Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 405 Cycle and Achievement

In autumn, the weather turns cooler.

Unlike the bustling east coast of the continent, on a hill far away in the city of Thebes, the outside world's disturbances have not approached here.

The tall blond figure looked down from a high place and saw some cattle leisurely eating the yellowed grass.

Beside him, another figure stood respectfully and was narrating something.


"Yesterday, the Eleusinian incident, the gods descended, and the king of Athens fell."

"On the same day, in order to condemn the atrocities of the former king of Athens, the Argos Kingdom, which believes in the Queen of Heaven, took the lead in denouncing the policies implemented by Athens and proposed to support the former prince Demophon to inherit the throne."

"Her Majesty the Queen of Heaven intends to form an anti-Athens alliance to dismember the Kingdom of Athens by force."

"Many gods have responded, but it will take some time to discuss."


"In the starry sky, the Titan god Phoebe visited his sister who had been in seclusion for a long time alone not long ago. The reason is unknown and the result is unknown."

"But according to speculation, it is likely related to the sun and the moon."

"And in the north of the continent..."


The voice is not high or low, but it can be heard clearly.

Zephyrus talked about various things that happened in the sky and on earth recently, and Zeus listened quietly.

The king of gods occasionally asked a few questions, sometimes he could get answers, sometimes he couldn't.

But he didn't care much. For these things, he just understood more.

"So, Demeter didn't actually descend from the sky. Even if she provided the venue, she also provided cover and a series of help?"

It was a bit funny, Zeus couldn't help but confirm it again, and Zephyrus also gave a positive answer.

"Yes, although the goddess of agriculture allowed Her Majesty the Queen of Heaven to act in her place, she did not personally participate."


With a low laugh, Zeus didn't know what to say.

But his sister is indeed like this, she can do such a thing.

"What about Hestia, didn't she come out to mediate?"

"Yes, but she was not found."

With a respectful look, Zephyrus responded: "Her Majesty the Queen of Heaven avoided seeing, and her real body hid in the temple on earth. And Her Majesty Athena..."

After hesitating for a moment, the God of the West Wind still told the truth.

"I don't know where Her Highness Athena is. I have rarely seen her since the Golden Apple Meeting."

"Because the leaders of both parties were not present, Aphrodite lost face again. Her Highness Hestia wanted to mediate but couldn't find anyone. She left the sacred mountain in anger and said she was going to find Her Highness Rhea to settle the matter."

"After that, I don't know."

"Mother Goddess?"

The expression changed slightly. He was just thinking about where his smart daughter had gone, but Zephyrus' last sentence moved Zeus a little.

If there is anyone in the world who can make him give in on some things even though his strength is far inferior to his, then the former Queen of Heaven is probably one of them.

Although there may be the influence of fate, it is indeed Rhea who concealed the second generation of God King, allowing Zeus to have the opportunity to grow up.

So Zeus still respects Rhea very much.

"Hestia... that's normal."

"This time the scene may be a bit too big. Maybe in her opinion, if I don't want to come forward, the mother goddess can only come forward."

"But unfortunately, you went too late."

If it was just after the Golden Apple Feast, Zeus felt that if Rhea came forward, it would still be possible to stop the dispute.

But now, the King of Athens is dead, and Eleusis is about to be retaliated. The blood debt has been built, and it is not so easy to eliminate.

"And in a short period of time, the power of the world has changed several times, and even the power of many priests is rising. It seems that this change is coming to an end."

"Another change in the world pattern, the original gods... you are obviously strong enough!"

As the king of the gods, Zeus's understanding of the macro changes in the world is becoming more and more profound as his power increases.

And it is precisely because of this that he can feel Chaos's increasingly powerful "breathing" and internal circulation. Perhaps when this change that started thousands of years ago ends, many places in the world will be taken to a higher level, and many original gods will benefit the most.

As for what the so-called "breathing" and "internal circulation" are, it is actually easy to explain. According to Zeus' understanding, it is nothing more than a way to grow by obtaining power from the outside or from the inside.

The "breathing" of the world is the embodiment of a world's growth from the "outside".

He can quickly and efficiently increase his own volume by swallowing and spitting out the power of the outside world, such as swallowing the fragments of the Nine Realms, or directly dismembering and dividing a complete world.

But things from the outside world cannot be integrated out of thin air, and the power of the other world also needs to be digested, and this requires internal circulation to solve the problem.

The more complete the structure of the world, the clearer the order, and the smoother the exercise of the divine duties, the stronger the internal circulation will naturally be, and the world will be able to more easily turn the swallowed food into a part of itself.

In this process, the power obtained from outside the world will circulate in the big net woven by the laws of all things, and will be consumed by the world bit by bit. And every part of this cycle can benefit from it.

It's just that the more similar, the easier it is to digest, and the more different, the more difficult it is to grow.

So if a world dominated by [darkness] is devoured from outside the world, then in the whole cycle, it is natural that the [darkness] of this world is digested the fastest and grows the most, while the others are far behind.

And if [light] is allowed to grow by digesting [darkness], it will be a very complicated matter.

Although everything is possible for the whole world, as long as you are willing to pay the price, the opposing source forces can be forcibly changed.

But this behavior obviously does not have much meaning, so the integration of the remains of the Nine Realms at the beginning strengthened their corresponding power.

Of course, the use of the internal cycle is far more than that, and the world cannot only be promoted by external demands.

Since the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, Chaos has continuously given birth to new concepts and new priesthoods, promoted the reproduction and evolution of the gods, and even promoted the prosperity of all spirits. This is essentially another way to increase itself with the help of the internal cycle of the world.

And Zeus is not very clear about many of the mysteries.

His intuition tells him that this may be related to why there should be "gods" with personality, and why both the foreign land where the Nine Realms are located and the Chaos world have given birth to intelligent races.

But intuition is just intuition, and Zeus didn't think much about it. After all, it is obviously very long to increase power in this way.

"You still have to rob. How can you develop yourself as well as robbing others' things."

"I became the king of gods by robbing Kronos. I got the ceremony of promotion by robbing Odin. I got stronger power by robbing Typhon."

"If I didn't rob, how could I be here today. Now, it's the same."

All gods can benefit from the enhancement of the world, but in this process, those who are stronger and closer to the power of the other world will undoubtedly benefit the most.

But in Zeus's perception, the power of the world inhaling and exhaling in breathing, at least so far, is related to the fields of void, space, darkness, etc.

The first two don't matter, it's nothing more than strengthening the spatial structure of the world itself and enhancing the range of the world's power radiation, but the latter is different.

The gods related to "darkness" in this world are the two original gods of the underworld, and then the gods of the lightless celestial bodies in the entire underworld and the depths of the starry sky.

Perhaps the symbol of the ‘concave surface of the earth’ can also benefit the ancient sea god Pontus, but these have nothing to do with Olympus.

So Zeus’ previous conspiracy with the Lord of Darkness has now changed from the initial ‘the other party came to the door’ to Zeus himself not wanting to give up.

It is urgent to complete the unification of the world.

“Let’s go.”

He thought a lot in his mind, but Zeus just listened to Zephyrus’ words quietly on the surface.

When he had nothing else to say, Zeus nodded and motioned the other party to follow him down.

“Your Majesty, where is this?”

“This is just an ordinary hill called Cithaeron. But there is an extraordinary person here, and it is also my most proud masterpiece so far.”

At this point, Zeus couldn’t help but smile.

"When he was born, I foresaw his extraordinaryness. So I wanted him to rule the entire world and become the common king of all the gods."

"Many people say that I watched Thebes, founded by Cadmus, go through many hardships, but in fact I had long planned to send them a monarch who would be famous for all eternity. Unfortunately, all of this was destroyed by Hera."


Standing aside and listening quietly, Zephyros was a little speechless.

The 'king' you sent to Thebes does not have the blood of Cadmus. This is a cuckoo occupying the magpie's nest.

And this man is not only your son, but also the princess of Mycenae and your own great-granddaughter. What does this have to do with Thebes.

However, Zephyros naturally agreed with what Zeus said, saying that he had heard of this story.

Zeus and his great-granddaughter gave birth to this child. Before giving birth, he claimed that his next descendant would achieve extraordinary achievements and become the common leader of many gods.

Then Hera secretly used the divine power to make another great-grandson of Zeus born early.

The God of West Wind had known about this for a long time. He thought it was just another trivial conflict between the God King and the Queen of Heaven, but now, is there really something unusual about this child?

"Yes, his talent is indeed beyond your imagination, Zephyrus."

"The dispute in the world started in Athens, because there was a king there who claimed to be invincible in the world. Hera tried her best to kill him, but she didn't know that if she had chosen to raise this child, she wouldn't have to worry about the threat of that king at all."

"Although his power is not that strong now, it doesn't matter, because he will become the most outstanding hero in this world after a little training."

All the way down, Zeus and Zephyrus have walked down the hill.

With the eyesight of the true body of the gods, the two easily saw a young man who was grazing in the distance.

From him, the God of West Wind could not see the slightest breath of a strong man. He didn't know how powerful the other party was, but at least on the surface, this was not a person who was keen on fighting and killing.

If there were no external forces, perhaps the other party could have stayed here to lead horses and herd sheep... But watching this scene, Zeferos did not question it.

"He doesn't look like a strong man, right?"

With a faint smile, Zeus seemed to be looking at a peerless treasure or a sharp sword.

However, the God of West Wind was sure that this was definitely not the way he looked at a child.

But gods are like this. They don’t pay much attention to non-god descendants.

"He needs to temper, and before tempering, he needs a reason to temper himself and a reason to persist."

"According to my original plan, this should not happen today, but after he gets married and starts a business. He will accidentally kill his own child, commit the crime of fratricide, and then accept God's trial in guilt and despair. He will obey my commands as his way of atonement.”

"Obeying you is what all humans should do, Your Majesty, regardless of whether he has committed a crime or not."

Lowering his head slightly, his intuition told Zeferos that he had to witness the ruthlessness of the position of 'God King' again.

"Hahahahaha... Everyone can say nice things, but not everyone is as loyal as you, Zeferos."

Waving his hands slightly, Zeus's smile remained unchanged: "It's a pity that there is not enough time now. I can't wait for him to get married and have children."

"Now, right away, I need a reason to make him work hard for this and bring out all his potential. Then tell me, Zeferos, is there anything in this world that can be compared with heirs? What else? Can something replace his son? "


Silent, Zeferos already had the answer in his heart, but he knew he didn't need to say anything.

And sure enough, Zeus soon revealed the mystery.

"Of course those are his parents."

"Parents are closer than brothers and the closest blood relatives as children."

"But he couldn't have killed me accidentally, but lover, the beautiful Alcmene, is still alive."

At the end of the sight, the invisible wind told Zhiferos that at the edge of the grassland, an ox cart was driving towards this direction.

Alcmene, the princess of Mycenae, the great-granddaughter of Zeus, and another of his lovers in the world, is slowly approaching here.

This probably wasn't the first time the other party came, she still had a food box and clothes with her. Undoubtedly, she came here to visit her son, who was exiled here because he accidentally injured his teacher when he was young.

But she shouldn't know that her death is about to happen here.

"It's an honor."

Still smiling, Zeus's smile was so gentle, because he felt that this was simply the guidance of fate.

The fall of one hero, the rebirth of another. Theseus of Athens had lost his life the night before, but now his replacement came.

"Alcmene should be honored for this - Zephyrus, you know, although I have lovers all over the world and many people accuse me of this, to be honest, my feelings for Hera are indeed true. It's just love. I don’t want to control my desires more than this relationship.”

"So I hurt her again and again, but I wanted to make it up to her; so many times, I didn't mind what happened to these 'toys'... like this time."

Looking into the distance, Zeus stretched out his hand slightly and rippled the bloodline.

"Hera is not here, but I can take her place. Let Alcmene fulfill him and fulfill the legend of Hercules (the glory of Hera)."

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