Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1090 Accepting fate (please subscribe)

Meng Zhao's spiritual cultivation, from a certain perspective, is far ahead of his martial arts cultivation. It is the intertwining of multiple factors.

First of all, he was a human in two lives, blessed by their spiritual heritage, and then he had the Purple Yuan Dragon Body, which was extremely powerful and rare in this world. Then he practiced martial arts intensively and was sharpened by the mirror of the gods. Later, he understood the world and people and obtained the feathered insect. Entering the body and waiting for the opportunity, his spirit is as vast and majestic as the endless sea.

His mental perception, accompanied by the ubiquitous wind, wandered in this tense confrontation scene, passing by each person, capturing wisps of subtle but completely different auras. Compared with that kind of electronic identification system, it was even more exaggerated and terrifying. Much.

And when Dragon City appeared, Meng Zhao's spiritual will dispersed in the void, and his ubiquitous spiritual will instantly became as hot as boiling water. It was gathered back in his mind, and his position and body shape were clearly reflected.

"Longcheng, you are finally here. Finally, all my efforts have not been in vain."

Meng Zhao wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys. The chicken he killed was of course Zhang Zhichong from Xiaofeng Hall, and the monkey he wanted to scare could not be anyone other than Long Cheng. The root cause was a fearful mentality.

Meng Zhao was confident that the back-up men he had left behind, his subordinates, could handle the other conspirators with ease.

In Dragon City, the uncertainty is a bit greater, but with his residual power to suppress it, this uncertainty can be reduced a bit.

Longcheng didn't know that as soon as he appeared here, his whereabouts had been discovered by Meng Zhao. However, when he came here, he was keenly aware that he felt like he was being spied on, but the source was very elusive and impenetrable. , thinking it was the work of a certain spy, so he could only carefully hide it in his heart and pretend to know nothing.

After Zhang Zhichong was silent for a period of time, his psychological pressure became heavier and he was unable to make a certain decision.

If he leaves, he may not leave, and if he leaves, his Zhang Family Xiao Feng Hall will be completely finished. Even if Xiao Feng Hall continues to exist in the future, it will have nothing to do with Zhang Zhichong.

If you don't leave, fight hard, and fight to the death, the result may be worse. The certainty of being killed on the spot is too high.

After thinking about it, he felt that there was only one way to get out of this predicament, and that was to ask for help.

The person asking for help was not Meng Zhao. He was ruthless and decisive. Since he had to deal with Xiao Fengtang, he would not retreat just because of a few words and a small promise of benefits.

What he asked for help was the forces that were hiding in all directions, watching the development of the situation in secret, but they were inextricably related to him, Sao Feng Hall.

As long as more forces are willing to help him, Meng Zhao's fear will become stronger, and even make him use fear as a weapon.

"Friends from Lingwu City, it is really unpredictable that I, Zhang Zhichong, will be in such trouble today. He, Meng Zhao, relied on the support of us guys to ascend to the position of General Yangwu. Now that he has full wings, he has begun to eradicate dissidents. His intentions are ulterior. Not someone who can be trusted.

What happened to me today will not be repaid to you in the future. If you don't show up again and take this opportunity to fight against Meng Zhao and curb his momentum, Lingwu City will definitely become Meng Zhao's one-word hall in the future, and so will you. If you will be reduced to a pig or a dog and be slaughtered by others, will you lose any ambition at all? "

Zhang Zhichong suddenly said such words, his voice was hoarse and his energy was long. Many people heard it from all directions, and there were indeed many people who were worried about being punished by Meng Zhao.

However, there was no one who really stood up and wanted to fight against Meng Zhao and help Zhang Zhichong to escape this difficulty, which is sad to say.

Meng Zhao also listened to Zhang Zhichong's confusing words in his heart, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he was waiting for something with interest, as if he wanted to see who would stand by Zhang Zhichong at this time and on this occasion.

If such a warrior really appears, regardless of his position, his courage and friendship are worthy of his admiration.

Unfortunately, the reality did not surprise him, but disappointed him.

"Zhang Zhichong, Zhang Zhichong, have you seen it? This is reality, this is the general trend.

However, you are wrong. It's not that I, Meng Zhaorong, am ungrateful, nor that I want to eradicate dissidents, but that you have gone too far and have the courage to collude with the rebels in the south. This is a heinous crime.

Do you know how much blood the materials you transported will be stained with, how many of our Yong Rui soldiers will die on the battlefield because of this, and how long will the time to counter the rebellion last?

When I come today, I have already discussed it with the king. I know that the first culprit will be punished and the rest will not be punished.

As for other people in the city, as long as they are not madly colluding with the southern rebels, I will not take action easily. That is the matter of the city lord's palace. "

These words were not as exaggerated as radiating to the whole city, but those present and not far away could hear them clearly, and some people were completely relieved.

Meng Zhao can be a little shady at times, but his style is indeed dignified and domineering. Now that he has said that, he will probably do it, and he still has a certain degree of credibility.

Zhang Zhichong was completely paralyzed, and the last possible road was blocked. Wasn't the outcome of today already determined?

"Junior brother, we will fight a bloody path for you. You should leave quickly and never return to Lingwu City again."

It was the same burly man who had persuaded him before, watching all this with cold eyes, his expression cold and his eyes indifferent.

According to the current situation, if it continues to be delayed, as more and more people watch the excitement outside, and the escape route is blocked, the chance of survival of these people is actually very low, and they can only have the fate of being slowly strangled.

Only by risking one's life and creating an escape channel is it still possible.

Now I just hope that Zhang Zhichong can escape smoothly, find a more remote place in the future, stay anonymous, survive, and ignore the ups and downs in the world, let alone seek revenge on Meng Zhao.

Everyone is understanding, and there are even fewer people who don’t understand.

Meng Zhao is like the rising sun. Although it shines brightly, it still has huge potential for growth. In the future, he will only become more and more terrifying, far more terrifying than now.

Now that they have Xiaofeng Hall, they are no match for Meng Zhao. Once Meng Zhao has become a lost dog, and Meng Zhao has reached a higher level, there is no point in coming to seek revenge from him other than to die.

Zhang Zhichong was unwilling to give in, so there was nothing he could do. Who told Meng Zhao to target him? He was no one strong, so why did he give others a chance to take advantage of him?

The law of the jungle, in which the strong eats the strong, is sometimes even more cruel in human society.

"Okay, brothers, don't worry. Since Meng Zhao forced us to come here today, we can only fight happily. As for who can kill out, it depends on fate."

Zhang Zhichong was inspired by his senior brother, and he recognized the reality, and no longer had any worries about letting go.

Being able to escape first and survive is the first priority.

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