Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 400 The Difference Between Love and Love

In Chaos' sky, the sun was setting.

Apollo drove his golden chariot across the sky, and the earth was peaceful.

The day's work was over, and the god who represented the sun returned to Mount Olympus.

The power of the Night Mother emerged from the ground, covering all the light in the sky.

No one noticed the small battle in the east of the earth, it was like a flower on the earth.

The entire Mount Olympus knew nothing about it.

Northwest of Athens, in the city of Eleusis.

The night was approaching, and the hustle and bustle of the day had dissipated.

The nights of this era were so quiet that only the palace and the church were still lit.

The people in the city had already returned home, and no one could be seen on the streets. But at this moment, heavy pressure came from nowhere, pressing on everyone's heart.

Dark shadows were scattered in the sky, and the movements of the entire Eleusis seemed to be confined here, and it was difficult to spread far away.




Time passed by minute by minute, and the invisible pressure continued to rise, but at a certain moment, when it was far from reaching its peak, a bright light suddenly rose from the palace.

The sky seemed to be illuminated, and the blazing light tore the sky. The invisible pressure could not hinder its movement at all. Without a moment's pause, it broke through to the southeast in an instant.

If there were no obstacles, it might be able to leave the city in an instant. But the next moment, five blazing beams of light shot up into the sky, firmly blocking the direction of the light.

In an instant, the light and shadow turned back nine times in the sky. Without a single lingering battle, the interception of the four beams of light was easily broken by it.

In the battle with the incarnation of the gods, defeating is one difficulty, defeating is one difficulty, and drawing is one difficulty, and avoiding fighting is the lowest difficulty.

In a flash, the only thing blocking Theseus was the last beam of light, which was the incarnation of the goddess of agriculture.

Not surprisingly, with the fighting level of the Goddess of Agriculture, he only needs to make a feint, and he can leave without even a real fight.

The other gods' descent has not yet been completed. As long as she can't stop herself, this siege will become a joke.

More than a dozen gods have worked hard, but he left easily. What a ridiculous scene.

When today's events spread, most mortals will not understand the mystery. They will only think that the gods are just like this, and then shake their status in the world...


The stream of light flickered, and suddenly stagnated in the process of rushing forward.

Looking at the blurred figure in front of him shrouded in divine light, Theseus suddenly felt a warning.

From the outside, the other party's figure is something he has never seen before, but the appearance is never the key to the problem.

After all, the carrier of the descent of the gods can also be a human, and it is normal to have different appearances. But at this time, when the distance is close, Theseus feels two different breaths of divine power.

"This power... You are not the goddess of agriculture."

"You are Hera!"

The voice was cold, but the heart was slightly heavy. In just a moment, Theseus figured out the reason.

The goddess of agriculture was replaced by someone. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a god to disguise himself as another god to descend.

After all, other things can be faked, but the power of the gods under the influence of authority cannot be imitated.

But today's Eleusis is different.

This ancient city has existed for many years. It is the holy city of Demeter and the source of her church on earth.

Disguise is the most likely place to succeed here, and the growth of all things is similar to the power of Hera to give birth. Even at the end of everything, they are still close blood relatives.

In this case, it is no longer so difficult to cover up some things... Besides, in addition to these, they have other things to help.

Without looking up, Theseus can sense the shadow that gradually shrouds Eleusis.

According to ancient legends, the gods of the underworld were once the product of the extension of the power of the ancient gods of creation.

They more or less possessed some of the abilities of the ancient gods. Hades, the god of the underworld, once stripped this power and forged the artifact [Invisibility Helmet].

Although there are no similar records of other gods, it does not mean that there are none. The power they possess may not be as strong as Hades, the ruler of the underworld, but it seems to be enough to use in this world with limited power.

"So that's why you are doing it here. Because only here will I relax my vigilance against the descent of Demeter and the gods of the underworld and take it for granted."

"And now at night, the power from the ancient gods of creation can be most perfectly exerted in this environment to hide the movements here."

"Really painstaking..."

With his eyes narrowed, Hera had taken advantage of the time and place, but Theseus was not afraid of it.

The other party is indeed stronger than Demeter, but so what. The time and place are ultimately no match for his "harmony".

"Come on, Hera."

"Let me see...what is the difference between the Queen of Heaven and other gods."

It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact it was only a moment.

The four incarnations that had been bypassed behind him were about to surround him again, but at least at this moment, Hera was the only one in front of Theseus.

Faced with the final obstacle, the King of Athens no longer hesitated. With a flash of light, Theseus came to Hera while protecting Demophon behind him.

The blurred figure under the divine light gradually became clear, and he seemed to see the arrogant and contemptuous eyes of the Queen of Heaven. The gods have always been so arrogant, but Theseus was ready to take a hard blow and escape from the siege directly.

Everything today is unimportant, as long as he can leave, he has already won.

All the subsequent things will be settled in the future...



The sky suddenly became quiet, and with the sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh, the sound of breaking through the air followed closely.

The power of corruption spread, but it was confined to a small piece of sky.

If you look up at the sky from the city, mortals can see that the originally flashing light suddenly stopped in place.

The next moment, beams of light fell from the sky, carrying the arrival of gods one after another.

Ares, the god of war.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty.

Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Iris, the goddess of rainbow light.

Harmonia, the goddess of harmony.

The divine light fell one after another, followed by the dispersion of divine power.

They should have spread out, but they were blocked by the shadow in the sky.

Of course, Theseus knew that even without that shadow, he would not have any rescue.

Just like Demeter's real body rarely stayed in Eleusis, Zeus didn't often go to Olympia, and Athena rarely stayed in Athens.

In any case, the human world today is a restriction for the gods. They can tolerate this "smallness" for a short time, but they don't like to stay here all the time.

"What a big scene, huh, Hera, should I feel honored."

Taking a deep breath, Theseus looked a little sarcastic, but his face turned pale visibly.

Behind him, a dagger was inserted into his chest, and wisps of dark red mist were swirling above it, blocking the flow of his blood.

Just now, the heir he protected behind him, Prince Demophon of Athens, personally stabbed him with the dagger. Now, the other party stood beside the Queen of Heaven.

After the initial rage, the king has begun to recall the differences along the way.

His son, who rarely expressed his opinions, mentioned the dissatisfaction of the nobles in the country to him.

Asked him if he came to Eleusis for "negotiation".

The communication at the banquet was difficult and hesitant, but he could see the thoughts of the nobles in an uncharacteristic way.

And the only place that needed his reminder, the gods' descent.

Well... maybe that ritual also played a role. He asked himself whether the Eleusinian Mysteries were true or false, and he told him that it was theoretically feasible.

He feared the gods, but he also longed for power, so it didn't seem strange to make such a choice.

Just looking back at the past... He looked at Demophon's eyes that dared not look at him, and Theseus wanted to laugh a little.

Do you really think you can get what you want? The curse of the gods on people is never on "today".

"Give up, mortal, you can't escape."

"Perhaps you still plan to fight? After all, even now, you still dare to call me by my name."

Hera's voice was filled with a hint of joy. She didn't care about the love and hatred between the father and son.

She only knew that Athens was finally going to be eradicated by her, and it was so bloodless. And the "things" she prepared were so useful that they easily solved this difficult enemy.

"Now, you should call me Your Majesty the Queen of Heaven"


The invisible power expanded and instantly enveloped the sky. The other gods did not give Hera face at this time. They all acquiesced to her behavior.

The breath of the gods overlapped, as heavy as a mountain.

The might of the gods pressed on the most powerful human, as if to prove that for thousands of years, the gods were never something that humans could fight against.

Standing in the center surrounded by the gods, feeling the pressure that could be ignored at ordinary times but was now vast and deep, Theseus just smiled.

He was not laughing at the gods, after all, they always do this, he was just laughing at Mophon's naivety.

"This is my negligence, but child, it seems that you have forgotten the story I told you."

"During the rebellion of Typhon, the great hero Cadmus saved the king of gods, but the king of gods married him to the goddess of harmony."

"Haha, what a ridiculous marriage, she is even here now... She doesn't want to marry a mortal, and her mother Aphrodite doesn't want to either, and Zeus knows that they don't want to, but he still does it, and the disaster continues from then on."

Theseus didn't tell the rest of the story, because everyone knew it very well.

The goddess of beauty gave her married daughter a necklace and a veil, and from then on, Cadmus' descendants would never have peace.

His daughter was favored by Zeus, and then died because she saw Zeus' true body. His grandson Labdacus died young, and his great-grandson Laius lost his father at a young age.

Later, Laius's guardian was killed by political enemies, and the power of Thebes changed hands.

Laius had no choice but to seek refuge with Pelops, the son of Tantalus who was killed in the story of the god of the feast of killing his sons and the grandson of Zeus.

Laius became the tutor of Chrysippus, the son of Pelops, but Laius fell in love with the beautiful boy Chrysippus, abducted him and caused his death.

In this way, Laius betrayed his benefactor, so Pelops, who lost his son, cursed Laius that he would be killed by his own son. ’

The son of Laius was the famous Oedipus.

Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother, causing a moral tragedy. In order to compete for power with his brothers, Polynices, the son of Oedipus, brazenly launched a war between the seven heroes to attack Thebes. As a result, the brothers killed each other and both died under the city of Thebes.

These are the consequences of marrying a goddess, and this is just the beginning. In another timeline, the Trojan War broke out later.

During the war, the city of Thebes, which was located within the Greek influence, was supposed to win on the side of Greece. However, Aetion, the king of Thebes at that time, gave birth to a daughter named Andromache. The Trojan prince Hector...

So later Achilles, a powerful human demigod and a hero almost second only to Hercules, directly led his troops to massacre the city of Thebes, killing seven Andromache brothers in one day.

The Greek mythology is coming to an end, but no one knows whether the disaster of Thebes will end here.

Throughout history, Aphrodite, the ancestor of this bloodline, has always ignored this.

She never did a thing for them, and neither did Zeus, who was indebted to Cadmus.

"This is the difference between gods and humans. The creator is born with arrogance and willfulness. Even if today's human beings were not created by them, the result is still the same."

"Gods... have never been kind to humans."

With blood burning on his body, Theseus no longer looked at Demophon's position.

He had already noticed the ugly look on Mei Shen's face. After all, the story he just told was simply mocking her despicableness to her face.

The gods planned to kill him here, and then support Demophon to sit on the throne of Athens, directly defeating Athena's authority in the secular realm.

It has to be said that the Queen's methods are indeed powerful. She not only grasped the right time and place, but also the people and people have not been forgotten by her.

But even though he knew he would die, Theseus did not intend to give up.

"bring it on……"

There will be no other ending for Demophon. He will either be killed by Athena as a pawn of the gods, or he will succeed in sitting on the throne of Athens, and then he and his descendants will be cursed for eternity.

But the end of Theseus continues.

His life is not long, but he will still make these arrogant gods pay the price——


Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Among the gods, Aphrodite stood out. But everyone, including Theseus, thought she couldn't stand this human's arrogance and was ready to teach him a lesson.

Hera stood aside and had no intention of stopping it. On the one hand, she doubted that this human being was still capable of a single blow, so it would be better to embarrass Aphrodite. On the other hand, even if the other person died, he would still have a soul.

She wants to make each other suffer eternal punishment like Sisyphus and Tantalus.

However, at this moment, beyond everyone's expectation, in one step, the beauty's body trembled, and then unimaginable power burst out from that thin body.

That is divine power, and it is also the power carried by the consciousness of the incarnation of God. Although it exists, it has never been used by any god.

Its only use is to continuously dilute it into a power that can be used in the human world, prolonging the existence of the divine incarnation. But at this moment, Aphrodite used it for some reason.

Almost subconsciously, the incarnations of the gods were retreating, no one wanted to face the threat of divine power in the human world.

The powerful force instantly tore open the cover of the sky, and the clouds covering thousands of miles around changed.


"Damn it - how dare you!"

At the center of the change was a sharp shout, Aphrodite's voice sharp and angry.

She seemed to be talking to someone, but at the same time, in front of the gods, a divine light suddenly flashed across.

That was Theseus, who was originally surrounded in the center. He seemed to have seized the opportunity, mustering up the last strength to dodge past the goddess of beauty and go straight to the direction of Athens.

There, there is also the power to resist the incarnation of God.

"——Come on, leave her alone and go kill that mortal!"

Seeing this scene, Hera's complexion changed and she immediately rushed away.

She didn't know what Aphrodite was up to now, but Theseus had to die today.

Although he had suffered a long-planned blow and was actually dead, Hera could not let him return to Athens and die again.

Once he was allowed to go back, Demophon's claim to the throne would be completely lost. My plan today is not a complete success.

"If you want to leave, don't even think about it."

"No one can escape today!"

Under the darkness of night, the divine light passed through the sky.

All that was left was a city filled with people.

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