Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1103 Chase (please subscribe)

Hushan is a huge mountain range in Liangzhou, a branch of the Changming Mountains. It is hidden in a small county. In the vast plain area, strange peaks protrude. However, because of the dangerous terrain, bandits are everywhere and ferocious beasts emerge one after another. Become a forbidden place.

According to the information Meng Zhao learned in Lingwu City, there are indeed many cottages in Hushan. They rely on the steep terrain and the method of hiding troops in the forest to avoid government encirclement and suppression many times and gradually grow.

Among them, there are also several strong men who are well-known in the martial arts world. They have superb cultivation and are the mainstays in the mountain, competing against those young knights from famous families who are aspiring to be chivalrous and righteous.

In fact, some of the thieves in the cottage are actually members of the rebel army. A few strong men with considerable military strength are actually the backbone of the rebel army, and they belong to a den of thieves.

Meng Zhao's idea was to first break into a certain cottage outside Hushan Mountain, become a fierce dragon crossing the river, subdue the bandits, wait for an opportunity to contact the rebels disguised as cottage bandits, and then be recruited, and then join the army One of the rebels.

This is a preliminary idea. As for whether it will succeed, I am actually not very sure. I can only say to take it step by step and adapt to changes.

While walking forward, as if shrinking to an inch, he was deducing the actions in his mind.

At this moment, his ears trembled slightly, and he heard something through this seemingly silent wilderness plain. Therefore, he did not continue moving forward, but stopped where he was, turning his head and looking in a certain direction.

Hui Hui Hui, a series of sharp and powerful whistling sounds came from the direction Meng Zhao was looking at. First they were inaudible, then faintly visible, and then they became clear and harsh. At the same time, they were accompanied by the sound of stepping on the ground and splashing snow. .

Soon, Meng Zhao saw a wide carriage pulled by four dragon ponies, driven by a driver, running rampantly in the direction where he was, with a bunch of horses flying behind the carriage. The snowflakes are particularly eye-catching in this heavy snow environment.

Meng Zhao's eyesight was astonishing. Even though he was far away, he could still see clearly. The carriage must have been ridden by someone with great status, so it was made of precious materials and luxuriously styled. However, at this time, red liquid was sprayed on it, and some The edges and corners, as well as the signs of damage to the sword, made it look very dilapidated.

Behind the carriage, there were about dozens of mounted warriors hanging, each wielding their whips and swords, shouting and cursing, chasing the carriage, as if they were chasing someone.

Meng Zhao shook his head. Although he didn't know who these two parties were, let alone what grudges they had, the relationship between the pursuer and the pursued should be certain.

Along the way, he had seen no fewer than ten similar things, but Meng Zhao didn't pay much attention to them.

He is not a nosy person. Maybe when he sees those innocent and miserable people, he will feel some pity and take care of them, but he doesn't care much about these martial arts people who lick blood from their swords.

No matter how many people die, it actually doesn't matter to the vast world of China. What's more, troubled times are coming, and we don't know how many people will die in the future. If he is compassionate, he might as well just find a temple and become a monk.

With a desire to leave in my heart, I took a single step and crossed dozens of feet, continuing to walk forward...

In the distance, the Liu family's groom was sweating profusely, white steam was steaming on his face, his face was anxious, his arms kept swinging the reins, and relying on his many years of driving and horse riding skills, he steadily made the four dragon colts reach their maximum speed without losing any control. As for bumping the carriage, the people inside will suffer.

But the pursuers from behind could not be shaken off, and the injuries on his body were about to explode. If he could not think of a way to escape, the last trace of the Liu family's blood would be destroyed in his hands.

The groom was extremely sad and angry. He felt that the sky had no eyes and the court had no virtue.

Let the whole family of this virtuous and good deeds be exterminated, but the evil man who has done all the bad things will be prosperous and wealthy, and his martial arts will be prosperous.

Is it true that good people will not pay with their lives, but harm will last for thousands of years?

When he blinked, he suddenly saw a shadowy figure in the distance, in the snow, spanning dozens of feet in an instant, almost soaring and teleporting.

The strength of Qinggong is even greater than that of Ximen Qing, the most famous flower thief in the Liangzhou martial arts world.

For such an expert, with such light skills, his martial arts must be good, or it may be the last chance of survival for the Liu family.

There was a slight warmth in the coachman's heart. He was a loyal servant for three generations. Since the Liu family was destroyed, he had long been determined to die for his master and did not care about his own life or death.

In fact, he was already at the end of his strength, because he was seriously injured and relied solely on the family master's fortune pill and his own will to support him. Death would be a matter of time sooner or later.

The only concern that can't be let go is the people in the car. Now, if we don't grasp this last possible life-saving straw, the Liu family will really die.

With a thought in his heart, the coachman freed up his hand and pointed his finger at the four horses and stabbed them four times.

Under the severe pain, the four dragon horses, which were slightly tired from the long journey, suddenly cheered up and accelerated suddenly. Amidst the roar, the entire carriage turned into a meteor and rushed towards Meng Zhao in an instant.

The horseback warriors who were chasing behind were startled when they saw this. However, because they were still some distance away from the carriage and blocked by the carriage, they couldn't see Meng Zhao. They just thought that the driver was about to die and his skills were exhausted. , in a death struggle.

The leader waved his whip and shouted,

"The other guy can't hold on any longer. Hey guys, follow him closely and catch that little lady. I'll give you a big reward."

The other warriors had the same idea. They also stimulated their crotch mounts, accelerated their sprint, and followed closely behind the carriage to avoid being thrown away.

Nowadays, it is snowing heavily. The snowflakes obscure the view. The traces of the wheels are quickly covered with snow. If one is not careful, it is easy to lose him, so he has to hang tightly behind the carriage.

The driver of the Liu family also knew that stimulating the dragon colt in a short period of time could indeed throw off the pursuers behind him, but the dragon colt and horse were not really ferocious beasts. After these days of running around, they were already exhausted and it was already the final sprint.

However, what he wants to achieve is not to get rid of the people behind him, but to catch up with the master of unparalleled movement in the distance.

However, Meng Zhao's speed was beyond his prediction, and the distance between the two sides did not get closer, but instead became farther and farther away.

This made the driver anxious, but he refused to give up this last life-saving straw. He could only use his internal force to stimulate sound waves and shout towards Meng Zhao.

"The wise stay, the wise stay, the wise stay!"

Circles of inner energy visible to the naked eye shattered the falling snowflakes in the sky and spread to Meng Zhao's ears.

Meng Zhao suddenly stopped and turned to look at the driver.

But there was a murderous intention in his heart.

What he wanted to kill was not the pursuing soldiers behind him, but the driver who was seeking help from him with the intention of diverting trouble to the east.

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