Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 407: The ‘God of War’ at the Falling Star Lake

Turning into an invisible air current, the wind god stirred up a storm in the sky.

He will appear in front of the young man in a way that matches his identity as a god, and then arrange hardships and trials for him.

Zeus didn't care much about what the previous content was. He allowed Zephyrus to arrange it on his own, as long as he could train Hercules's wisdom and force.

After all, in this world, strength is an indispensable thing, and wisdom is a tool for the weak to defeat the strong.

On the earth, Zeus was not worried about Hercules' safety, but everything he wanted him to do in the future would not only happen in the world.

"Three items."

"The abyss, the underworld, and the depths of the legendary spirit world."

"Find out what I want for me, Hercules... I hope you won't let me down."

A few years ago, before he was ready to entrust Hercules with such expectations, Zeus went to Mount Nyssa again and asked the three goddesses of fate.

Although the three goddesses were reluctant to reveal the trajectory of fate, they finally compromised slightly in the face of the king of gods' inquiries.

They tried to peek into the river of fate and cautiously gave Zeus a chance to ask questions, but fate would only give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

So Zeus got what he wanted - in the next thirty years, the most powerful demigod in the world will surely accomplish great deeds that will shock the gods and men, and even at the end of everything, he will win the eternal crown.

The most powerful demigod... After witnessing the power of Hercules with his own eyes, Zeus didn't think there would be a second mortal who could match him, so his confidence became more and more sufficient.

After all, he had personally experienced how terrible the favor of fate was, and the gods of all generations knew this clearly.

In front of this power, even the primitive gods are no match.

So looking at the sad and painful young man in the distance looking up at the gods descending from the sky, and looking at the righteous Zephyrus, Zeus smiled again.

I think the god of the west wind will handle things here very well. Since he pledged his loyalty to him, the other party has never let him down.


The sun rises in the east, illuminating the earth.

In early autumn, Athens welcomes a new king, and changes also occur in Thebes because of Zeus.

The gears of fate seem to turn again, and the evil root buried since the Golden Apple Feast is about to be ignited.

Far away on Mount Olympus, Ares, whose incarnation is broken, feels the leap of the divine power of [War].

Even though he suffered a lot of injuries, this discovery still makes him excited.

Ares knows that his chance has come. Even in the next ten thousand years, there will be no such good opportunity.

As the true god who controls war, his presence in the field of [War] has never been better than Athena.

Because just like the goddess of light Phoebe has never controlled the sun and the moon, Ares is also a god of war who cannot control victory.

But all this is not unchangeable. If he can defeat Athena in a war involving the human world and the gods, just like the goddess of light can suppress the sun god and the moon god, they can increase their power in this way and establish their authority within their power.

Of course, at least the [war] at this time is far inferior to the sun, moon and stars.

Just as Athena should have been born at the beginning of the Third Age, because the victory of the ten-year Titan War shaped her priesthood. And Ares was born after her, he was born because of the tyranny and unjust war between humans and gods.

Compared with the celestial bodies born in the First Age, the concept of war is still too young.

"So... Teacher, according to you, the God of War is not invincible, and the Goddess of Beauty is not the most beautiful in the world?"

Southeast of the continent, on the shore of the Falling Star Lake outside the Silver Moon City.

A slender and handsome young man was walking by the lake with a spear in his hand. Beside him, a centaur who was several times bigger than him was walking with him.

The centaur had a longbow hanging on his body, and his eyes occasionally flashed with wisdom after years of experience.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe fate always liked to make some important things happen on the same day. Thinking about the news he just got, the centaur continued to listen to his student's questions.

"If that's the case, then what do the gods rely on to hold power? If they can't do their best in holding the divine power, then what qualifications do they have for eternal life?"

"Because they are gods, and gods are born noble."

Chiron responded calmly, his tone was neither hurried nor slow.

"This is not some polite talk, nor is it some stubborn and decadent thought, nor is it blind worship - Achilles, this is reality."

"The reality is that gods are born gods, just like you are born to be able to roam the world. No one will question this kind of thing, because it is not only meaningless, but also can't change anything."

"Really? Then this world is really unfair."

"And I remember that the church of Silver Moon City said that there is only one god in the world? In this case, they are not born noble gods."

Shaking his head, the young man knew that what his teacher said was right, but he still didn't want to accept these "right" contents.

The capable are on top, and the mediocre are on the bottom. The capable should have more things. If the God of War cannot win every battle, it is better to abdicate as soon as possible.

"Haha, Achilles, you know very well that it's just a name."

"Whether you want to call them angels or gods, it doesn't change their nature. What's more, I remember that you don't seem to believe in their doctrines."

With a smile, Chiron knew why his student suddenly talked about this today.

The message from Athens was that Eleusis broke out last night, and the Olympian gods descended to incarnate and fought with the king of Athens.

And the result... despite the overwhelming force and conspiracy, the incarnation of the god of war was still shattered.

He didn't know that Hermes also contributed to this. Achilles only knew that the king of Athens he admired died in disgrace, and the gods showed such ordinary abilities.

For a while, he was inevitably a little unbalanced.

"But since we are talking about this, Achilles, what do you think is fair?"

With a slight smile, Chiron asked.

"Naturally, the status is determined by ability. Those with outstanding abilities should master power and power, and those with ordinary abilities should not sit in such a position."

Without hesitation, the young man said without hesitation.

"Really? But ability is actually innate, just like the authority of the gods. Sorting by ability is also proving that the superiority and inferiority of all things are determined by birth?"


Somewhat surprised, the young man was puzzled: "My ability is acquired through training and learning little by little, how can it be innate?"

"Of course ability is innate, Achilles, I wonder if you have ever observed where a person's ability comes from."

Pointing to the distance, there was only dense jungle. But the young man knew that his teacher was referring to Silver Moon City.

"Talent, personality, and the environment in which you grow up are the cornerstones that determine a person's ability."

"People with high talents are born to learn quickly, such as you; those who are not as talented as you will not be able to use ten or a hundred times the effort, so do you admit this?"

"But some people are determined, while others are casual. Even if they have the same talent, their achievements will not be the same."

Shaking his head to refute, the young man did not agree with this.

"Yes, but this is the difference caused by personality. But Achilles, do you think personality is not innate? I don't think so."

"In my observations over the years, a person's personality is often composed of two parts, innate blood and acquired influence."

"Blood inheritance will affect you, and acquired education will also affect you. Together, they can create the so-called "diligent", "relaxed", "firm" and "lazy". Do you think I am right?"


Opened his mouth slightly, and then closed it again. The young man wanted to continue to refute, after all, the influence of the environment is not innate.

But the next moment, he understood what Chiron meant.

To put it bluntly, the influence of the environment is the parents and the environment in which they grow up, and this seems not to be innate, but in fact it is determined at the moment of birth.

Just like he can stand here now, can worship Chiron as his teacher, and all the education he has received since childhood, he was born with it, and if he didn't, he would never have it.

"If that's the case... then are you going to tell me that everything is fate? From the moment I was born, I was destined to become what kind of person, how I was destined to live, and how I was destined to die?"

Take a deep breath, the young man finally asked.

"If it is, will you believe it?"

"I will believe it, but I don't accept it."

Holding the spear tightly in his hand, Achilles said word by word: "Everything I have experienced in the past is true, and the efforts I have made are not false. No matter who wants to blame it all on "fate", I will never accept it!"

"So can you tell me now, what exactly do you want to say to me?"

"Hahahahaha... Of course, Achilles, I just hope you can put down your arrogance in your heart, instead of entangled in the so-called "fairness."

Laughing loudly, the voice of the centaur startled a flock of birds in the forest.

"There is nothing fair in this world, or rather, everything is fair. The gods' natural powers belong to them, just like your talent. So don't underestimate them, or you will pay the price."

"Also, I want to inform you today that you have graduated."


The young man looked at his teacher with a surprised look, and Chiron looked back at him.

He saw affirmation and encouragement in his teacher's eyes. Could he actually become a master?

But it was true that after so many years, his martial arts had already surpassed Chiron.

But considering the time, Achilles couldn't help asking: "Should I go to Athens? I heard that Her Majesty Artemis has a temple there. Do you want me to protect it and replace King Theseus?"

"No, you can go anywhere. Since you have already graduated, you can do whatever you want."

Smiling, Chiron shook his head: "It's just that it is indeed a good place for you to make a name for yourself."

"Then I'll go and see it."

Nodding, Achilles said: "Take my indestructible body and go to see the gods of Olympus."

He knew his life experience and his destiny. In fact, neither his mother nor his teacher concealed this from Achilles.

At the Golden Apple Banquet, Zeus arranged this ridiculous wedding banquet to marry the daughter of the sea god Nereus because he was afraid of the fate of his mother, the sea nymph Thetis, to give birth to a son more powerful than his father. To a mortal.

Although the birth of Achilles after that did confirm this prophecy, Thetis was still worried about it, and she no longer even stayed on the sea, but came to Silvery Moon City.

But in this legendary city, the fateful sea nymph once again received a prophecy that Achilles would die in the war.

So Thetis, who no longer wanted to stay in the lineage of ancient sea gods, chose to find her aunt, the eldest sister of her mother goddess Doris, the ancient Lord of the Styx, Styx.

She seeks help from this ancient and mysterious god, and she unexpectedly responds.

Styx allowed Achilles to soak in the source of the Styx, but what he received was not the blessing of the power of the [Oath] given by the world, but the other side of the Styx.

[Hate], few people remember that Styx is not only a god who witnesses the oaths of the gods, but also a river of hatred. It symbolizes the world's initial anger against those who violate the order, and it is precisely based on this that it has the ability to restrain the gods with [oaths].

As a child, Achilles was lifted up by his mother and swam in the river of hatred. And what he got was an indestructible body that was difficult for the gods to harm.

In the original myth, Achilles had such an experience and even defeated the true form of the god. However, he also had a fatal weakness, which was his ankle that was once held by his mother. Not soaked by river water.

As a result, he died under the arrows of Apollo, leaving the rumor of Achilles' heel in the world.

However, if someone observes Achilles at this time, he may be surprised to find that there is no weakness left in his body.

I don’t know what method Thetis used this time to actually cause Achilles to avoid this flaw.

"The prophecy says that I will die in the war. Although I don't think this refers to Ares, I still want to experience the strength of this God of War."

The young man who was later called the God of War in the world spoke calmly. He also wanted to know if there was anything in this world that could break his indestructible body.

Maybe the God King can do it, or maybe there is some artifact in the world aimed at him? Achilles didn't know.

Whether there is or not, he will know if he tries it himself.

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