, at the core of the five-layer spiritual world, these elemental planes seemed to have completed the last step.

Shu and the goddess of the sky gave them a closeness to the 'wind', the rain and lake god Tefnut gave them a closeness to the 'water', Set and Geb gave them a closeness to the 'earth', and as the beginning of the spiritual realm, they naturally have a closeness to the 'fire'.

And this is just the beginning. Just as the fourth layer of the spiritual world constantly harvests external power through the circulation of souls and becomes part of the internal circulation of the spiritual world, these elemental lives are also the same.

The original unique soul structure of the Egyptian gods has been retained in part. For elemental lives, names, images, hearts, Ba and Ka are also of great significance.

The core of their energy and consciousness has become the elemental crystal core, which belongs to them as their "heart", and is a bridge to maintain life and communicate will and elements.

Their "Ka" is intertwined with the elemental plane. The part that the gods originally used to carry authority is used by them to carry the power to dominate the elements.

The more powerful the elemental life, the more elemental power their "Ka" can control. And just as the authority of Hemenu has never belonged to the gods themselves, the rights of elemental life always come from the elemental plane.

As for their "names", "images" and "Ba"...

In the future, the names of elemental lives will become the key to summon them, and the images will become the cornerstone of their projection in the outside world. Their will to descend on the outside world is a structure similar to "Ba".

Through the sacrifice and summoning of external life, the elemental plane will also continuously absorb the essence of the outside world, gather sand into a tower in the long years, and become one of the sources of its own growth.


The elemental plane was reopened, and their lives were born one after another.

The alien gods became part of the spiritual world, their origin became the material for building the plane, and their souls became the source of life in the plane.

Every bit of power of the Egyptian pillar god was squeezed out cleanly, this is the logic in the eyes of divinity.

Everything is for the perfection and strength of oneself, no matter who or what, it is the same.

At the same time, with the completion of the final evolution, the transformation of the fifth level of the spiritual world is about to begin.

The vast and great symbol seems to be about to be bred, and the overall power of the spiritual world has vaguely reached a higher level...

"Not enough."

At the end of the distant void, the will of God cruised on the primordial water.

The four elemental levels were initially formed, and the positive and negative poles balanced their gaps.

The cycle has been formed. As time goes by, the earth, water, wind and fire will gradually converge, and there will no longer be a phenomenon where one side is higher than the other.

So the new power fills the will of God, but for God at this moment, this is far from enough.

"...Original Water..."

The most powerful and fundamental power in the Hemenu world is the Eight Yuan Gods, which are also the four outermost barriers of the world.

In other words, the name "Hemenu" itself is a general term for the Eight Yuan Gods.

And the primordial water, as the innermost of the four barriers, is the source of all things in Hemenu. It is both a part of the Eight Yuan Gods and can be considered the foundation of creation.

Then the question is, as the core of the fifth spiritual world, when did the construction of the positive and negative energy interface really begin?

Of course, it was after the discovery of Io's departure.

In this chaotic space and time, the fifth spiritual world could have many options. Even the initial [Sun Devourer] wandering here also foreshadowed some of the intentions of the pioneers.

Earth, water, wind and fire are just alternatives. After all, the results of several attempts have failed.

The idea of ​​the inner and outer interface was once abandoned by him. In comparison, the interface dominated by "emotion" and "energy" such as [Seven Hills Paradise] was born first.

But in the end, Ryan's idea changed. And there was only one reason for his change.

That is, it has greater benefits, greater advantages, and it is possible to achieve.

In the entire spiritual world, only by forming a circular elemental level can we try to digest part of the power of [Original Water].


Outside the Sun City.

The ground crack has not yet subsided, and the undead are still like a tide, but Ramses and his party have already arrived outside the city.

These long-dead lives do not distinguish between enemies and friends. They will destroy all lives indiscriminately, even the pharaoh is no exception.

But Ramses II does not need to worry about this, because he has already had a solution.

[Benben Stone], a sacred object placed on the largest, oldest and most sacred pyramid in Egypt, a building like the spire of a pyramid.

It was taken by the pharaoh and accompanied by him. So all the obstacles on the road were no longer a problem, and they arrived in front of the city smoothly.

According to legend, before the birth of the original sun god Atum, a hill-shaped rock rose from the primordial water, and there was an primordial egg on the stone, and Atum was born from it.

And this stone later became Atum's companion treasure, called the "Benben Stone", and then after Ra became the sun god, he turned it into the shape of a pyramid tip and placed it in the world.

It has all kinds of magical powers, and it is just an ordinary ability to make the dead avoid and disasters stay away. It is not even the power of the [Benben Stone] at all, it is just a little bit of its scattered corners.

But even this little bit is enough to make the Pharaoh walk on flat ground in the natural disaster.


"Can I take it down?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Ramses' mind, and then he threw it behind his head.

[Benben Stone] was placed in the world by Ra himself, just like the existence of Ra, shining on the world and ruling everything.

No one or god has ever been able to shake it. It is like the eternal sun, shining on everything, but untouchable.

"But this is a disaster that Egypt has not encountered for thousands of years, and I also have the power left by Ra."

"I am not here for my own selfish interests. Even if Ra can come for this, I will gladly accept it."

It seems that there is no problem for the Pharaoh to take down the [Benben Stone].

Moreover, Ramses II had already made all preparations, so he took down this sacred stone without hesitation.

At this moment, the Sun City is in front of us, and the city is where the Hebrews are.

This city, which was built to be dedicated to Ra, has been constantly baptized by natural disasters, but it is the Hebrews who are protecting it.

It has to be said that this is somewhat ironic.

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