Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1119 Inquiry (please subscribe)

Yes, Meng Zhao plans to ask Ji Rushuang to go to Hushan with him to find the whereabouts of the Danchi clan.

Although the majestic Hu Mountain has been marked with specific routes and corresponding activities, the journey along the way must be very dangerous, with severe cold weather, ferocious beasts on the mountain, poisonous insects, poisonous miasma, and even thieves armed with weapons. Bandits, even healthy and strong martial arts masters, will encounter dangers and face life and death. What's more, Ji Rushuang is still a pregnant woman?

It is actually very inhumane to do this, but if there is an oversight or mistake, it may kill two people.

However, Meng Zhao thought that his martial arts skills were unparalleled. With Emperor Yu's armor and the fierce beast overlord Jiaolong Xiaojiu on his body, he could walk up the mountain and into the sea as if on the ground. He had enough strength to ensure that Ji Rushuang would not be harmed.

At the same time, he must also take Ji Rushuang with him, so that after coming into contact with the Danchi clan, he can quickly establish a relationship with them and achieve his goals.

When Ji Rushuang heard what Meng Zhao said, her face also changed, and she felt bitter in her heart, secretly thinking that this was indeed the case.

That day, Meng Zhao used the excuse that Ji Rushuang was pregnant with Liujia and had difficulty moving, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​exploring the mysterious valley and obtaining magical skills, and was deeply moved.

Now, it cannot be said that the true colors have been revealed, but it can only be said that Meng Zhao's compassion for her has its limits.

Seeing the change in Ji Rushuang's face and the slight worry and anxiety in her eyes, Meng Zhao smiled and said,

"Don't worry, Hushan is not a long distance from Yongjian County. In recent days, you have practiced the Ming Yang Breathing Technique that I taught you. Your physical fitness should be greatly improved, your vitality will be abundant, and your fetus will become very healthy. There will be no risk to the mountain.

As for the crisis you encounter on the way, you don’t have to have any fear. I will solve it for you and ensure that you can find your tribe safely. "

Ji Rushuang's expression changed, and she looked at Meng Zhao's smiling face. For some reason, she felt a chill in her heart, but she never thought that the person who taught her the superb breathing skills actually had the idea of ​​letting him go up the mountain from the beginning. He was really scheming. ah.

However, she had no room for resistance. After all, she could live peacefully in the Zeng family without being tainted by the vicious and lustful Zeng Xie, all thanks to Meng Zhao's intimidation and suppression. Without Meng Zhao, it would be difficult for her to survive alone. Survive in today's harsh environment.

"I understand. Don't worry, Shaoxia Lu. If I can find my father, I will tell him everything. If you have anything, I will try my best to help you."

This is a kind of obscure transaction, and it shows Ji Rushuang's knowledge of current affairs and intelligence.

Meng Zhao acted with caution in everything he did. He had already made plans as to when he would go up the mountain and what he needed to prepare. He would not let Ji Rushuang worry about it. He then turned the conversation to the new owner, Zeng Jie.

"By the way, Zeng Xie has rarely been back home these past two days. What is he busy with? Is there any disadvantage to you?"

In the past two days, Meng Zhao has been busy doing business with Luo Dajiang, and he has been slightly neglectful of Zeng Xie. This is also related to Zeng Xie's reduction in the number of times he returns home and his long stay abroad.

Although he is confident that he can control this person, he only needs to be more cautious when there is no external intervention.

"Fortunately, he doesn't come to my place many times. He only comes to make a gesture. There is nothing special about him. He is also very respectful to me and there is nothing rude about him.

However, I heard the fourth lady mention it in casual conversation, and it seems that the Heavenly King Gang is going to make some big move recently. "

Speaking of the Heavenly King Gang, Ji Rushuang's eyes still showed hatred. There was no way, this force ruined the first half of her life and almost ruined the second half of her life. How could she not hate it?

Just like the seven wives Zeng had, except for the first one who was his childhood sweetheart and married seriously, the other six were obtained through various methods of deception and deception.

Two of the women were unmarried innocent girls who were robbed and returned by Zeng Xie. The other four, one was a widow and the other three were married women, all of whom could not escape Zeng Xue's clutches.

They were supposed to have their own lives, but because of the power of the Tianwang Gang and Zeng Xue's ferocity and cruelty, they became canaries imprisoned in Zeng's mansion. From time to time, they had to play and have fun with this evil man. It was really like that. People know whether drinking water is cold or warm.

Without Meng Zhao's presence, Ji Rushuang would not be able to get anything good. There is a high probability that the child in her belly will not be saved. Even if she can be saved, she will inevitably suffer hardships in the future.

"Big move? What will it be?"

Meng Zhao's mind moved, but he thought of the warning that Master Luo gave him before leaving at the blacksmith shop, and he vaguely sensed the danger.

Before, he thought that Luo Dajiang was hinting to him that Yongjian County was dangerous and could not stay for a long time because of the rebels in Hushan. But that was all what he thought and there was no solid evidence.

Now based on what Ji Rushuang said, we may be able to guess that this danger may come from the Tianwang Gang.

Is it that the Tianwang Gang is about to face some powerful enemy and is in danger of overthrowing, or is there something wrong with the gang itself? Zeng Xie is in danger, and even his apparent cousin is no longer safe?

Of course, he was extremely skilled in martial arts and couldn't hurt him, but he didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Ji Rushuang, I'm afraid this city is no longer a place to stay for a long time. So, I will make preparations now. The sooner we leave, the better. We should leave here as soon as possible and go to Hushan.

Don't have any psychological burden on you. Even if I don't find your relatives, I will not leave you alone. I will bear all the needs you need to raise your children in the future, and I will not let you live a hard life. "

Meng Zhao finally gave Ji Rushuang some reassurance. He now has more people. Chen Sheng is not very young yet. He is honing his martial arts skills under him. He has made great progress and has no shortage of resources at all.

Even though Ji Rushuang does not belong to the Danchi clan, the magical secret book alone is enough for Meng Zhao to give her a favorable living environment.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. We might as well leave here as soon as possible. The environment in the Zeng family is too cold and makes me very uncomfortable."

After a pause, Ji Rushuang's face turned red. She didn't know what she thought of. She took the initiative to step forward, reached out and held Meng Zhao's hand, and said softly,

"I entrusted my life to you, you must be careful!"

This action had already summoned up great courage in her heart, and her cheeks were even red with embarrassment, for fear of being looked down upon.

However, Meng Zhaolang's heart was as iron as steel and his thoughts were as deep as the ocean, unfathomable, which made her unable to feel at ease. She could only hold on to her only dignity and long for a little comfort.

It has nothing to do with love, nor right or wrong, just anxiety and expectation for life and the future.

Meng Zhao's mind was so clear that he had completely understood this woman. He held her slightly warm palm with his backhand and showed a warm smile. He didn't say anything, but it inexplicably gave Ji Rushuang a sense of hope.

He didn't have any special thoughts about this girl, but he didn't reject her either. After all, she was an unparalleled beauty.

But if the other party is really of sufficient value, for example, if it can bring him the help of Dan Chi's elite soldiers, then there is nothing wrong with taking her into the house as a concubine.

Marriage of interests is always an effective way for grassroots rise and wealthy families to develop faster.

As for the child in her belly, there is no need to worry about it. The man can raise it and train a team of confidants for his biological child in the future. The woman can also regard it as her child's future wife.

Anyway, you won't suffer any loss.

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