Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1072 Changing policy (please subscribe)

It has to be said that Meng Zhao's move to pry Ding Yuqin away was a stroke of genius, hitting the red heart right in the heart.

Long Cheng was cautious and cunning. Ever since he came to Lingwu City, he rarely showed any contact with the outside world, and no one knew that he was an old acquaintance with the people in the city.

In fact, he originally hid Ding Yuqin's secret very well, but in the end he had to reveal some information about his old acquaintance to Ding Yuqin because he wanted to ask for help. Otherwise, he might not be able to get help.

As everyone knows, although Longcheng is strong, it is ultimately weak. Some of the things he wants to do can only be accomplished with the help of the Ding family, a local snake.

When Ding Yuqin informed Meng Zhao of the news through a secret channel, within an hour, the biographical information of the couple from the Yixinliu boxing gym had been placed on the table in the Chinese army's tent.

On both sides of Meng Zhao were Dou Xi, who was dressed in Confucian clothes, and Han Pu, who was wearing military armor and holding a sword.

According to the information collected by the Meng family, the Isshin-ryu boxing gym was established three years ago. At its peak, there were only fifty disciples in the gym. It was a small martial arts force. In Lingwu City, it could only Talking about making a living, there is no obvious backer and no local social connections.

Otherwise, with the two innate combat capabilities of the martial arts gym owner and his wife, this Xinliu Boxing Gym can accommodate at least a hundred elite disciples, who can share a small piece of cake in Lingwu City and lay down their foundation.

In recent years, in addition to teaching apprentices, the martial arts school has also sent out disciples to complete killings, escorts, guards, espionage and other actions for profit.

However, some time ago, the city was closed due to a heavy snowstorm. Because the martial arts hall was too small and its endurance was too weak, a small number of disciples were lost. Later, the Yangwu Mansion Army was formed and some disciples were transferred from it. The entire framework has been broken up.

This is the official martial arts information.

After that, there was news about the couple in the boxing gym.

The master of the martial arts hall, named Zhou Changfeng, is from Jieliang County, Yunzhou, in the south. His family has a family tradition of Xin-ryu Kung-do, which involves controlling the true energy with the mind and spirit, condensing the fist, and ultimately creating the profound martial art of Shenquan-Do.

Although this advanced master warrior is not as powerful as the Red Flag Order in terms of power potential, it is still a powerful and powerful skill that ordinary warriors cannot reach.

This person is only about thirty years old this year, and his apparent martial arts level is Zhou Tian Lun. Over the years he has taken root in Lingwu City, he is serious about everything. He has recorded nine duels with others, and all of his opponents were innate level. There are many masters who have never failed, and many of them are warriors who are also in the realm of Zhoutian Recirculation.

The information also contains some specific information about the duel. Judging from Meng Zhao's unfathomable and superb martial arts attainments, this man has developed his own style of boxing and has mastered his boxing intention.

When punching, he has the blessing of his will and the interference of his mind. He has extremely tyrannical fighting power. Even compared with the strong men who have practiced Qi, he has a high probability of winning. He is considered a little dark horse and has a lot of hidden potential.

As for this person’s wife, her name is Yao Jinling. She studied under Dahuang Sanshou and Jin Yan lineage. Her skill is predicted to be higher than that of her husband Zhou Changfeng, and her fighting ability is equally good. She once defeated Meng Zhao’s old acquaintance, the master of Bishui Sect. Shui Xianrou, the beauty who is suspected of having an unexplained relationship with Prince Yanping.

It's a pity that this woman has been hiding in the dark and only made one attack. Her true combat power is difficult to measure. It's hard to say what kind of person she is and what her temperament is.

The couple now has a three-year-old child. Calculating the time, the child happened to be born when they first came to Lingwu City. They don’t know why they had to travel hard, have a big belly, and take risks to settle here. .

Based on the above, I can only say that there is nothing special about Isshin-ryu Boxing Gym, it is normal and ordinary.

Even now, it is only natural to ask the Ding family for help in selecting disciples from the refugee camps to supplement their fighting strength.

Because the reality is there, there is a serious shortage of manpower. If you select people from the refugee camp, you can even sign a contract to sell yourself to the martial arts school, which has many benefits.

Of course, this is all based on normal circumstances.

The current situation is not normal. Zhou Changfeng, Yao Jinling and his wife are old acquaintances with Longcheng. Longcheng has something to do with the rebels outside the city. There are also spies sent by the rebels in the refugee camp.

The same is a coincidence, but two or three things come together, but it cannot be explained by pure coincidence.

There must be a trick in it, and even these two couples, like Longcheng, are people who belong to a powerful force, or are subordinates of Longcheng.

"Shocking, General, this matter has been arranged one after another from the earliest Jingshan Bandit King Xu, to Longcheng, to this Xinliu Boxing Gym couple, and there are even more that are unknown to others. The one who knows is hidden in the dark.

There are intrigues among the forces in the city. If there is an invasion by foreign enemies, one careless move may result in the destruction of the city and the death of people. We must make plans in advance and even take the initiative to attack. "

After Dou Xi understood what happened, although he didn't know where the news came from, he knew that their opponent was far from being as simple as imagined.

Jingshan Pirate King Xu may be just a casual chess move, Long Cheng may be a key figure in it, and there are no one knows how many chess pieces were buried in advance.

These days, Longcheng has seen quite a lot of people. Zhou Changfeng and Yao Jinling and his wife are just two inconspicuous people among them. If they are pursued, there will be no end.

It doesn't mean that everyone Longcheng sees is suspicious. Maybe there are chess pieces in the suspicion formation.

Even though Meng Zhao now has a high status, holds a large army, and is considered the number one person, there is no way he would take all the people who met, competed, and socialized with Longcheng for interrogation with great fanfare. That would definitely cause big problems.

However, without getting to the bottom of things, it will be difficult to be foolproof when danger comes, so this becomes a dilemma.

That's why Dou Xicai said that you must make plans in advance and take the initiative.

So far, Meng Zhao has adopted a defensive counterattack strategy against the group of Liangzhou rebels reported by Wang Xu.

According to what Wang Xu said, it would be a matter of time before the rebels captured Lingwu City.

Therefore, he first used Lingwu City as his base to defend and wear down the rebels' effective strength, and then waited for the opportunity to go out of the city and annihilate them in one fell swoop, thus accomplishing a great feat and getting himself promoted to a higher position and seeking greater benefits.

This is a general strategy. For this purpose, several sharp weapons for city defense were specially selected from the Tiangong Secret Records contributed by Qin Siqing, and prepared to be built to give the rebels a "surprise".

Now that things have changed, the opponent's strength and pattern are not what was foreseen at the beginning. It is necessary to change the previous policy, from passive to proactive, from defensive counterattack to proactive attack, in order to truly solve the problem. Okay, no hidden dangers left.

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