Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 398 Harvest

"I hope everything is as you said, Aphrodite, and remember to prepare your divine incarnation.

"I will also prepare mine. This time, I can only succeed and not fail."

"I also hope that what you prepared is really as useful as you said. As for my affairs, I don't need you to worry about it."

Speaking calmly, Aphrodite touched her belt.

"It will be useful, there will be no second possibility."

"One hit - Athena will never have the chance to intervene. After all, it is not her territory. Once she succeeds, let the kingdoms in the world form a coalition."

"Athens has their magic and alchemy," sneered, Hera clenched the armrests of the golden throne: "But that is no match for the gods!"

"Metis, Prometheus, Athena...these gods who claim to be wise have always been so arrogant, but history will teach them a lesson."

"...Ah, yes, lesson."

Without comment, Aphrodite responded with a smile: "But Hera, you are still worried about the existence of Metis."

"Do you need me to lend you my belt? Seriously, instead of worrying about someone who died somewhere, it's better to use practical actions to make the God King surround you, instead of running to the human world day after day to hunt for women - Oh, I almost forgot."

"Dear His Majesty the King of Gods, he is not just hunting for women now——"


A low roar echoed in the palace. When the smoke and dust fell, the goddess of beauty had disappeared, and only Hera was left in the hall.

Panting heavily, this is why she and Aphrodite have always been at odds.

It's not just because the freedom of love and beauty is inherently in conflict with the constraints of marriage, nor is it because of the provocation of the other party's words. In fact, maybe in her heart, Hera has always been a little jealous.

She was jealous of Metis, her intelligence and the strength of her daughter. Even if Zeus swallowed her, she was actually afraid that her children would threaten the throne.

She was jealous of Hestia and her eldest sister, who was independent and powerful and not attached to any male god. If the goddess of law had not left Olympus, Themis would actually be within the scope of her jealousy.

But compared to the former, these two goddesses were either gentle and generous, or their fair and strict characters made her unable to be jealous. In the end, what remained in her heart was more of envy.

But Aphrodite...a passionate character, obsessed with her husband. It was her son who was obsessed with her, but she could never restrain her husband.

Even if Hera wanted to convince herself to accept all this, she couldn't accept it after all.

"God kings are always arrogant. The ancient gods regarded the gods as slaves and never thought that they would dare to resist; Cronus, standing on Mount Odisils, thought that his power could help him defeat fate, but it turned out to be in vain ”

"What about Zeus, will you also have such a day? If so, what will be my fate? Like the Earth Mother, like the Mother Goddess, or...have my own fate."

In the case of the King of Gods and the Queen of Heaven, perhaps due to some mysterious influence, they always show some advantages or disadvantages that belong to both sexes.

But even Hera herself couldn't tell whether her jealousy stemmed from the influence of her position as Queen of Heaven or her true nature.

"If Zeus has always been the king of gods, then let us torture each other."

The sorrow of spring and autumn was short-lived, and Hera soon regained her energy.

She needs to concentrate on finishing what she has to do first, and what about the future?

She was indispensable in every part of Zeus's love-hunting history. Even though she always played the role of a vicious and jealous wife, she didn't care.

This has been the case in the past and will be the case in the future. Let those innocent suffering mortals hate her... She followed them one by one.


In the blink of an eye, the world changes in spring and autumn.

In a distant foreign land, time may not have passed very long. But in the world of Khaos, more than a year has passed.

This was caused by the destruction of Egypt, and it is also a very normal thing.

After all, even when Chaos was alive, time had been disrupted due to the Typhon Rebellion, so it was not surprising that similar things existed in Egypt.

So standing on a high cliff in the Acropolis of Athens, when Ryan returned to the city of Athens as the last guard, the place was already very different from the last time he came.

More and more elite guards, materials accumulated in the warehouse. And although it seems that there is no change, in fact, it is only possible to detect the magic formations buried in the ground that are gradually taking shape with a little sensitivity.

They will form a huge rune barrier, covering the entire city, and ultimately have a defensive effect similar to the Silver Moon City Mystery Lock - the only difference is that the latter can not only be activated around the clock without pause, because it is everywhere The Ley Line is the source of its power, and defense is only one part of its function. The former is simply a temporary shield, and no one knows how long it can last.

But in any case, everything in front of them proves that Athens has long been aware of the bad situation and began to secretly prepare for war.

Of course, they were preparing to prepare. In theory, these things had nothing to do with Ryan. There was actually another reason why he appeared here at this time.

It's just that the brief unification of consciousness caused by the ending of Foreign Land forced Ryan to stop here temporarily and consider the various impacts that might have on him after the end of Hermione.

"At the end of Egypt, the biggest piece of the puzzle has been completed."

"The gods are really straightforward, and everything is moving towards the direction of maximum benefit. But this is indeed efficient enough, and the final result is still acceptable."

"As for the gods of Egypt... compared to the current situation where almost all the nine realms are dead, Chaos should accept them. But whether they can still become "gods" is uncertain."

Compared to most of Chaos' natural gods, Egypt has many animal gods, but the human world now has all kinds of similar animals, and they are unlikely to inherit the old business.

If you are lucky, you may find a new way like Anubis; if you are not lucky, you may become a natural spirit or totem with divinity and be worshipped by people; if you are unlucky, it is not surprising that you are directly captured and enslaved by the locals.

After all, no matter what, it is also a god from another world.

"These will depend on the handling of Chaos's rules, and have little to do with the existence of the world today."

"Perhaps by the time they come to the world in a changed form, the Third Age may have already ended."

Silently calculating, the matter of the Egyptian gods can be skipped for the time being. The only one who deserves Ryan's attention is probably Amon Ra.

After all, although he had just briefly experienced the supreme power of the creation field with the help of a drop of the source of creation, that power had been exhausted when Amon Ra fled.

Ryan can only judge from experience that he may not be dead-just as he said, the other party is difficult to kill.

Even with the help of Hemenu, he is a person who has truly reached the limit of the great field and even obtained the characteristics of a higher field. As long as he is willing enough, there should still be a chance to survive.

After all, Chaos didn't have much wisdom, or in other words, if He was so smart, then Ryan would have no chance to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

"But whether he is alive or not, he should not have the opportunity to influence my arrangements before the end of the Third Age."

"So next, it is the real benefit of the spiritual world - [Sun]."

At this time, the integration of consciousness has been broken, but Ryan still remembers the feeling of Hermeneu's sun to him.

Unlike the division of Chaos's [Light] and [Fire] and other powers, in Hermeneu, these are all part of the sun god.

Of course, these are still secondary. The most powerful part of this sun is actually its ability to "rebirth" and "rebirth", and this is even its most powerful part.

In the entire Egyptian culture, history, mythology and even the world, the changes of life and death, the transformation of existence and extinction are the most critical part, and the sun is its representation.

Even in the spiritual world today, the power of death keeps acting on the essence of the sun, but every time it is "killed", it will be resurrected.

It can be said that if you want to annex it in this way, it will definitely take a long time.

After all, Ryan's goal is not to erase it, but to make it a part of himself. Even a strong man like Chaos took thousands of years to completely assimilate the remains of the Nine Realms.

If Ryan intends to use this "stupid method" to solve the problem, then he will need even longer time.

"If you don't rely on time, you can only wait for a suitable opportunity."

"Just like the formation of the interface of the four elements, it is an opportunity for me to digest the source power of Hemenu. The power that originally took at least dozens or hundreds of years to absorb was refined in an instant, and it actually boosted my strength."

Throughout the Second Age, Ryan has been in the process of "absorbing source power" and "digesting source power". From this, it can be seen that although eight of the nine pillars are only powerful gods, if there is no suitable opportunity to assist, then this source is definitely not something that can be easily absorbed.

Fortunately, Ryan had already had corresponding ideas about the problem of the sun since the day he knew that the world of Hemenu existed. And as Helios was eroded by the mother tree, the balance of fate tilted again.

Not surprisingly, a great-level [sun] is destined to rise in the world, but the process and method of its rising will probably be beyond everyone's expectations.

"Well, there is also the ancient moon origin that originally belonged to Thoth, but was replaced by the magic power that is more suitable for him."

"As the foundation of the spiritual world, the moon cannot be pulled too far away by the sun in turn."

This power has no special digestion opportunity. Fortunately, the spiritual world is no longer the same as it used to be, and it is not that powerful, so it should be digested soon.

However, according to Ryan's judgment, even with this moon from another world, the concept of Chaos Moon is probably still not as good as the sun.

The sun is the supreme of the starry sky, and the moon seems to have always been its foil.

Even if he gets the moon of Hemenu again, Ryan does not think that its authority can be broken through, or even give birth to a moon god of a great domain.

"In addition to the sun and the moon, the legacy left by Ra is the history that he symbolizes..."

"According to the current situation, the past of this world will eventually become the food of the [Book of Years], which will be completely completed and recast the moment He came to Chaos. And the civilization that He has evolved over thousands of years will become the nourishment of the [Slate of Civilization], which is even stronger than what those who originally believed in God have done over the years.

"Compared to these, the Book of the Dead in La La's hand has to stand aside. Although the two powerful divine powers are also very valuable, they are actually better than nothing."

A long time ago, [Reincarnation] had reached a limit.

The life and death that make up it have reached the limit under the great divine power, leaving only a small critical point stuck there. But Ryan is also very clear that this point cannot be achieved through accumulation of quantity, it also requires an opportunity.

This opportunity is not to pile up any more sources of life-and-death related power, but an event or node with enough symbolic significance. It must be related to both life and death, not just one.

Fortunately, this problem is not as difficult as imagined, and the solution will be seen at the end of the Third Age.

Therefore, most of the power in this book of the dead was directly put into the elemental plane of the fifth level of the spirit world, and only the body remained in the place of reincarnation.

In Ryan's plan, reincarnation will refine the Book of the Dead, and then reorganize it in the future sublimation, turning it into an artifact similar to the Book of Life and Death, recording the lifespan and death time of all souls - of course, To achieve this, there is a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

That is the three goddesses of fate who weave fate, arrange fate, and tailor fate, Moirai.

But this is all a story for later, and there is no need to consider it for the time being. If the destiny of this world is to dismember them, they will naturally not escape death. If their fate in this world is intact, it would be difficult for them to die. So this is just a casual arrangement and does not involve anything else.

The evolution of the creation artifact also takes some time, and it cannot be completed immediately.

"In the end, this is the biggest and most direct benefit of this trip to another world."

"Eight Yuanshen, the half body of the world."

"Even a fragment of [Absolute Void] is more powerful than [Book of the Dead]. And the power of [Primal Water] is truly infinite."

"Even if it's just a part of it, I'm afraid I have to digest it completely before I can judge how much it is."

Somewhat sighing, if we were to rank the strong and weak among the eight souls transformed by Hermione's four-layer barrier, then [Primordial Water] would actually be the well-deserved number one.

Even if the sun is separated and the [Benben Stone] is shaped to separate the gods and the human world, it still sits firmly at the core of the four-layer barrier and is the central axis of Hermione.

In the past, the upper limit of Ryan's evaluation system was Tartarus, so when facing [Primordial Water], this system was obviously not enough.

"When we fought against Erebus, we were probably at around level 25 of great power. My so-called advantage was only a superficial advantage. In fact, it was difficult to tell the winner in a real fight."

"But when the inner realm in the fifth spiritual realm initially becomes intact, the symbol of spirituality will rise to the level of 26."

"When the sun is completely digested in the future, and the parts of the [Book of the Dead] also help to further complete the inner realm, then the symbol of spirituality will probably be further advanced, and it may be able to barely enter the realm of 27."

"The same is true for the perfection of [History of Time] and [Slate of Civilization], but how much their enhancement effect will be is unknown - perhaps the [Code of Creation] also needs to be involved to determine the newly integrated Hermione The broken order, or even... the new world order after the end of the Third Era."

"At this point, the process of great divine power has been through most of the process, and the end can already be seen in the distance."

"But all this has not yet taken into account the [Primordial Water], because I still don't know how powerful the [Primordial Water] is, and how much I can draw back from it."

At the far end of time and space, when the magic sword was inserted into the "Primordial Water", a steady stream of power poured into the fifth level of the spiritual world along the invisible connection.

In each cycle, with the water element interface as the base point, the power of the four element interfaces of earth, water, wind, and fire is also constantly expanding.

Of course, the reason why the newly formed cycle can be so easily refined and absorbed the power of "primordial water" is partly because although it is called "water", it is actually the cornerstone of the birth of the world, it is the primordial soup.

The power of earth, water, wind, and fire can all be drawn from it, but there are more and less. In this case, as long as it is transformed, nature can quickly balance.

It can be said that the power of [Primordial Water] is quite omnipotent to a certain extent, and it is difficult to see the limit.

Ryan even doubted that if the spiritual world draws enough power from [Primordial Water], then in the future the main gods of the four major elemental interfaces can use this to touch the great realm - at least within the spiritual world.

After all, his judgment on [Primordial Water] is still too shallow, and many things can only be guessed. Even without that world-destroying sword, it would be difficult for him to even guess.

"But this also proves that maybe the mother tree is actually stronger than I thought, but it is just too shackles."

"No wonder he can partially corrupt the true god. Even the sun of Chaos cannot escape."

"But that's okay. The sword using the Creation Source Power this time also made me see clearly that even if you use external force, you must be strong enough to exert its power as much as possible."

"If I stood at the pinnacle of great divine power and swung this sword, maybe my own power would be insignificant to the realm of creation, but my control over it would be much more powerful. Maybe I could take advantage of the situation and take Amon... Ra's presence cuts off a sizeable portion on the spot, rather than just a little participating presence."

After exhaling, Ryan closed his eyes slightly, and opened them again after a while.

The past is over. Generally speaking, Hermeneus is a big treasury, which really brought him great gains.

However, there is still a key to realize all these gains.

That is the end of the Third Era, the world of Chaos.

"It's still quite troublesome. At least before the incarnation of divinity comes back, Zeus can't be allowed to unify the world directly."

"The magic sword is only one sword at its full strength. The mere God King is not qualified to take it."

Athens is at the end of his sight, and Ryan's eyes flicker.

Fighting against Zeus to unify the world is actually an unavoidable topic for Athens. And from the outside, Athens is indeed preparing for war.

But there is one thing Ryan has never understood very well, that is, since the Golden Apple Feast, he has never understood what Athena is going to do.

Fighting for interests, fighting for will, or something else. If you don't consider that she is the 'goddess of wisdom', this is actually normal now. But Ryan thinks that Athena's response and reaction are still too 'normal'.

She was so normal that she didn't look like a goddess who had read a script, but rather like her original mythological trajectory.

Well... But then again, curiosity is curiosity. The reason why Ryan returned to Athens now was not because he discovered something, but simply because of spiritual intuition.

Because his intuition told him that the scene he had predicted before would be staged here.

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