Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 394: Destruction

Inside the world, Ryan raised his sword, and in front of him, the first to bear the brunt was Amon Ra's void power.

And outside the world, almost at the same time, the world power from Chaos also descended again.

There was no deviation, or in other words, the world power brought by the resurrection of Moses in the world and the timing chosen by Ryan to draw his sword were originally coordinated with each other.

If it was a minute earlier, the main structure of the Hemenu world would be destroyed by Chaos, and the image of the end of the world would not fall into his hands as he wished.

If it was a minute later, he would be equivalent to fighting against everything left of Hemenu with his own strength. Even if this sword at this moment has already reached an incredible realm under the blessing of the source of creation, he would never be able to do this.

So the timing is neither early nor late. In this battlefield between gods and gods, in the fight between worlds, the first thing that comes into contact is the power that penetrates the endless void and overlaps with the outermost structure of Hemenu.

Only this time, it was no longer the outermost layer of [Absolute Void] that collided with it, but the second layer of barrier [Boundless Darkness].


There was no specific sound, because the sound was swallowed up in the darkness; there was no trace of collision, because this kind of overlap and collision did not happen on a specific material structure.

The endless darkness was broken up and reunited, and its size was constantly changing.

For the world, distance has no meaning. He can be infinitely large or infinitely small. It is the world itself that defines the size. If there is no power that exceeds His, then the "boundlessness" of [Boundless Darkness] is genuine.

Even if a person has eternal life and endless time, he can never walk from one side of the dark realm to the other.

This is the barrier of a world that protects everything inside Him. However, under the power of another more powerful world, everything is rewritten.

The world defines everything from nothing, so where the power from Chaos flows, the order originally defined by the will of Hemenu is distorted and tampered with.

Just like every time before, everything covered by darkness was easily penetrated, and the same was true for the [Endless Space] that followed.

Of course, Chaos's power was also reduced throughout the process; after all, this was a foreign domain, and this tough attack brought greater losses.

The normal annexation between worlds should be carried out little by little from the periphery. Strip off the opponent's power, wear away the opponent's traces, cover and reorganize with your own concepts, and finally make it a part of yourself.

But it is different to hit the core of the world like this, just like not breaking through the border of a country, but going deep into its heart alone. Not only will the forces sent out by yourself suffer continuous losses, but the effect of the losses is also very limited.

Unless you can directly conquer the enemy's "capital", kill the emperor and ministers, and make it leaderless, otherwise this will be a failed operation.

This is also the actual battle situation between the two worlds before. Although Chaos's power has penetrated four layers of barriers and even penetrated into the source sea, in fact, Hemenu at that time was enough to persist for thousands of years.

Four layers of barriers were gradually reduced, and the gods finally blocked the attack from the foreign land. The situation seemed to be precarious, but it was not that dangerous.

But now, in a short time, everything changed.

One of the four layers of barriers was lost, and all the nine pillars of gods fell. So when Chaos's power broke the [Original Water] again, the remaining part of Him was still deadly enough.

Above the source sea of ​​Hemenu, the black tide that had retreated covered it again in an instant.

The golden sea water had almost no resistance and was beaten back by the endless power.

In the dark, the will of the world was making its last struggle. Amon Ra felt a strong urge. If he didn't do something, he would be the first to die before the world was shattered.

So there was no more delay. For the last request of the world, Amon Ra chose to satisfy Him.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color. The void above the primordial water was cut off, and all visible and invisible things entered a state between existence and non-existence.

Life and death are superimposed, positive and negative are opposed.

If future scientific researchers see this scene, they may think they have seen the truth. However, all these appearances are just the corners of absolute emptiness in the material.

"Everything returns to emptiness... This is the power of the world!"

Stretching out his hands, Amon Ra faced the sword that seemed to end the world.

He already knew the power of the outer gods, and he knew Apophis's ability even better.

The power of the Eight Primordial Gods is so powerful, but now he holds it in his hands. After today, he will usher in a new life——


I heard the sound, but it seemed that I didn't hear it.

Without any pause, the magic sword swept across and cut off everything in front of him.

Ra's hands were broken at the elbows, and an inexplicable sense of horror suddenly surged into his heart.

Wisps of black air swirled, and under the blessing of some unimaginable power, the power entangled in the broken place seemed to have incredible power, making all of Ra's original power ineffective.

In an instant, Amon Ra felt as if his existence was being erased, and the past and future became blurred.

He didn't know what this was, nor did he understand the source of creation. He just felt incomprehensible.

What is going on? Since you have this kind of power, what on earth were you fighting with me for before?

"…Why is this?"

Confusion even overwhelmed fear and anger.

If he also had this power, why wait until today?

"So since you can do this - what were you doing before?!!"


The body exploded, and La tried to save himself.

The black gas swirled, and he wanted to expel all the parts that were stained with black gas. But when he reassembled his body in the distance, he felt that the sense of despair that was constantly approaching was still approaching.

The infinite power at the peak of the great divine power seemed useless. The reason why La could still struggle was only because when he fully mastered the [Endless Void], some characteristics from the world came to him.

But his intuition told him that if he continued like this, when that power continued to spread to him, he would eventually pay a heavier price.

This price was not death, but it was equally unforgettable. And it was not the only reason for death, that is, the sword was not cut at him!

The sword fell, the sword force split the primordial water, and the aftermath cut off La's hands and the earth.

Above the source sea, the black tide was endless, and had already forced the last part of Hemenu into a corner. The protracted battle between the worlds was about to end, but at this moment, the tip of the magic sword appeared above this space.

The tip of the sword drooped, and the already tiny golden ocean trembled slightly.

He seemed to have realized that his death was inevitable, whether it came from the black sword or from an attack from a foreign land.

"I will end you... but I also promise you."

"No matter who it is, anyone who hurts you will be punished by people, gods will be punished by gods, and the world will be punished by the world."

"And what I need is the power to do all this."

The magic sword fell and hit Hemenu's heart at the last moment.

That drop of the source of creation that had consumed a lot of it burned instantly. In fact, even if it was the last knife, only it could cause real damage to one world.

Ryan didn't know if his promise had worked, after all, the world didn't have its own wisdom. But at least there was no accident with this sword, and it did end Hemenu's "life".

Of course, this does not mean that the world has no power at all. In fact, just like the remains of the Nine Realms, even if the world is dead, there is still a lot of power left.

It's just that as a whole, Hemenu has completely ceased to exist. What remains is not so much He as dead but still stiff limbs.


Time and space solidified for a moment, and then exploded inside and outside the human world and the endless void.

The world that was originally combined began to separate, and the yesterday of the remains of the Nine Realms seemed to be His future.

But all this has nothing to do with Ryan. Holding the magic sword, in his perception at this moment, the original source of creation has been consumed completely.

But at this moment, a new power with the same essence began to grow inside.

Unlike before, the new power does not have the feeling of "omnipotence". It cannot create everything, cannot determine order, and has no mysterious places.

There is only simple death and end, curse and obliteration of all things. And from the moment of its birth, it began to expand and proliferate crazily.

In the first moment, it was only a trace; in the second moment, it was no less than the previous drop of the power of creation.

The third moment, the fourth moment, the fifth moment... It seemed as if there was no end.

Holding the magic sword in his hand, it seemed as if he had lifted up the end of time. At this moment, Ryan even had an illusion.

If he slashed it with a sword now, would it sever the connection between Chaos and Hermenu, so that the two would no longer be connected?

"It shouldn't be possible... He couldn't get rid of Chaos when he was alive, let alone after death."

Throwing away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Ryan felt that as the drop of the source of creation was used up, his consciousness began to separate again.

It was just that after reorganization and separation, he seemed to have discovered something from it.

"My humanity and divinity... are more 'pure', but not 'pure' enough."

"Because of my own power, how could I really separate myself..." (see 3-162)

This was what Ryan had foreseen when he took this step.

At this moment, he just confirmed this point again. In fact, this has proved that his approach is right, but he did not do it successfully enough.

But this is all for the future. At this moment, holding the magic sword, its real casting is about to begin.

The collision between the corpse of the whole world and the power of Chaos is the forging hammer. The more thorough his death, the stronger the power of the magic sword.

Of course, although it is best not to let it out of the sheath before it is cast, Ryan can still use it to gain some benefits for himself.

For example, as one of the materials that constitute it, the connection between [Benben Stone] and the primordial water still exists today.

This endless water surface may be Chaos's trophy, but it is also destined to belong to the magic sword, and even more so to himself.

No one can take it all, this is an indisputable reality.


Raise the sword again and insert it downward into the abyss below.

The magic sword began to absorb the power of [Primordial Water] to carry the increasingly powerful symbol of world destruction.

At the same time, following a certain connection, changes also began to brew in the fifth layer of the spiritual world.

"Besides that, the last trouble is you."

Turning around and looking in the direction of Ra, the opponent was still unable to get rid of the traces of the sword just now.

The power of death under the blessing of the source of creation was like a thorn in the bone, constantly eroding everything of him. Even with the demise of the world, the power of Amon Ra began to oscillate endlessly.


"Is this what you wanted from the beginning?"

Noticing Ryan's gaze, Ra stopped struggling.

The opponent no longer had that unrivaled feeling, but how much better could Ra be at this moment.

As if knowing that he would die, Ra calmed down instead. He wanted to know the cause and effect, but Ryan just smiled.

"You are really not easy to kill for taking advantage of the opportunity of the world's extinction to get to this point."

"But at least as 'Ra', this is our first conversation, and it will be the last time."

"There is no need for an omniscient and all-seeing Ra in this world."

In order to ensure that the last struggle of the world can be destroyed in one blow, Ryan naturally cannot pour too much power into Ra. Simply destroy the world, and the opponent will no longer have that kind of power.

Amon, the god of [Absolute Void], was Chaos's prey. Without anything related to him, Ryan could only get a little bit of the corners. But he would not let go of the part that belonged to Ra.

He stretched out his right hand, and the forces that were eroding Ra along the invisible connection became active instantly.

Along the upper and lower ends of time, it explored and destroyed everything of Ra.

"This... is the final value of Egypt."

Turning to look down at the world, the outermost darkness scattered into pieces, and the space fluctuated and swirled.

A huge black sword was inserted into the primordial water, and there was a vortex rotating at the edge of the sword.

Around the vortex was the original human land.

The integrated human world was scattered into pieces, rotating along the trajectory of the vortex. Faintly, Ryan seemed to hear countless prayers, which were mortals praying for God's mercy in despair.

"If you can hold on until you merge into Chaos, you may survive."

"Become a member of the new world as an Egyptian."

Consciousness began to separate, and soon, divinity would dominate this world again. Ryan didn't pay much attention to mortal believers.

If it weren't for the sun, he wouldn't have felt these beliefs that mostly pointed to Ra, not to mention that he was originally interested in faith--


With a light exclamation, Ryan looked at a fragment of the human world.

Isis was there, but he didn't look at it for that reason.

The divinity had already made arrangements for this first goddess who "abandoned darkness and joined light". What really surprised him was the mortals there.

In this dead world, because of some of their practices, some concepts that originally belonged to the Egyptian gods actually began to converge on Ryan.

Although this did not bring about an actual increase in power, it cannot be said to be completely worthless.

"... The gods are dead, the world is dead, and this is the last intelligent life. It's not surprising that it can bring about such a result."

Reaching out and tapping lightly, he ignored it.

So on the endless abyss of the primordial water, only the magic sword and the god holding it were left.


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