Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 997 Examination Results (Please subscribe)

Meng Zhao didn't know the evaluation and suspicion of him in several people's hearts, so he eagerly invited him to sit down.

A maid brought fragrant pastries and hot tea to entertain them, and the original strangeness disappeared a bit.

Meng Zhao thought for a moment and then took the initiative to investigate the level of Linghu Rui, a good general who was highly praised by Meng Jizu.

Meng Zhao chose two points to test the opponent.

The first is how to train troops. This is a very critical point.

No matter how powerful and brave the general is, it does not mean that the same is true for the soldiers below.

Therefore, whether one can train an elite soldier is one of the basic factors that tests the person who leads the army.

Regarding this point, Linghu Rui had already prepared a draft. He first told Meng Zhao that although the method of military training may vary according to personal habits, personality, and abilities, in general, several points must be highlighted.

One is obedience, which means obeying orders, resolutely obeying orders, and obeying orders and prohibitions. Military orders are like mountains.

This is the most basic and most important point of an army.

If the soldiers do not follow the general and are not aligned with each other, then they will not be able to command like an arm, their combat effectiveness will be worrying, and they will be in danger of being defeated by their superiors.

The second is the formation method to train the coordination and tacit understanding of the soldiers. This is the most fundamental difference between an elite army and a ragtag army.

Based on this, we can continue to practice various tactical coordination, various formation arrangements, and evolve until we can stimulate the killing power of the military formation, gather the ability of the army, and use the human formation to transform the formation of heaven and earth, which is invincible.

The third is to further pursue the improvement of the individual combat power of the soldiers on the basis of the qualified queue. For example, the weak should increase their strength, the slow should train their agility, and the weak should try to strengthen their courage.

Fourthly, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. With those two eyes watching, if there is any injustice, it may become the trigger for the collapse of the army. This is also very important.

All these are the basic qualities of a capable and capable soldier.

Specific to specific generals, their methods of doing things are different, and each has its own focus.

Some people like to train good men with a blank slate, while others like to train martial artists who already have a certain foundation in martial arts.

There will also be some other methods of military training, such as emphasizing military discipline and ensuring that no one commits any crime, or encouraging plunder and fighting and motivating soldiers to be ferocious after a big war. These are all their own emphases and differences.

Purely in terms of fighting, a soldier who can win is a good soldier or an elite soldier. There is no difference between superior and inferior soldiers.

But if it involves strategic deployment and political demands in addition to fighting, then it is obvious that some soldiers who are brave in combat but lack military discipline cannot be considered elite soldiers.

Linghu Rui also selected a few specific examples to tell Meng Zhao about the rise of the story, which made it more vivid and vivid.

Through this alone, Meng Zhao had a solid foundation. At least Linghu Rui was a very spiritual general. Not only did he fight, but he was also very knowledgeable in military training. He was not the kind of two-handed swordsman.

Second, Meng Zhao raised some difficult issues in marching and fighting.

Specifically, it was the doubts he discovered when he recently studied military books and tactics, as well as famous battles in history.

It contains many aspects and levels of knowledge, including astronomy, geography, factors for setting up camp, reactions to encounters, etc. It is all-encompassing.

There is certainly an idea of ​​testing here, but there is also a desire to ask for advice.

Linghu Rui's behavior was quite in line with Meng Zhao's understanding. He was relatively humble. He told him everything he knew and explained everything he knew. He also told him clearly what he didn't understand. He was very down-to-earth and sincere.

This is enough. If Linghu Rui really knows astronomy, geography, and can gauge people's hearts, then Meng Zhao doesn't have to mess around, he can just lie down and wait for Linghu Rui to lead his troops to fight.

As an assistant, Linghu Rui is completely qualified, and he may be able to get a deputy general position for him in the future.

Ignoring Linghu Rui, Meng Zhao turned his attention to Dou Xi and Gao Yue.

Dou Xi looks relatively frail, with a pale complexion and sunken eye sockets, and seems to have a bit of foreign ancestry.

However, the overall temperament is more like the kind of literati image that Meng Zhao is familiar with. He is good-looking, a handsome guy with a handsome face, and has a strong face.

Gao Yue, on the other hand, is quite muscular, and is 1.9 meters tall. He has a vigorous body. Although he also has a refined air, his martial arts habits are not small, and he belongs to the category of martial arts scholars.

Meng Zhao also considered these two people.

Gao Yue was easy to deal with, and Meng Zhao came up with an arithmetic problem that combined with the dispatch of military supplies, and he was able to deal with it.

Gao Yue also had his own method, and his answers were very accurate. At least in Meng Zhao's opinion, his subjectivity was more than enough for dispatching logistics. As for his calligraphy, it was not easy to study, mainly because Meng Zhao didn't understand it.

But it doesn't matter anymore, these are just minutiae, just a normal level is enough, not to mention that Meng Zhao feels that Gao Yue's level is extremely superior.

At least the wording and sentences, after being polished by Gao Yue, are obviously more concise, clear, and more able to evoke people's emotions and resonate.

This is amazing.

As for Dou Xi, Meng Chuan said that he was good at military strategy and calculating people's hearts, and he was like a strategist.

Meng Zhaocun wanted to take the test, so he told Zhu Xiechi that he and Zhu Xiechi were competing for the position of General Yangwu, hoping that Mr. Dou could give him some help.

After pondering for a moment, Dou Xi first tactfully denied Meng Zhao's direct argument with Zhu Xie Chiri to clarify the situation.

Although this has won the recognition and support of the large and small forces in Lingwu City to the greatest extent, in fact, it is directly on the opposite side of the Beitang royal family and will inevitably be targeted and suppressed.

It doesn't matter if you fight for power and gain, but you must have a strategy and skill, and you must not do it blatantly.

The imperial court has not collapsed yet, and the deterrent power of the royal family still exists.

Even though the Meng family has strong political power and equally impressive military influence, it is still not a family with nine surnames.

If Meng Zhao's eagerness to gain military power is exposed, it will easily arouse the vigilance and dissatisfaction of the Beitang royal family, which will bring trouble to the entire Meng family.

This is a very crucial point, and one that Meng Zhao ignored.

Although he is very smart and has some skills, he relies too much on force, and his actions are inevitably a bit domineering, and he has lost his tact and changeability.

Furthermore, he had never really understood the court, and he did not understand how terrifying the turbulent undercurrents and crises were.

If he really has an army of 50,000 people, he will be one of the few big shots in the entire North. How can the court not pay attention?

Even if he really takes charge of the army in the future, it will be difficult to avoid the result of an open and secret fight with the Yanping County Prince's Palace.

Secondly, there is the problem of the previous strategy.

If Meng Zhao could hide for a period of time, bring out another important person to challenge Zhu Xie Chiri, and wait until the last moment to make his move, the possibility of success in the end would be greater.

This is a judgment based on Meng Zhao's ability and power.

Zhu Xie Chiri is a member of the royal family, and Longcheng is a representative elected by the Lingwu wealthy family. It will actually be very troublesome for the two to compete. The interests of all parties must be taken into account to avoid causing greater disputes.

When the time comes, Meng Zhao comes out to choose again, which is equivalent to giving another choice.

He is neither a Lingwu person nor a Lingwu person. He has great connections with the imperial court and has contacts with the upper and lower forces in Lingwu City.

Isn’t he the perfect candidate to settle for the next best thing?

Maybe they can all win without a fight.

When a mantis stalks a cicada, the oriole follows behind. This is a very simple truth, but it is actually the most effective.

This made Meng Zhao regret a little. If he had known better, he would have brought the guy from Longcheng with him. Maybe he would have had a better chance of winning.

Of course, all of this is in the past and the done thing is done. There is no way to go back to that night even if you think about it.

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