Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1025 Meng Chuan’s changes (please subscribe)

Meng Zhao is still very relieved about Linghu Rui. To a certain extent, this person is a workaholic.

I wish I could stay in the camp for twelve hours a day. I won’t sleep until the top soldier sleeps, and I’ll wake up first if the top soldier doesn’t wake up.

To use a modern buzzword, he is like a roll king.

That is to say, he has deep skills, is supplied with various resources, and has strong qi and blood. Otherwise, if he just keeps doing this, he may have lost a lot of energy now.

The two of them watched the large training scene with tens of thousands of people below for a while, checking for deficiencies and thinking about how to improve.

At this time, a knight in black armor rode a black scaled horse and ran up to him. He jumped off the horse neatly, half-kneeled to Meng Zhao and saluted, saying

"General, there are two people outside the camp asking to see the general, saying they have important news to report."

This man is tall and burly, as if a giant spirit god has come to the world. His face is resolute, but there is a bit of childishness.

Short hair looks unique in today's world and era. At the same time, it also carries the coldness, seriousness and strength of a soldier, making him look macho.

It was none other than the fifth eldest son of the Meng family, Meng Zhao's good brother, Meng Chuan. He joined the Yangwu Army and was trained by Meng Zhao in the pro-army camp. After some time of tempering, he had lost some of his impetuousness. The edge is gradually polished and rounded.

If Meng Chuan was once an upright and awe-inspiring divine sword, now it is sheathed and keeping a low profile.

It's not that it's no longer sharp, but it's warming itself up. If it is unsheathed again in the future, it will definitely shine for a while.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is the past life or this life, the military is definitely the best place to train people and the most reborn place. It can change a person's body, appearance, and temperament.

The weak become strong, the procrastinating become courageous.

As for the broader question, whether good people become bad or bad people become good, it depends on the overall tone of this army. If the military has strict discipline, has no wrongdoing with the people, and fights for faith and justice, of course it can lead to soldiers also Transform towards this and vice versa.

After all, there are only a few people who can get out of the mud without being stained. The vast majority of people can only be red when they are close to vermilion, and black when they are close to ink.

Meng Zhao nodded, stretched out his hand to help Meng Chuan, and told Ling Hu Rui,

"I have something to do, so I will leave first. You stay here and practice well. Although there is no movement from Yanzhou yet, the death of Zhu Xie Chiri has been generally pinned on the Pudu Sect, and there will be a battle sooner or later.

If war really breaks out, Lingwu City, as the gateway to the three states, will definitely have difficulty avoiding this whirlpool. It must have a strong military force to protect itself from the harm of war.

Even if you are strong enough, you might not be able to use Pudu Sect as a springboard to achieve great achievements. In the future, you and I can be crowned as marquises and generals, and our family will be glorious! "

Yes, Meng Zhao is now also a member of the exploiting class. He is trying to instigate his subordinates in words and deeds. In short, he is trying to find ways to make people work for him, and he has to do it well.

It's indeed a bit bad, but you can't stop people from liking it.

Although Linghu Rui had to leave Lingwu City because he offended the Ninth Prince, he also had ambitions in his heart, hoping to be rewarded for his military exploits and enhance his status in the army.

Therefore, Meng Zhao's seemingly nagging words actually hit Linghu Rui's idea, making him feel excited and his blood boiling. He wished he could go ten days without rest and send these big soldiers to the destination. Practice in the dead, as soon as possible, to become a strong army, capable of conquering all directions.

However, as a qualified general, he clearly understands the principle of haste, waste, and the true meaning of guarding against arrogance and impetuosity. If he acts too aggressively, it may be counterproductive.

Failure to train well as a soldier is a trivial matter. If the officers in the army are dissatisfied and a mutiny crisis occurs, he may lose his position in Meng Zhao's heart. His future will be bleak and it will be difficult to turn around.

"Don't worry, general. I understand the importance of this and will not let you down."

After being in contact for such a long time, Linghu Rui's feelings for Meng Zhao have become clearer and more three-dimensional.

The most admired and admired Meng Zhao's martial arts talent and strength, but also feared and feared Meng Zhao's deep thoughts and cruelty.

On the day when officers were promoted to officers, some accidents occurred during the military demonstration. Some people secretly caused trouble and responded passively.

There may be some powerful force behind it, but I’m not sure which one it is.

As a result, Meng Zhao didn't even investigate, and didn't give any face, and directly dealt with him according to military law.

The three shining human heads became a prop to scare the entire army. Several people were flogged and lost all their face. In the end, they were kicked out of the army. Who can not be afraid?

Meng Zhao patted him on the shoulder, then jumped off the boulder. When the soldiers brought his mount over, he got on his horse and rode back to the Chinese army camp with Meng Chuan.

The two of them were not very fast, and they were holding the reins and chatting at the same time.

Mainly, Meng Zhao was asking, and Meng Chuan was answering, less pretentious in front of outsiders and more close to brothers.

These days, Meng Zhao has been busy with military affairs, and actually has no time to take care of Meng Chuan, and even somewhat neglects his fifth brother.

Fortunately, Dou Xi and Gao Yue were both very sensible people, and after greeting each other, Meng Chuan had a relatively comfortable life in the pro-military camp.

This nourishment mainly reflects the fact that people have undergone rigorous military training and gained a lot, and they have not been excluded or made things difficult for them in other daily expenses or interpersonal interactions.

When Meng Chuan talked with Meng Zhao, he also said that this period of time had brought him a lot of help and enlightenment, and he gradually began to like this kind of life. Even martial arts had improved, and it was even better than practicing martial arts alone. of efficiency.

Men, as long as they are not too effeminate, will still yearn for this kind of military life at a certain period, or even at a certain point in time.

Some people even forget that they have also longed for military life. The feeling in that moment is nothing compared to the habit of love that Meng Chuan has now formed.

Another role of Meng Chuan is actually to serve as a pair of eyes for Meng Zhao, further strengthening the connection with the officers and soldiers of the Yangwu Army, allowing him to understand more clearly and intuitively what these people are thinking.

This also played a positive role in promoting Meng Zhao's control of the Yangwu Army.

After talking about this, Meng Zhao turned the topic to the two people who came to see him this time.

Meng Zhao was actually a little curious about the two people who suddenly showed up, not knowing what kind of news they would bring.

However, after Meng Chuan's narration, his expectations were much lower.

First, the two of them were basically not famous and did not belong to any of the big or small forces in the city.

Secondly, he acted a little anxious and not calm, and his impression score was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Meng Zhao is now at the height of his popularity in Lingwu City, and no one should have the guts to tease him.

Let's go and see what the news this time is.

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