Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1032 Surrounded (Please subscribe)

The bearded man in green clothes was none other than one of Meng Zhao's four closest confidants, Zhou Hu.

Among the four, he was the latest to follow Meng Zhao, the youngest in appearance, and the oldest, but he was still in the body of a star. Now, with the unlimited supply of resources from Meng Zhao, he has entered the innate realm, radiated with vitality, and his potential is still unlimited.

At this time, the rough and violent face revealed a strange smile in the dark night and moonlight.

The effect is almost as good as Sadako crawling out of the TV, and it can scare the faint of heart.

Wang Xu was originally full of joy, thinking that the other party was picking him up. Suddenly, when he saw the weird smile and inexplicable aura of the bearded Zhou Hu, his heart moved. His footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes were full of caution, and he glanced around with his peripheral vision.

At this time, the other Jingshan bandits also realized that something seemed to be wrong. They were all frightened and angry, but they did not make any noise. They just stood behind Wang Xu with murderous intent and looked at Zhou Hu.

"The leader of the Jingshan bandits, Wang Xu, are these all the people?"

After Zhou Hu smiled slyly, he punched the heavy steel gun in his hand and hit the ground frozen by the cold ice, making a pitting sound that was very clear in the silent cold night.

The more Wang Xu looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. There was something wrong with the beard, the attitude was wrong, and the environment was wrong.

However, he still held on to a glimmer of hope, coughed slightly, stepped forward slowly, and said,

"Everyone is here, I wonder when we can set off?"

When the word ah fell, he was already less than a foot away from the bearded Zhou Hu, and the two of them were very close.

This is not a very safe distance. If he takes action, Wang Xu is confident that no innate warrior can stop him.

Of course Zhou Hu understood what Wang Xu was thinking. He took a few steps back without caring, raised the steel gun in his hand again, and knocked it hard on the ground.

As the sound of the impact spread, in this originally silent and dark night, bright torches suddenly flashed around. With the blessing of pine oil, they made a crackling sound, and a group of dark people were extremely organized. And the formation pressed up.

With the help of the torches held by these people, Wang Xu and other Jingshan bandits looked around.

I saw these people holding torches, each wearing black armor, holding a spear, and a saber hanging from their waist.

There are a few that look special, with very conspicuous little flags on their backs, embroidered with bright red tiger patterns.

Each and every one of them has blazing blood, strong backs and strong waists, and a strong and solemn aura, carrying the vigor of a heroic soldier.

Wang Xu's expression suddenly dropped, and he no longer took any chances. A surge of majestic Qi quickly spread from his Dantian to his whole body, and his Qi and blood surged even more. He was ready to take action.

At this time, not only him, but also the Jingshan bandits behind him had already figured it out. They must have been betrayed by the Wujiang water thieves.

It is indeed ironic that the situation that seemed most unlikely to them happened, but there is no other way. Apart from regret, is it possible to reverse time and space and go back to the past?

To say that he was betrayed, it actually doesn't matter. In the early years, Green Forest Road really paid attention to loyalty. When one party was in trouble, it was common for all parties to provide support.

But things are different now. People open and close their mouths for their own benefit. It’s not that they don’t practice loyalty, they just have limitations.

That's why Wang Xu and the others were willing to pay such a high price and hand over all the treasures carried by the Jingshan thieves to the water thieves outside. After feeding them, they hoped that the other party would not use any dirty tricks.

But despite all precautions, even if he failed to guard against it, he would still be fooled.

The current situation is that they have spent all the savings of the Jingshan bandits, but they are betrayed by others. They may be annihilated. This kind of hatred will definitely surpass the hatred of killing their father and taking away their wives.

One by one, the Jingshan bandits will surely escape this disaster. In the future, the Wujiang water bandits will definitely take revenge.

Right now, we still have to break through the encirclement, fight our way out, and escape with our lives.

Looking at the costumes of the people trapped around them, everyone felt heavy in their hearts, almost desperate.

The armor style, the powerful appearance, and the well-trained performance all showed that these were not just cats and dogs, but most likely regular troops sent by the imperial court.

The imperial army surrounded and suppressed a few of them who had been kicked out of their homes. How could they be so virtuous?

"Who are you exactly?"

Wang Xu is the one with the most stable mentality among all the people.

It's not that I'm not afraid, it's not that I can't see the situation, but I have sufficient confidence in my own strength.

The number of these soldiers who surrounded him was indeed quite large, several times the number of thieves in Jingshan. They were armed with sharp blades, covered in armor, and fully armed. They were not comparable to the unarmed thieves behind him who had just escaped from the edge of starvation.

If they really want to fight, the Jingshan bandits will not be able to escape 100%, and the possibility of being killed is more than 90%.

However, upon closer inspection, there was no one worth looking at among the soldiers, at least to Wang Xu.

With his Qigong cultivation and his superb martial arts, it shouldn't be difficult to get out.

The only thing that put him under a bit of pressure was the bearded man in Tsing Yi holding a steel gun.

This man was older than him, with a tall and strong body, and an aura as powerful and powerful as a mountain, with an aura that was as mysterious and vast as the stars in the sky.

From a brief perspective, there is no doubt about innate cultivation, but the specific level and realm cannot be clearly discerned at a glance.

Only by killing him or getting rid of him can we have a chance to break out of this encirclement and find a glimmer of hope.

Don't think that Wang Xu thinks so cold-bloodedly and ignores the existence of his brothers.

In fact, the situation is life-threatening, and no matter how good our relationship is, we can't care about anything else.

There is a common saying between husband and wife that they are like birds in the same forest and fly separately when disaster strikes. Brothers who gather together by robbing homes and defrauding others are naturally not exempt from this common saying.

Now, who can escape and who can survive depends on their own ability and luck.

Don't say anything about loyalty and friendship, and don't say anything about past experiences.

The reality is here. Judging from the abilities displayed by this group of people now, Wang Xu does have a chance to break out.

However, the premise is that he abandons this group of people. If he insists on taking everyone, or even some of them, to kill them, he will have to stay here together.

After understanding this, Wang Xu only had eyes for the bearded Zhou Hu.

When he asked, he also wanted to collect preliminary information and try to take the initiative to see if he could arouse the other party's emotional turmoil and create opportunities for himself.

Zhou Hu laughed when he heard this. This time it was no longer the weird and scary smile.

"Under the command of General Yangwu, Zhou Hu, a hundred-man general, has been ordered to round up the Jingshan bandits. Please cooperate obediently. You have no way out."

As he finished speaking, he heard bursts of creaking sounds.

Wang Xu and others turned around and saw that in the refugee camp castle, a crossbow with arm-sized crossbow arrows was being set up and pointed at them. At the same time, there were a large number of warriors with bows and arrows, They are also the target.

Really, there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

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