Since the day of the starfall, Chaos world has been in peace for the first time.

The disputes in the ocean gradually subsided. Over the past tens of thousands of years, the sea area that has expanded with the expansion of the world has basically been divided. Oceanus, the river around the world, obtained more than 70% of the share. He distributed some of it to his children who had made contributions, and then most of it was integrated into his own priesthood.

Not surprisingly, when he completely digested these powers, the Lord of the Ocean could also reach the peak of powerful divine power. From then on, the original sea god would no longer be able to be on par with him, so Pontos dived into the depths of the sea and the concave surface of the earth, as if he did not want to see the Ocean god showing off his power.

Among Pontos' children, most of them hid with their father god, with only two exceptions. The former danger of the sea, the later goddess of beauty Keto and the three goddesses of vengeance who followed her still walked on the sea. In other words, Keto no longer considered herself the daughter of the sea god. Like her three "sisters", she regarded Uranus as her father and a god who was reborn because of his divine blood.

The other was Nereus, the eldest son of Pontus, who had married the Ocean Goddess Doris. He and his wife gave birth to fifty sea nymphs. Amphitrite, the queen of the sea in later generations, and Thetis, the mother of Achilles, were among these fifty gods.

Compared with his father, this "gentle" sea god is good at dancing and has close relationships with many gods.

The disputes on the ocean stopped temporarily, and the mountain god Urya also returned to his own domain. Unlike the sea god, thousands of years of war left him nothing but pain.

At the same time, in the starry sky, under the auspices of the God King, the gods divided up the former territory of the Sun God's family.

Kronos gave the "distant starry sky" to the God of the Celestial Body, and ordered the Moon God and the Sun God to worship Phoebe as the Lord of the Luminous Celestial Body. Although this was only a nominal worship, not involving power and authority, Phoebe was still very happy.

Before she terminated the cooperation with the God King halfway, she thought Kronos would not fulfill the agreement. But obviously, it was just a sacrifice of some false reputation. As long as he could keep the two Titans stable, the God King didn't care about this sacrifice.

In addition, as the Mother of Light, although Theia was the loser, the God King still treated her with courtesy. He left the orbit of the moon through the starry sky to her, and let some star gods who survived the solar riot still obey her orders.

As for what these star gods thought when they looked at the empty star field on the ecliptic in the distance, it had nothing to do with His Majesty the God King.

"Themis, my sister who abides by justice, I wonder if you are willing to do me a small favor?"

After re-demarcating the star track with the help of the artifact, the God King handed the [Code of Creation] to the Goddess of Law.

By demarcating the trajectory of the stars, the power of this artifact increased a little again, but it still couldn't break through that barrier. In other words, a complete [Artifact of Creation] not only requires power, but also a complete [symbol].

[Life Aquarius] could have taken this step, because it originally symbolized the origin of life. When life that can reproduce is active on the earth, it can take that step by itself. But when it is divided into two, this symbol is torn apart. Unless it is completed in other ways, pure power can only make it infinitely close, but it cannot complete the key transformation.

[Creation Code] is more special, because it is one of the components of a complete artifact, so if it wants to be promoted, it can only be completed with the other two.

As for what the three creation artifacts can be combined into, that is a field that even Ryan and the original gods do not know.

"If your request is something that is in line with the status of the God King, then I will not refuse."

In the starry sky, Themis took the brass book and nodded in agreement.

The implication is that if this is a conspiracy that is not in line with the status of the God King, then don't look for her.

"Of course, it's just a small matter."

"I heard that Ryan asked you to help him stabilize the zodiac domains, so if possible, I hope you can also sort out the surrounding star fields by the way."

It's easy to destroy, but it's another matter to build. Let Themis help is one of the most cost-effective options.

"Hyperion's previous destruction was too serious, and more than 30% of the star gods in the starry sky fell into eternal sleep. These regional gods are usually useless, but it's a bit troublesome if there are really not many."

"I'll try my best."

Frowning, although he was a little dissatisfied with Kronos's attitude of ignoring the star gods, the Titans are like this now.

In addition to having an immortal essence, the power of these god-like gods is surprisingly weak. If they didn't have the same divine power, no one would regard them as gods.

"Of course I can help, but I also want to remind you, Kronos, don't learn from our father."

Looking at the spiritual angel waiting in the distance, Themis said seriously.

".What do you mean, am I like a tyrant?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Kronos."

Holding the [Code of Creation], the laws of the world are clearly visible in the eyes of the Goddess of Law. Although the power of the God King has further increased after taking over the starry sky, in the eyes of Themis, the time for Kronos to resist the law of fertility has basically entered the countdown.

Five hundred years, or six hundred years, the God King's biological child will be born. No one knows what choice he will make at that time.

"The Father God hurt the Mother God and did such a cruel thing. Kronos, I don't care about you and your child, but if you dare to treat Rhea like the Father God, I will never sit idly by."

The goddess of justice's attitude was very clear as she gently pressed the hilt of the sword at her waist with her left hand. She not only said this, but she would definitely do it, and she had the ability to execute it.

When the legislation was completed thousands of years ago, Themis not only gained the enhancement of her priesthood, but also obtained two artifacts in the making. Now, these two artifacts have been born one after another.

A [Golden Scale], accompanied by her [Justice] priesthood, can judge everything in the world and distinguish the weight. Whether the objects on both ends of the scale are real objects or illusory concepts, it can make accurate judgments, heavy ones sink, and light ones rise.

There is also a [Evil-Slaying Sword], which is with her [Justice] priesthood. It can sense sin and distinguish between good and bad. When faced with "injustice and evil", the power of this artifact is even more powerful.

In later generations, these two artifacts have left a great reputation. Although they have not been sharpened yet, Kronos has also faintly sensed a hint of threat.

Although it is not much, the Goddess of Justice, whose power level has just reached 17, is still beyond the King of Gods' expectations that she can have such power.

"You worry too much, Themis. Besides, this is my business and has nothing to do with you. Do you want to intervene in the fight for the throne of the King of Gods?"

Taking a deep breath, Kronos's face sank. If it were someone else, he would have taken action to show the authority of the King of Gods, but he still did nothing about his sister.

On the one hand, it was because the situation in the starry sky could not do without her, and on the other hand, it was because he did not intend to do anything to his Queen of Gods.

Thousands of years ago, Rhea stood firmly beside him and faced the empty God Mountain with him. He would not be soft on his son of God, but he also respected his wife.

"Rhea will always be my Queen of Gods, in the past, now, and in the future. She is the only one who is qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with the King of Gods, but Themis, I also warn you that anyone who stands on the side of my offspring will be my enemy to the death."

"The fight between the King of Gods is your own business, but please don't use your methods on a wife, a mother. Remember your promise, Kronos, I will watch you."

Turning away, the goddess of justice did not say much, she just expressed her attitude.

The fight for the throne of the King of Gods is justified, but Themis never wants what happened to her to happen to Rhea and her children again.

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